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Jun 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/4/99

peace was finaly restored on mobius, Robotnik was dead, and Snively was in
prison. Mobotroplis was rebuilt and Sonic and sally were married and now the
rulers of all mobius.Everyone was happy, except for Sonic.He was glad that
every one was happy, but deep down in side he felt an emptyness.With the
villains defeated, he felt useless.His whole life used to be evolved around
saving Mobius,now his life became very dull. Sonic also started to see a change
in sally, she was like becoming power crazy. Well she was always power crazy
but now it was getting out of hand. she was becoming a real snob, even snobier
than before. evary day seemed like a routine.
"hey Sal, wanna go take a walk around the castle garden?" sonic asked one
day. "we could have some time alone and then maybe play some pool. whataya
say?" "sonic!" Sally replied, "all you think about is goofing off! you know i
don't have time to play games! being a queen is a big responsability, i have to
host a dinner party, tonight, plus the queen of the planet snobonia is coming
to visit and i have to make sure i make a good impression.i have to supervise
all the servents while they clean the castle, god being a queen can be such a
"well i don't want to bother you than your majesty" sonic said
sarcasticaly and walked off. sally paid no attention to his sarcasm, and she
didn't really care.Sonic asked tails if he wanted to do something but tails was
alot older and spent all his time with his new girl freind.sonic than fell in
to a deeper depresion. He was losing his wife and his little buddy.He decided
to go someplace to drown his sorrows. He went to the mobotroplis bar. He had 20
shots of whisky."boy your sure no how to hold your liquer sire" said the
bartentender. "well, (hic) it looks like i bedder head home(hic)".sonic
replied. "i don't think you should drive in your condition" said the
bartendeder."hey im the king of the (hic) planet! i can do what ever the hell i
(hic) want!. Sonic wobbled out of the bar and got in his van.he took the side
streets home driving at 90 down a residential area, swerving all over the road
the whole way.THUMP!!! THUMP!! he ran over a cuople of kids playing in the
street."damn speed bumps!" sonic cursed to himself. He was to drunk to relize
what he was doing. A couple of blocks and running over peoples lawns later he
heard a siren.the siren pearced his ears as it got closer."aaarrggg! damn kids
and their weird music!" sonic cursed, "do they have to play thier shit so loud
the whole city can hear it? loud music while driving causes accidents." Then a
cop on a motorcycle yelled to the side of him. "pull over!" the cop yelled.
"why in the hell (hic) should i?" sonic yelled back. The cop got closer to
sonics van trying to force him to pull over to the side of the road. "hey
asshole! your hogging the road!" screamed sonic, then he swerved torward the
motorcycle, cuasing the cop to fly off in panic. Then sonic crashed in to a
tree. "where the hell did that thing come from?! now why in the hell would they
put a tree in the middle of the road?!" sonic complained.
the cop walked up to his van still shaking from the incident. "damn
alcaholics" he mumbled. He shone his flash light in sonics window. sonic
covered his eyes at the light. "ug! not so bright!" he said."can i have your
licence and registration sir?" asked the cop."yeah and you give me yours to!
look what you did to my Van! im gonna sue (hic) your ass!"th cop looked at his
licence."oh my god your king Sonic!" replied the cop."im so sorry your majesty!
carry on."Sonic then drove off, his now damaged vehical wobbling and making
clunking noises all the way. He still managed to do about 80. 3 handicaps, 2
old ladies and about 8 children at play run over later, he pulled in to the
castle drive way.sally was waiting for him at the door.
"sonic where have you been?! i need your help getting ready for the dinner
party. plus the queen of snobonia should be here any minute!" sally said
angerly. "oh shut up ya snobby little bitch!" and sonic wobbled in to the
kitchen."sonic? your drunk arent you? i spend all day working hard to make a
good impression as a queen and you go off and party!".all sonic said was, "im
thirsty" and found a bottle of whine in the refrigerater. "damn it sonic! don't
touch that whine! its for the dinner party! besides you had enough alcahol
already!" sally said.
Sonic paid no attention and guzzled down the whine. He then went his room
tripping on his own feet all the way.That night the dinner party was held in
the castle. " my queen sally, you rule a beautiful planet, and you throw
excelent dinner parties," said the queen of snobonia. "but i havent met your
husband yet". "uhhh, hes sick right now" replied sally. "aww what a shame, he
sounds like a great gentelmen, after all he's the one who saved your
planet.Then sonic came wobbling in to the party area. "yo sal (hic) how come ya
didn't tell me the party started?" sonic asked in a drunken voice. He then
walked over to the queen of snobonia. "hey your the queen of snobolony right?"
sonic asked."my good man, it is pronounced snobonia".Well i am sonic (hic) the
hedgehog ruler of mobius and fasted thing alive put er there!" sonic reached
out his hand to the queen.The queen shoke sonics hand when sonic drooled all
over her arm." well i never!" the queen said with discust."well is this a party
or what?" sonic said. "turn on some music!". sonic took his own suggestion and
ran over to the castle stereo. it was playing opera. "eewww who's torturing
that lady?". sonic said as he flicked the station to a hard core rock channel
and cranked the volume up.
Sonic then grabbed the queen by the hand."come on queeny, lets dance!" he
said. "unhand me feind!" replied the queen."Sonic stop it! your embarasing me!"
sally screamed.sonic swung the queen around the room, making her dizzy and
sick. "let go of me brute!" she cried.sonic then gave her a good spin sending
her flying in to the food table. "uggg look at me im a mess" she cried."good
idea queeny, im hungry myself!" said sonic.He walked over to the table and eyed
the cake. he was about to cut a peice when he barfed all over the cake. the
whole room was in disgust.the queen of snobonia stomped over to sally. "i have
never been so insulted in my life!" she screamed and left angerly. Sonic passed
out in the middle of the room and every one started to leave.Sally died of
Sonic and sally had a big argument the next day. Over the next few weeks
sonics drinking habbit became worse and worse. Tails begged him to go to AA
meetings. But Sonic denied that he had a problem.when Sonic was on hangovers he
would pick fights with Tails. "you used to be my hero" tails told him. "i
worshiped the ground you walked on, now your just some alcaholic".Sonic just
yelled and screamed about everything, when he was on hangovers he would get so
upset that sometimes he would break thingsand tear up the castle. When he
sobered up and became himself he would always vow never to drink again, but he
quickly became depressed and went right back to it.Tails decided to spend ore
time with him so they went on a camping trip together. They got lost and
stopped at a gas station. Sonic picked up some beer. "sonic! you promosed you
wouldnt drink on this trip"! tails said. "awww tails a couple of beers wont do
any harm". Then he saw the sadness in tail's eyes. "oh all right i wont drink
if it will make you happy" sonic said, "ill try to stay sober for the trip".
Sonic drove the rest of the way, as he was driving tails fell asleep. "i need a
drink" sonic thought to himself. "tails wont know he's asleep. and one beer
wont hurt. Sonic reached in the back seat and grabbed a beer. After that one
beer he wanted another, and another. Soon he was drunk. sonic got in to an
accident while on a mountain road, cuasing tails to end up in the hospital.
"oh tails its all my fault!" sonic said over tails's hospital bed. "i will
never drink again! NEVER! sonics cries echoed through the hospital.
tails then woke up and took sonics hand and smiled. "tails! your alright!"
sonic cheered. it took tails a couple of months to recover and sonic spent all
his time with tails not touching one bottle of alcahol. But after tails
recovered he once again spent all his time with his girl freind. Sally spent
all her time trying to act like the high and mighty queen, and sonic fell in to
depression again. But he wouldnt touch alcahol. He decided to do something
elese to rid him of his sorrows. Every day he would go in to the castle garden
where no one but the royal family was alowed.sonic started growing pot plants
and every day he would get high, but he never drank again.

Jul 2, 2020, 10:07:47 PM7/2/20
moral of the story: if you ever feel "depressed" kill some children


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