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OT: A pokemon Horror story

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Darth Krystal

Feb 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/24/00
Ok, i was bored, and im getting sick of pokemon so i decided to make fun of it.
Heres part 1 of a little story i wrote. i also posted this at the pokemon NG>
Wonder what they'll think of it hehe. Comments are welcome!

Main heros:

Ash: The kid with the high pitched girly voice whome the fate of the world
suposebly rests on. hes a hero but i don't know how catching pokemon and
forcing them to fight makes him one.
Misty: The whiny red headed tooth pick girl who follows ash around for some
reason, and carries some kind of weird bird thing stuck in an egg.
Brock: The guy with a very odd eye problem. He never opens them. he also
couldn't get a date if his life depended on it, and he also seems to follow Ash
around for no apparent reason.

Other people that might make apearances:

Jessie: Another red head, she wears some kind of space outfit and is part of
team rocket.
James: Jessies gay partner.
meowth: Team Rockets side kick. Some cat like thing with something that looks
like a quarter stuck in his head, and the only talking pokemon i know of.

opening of the story.

Narrator: Last time we joined Ash and his freinds, they were on yet another
unknown part of planet earth, capturing pokemon, and throwing them in usless
battles becuase cock fighting and dog fighting is illegal in most places. But
not pokemon! This time we join them as theyre on their way to the mysterious
garbage island, located somewhere off the coast of Los Angeles. scientists say
that even acient civilizations used to ship their waist here. what unknown
secrets are in store for our heros? Lets find out!

Misty: why do we have to go to garbage island? yuck, even the name is gross!
Ash: Quite your whinin Misty! I am on a quest to become the worlds greatest
pokemon master of all time, and i will do whatever it takes, even climbing
through garbage heaps!
Misty: Then after you succeed in becoming a pokemon master, what will you do
for a job?
Ash: well ill.............shut up!
Brock: i told you we should have left her at that last unknown area we
explored. but wait, why ARE we going to garbage island?
Ash: becuase that sientist dude i always talk to said that one of the rarest
pokemon of all inhabits the island.
Brock: so did he give you any back ground on this pokemon?
Ash: not really, for some reason all he seemed to care about the most was
weather i captured it or not. he was like "after you capture the pokemon make
SURE its stuck in the poke ball so it can't get out!"

( the big garbage ship stops. A big hairy man with an anchor tatoo on his
right arm, and smoking a cigar walks up.)

Hairy guy: (with a brooklyn accent) Well, this is where the ship stops. I don't
know why anybody would want to take a trip to garbage island when they come to
LA. theres so many other things to see, hollywood, universal studios, griffith
Ash: yeah, thanks for the ride, hey you wouldn't happen to have seen any
pokemon around this island would you?
Hairy guy: pokey man? eh?
Ash? you don't know what a pokemon is? theyre every where, even wondering
around the streets of Hollywood! Even Pickachu is a pokemon (points to pikachu
on his shoulder)
Hairy guy: you mean like a furby?
Pikachu: PIKA! (hops in the guys arms)
Hairy guy: ICK! (drops pikachu) you mean that things alive?! is it some kind of
deformed hamster or something?
Ash: so have you seen any strange creatures that might be Pokemon on the
Hairy Guy: (gags and spits) eh, nope.the only strange things i see around here
are the occasional dead bodies that people hid in dumpsters. well i guess yous
best get going.
Misty: when does the next boat get in so we can get off this island?
Hairy guy: the next one will be the night shift. but it wont be me coming to
pick you up. I used to be on night shift, but i quite for some reasons.And the
suns setting now, so id better be going. Oh and i didn't see anything strange .
Ash: Oh ok, well bye! (The freinds turn around and start to walk off)
Hairy guy: (calls to them) i really didn't see anything!
Ash: we know.
Hairy guy: (runs up to them) OK OK! you talked me into it. I DID see something,
but you have to promise not to tell ANYONE. theyll think im nuts!
Ash: ok.
Hairy Guy: I only saw what i THINK i saw. It happend a coupl'a weeks ago when i
was on night shift. I looked out into the piles of garbage and thought i saw
something moving. something BIG. I got curious and decided to follow the
object into the sea of garbage to see what it was. Then, when i looked into the
darkness, i saw two glowing red eyes staring right at me. They looked inhuman
and EVIL. Like nothing ive seen on this earth. i got scarred and ran back to
the boat to tell Roy what i saw. Roy was the guy who was on night shift with me
at the time. He didn't beleive me and said i had too many shrooms at that rave
the night before. well i did but they were worn off by then. i took enough
shrooms in my time to know the effects they have. Oh and youd better keep THAT
a secret too!
Ash: Go on.
Hairy Guy: anyway, Roy decided to go take a look for himself. I watched him
wonder off and disapear into the night. Then, a coup'la minutes later, i heard
a man scream like he just met Lorana Bobettes! I took the shot gun i just
happend to have in the ships storage room and ran out there to see what
happend. And to my horror, there, in the garabage, was the bloody false teeth
of Roy. Yes Roy had false teeth already becuase hes been drinkin hard liquar
ever since he was one year old. He grew up in the south ya see. Anyway, thats
all that was left of poor Roy. Then, I saw IT.
Ash: (all excited) It what? don't stop now! this is getting good! what did it
look like?

(Misty and Brock cling on to each other shaking)
Ash: WELL?!
Hairy guy: (grabs Ash by the collor of his shirt) It doesn't matter what it
looked like!Yous just better keep it a secret, OR ELSE! (Holds up a rusty spork
to Ash)
Brock: better be careful Ash! Hes got a Spork!
Ash: (starts sweating) hehe, whatever you say pal. Your secret is safe with us!
Hairy Guy: If you were smart, you wouldn't stay on this island long! As for me,
im outta here, the sun is starting to go down!


Brock: Man that guy was weird.
Ash: yeah, almost as weird as all of the other people weve met on our journeys.
Misty: (holding her nose) Ugg! this place is disgusting! and it smells. look
were even walking on garbage! togepi hates it too! don't you togepi? (pets the
egg thing shes holding in her arms)

(Ash and Brock roll their eyes)

Ash: (whispers to brock) there she goes with her whining again.
Brock: She talks to that bird thing in the egg more then she talks to us.
Ash: Is that such a bad thing?
Misty: What if what that guy said is true? what if there really IS some kind of
man eating monster on this island?
Ash: Damnit Misty!

(Misty and Brock gasp)
Ash: Yes i said damnit. Now there is NO fricken man eating garbage monster onn
this island! that guy we were talking too was an old alcaholic that makes his
living handling other peoples trash! Now if you don't shut your yap we'll leave
you hear!
Brock: (looking up at the sky) did you guys notice all the sea gulls circuling
the sky? how can they eat this junk? thats sick!
Misty: that is IT Ash! Ive put up with enough of your crap through out our
pointless journeys! (sets down togepi)
Ash: Well no one ASKED you to come along! you just invited your self to follow
and annoy the hell out of me!

(a sea gull swoops down and snatches up Togepi)

Togepi: o.O ?!
Brock: Uh guys..
Misty: TOGEPI! (gets tears in her eyes) hes...gone.
Ash: (starts to feel bad) um..don't worry Misty. we'll find you Togepi was.
Misty: (turns around, face as red as a tomato) YOU! (charges at Ash, and they
start wrestling in the garbage)

(the sun goes down)

Brock: guys stop it! i thought i heard something.

(two glowing eyes are watching them through the garbage from the distance)

(Ash and Misty get up)

Ash: what are you talking about brock?
Brock: SHHH! Listen.
Pikachu: Pika?

(weird sounds like someone walking through the garbage are heard)
Ash: Maybe its just your imagination brock. Maybe its just a rat or something.
Misty: RATS?! GROSS! (jumps in Ashes arms)
Ash: Uhg.

To Be continued.....

psychopathic villian bent on UNIVERSE domination,young dark jedi sith as well
as a master in black magic. Proud member of the secret cult known as the Unity
of Madness (formally known as the Unholy Alliance)

Zoey Webber

Oct 11, 2020, 4:10:03 PM10/11/20
Cool fanfic. Too bad it was never finished. Can I have it?
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