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Amy Rose Is Better Than Sally Acorn

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Jul 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/1/98

> Listen, if you'd played Sonic 1, 2, 3 you'd realize Sonic's world is in fact
> a planet out somewhere in another galaxy - where by numerical chance
> a race of "evolved" animals have developed - Robotnik decends on Mobius
> in a space-ship - being an explorer/scientist (Ever notice how he's the only
> "human" there?).

Hey now, THAT has never manifested itself anywhere. Robotnik is never
described as an "explorer," and you will never see any "evolved" animals
besides Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, at least in the games you mention.
Everything else is just a cute little big-headed fuzzy. And just because you
never see any other humans doesn't mean there aren't any around. (Not that
there are other humans around. Sonic's world is far too mysterious for
anyone to safely say anything about that particular subject with any
credibility at all.)

> Sally Acorn, Rotor, Bunnie and especially the "prince Sonic" and "royal"
> aspect of the show/comic is all cheap, tired, and in fact insults Sonic's
> potential as a cartoon character. Sega seems bent on only hiring the
> most incompetent, stupid and unimagintave people to raise his populartity.
> What Sonic? The game character that was supposed to compete with
> Mario, but because of the writer's at Archie, AOSTH, and SAT-AM's lack
> of restraint, tact, or overall creativity and ability to give any of these
> of his universe any true dynamic "real" feel to it as the Japanese have done
> without so much as a word being said is the reason Sonic is viewed more
> as a desperate attempt at keeping SEGA's mascot afloat.

Well said!!! You almost sound like a different Louis! Well, it kinda falls
apart there at the end but the message is clear..

And to whoever said that bit about "Hating it when a story was developed," or
something, when the story is developed after the game, when the story has
nothing to DO with the game, then why not hate it? The Sonic comic and TV
series have absolutely nothing to do with Sonic whatsoever, save the hedgehog
himself. (Yeah, and a couple others, but I'm trying to be dramatic here!)
The reason the feel of the Sonic games and the mood are so mysterious and
enchanting is because no more story is given then neccessary. And when
people (like archie) go in filling in all the gaps for us, it cheapens the
original work. Even in the Sonic Anime, sure, they introduce new characters,
and give a little bit of background on why everything's floating, (just the
mechanism, mind you) we get virtually NO background, and we are left with one
hell of a ride through a magnificently non-descript world. Kinda like Panzer
Dragoon, ya know? (The game, not the anime. That one sucked ^_-)

Oh yeah. P.Sally might be able to kick swatbots in the head and all that,
but you KNOW the only reason for it (Or at least a big reason for it) is so
that we can have some "strong female characters." We wouldn't want to offend
anybody by having the male charaters save the day all the time and the
females sit around and wait to be rescured. Heavens no, that would be
sexist! (That WAS sarcasm, BTW...) And there's certainly nothing wrong with
that, but I appreciate the fact that Amy is purposely weak, as her creators
are willing to ignore any social foolishness that might come up because they
created a character who is true to their original plan. I'm not saying Sally
was made specificlly to pacify raging feminists, but the idea behind her is
extremely cliche.

It's interesting, have you ever noticed that besides Amy Rose, there are NO
female characters in any of the Sonic games? In fact, outside the racing
titles, she's not even playable, and is just there to be rescued. And ONLY in
Sonic CD!! This tells me that Sonic (as a series, not a character) does not
need much female support, and certainly no "strong leading female characters."
In fact, one of the major draws to Sonic is that dispite its lack of female
characters, it's never been labeled as sexist and attracts a lot of female
gamers. Even Knuckles' Chaotix, which has five different characters, still no
females. Maybe this has more to do with the way things are in Japan, but it
shows that you don't need characters like Princess Sally to be successful.

The original vision is good enough, and doesn't need archie meddling around
in the background. Of course, you can't make a comic without making up a
whole lot of new stuff. It just never works. The old Mario series didn't,
but it was pretty bad anyway.. I even made a little fan Sonic comic
(Availible at if you
want to go see it) and I couldn't do it without adding a new character. The
anime added new characters, all the old Nintendo Power comics added new
characters, even my favorite game-based comics ever, Nintendo Power's Mario
series. They kept very true to the games, but still ended up with a new
character, Friendly Floyd. I mean, HOW could that story have existed without
Friendly Floyd??? It's unfortunate that it is so difficult to expand on
something without taking too many "artistic liberties" and then losing part
of the audience who liked the original so much, ie. ME. I'm a huge Sonic
fan, I've loved the games since day one, but the comic/cartoon series leave
me looking for a bucket to hurl in.

Michael Stearns

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

The Chaos Emerald

Jul 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/1/98
to wrote...
>Amy Rose fits in the Sonic world, because she was in the video game!! The
>Sonic team made sure of that. (Can we get someone here to say "Duh"?)

For you tECHIDNA:


The Chaos Emerald
(I know it was a pointless post, but I HAD TO DO IT)

Mark Palenik

Jul 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/1/98

MachHedge wrote:

> >If Amy & Sonic got together, wouldn't that be illegal? Supposedly Sonic's
> >15 & Amy's like 8 or 10.
> Only in the Fleetway universe are they the same age (20s) In the SEGASonic,
> he's 16, she's 8.
> Mach H. Hedgehog,
> Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time:
> The pillsbury dough boy was the love child of uncle ben and aunt jemima.

In the U.S. the age of consent is 18, so here it would be legal. In the
U.K., I here the age is 16, so it wouldn't. But what makes you think Mobius
follows either of those laws?

BTW: I hate Amy Rose.


Jul 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/1/98

Louis J.M wrote:
> wrote in article <6nds84$nnj$>...
> >
> >
> > > Sally is a character who has personality, she could kick SWATbots in the
> > > head, and defend herself. and she uses her Nicole Supercomputer to get her
> > > though tight situations, and stays calm about it. She's better than Penny
> > > from Inspector Gadget ever was! Of course Penny and Sally Do have things
> > > in common, but Sally is much better! :)
> >
> > No way!! Penny would use her computer book to nuetralize Nicole, and then
> > she'd say "Get that damn chipmunk, Brain!!" and that'd be the end of Princess
> > Sally.
> No it wouldn't, Brain would trip, hitting Inspector Gaget and carreening him off into
> Sally's direction, knocking Gaget into Sally, they both crash into each other and
> stars spinning around their heads. A few seconds later, cop cars show up and Cheif
> Quimby get's out and walks to gadget, who is still oblivious to the fact that he survives
> only by luck alone.
> "You did a good job apprehending this MAD (Mobian's -Against - DIC) agent, Gaget".
> "All in a day's work, chief", gadget says.
> Louis.

I liked that. Louis, IMO, that's the funniest thing you've ever posted
in this NG!

"All of us have potential. Few ever realize it."-Ryu (MSHvSF)

Adrian Tymes

Jul 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/1/98

Mutt wrote:
> > Who cares if she's a 'cheap comic character'? She's a lot more developed
> > than Amy Rose, and she's a lot more interesting too. Sally's a strong
> > character; the sort who would be countable in a tough situation. Amy
> > reminds me of the cute little kid who tags along but hides as soon as
> > there's any conflict. Anyone agree with me on this?

> If Amy & Sonic got together, wouldn't that be illegal? Supposedly Sonic's
> 15 & Amy's like 8 or 10.


1. Mobius, under Robotnik at least, does not have much in the ways of
real laws any more, unless you count Robotnik's orders.

2. Mobius, being an alien planet, might not have ever had laws against
this. The only reference to legal age I've heard of in Fleetway,
Archie, SatAM, or even Anime Sonic is that, in SatAM, Sally could not
take the crown until she was 17 years old (plus or minus 1 year,
depending on how you interpret Nicole's speech shortly before telling
Sally about the Deep Power Stones). (Has anyone else heard of any other
references to this topic in any of those?)

Jul 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/2/98

> > If Amy & Sonic got together, wouldn't that be illegal? Supposedly Sonic's
> > 15 & Amy's like 8 or 10.
> Err...
> 1. Mobius, under Robotnik at least, does not have much in the ways of
> real laws any more, unless you count Robotnik's orders.
> 2. Mobius, being an alien planet, might not have ever had laws against
> this. The only reference to legal age I've heard of in Fleetway,

This is all VERY silly. This is a comic with a very young audience, and the
only reason rules like that exist is to keep people from having sex. And no
one is going to be having sex in this comic. Certainly not Amy and Sonic,
because Amy's too young to even kwno about such things, or be interested in
them, and Sonic finds her irritating and would run away. Sally will never
get any because SoA watchdogs keep that sort of thing from happening, and
look, ARCHIE is probably still a virgin too, and he's been tryin' since the


Jul 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/2/98

> This is all VERY silly. This is a comic with a very young audience, and
> only reason rules like that exist is to keep people from having sex. And
> one is going to be having sex in this comic. Certainly not Amy and
> because Amy's too young to even kwno about such things, or be interested
> them, and Sonic finds her irritating and would run away. Sally will
> get any because SoA watchdogs keep that sort of thing from happening, and
> look, ARCHIE is probably still a virgin too, and he's been tryin' since
> 40s.

Not to mention Sonic (He's naked for crying out loud!) doesn't seem to have
the equipment to get any either. =)
Blessed be,
Mutt the Pagan Fur

Louis J.M

Jul 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/2/98

> Not to mention Sonic (He's naked for crying out loud!) doesn't seem to have
> the equipment to get any either. =)

Maybe not. I've always wondered what that small tail of his was for...



Jul 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/2/98

Why is everyone bashing Sally lately? First on Zifei's Mobius Forum,
and now here. And also, making up jokes about Penny killing her, just
because I was expressing my opinion saying Sally is better? What does
everyone got against her, lately? Geez, I don't get it!

Doesn't anybody like her anymore? If so, why not?

Joya Nappo

I'm So Happy, 'Cuz Today I Found My Friends!
-Kurt Cobain!
(Lead singer of Nirvana!)

Louis J.M

Jul 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/2/98

>     Why is everyone bashing Sally lately?  First on Zifei's Mobius Forum,
> and now here.  And also, making up jokes about Penny killing her, just
> because I was expressing my opinion saying Sally is better?  What does
> everyone got against her, lately?  Geez, I don't get it!
>    Doesn't anybody like her anymore?  If so, why not?  

A new fragacnce by Calvin Klien and also the latest understated
reply from Louis.


Mark Palenik

Jul 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/2/98

Louis J.M wrote:

> > is TOOOOOOO PERFECT !!!!!!!!!
> > She is intelligent, lovely, nice, and more she's princess.... Sonic is the
> > fastest thing alive and Sally is the best beauty alive !!!!
> > It's a bit exaggerated...
> > THan a little girl Amy who tries by all ways to be love by Sonic....
> > It's more interesting... It's what I think !
> > Even Sonic isn't perfect like Sally
> I know, that's why I say she's so tired. There's nothing
> interesting about her - a New Yorker version of Princess
> Toadstool. I never liked blonds.
> Louis.

She's (Sally) a redhead.

Mark Palenik

Jul 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/2/98

CMJ wrote:

> Why is everyone bashing Sally lately? First on Zifei's Mobius Forum,
> and now here. And also, making up jokes about Penny killing her, just
> because I was expressing my opinion saying Sally is better? What does
> everyone got against her, lately? Geez, I don't get it!
> Doesn't anybody like her anymore? If so, why not?

> Joya Nappo
> I'm So Happy, 'Cuz Today I Found My Friends!
> -Kurt Cobain!
> (1967-1994)
> (Lead singer of Nirvana!)

Hey, I like Sally.


Jul 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/2/98
to wrote:
> And when people (like archie) go in filling in all the gaps for us, it
> cheapens the original work.

A word or two in praise of the SATam: I would not be a Sonic fan today--
would not have got the games, would not have taken nearly two weeks writing a
fanfic that never reached anyone's but my own eyes, would not be making an
effort to learn to draw the characters, and would not be posting to this
newsgroup right now-- were it not for the SATam.

Solly n'Hedgy

Jul 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/3/98

CMJ a 馗rit dans le message ...
> If you ask me, I like both Sally and Amy Rose.
>Joya Nappo

Personaly, I like both too, but I have a preference for Amy only Cause Sally

She is intelligent, lovely, nice, and more she's princess.... Sonic is the
fastest thing alive and Sally is the best beauty alive !!!!
It's a bit exaggerated...
THan a little girl Amy who tries by all ways to be love by Sonic....
It's more interesting... It's what I think !
Even Sonic isn't perfect like Sally



Jul 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/3/98

I think Princess Sally is the best "non- SegaSonic" charactor. She makes the
comics and the cartoons more interesting, she even had a brief cameo in Sonic
Spinball. I like to see Sonic and Sally kissing in the comics and the cartoons.
Don't insult Princess Sally!

Fred E. L.
My webpage:
My e-mail:

Louis J.M

Jul 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/3/98

> is TOOOOOOO PERFECT !!!!!!!!!
> She is intelligent, lovely, nice, and more she's princess.... Sonic is the
> fastest thing alive and Sally is the best beauty alive !!!!
> It's a bit exaggerated...
> THan a little girl Amy who tries by all ways to be love by Sonic....
> It's more interesting... It's what I think !
> Even Sonic isn't perfect like Sally

I know, that's why I say she's so tired. There's nothing


Jul 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/3/98

He's just on this little anti-Sally smear campaign to cause a stir. Ignore


Jul 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/3/98

>I think Princess Sally is the best "non- SegaSonic" charactor. She makes the
>comics and the cartoons more interesting, she even had a brief cameo in Sonic
>Spinball. I like to see Sonic and Sally kissing in the comics and the
>Don't insult Princess Sally!

Sally's my favoirite character and I probalby wouldn't bother with most of the
issues of the comic if she weren't in it.


If you want to see Sonic and Sally kissing propperly then check out Sonic #50,
the Director's Cut. Then thank Ken for bugging Sega until they finally gave in
and let him put that in! :)

Bflighty Have sketchbook, will doodle.

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Jul 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/3/98

> Hey, I like Sally.

I don't. But I typed for like 30 minutes the other day explaining why and I'm
not doing it again ^^


Jul 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/3/98

> There's nothing interesting about her [Sally] - a New Yorker version > of Princess Toadstool. I never liked blonds.
> Louis.

Umm.. who ever said Sally was blond? (Those stupid early Archie comics
don't count, damnit!) And Sally is *not* a New Yorker version of
Princess Toadstool. Try sending a bot after Toadstool. She'd scream and
run, hitching her skirts of her frilly dress up. Sally'd kick the thing
over. My point made? ^_^



Jul 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/3/98

On Wed, 1 Jul 1998, Old Navy wrote:

> (*snipped*)

I don't necessarily agree. Sally may be a damsel in distress sometimes,
but at least she's alot smarter than Amy Rose. Plus she can fight.

I've played Sonic CD, where you have to rescue Amy Rose from Mecha Sonic
(or something along those lines), and she is got to be one of the worst
damsels in distress. Plus she's basically a pink Sonic wearing a dress.

"Here sighs and cries and wails coiled and recoiled on the
starless air, spilling my soul to tears. A confusion of
tongues and monstrous accents toiled in pain and anger.
Voices hoarse and shrill and sounds of blows...tumult
and pandemonium that still whirl on the air...."
--Dante Alighieri

Alessandro Sanasi

Jul 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/3/98

On 01 Jul 98, (David Bulmer) wrote:

> > Amy reminds me of the cute little kid who tags along but hides as soon
> > as there's any conflict. Anyone agree with me on this?

> Possibly. But please don't forget that someone who doesn't go
> round beating robots up can still have a character. I'm not saying Amy
> has much of a character in the games world, but this is a message to a
> lot of people, who think that, because Sally Acorn can swing around on
> ropes, kick robots in the head, and lead a pack of fighters, this gives
> her character.

I too think that Amy is more the 'tag along with childish adoration and
need hero to be saved' type (see the "Sonic CD" game, for example).

It's true that characters like Amy Rose can also have a well-developed
personality, but keep in mind that you can only use the 'damsel in
distress' story that often, while a _strong_ character like Sally can
participate in _all_ plots. :) Amy would make a cute add-on character
that pops up occasionally, but for permanent use as a counterpart for
Sonic, Sally is definitely the better choice.


You get what anyone gets. You get a lifetime.

Mark Palenik

Jul 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/3/98
to wrote:

I know that you don't. I've only read 40 billion stupid messages (not stupid
because they are Sally bashing, but because they number 40 billion), saying why
you don't like Sally (or maybe that was Luis, in any event, I've read atleast one
by you). The person who typed the message I replyed to, was sort of saying "Isn't
there any body who likes Sally", and I was saying, well, there's me.


Jul 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/3/98
to Aechla

It sure is made!

You were right about what would happen if a SWATbot came after Toadstool!
They same thing always happens to her when a Koopa chases her! I'll bet
Sally would win in a fight with King Koopa! She would kick and punch the
scales off of that turtle! :) And no, I agree that she's not a New
Yorker version of Toadstool!

I think the KNothole FF's along with Sonic & Tails would win in a fight
with a room full of Koopas!

Joya Nappo

And To Be Somebody's Fool This Year!
-Billy Corgan!
(Lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins!)


Jul 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/3/98

Bflighty wrote:
> Sally's my favoirite character and I probalby wouldn't bother with most of
> the issues of the comic if she weren't in it.

Sally is not my favorite character, but I like all of the SATam characters as
well as the SegaSonic ones.

And I hardly think the SATam characters cheapen the original work, as they
have made the SegaSonic experience that much better for me, personally.

Louis J.M

Jul 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/4/98

> You were right about what would happen if a SWATbot came after Toadstool!

I imagine what would happen if it came after you.

> They same thing always happens to her when a Koopa chases her! I'll bet
> Sally would win in a fight with King Koopa! She would kick and punch the
> scales off of that turtle!

No he'd pick her up, and she'd scream "Sonic, help me!".

> I think the KNothole FF's along with Sonic & Tails would win in a fight
> with a room full of Koopas!

Nah, really!?!


Louis J.M

Jul 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/4/98

<Medium Snip>

> It's true that characters like Amy Rose can also have a well-developed
> personality, but keep in mind that you can only use the 'damsel in
> distress' story that often, while a _strong_ character like Sally can
> participate in _all_ plots.

Which turns out to be real mundame after awhile because she never
get's into any serious, life-threatning trouble or is put into any situation
where you don't know if she'll live or die.

:) Amy would make a cute add-on character
> that pops up occasionally, but for permanent use as a counterpart for
> Sonic, Sally is definitely the better choice.

I disagree totally. But that's what this newsgroup is for.


Cool Cat52

Jul 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/4/98

Amy was in a video game (Sonic Drift 2) for the game gear. She was one of the
drivers. Wouldn't you know it but her special "technique" was to throw hearts
at the boys and daze them for awhile. The scary thing is that if you threw one
on the track it did the same effect to Amy.

Hey, did Amy ever come forward and say anything in the comic? She's always been
a background character whenever I saw her.


Jul 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/4/98

>No he'd pick her up, and she'd scream "Sonic, help me!".

No, first she's try to escape, then if she failed she would call for help.

Mach H. Hedgehog,
Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time:

When a mugger asks for your wallet, don't give him a potato.


Jul 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/4/98

>Amy was in a video game (Sonic Drift 2) for the game gear. She was one of the
>drivers. Wouldn't you know it but her special "technique" was to throw
>at the boys and daze them for awhile. The scary thing is that if you threw
>on the track it did the same effect to Amy.

She was also in Sonic R, and I hate her in that game. She's slow, and I'd much
rather stick to Mecha-knux or Super Sonic.


Jul 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/4/98

You know, this is all fairly silly. I personally prefer Sally over Amy, but
they are both fairly bland.

Sally: She was created for two reasons: One, a strong female lead in the
Comics/SatAM. Two: As a girlfriend for Sonic. Her storyline is bland at best,
and she seems to take the "Damsel in distress" role a few times.

Amy Rose: Her nintendo counterpart would be Princess Toadstool. She was only a
"damsel in distress" and playible in a handful of games. Her storyline is not
nearly as developed as Sally's, in fact she doesn't even have a storyline.

I have tryed to make this as reasonible and tryed not to play favorites.


Jul 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/4/98

^_^ U guys are dumb asses. hehehe j/k ahahah.......

Louis J.M <> wrote in article


Jul 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/4/98

>Hey, did Amy ever come forward and say anything in the comic? She's always
>a background character whenever I saw her.

Amy's been a minor character is a few issues of the Archie comic, but she and
Dulcy will be teaming up in the back up stories in upcoming issues after the
Geofry (yuk!) back-ups are finished.


Jul 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/4/98
to Louis J.M

On Sat, 4 Jul 1998, Louis J.M wrote:

> > You were right about what would happen if a SWATbot came after Toadstool!
> I imagine what would happen if it came after you.
> > They same thing always happens to her when a Koopa chases her! I'll bet
> > Sally would win in a fight with King Koopa! She would kick and punch the
> > scales off of that turtle!

> No he'd pick her up, and she'd scream "Sonic, help me!".

Not true! Sally's is NOT a wimpy damsel-in-distress!!!!!

> > I think the KNothole FF's along with Sonic & Tails would win in a fight
> > with a room full of Koopas!
> Nah, really!?!
> Louis.

Can we PLEASE stop with these chauvantistic jokes about Sally already?
All this, "Amy Rose is better than Sally" stuff is getting old! Let's
talk about something new! I'm sick of Sally bashing! If any character
needs to be bashed and have chauvantistic jokes told about, it's

Joya Nappo

My Eyes Feel Like They're Gonna Bleed!
-Green Day!

Louis J.M

Jul 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/4/98

CMJ <> wrote in article <>...

> On Sat, 4 Jul 1998, Louis J.M wrote:
> > > You were right about what would happen if a SWATbot came after Toadstool!
> >
> > I imagine what would happen if it came after you.
> >
> > > They same thing always happens to her when a Koopa chases her! I'll bet
> > > Sally would win in a fight with King Koopa! She would kick and punch the
> > > scales off of that turtle!
> >
> > No he'd pick her up, and she'd scream "Sonic, help me!".
> Not true! Sally's is NOT a wimpy damsel-in-distress!!!!!
> > > I think the KNothole FF's along with Sonic & Tails would win in a fight
> > > with a room full of Koopas!
> >
> > Nah, really!?!
> >
> > Louis.
> >
> Can we PLEASE stop with these chauvantistic jokes about Sally already?

I have no control over this subject or how long it lasts.

> All this, "Amy Rose is better than Sally" stuff is getting old!

It's a few days old!

> talk about something new!

Ok, fine: You pick an equally debatable subject.

>I'm sick of Sally bashing! If any character
> needs to be bashed and have chauvantistic jokes told about,
> SNIVELY!!!!!

Yeah, since he's so bad an all.

*rolls eyes*


Louis J.M

Jul 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/4/98

> ^_^ U guys are dumb asses. hehehe j/k ahahah..

Excuse me? I am not a dumb ass! (puts a finger in his face)

I'm a smart ass.



Jul 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/4/98

> It sure is made!

What was?

> You were right about what would happen if a SWATbot came after Toadstool!

>They same thing always happens to her when a Koopa chases her!

I've never seen a Koopa chase her. Please describe it to me.

I'll bet
>Sally would win in a fight with King Koopa!

Unless he fell on her. Then she'd loose.

She would kick and punch the
>scales off of that turtle!

Hey! Dragon! Dra-gon! He doesn't do that shell thing!

:) And no, I agree that she's not a New
>Yorker version of Toadstool!

I couldn't even imagin that.

> I think the KNothole FF's along with Sonic & Tails would win in a fight
>with a room full of Koopas!

But what if they went against a room full of Maverics? Or the Nightmaren? Or
the Mutants/Robots in Burning Rangers? Personally, I'd run away screeming if i
met with any of thoes guys!

>Joya Nappo

**** **** * * ***
** * TimeStones* * *
** *** *** ***
* *** -Warrior of time and all time realities.

Jul 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/5/98

> I'll bet
> >Sally would win in a fight with King Koopa!
> Unless he fell on her. Then she'd loose.
> She would kick and punch the
> >scales off of that turtle!
> Hey! Dragon! Dra-gon! He doesn't do that shell thing!

Agg, Bowser! BOW-SER!! King of the koopas, BOWSER. Geez, you'd think you
were raised on that ghastly SMB "Super Show" or worse, "Club Mario." Or even
Mario World. "Koopa" is the name of the turtle tribe that bowser rules, it's
not the name of anybody. (Unless you wanna call him "Bowser Koopa," like a
last name. All the koopalings go like "Iggy Koopa, Morton Koopa, etc." Call
him Koopa and you could be talking about any one of them. How'd Bowser make
all these koopalings anyway? <shiver>)

And although the Mulan reference is very funny, he DOES have a shell. ^_^

Michael Stearns***

Louis J.M

Jul 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/5/98

frank dean <> wrote in article <6noo1u$rvv$>...
> "Mutt" <> wrote:
> >If Amy & Sonic got together, wouldn't that be illegal? Supposedly Sonic's
> >15 & Amy's like 8 or 10.

> >--
> >^v^
> >Blessed be,
> >Mutt the Pagan Fur

> Please don't even enter that area for conversation. You'll end up
> giving someone the idea to create a pornographic version of 'Sonic The
> Hedgehog'. There's bound to be someone sick enough to do it.

Yeah, especially now since you've reminded him. Let's all jump on Gen
before he pulls out his sketch pad. ; )

> I don't think it would be that bad a thing if they got together
> anyway. Apart from it being ellegal, it would show Sally that she's
> not perfect and that Sonic's just not interested. It would give her a
> taste of reah life and how it sucks sometimes!

That kind of Nappo-ism wouldn't do very good in the SatAM series, since
the story is built on hope.

>It's sickening
> sometimes how perfect she is, and why is it that Sonic is expected to
> get with sally because she is the 'Idea' girlfriend. Hah! She's stuck
> up if you ask me.

No, she's like one of those Baywatch babes. They act like they don't
know they're drop-dead attractive, lead a perfect life and have equally
perfect boyfriends.

>Thinks she can get what she likes because she's a
> princess.

Now Where have I heard that before...

>If you ask me (Which you probably aren't) Sonic should get
> with Amy not just because he likes her and she likes him etc, but tp
> spite Sally.

Not gonna happen - hopefully SOJ will integrate them somehow (Sonic
and Amy) and we'll actually get a realistic plot going on that follows the
game story instead of this "Freedom Fighter" crap.

>That would make a good Fanfic, or even a good story line
> for the series.

I won't read it.

> Amy should try doing what Tails did earlier in the Archie series. Eat
> one of those apple thingies that caused him to age five years. Atleast
> I think it was in the comic. That way Sonic would have no complaints
> about her being too young! Besides, they'd make the cutest couple :)

Yeah, I think Amy is perfect counterpart for Sonic - not Sally.

> Sally could never be with anyone romantically. She loves herself too
> much!

And her portable computer.

> Back on the subject of who's better. I think it's obvious that I like
> Amy more. She's more down-to-earth. More 'real' if you get my meaning.
> Someone said this ealier, but I prefer to see an ordinary 8/10 year
> old as a character rather than some womder woman wannabe.

That's the writer's fault - like I said before. They have made sally into the
"perfect babe" and there is nothing original or special about her. Amy is
such a more "honest" character that she seems real.

> Thanx for listening to my opinion

It's better than most IMO.


Gen Fluke

Jul 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/5/98

Louis here seems to be wanting to start a flame war.



Jul 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/5/98

>I'm sick of Sally bashing!

Yeah! Let's bash some other character!

frank dean

Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

"Mutt" <> wrote:

>If Amy & Sonic got together, wouldn't that be illegal? Supposedly Sonic's
>15 & Amy's like 8 or 10.
>Blessed be,
>Mutt the Pagan Fur

Please don't even enter that area for conversation. You'll end up
giving someone the idea to create a pornographic version of 'Sonic The
Hedgehog'. There's bound to be someone sick enough to do it.

I don't think it would be that bad a thing if they got together

anyway. Apart from it being ellegal, it would show Sally that she's
not perfect and that Sonic's just not interested. It would give her a

taste of reah life and how it sucks sometimes! It's sickening

sometimes how perfect she is, and why is it that Sonic is expected to
get with sally because she is the 'Idea' girlfriend. Hah! She's stuck

up if you ask me. Thinks she can get what she likes because she's a
princess. If you ask me (Which you probably aren't) Sonic should get

with Amy not just because he likes her and she likes him etc, but tp

spite Sally. That would make a good Fanfic, or even a good story line
for the series.

Amy should try doing what Tails did earlier in the Archie series. Eat

one of those apple thingies that caused him to age five years. Atleast
I think it was in the comic. That way Sonic would have no complaints
about her being too young! Besides, they'd make the cutest couple :)

Sally could never be with anyone romantically. She loves herself too

Back on the subject of who's better. I think it's obvious that I like

Amy more. She's more down-to-earth. More 'real' if you get my meaning.
Someone said this ealier, but I prefer to see an ordinary 8/10 year
old as a character rather than some womder woman wannabe.

Thanx for listening to my opinion,
Luv Ya,
*Jeni* aka Babsy.

Louis J.M

Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

> Louis here seems to be wanting to start a flame war.

Who's Louis???

<<< ! >>>


Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

Most women I know would argue you guys to death over what you are saying about
Princess Sally.

Fred E. L.
My webpage:
My e-mail:


Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

> I don't think it would be that bad a thing if they got together
> anyway. Apart from it being ellegal, it would show Sally that she's
> not perfect and that Sonic's just not interested. It would give her a
> taste of reah life and how it sucks sometimes! It's sickening
> sometimes how perfect she is, and why is it that Sonic is expected to
> get with sally because she is the 'Idea' girlfriend. Hah! She's stuck
> up if you ask me. Thinks she can get what she likes because she's a
> princess. If you ask me (Which you probably aren't) Sonic should get
> with Amy not just because he likes her and she likes him etc, but tp
> spite Sally. That would make a good Fanfic, or even a good story line
> for the series.

Believe me. The yiffy Sonic thing has been done. As for Sally, I think
without her, Sonic would not live very long. She's his brain.

Louis J.M

Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

> Believe me. The yiffy Sonic thing has been done. As for Sally, I think
> without her, Sonic would not live very long. She's his brain.

Only in the SatAM series, and obviously since the other Freedom Fighters
have to prove their mettle or else they'd be useless.

In the SegaSonic one (Which I represent like M.A.S.E at a currency
convension) he's the "Silent Warrior" type, who relies little on luck or
help to win. Even tails.


Chrondeath Dracion

Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

In article, says...

>In the SegaSonic one (Which I represent like M.A.S.E at a currency
>convension) he's the "Silent Warrior" type, who relies little on luck or
>help to win. Even tails.

Let's see here...._how_ many times has he gone skydiving without a parachute? I can think of
three off the top of my head...

|\/| -Chrondeath Dracion
+--+ Telekinesis: It's the thought that counts.


Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

> Let's see here...._how_ many times has he gone skydiving without a
parachute? I can think of
> three off the top of my head...

So that proves he's a suicidal hero? *giggle* It's Mel Gibson from Lethal
Weapon 1!!


Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

> >I'm sick of Sally bashing!
> Yeah! Let's bash some other character!

Geoffry St. John!!!!


Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

>> >I'm sick of Sally bashing!
>> Yeah! Let's bash some other character!
>Geoffry St. John!!!!

Yeah, as much as I enjoy bashing him I still have to ask...

Where's the challenge in it? :)

Jeff Read

Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98
to wrote:

> > Hey! Dragon! Dra-gon! He doesn't do that shell thing!

The closest thing to a dragon in Mario's world is Yoshi.

> Agg, Bowser! BOW-SER!! King of the koopas, BOWSER. Geez, you'd think you
> were raised on that ghastly SMB "Super Show" or worse, "Club Mario." Or even
> Mario World. "Koopa" is the name of the turtle tribe that bowser rules, it's
> not the name of anybody. (Unless you wanna call him "Bowser Koopa," like a
> last name. All the koopalings go like "Iggy Koopa, Morton Koopa, etc." Call
> him Koopa and you could be talking about any one of them. How'd Bowser make
> all these koopalings anyway? <shiver>)

If you play Japanese Mario World to the end, you see all the characters
with their Japanese names. Surprisingly, all the Koopa Kids' (Ko-koopa)
names are the same in Japan as in America. But Bowser is labeled
"KOOPA". The little turtles are called "Nokonoko", Goombas are called
"Kuribo" and Lakitu is called Jugem. (Now you know where Kuribo's Shoe
and Jugem's Cloud come from![1]) So calling Bowser "King Koopa" is
technically correct, and yes, in America "Koopa" is generally accepted
as a surname... much like Mario and Luigi's surname is "Mario".

Oh, and the SMB Super Show ruled! Especially the host segments with the
live-action Mario and Luigi. The animation was bad though.

> And although the Mulan reference is very funny, he DOES have a shell. ^_^

Yes! He's a big turtle! Whoever said he was a dragon better get a clue.

[1]For the record, the fuzzy brown suit Mario wears in SMB3, the "Tanuki
Suit", comes from the Tanuki, a character in Japanese mythology. He's a
mischievous critter who can change shape to look like a kind person and
deceive people. And Koopa (Japanese 'kuppa') I'm sure comes from Kappa,
a turtle-like water demon from Japanese legend.
Jeff Read <>/
Unix / Linux / Windows Hacker, / Boycott Microsoft!
Anime & Sonic Fan, / Use Linux/GNU!
All Around Nice Guy / Let's keep the Net and the Land FREE!

Louis J.M

Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

> >I'm sick of Sally bashing!
> Yeah! Let's bash some other character!

OK!: Mario!



Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

Comments, comments, comments!

> "Mutt" <> wrote:
> >If Amy & Sonic got together, wouldn't that be illegal? Supposedly
> >Sonic's 15 & Amy's like 8 or 10.
> >--
> >^v^
> >Blessed be,
> >Mutt the Pagan Fur

This statement is right actually. Considering Archie is a childrens'
based company, they certainly aren't going to show any underage
activity. But whether age matters on Mobius or not, Amy's childish
personality would be enough to make Sonic back off.

> Please don't even enter that area for conversation. You'll end up
> giving someone the idea to create a pornographic version of 'Sonic The
> Hedgehog'. There's bound to be someone sick enough to do it.

Too late; people already have. And would you believe that some of the
'pornographic' Sonic stories are better written than some of the normal
ones? I'll steer clear away from that subject however.

> I don't think it would be that bad a thing if they got together
> anyway. Apart from it being ellegal, it would show Sally that she's
> not perfect and that Sonic's just not interested. It would give her a
> taste of reah life and how it sucks sometimes! It's sickening
> sometimes how perfect she is, and why is it that Sonic is expected to
> get with sally because she is the 'Idea' girlfriend. Hah! She's stuck
> up if you ask me. Thinks she can get what she likes because she's a
> princess. If you ask me (Which you probably aren't) Sonic should get
> with Amy not just because he likes her and she likes him etc, but tp
> spite Sally. That would make a good Fanfic, or even a good story line
> for the series.

Maybe Sally is the 'ideal' girlfriend for Sonic in your opinion, but who
ever said things were easy for them? Sally's a princess and Sonic's
merely a Mobian subject; this creates a lot of conflict in itself, as
you may have noticed from the reaction of King Acorn. The King,
[Raymond?] Acorn, is the one who thinks he can get what he wants by
being in charge. I get the feeling that Sally might like to be a normal
Mobian just like her friends, instead of being the Princess of Mobius.

> Amy should try doing what Tails did earlier in the Archie series. Eat
> one of those apple thingies that caused him to age five years. Atleast
> I think it was in the comic. That way Sonic would have no complaints
> about her being too young! Besides, they'd make the cutest couple :)

He [Sonic] doesn't seem to like her anyway. Her 'oh, save me; you're my
hero!' attitude seems to turn most people off, including Sonic himself.
Speaking of Tails, it seems that he and Amy are a much better match than
trying to pair up Sonic and Amy.

> Sally could never be with anyone romantically. She loves herself too
> much!

If that's true, I've sure never noticed it. She cares more about her
friends than herself most times. She's also put her own goals aside in
order to concentrate on saving her people.

> Back on the subject of who's better. I think it's obvious that I like
> Amy more. She's more down-to-earth. More 'real' if you get my meaning.
> Someone said this ealier, but I prefer to see an ordinary 8/10 year
> old as a character rather than some womder woman wannabe.

Sally isn't a 'wonderwoman wannabe'. She hurts just like everyone else,
and she isn't perfect. She sees to know that too; on more than one
occasion she's doubted herself and it took Sonic and others to cheer her
back up and reassure her.

Mark Palenik

Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

Louis J.M wrote:

> > Believe me. The yiffy Sonic thing has been done. As for Sally, I think
> > without her, Sonic would not live very long. She's his brain.
> Only in the SatAM series, and obviously since the other Freedom Fighters
> have to prove their mettle or else they'd be useless.

> In the SegaSonic one (Which I represent like M.A.S.E at a currency
> convension) he's the "Silent Warrior" type, who relies little on luck or
> help to win. Even tails.

> Louis.

Sonic is only a silent warrior because he can't talk in the SEGA games.

Louis J.M

Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98

> Too late; people already have. And would you believe that some of the
> 'pornographic' Sonic stories are better written than some of the normal
> ones? I'll steer clear away from that subject however.

Yeah, like Metal's work. Raz's pride in life is moderating the site that
contains his "great" fanfics.



Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98

>> >I'm sick of Sally bashing!
>> Yeah! Let's bash some other character!
>Geoffry St. John!!!!

What about rotor? how can he walk like that? How can he build a
super-duper-huper-quadra-sonic-thingy when the Freedom fighters don't have the
technology to do that? Huh? HUH???


Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98
>>> >I'm sick of Sally bashing!
>>> Yeah! Let's bash some other character!
>>Geoffry St. John!!!!
>What about rotor? how can he walk like that? How can he build a
>super-duper-huper-quadra-sonic-thingy when the Freedom fighters don't have
>technology to do that? Huh? HUH???

You guys can't bash Rotor as long as I am here, Rotor is one of the coolest
Freedom Fighters.

Johnny Wallbank

Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98
On 6 Jul 1998 08:05:19 GMT, "Mutt" <> wrote:

>> >I'm sick of Sally bashing!
>> Yeah! Let's bash some other character!
>Geoffry St. John!!!!

Mike Tyson!!!!!

Sonikku, president of Sonic Team Junior.
Website: http://www.andromedo/aj/stjr/stjrmain.htm

Goto the Angel Island Zone, leap on the first vine
and press Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Up,
Up, Up.
Goto the Sound Test menu on the Title Screen
Goto the Mushroom Hill Zone, on the first pulley
enter the above code.


Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98
>>What about rotor? how can he walk like that? How can he build a
>>super-duper-huper-quadra-sonic-thingy when the Freedom fighters don't have
>>technology to do that? Huh? HUH???
>You guys can't bash Rotor as long as I am here, Rotor is one of the coolest
>Freedom Fighters.

We can bash Rotor if we darn well please. Still, how can he walk like that?
It's impossible.

Louis J.M

Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98

> >What about rotor? how can he walk like that?

How can he build a
> >super-duper-huper-quadra-sonic-thingy when the Freedom fighters don't have
> >the
> >technology to do that? Huh? HUH???

He probably salvages parts from Robotropolis - or from pieces of the SwatBots'
circuts and myromars Sonic leaves in his wake after they - like alyways - fail
to apprehend/kill him.

> You guys can't bash Rotor as long as I am here, Rotor is one of the coolest
> Freedom Fighters.

Incidentally, what is a Walrus doing in a forest?


Chris Stafford

Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98

> We can bash Rotor if we darn well please. Still, how can he walk like that?
> It's impossible.

Walk like what? I have a better question:

How can Sonic run like that? It's impossible!



Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98
>How can Sonic run like that? It's impossible!

No, read the Mobian sciences section of Bookshire draftwood's page. he has all
the info you'd ever want on those Mobian impossibles. too bad I don't have the


Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98
>> I think Sally Acorn is a cheap comic idea thought up by someone
>> who put more technique in than an idea.
>> Amy Rose fit's into Sonic's world better than Sally ever has - and ever
>> will. Rotor, Bunnie - with the exception of Snively - who would fit right
>> a Sonic game - suck miserably also.
>> Just thought I'd clarify that to you people who wish to take up 500k in
>> posts to argue about this.
>> Louis J.M
>And argue we will.
>OK, Sally acorn wasn't necessarily a cheap comic idea, even though Archie
>used it, and the SatAM Sonic cartoon bought into it. Even Sega (of America)
>fell for it; they made a big screwup in the U.S. Sonic CD manual (they
>printed Princess Sally instead of the correct name Amy Rose). So the idea
>definitely wasn't cheap!
>But think about this: When was the last time that Archie (and the SatAM Sonic
>cartoon) tried to integrate into the game? Besides the obvious (well, Sonic
>and Tails, and for Archie, Knuckles and Amy Rose), even the environment isn't
>the same! And integrating Sally and the other Freedom Fighters into the game
>CAN be done: if done correctly, we could have a great game on our hands!
>Amy Rose fits in the Sonic world, because she was in the video game!! The
>Sonic team made sure of that. (Can we get someone here to say "Duh"?)
>Yours truly, the tECHIDNA
>Oh, and my opinion is that I like Princess Sally better.

"Duh!" Sorry, had ta say it. =P

Anyway I agree with tECHIDNA on this one. I admit it, I'm a pro-Sally fan.
That isn't to say I don't like Amy Rose too. They both are good characters if
given a chance. Sally has already been in pretty much all the comic issues and
SATam cartoons and therefore her character has been developed very well, but
Amy Rose hasn't been in any cartoons and she has only been in very few comics
(she wasn't even in the anime!), so the only personality that's been developed
for her is her video game persona of a 'damsel in distress' and a kid who tags
along, chasing after Sonic. I'm sure if she were in more issues so her
character could grow and mature like all the others, THEN we could probably
argue who's better.
I personally don't want to argue about it in the first place. I like both of
them (even if I'll always like Sally more ;P) and they both have good qualities
about them. So I ask all of you; knock off the Sally bashing already, ok?
Reserve the bashings for Geoffery St. John A.K.A. St. Jerk. ;P


"A world of silver where dragons soar the sky, the goddess walks among us,
and a young boy is the savior of all."

"Don't make me whack you with my squeeky mallet!"

The Blue Dragon's Den


Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98
>We can bash Rotor if we darn well please. Still, how can he walk like that?
>It's impossible.

How can he walk like WHAT? What does he walk like? Maybe I should watch my old
tapes of the SatAM Sonic shows.

Fred E. L.
Visit my Sonic the Hedgehog Webpage:
E-mail me:


Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98
>Incidentally, what is a Walrus doing in a forest?

Rotor wasn't born in the forest. He just came there when he joined the Freedom
Fighters. Or something like that.

Jeff Read

Jul 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/8/98
Fred884595 wrote:

> Rotor wasn't born in the forest. He just came there when he joined the Freedom
> Fighters. Or something like that.

I am the Walrus... I am the Eggman... Goo goo gachoo!


Jul 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/9/98
>Who cares if she's a 'cheap comic character'? She's a lot more developed
>than Amy Rose, and she's a lot more interesting too. Sally's a strong
>character; the sort who would be countable in a tough situation. Amy
>reminds me of the cute little kid who tags along but hides as soon as
>there's any conflict. Anyone agree with me on this?
>Louis, you sound like one of those people who cheers for the Sonic
>games, but hates when someone actually develops some storyline and
>creativity behind it.

In Fleetway she's quite a strongly developed charecter and an
indispensible member of the FFs
Liam Slater
Fleetway is better than Archie as I have said on many occasions.


Jul 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/9/98
In article <>, MachHedge
<> writes

>>If Amy & Sonic got together, wouldn't that be illegal? Supposedly Sonic's
>>15 & Amy's like 8 or 10.
>Only in the Fleetway universe are they the same age (20s) In the SEGASonic,
>he's 16, she's 8.

>Mach H. Hedgehog,
>Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time:
>The pillsbury dough boy was the love child of uncle ben and aunt jemima.

Sonic and Amy are 16.

Liam Slater
Where did you get 20 from?

Jul 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/10/98
Oh no,not one of these endless Usenet battles!!!Noones gonna win!!!Look,Amy
and Sally are both real babes,although Sally is a little better at
fighting,and Amy´s not as self-centered and stupid-so what??

alias David Owe,Australia

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

Mark Palenik

Jul 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/10/98
to wrote:

> Oh no,not one of these endless Usenet battles!!!Noones gonna win!!!Look,Amy
> and Sally are both real babes,although Sally is a little better at
> fighting,and Amy´s not as self-centered and stupid-so what??

No, Amy's just stupid. That's all. And if Sally is self centered, it must
have happened after issue 39.

David Bulmer

Jul 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/12/98
In article <>, MachHedge
<> writes
>You know, this is all fairly silly. I personally prefer Sally over Amy, but
>they are both fairly bland.
I think they cannot really be compared, as they're two entirely
seperate characters that don't really try to clash. Sally is great for
the Archie and SatAm continuities, but she'd be terrible in a game.
Similarly, Amy Rose works in the game as what she's supposed to be. If
she was given more of a personality, I imagine we'd all start to think
she was brilliant, but she hasn't got one just yet. In the Fleetway
comics, either Sally or Amy would work in Amy's position, but Amy seems
more right somehow. Amy Rose and everything about her fits in the
Segasonic continuity. She's bright, she's colourful, she doesn't talk
much. With the Archie comics, Sally works better. With the Fleetway
comics, a rather revised Amy works. It all depends on what you do with
the characters. No one character is really better than another, it's all
about where they fit in context.
David Bulmer

David Bulmer

Jul 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/12/98
In article <6noo1u$rvv$>, frank dean
<> writes

>I don't think it would be that bad a thing if they got together
>anyway. Apart from it being ellegal, it would show Sally that she's
>not perfect and that Sonic's just not interested. It would give her a
>taste of reah life and how it sucks sometimes! It's sickening
>sometimes how perfect she is, and why is it that Sonic is expected to
>get with sally because she is the 'Idea' girlfriend. Hah! She's stuck
>up if you ask me. Thinks she can get what she likes because she's a
>princess. If you ask me (Which you probably aren't) Sonic should get
>with Amy not just because he likes her and she likes him etc, but tp
>spite Sally. That would make a good Fanfic, or even a good story line
>for the series.
There's a point, although it was made in a rather annoying way.
They're very cliche. The hero and the princess. In every horrible teen
thing produced its' the prom queen and the captain wrestler /
footballer. And in every kids thing it's the hero and the princess. It's
been done, too often to stomach.
David Bulmer

David Bulmer

Jul 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/12/98
In article <01bda875$efb99980$>, Louis J.M
<> writes
>> Louis here seems to be wanting to start a flame war.
>Who's Louis???
><<< ! >>>
That's probably hilarious, but I don't see the point of it
myself... *Confused*
David Bulmer

David Bulmer

Jul 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/12/98
In article <>, Mark Palenik
<> writes
That's true, but the style suits his design. The cocky attitude
when actually talking, but the rest of the time he just gets on with the
job using his skills, eg: The Sonic CD anims.
David Bulmer

David Bulmer

Jul 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/12/98
In article <>, Liam
<> writes

>In article <>, MachHedge
><> writes
>>>If Amy & Sonic got together, wouldn't that be illegal? Supposedly Sonic's
>>>15 & Amy's like 8 or 10.
>>Only in the Fleetway universe are they the same age (20s) In the SEGASonic,
>>he's 16, she's 8.
>>Mach H. Hedgehog,

>Sonic and Amy are 16.

>Liam Slater
>Where did you get 20 from?

From Nigel Kitching - where did you get 16 from? Anyway it's
just a sort of approximate answer. Their actual age isn't specified.
Tails is mid-teens in Fleetway, if I remember correctly.
David Bulmer


Jul 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/13/98
In article <>, David Bulmer
<> writes

Sonic definately is 16, it was in a special.

Liam Slater
Robotnik,@Hedgehog, I think you STILL don't understand my power..."

David Bulmer

Jul 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/13/98
In article <>, Liam
<> writes

>>>Where did you get 20 from?
>> From Nigel Kitching - where did you get 16 from? Anyway it's
>>just a sort of approximate answer. Their actual age isn't specified.
>>Tails is mid-teens in Fleetway, if I remember correctly.
>Sonic definately is 16, it was in a special.

Special? When was that? If it's the one I'm thinking of then in
all likelyhood it was true then. Anyway, whatever the plot has been in
the past, Nigel tells me he now believes Sonic to be in his twenties,
although his actual age hasn't been defined.
David Bulmer


Jul 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/15/98
Actually, no matter what anyone does it's always unorginial. Everything's been
done before, after all there are only 34 different types of stories. The two
basic plots of the comics and the games are the same. Good Vs. Evil. Now
there's a concept far more over done then annoying little kids and princesses
put together.
Waiting for Sparkster 3....

Look it's my Sonic Code! Can you guess who I don't like?

StH JJ1 Son++ Sal++^ Tal->++t Bun+++" Ant--->+ Knu+++i Amy+ KAc-------->---
Ath+ JlS+++ Nack+++ WkS+++ AdS-- Arc++ P+ D{w}[w]of $+++ E27 Ee17 Eee11 A11 GM


Jul 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/15/98
>Look it's my Sonic Code! Can you guess who I don't like?
>StH JJ1 Son++ Sal++^ Tal->++t Bun+++" Ant--->+ Knu+++i Amy+ KAc-------->---
>Ath+ JlS+++ Nack+++ WkS+++ AdS-- Arc++ P+ D{w}[w]of $+++ E27 Ee17 Eee11 A11

No, Frankly, I cannot.

Mach H. Hedgehog,
Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time:

"They were lonely. So the little old lady decided to make a man out of stinky
cheese."-The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales.


Jul 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/15/98
> >Look it's my Sonic Code! Can you guess who I don't like?
> >StH JJ1 Son++ Sal++^ Tal->++t Bun+++" Ant--->+ Knu+++i Amy+
> >KAc-------->---Ath+ JlS+++ Nack+++ WkS+++ AdS-- Arc++ P+
> >D{w}[w]of $+++ E27 Ee17 Eee11 A11 GM CoMA
> No, Frankly, I cannot.

Lesse.. he doesn't like Antoine (Ant) and he hates King Acorn (KAc) with
a passion. He doesn't like AoStH (AdS), but he likes the Archie (Arc)
comics and the SatAM (WkS) show. At least I think so... who knows..

General consenus impending: who hates these code things because they
can't read them half the time and think they're a waste of space? :)



Jul 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/15/98
>Actually, no matter what anyone does it's always unorginial. Everything's
>done before, after all there are only 34 different types of stories. The two
>basic plots of the comics and the games are the same. Good Vs. Evil. Now
>there's a concept far more over done then annoying little kids and princesses
>put together.

Very true. Very true indeed.

>Waiting for Sparkster 3....
You mean Sparkster the Rocket Knight. As far as I know there won't be one.
(Unless you know something I don't.)

Quote of the week:

"Damn! How could I loose to a weekling like you!?"-Jello Man/Double
**** **** * * ***
** * TimeStones* * *
** *** *** ***
* *** -Warrior of time and all time realities.

The Chaos Emerald

Jul 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/23/98
Jeff Read wrote...

>I am the Walrus... I am the Eggman... Goo goo gachoo!

Does this mean that Rotor is really Robotnik? I think you've read too many
early Archies...

The Chaos Emerald


Jul 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/24/98
In article <yazt1.34669$>, says...
Rotor is really Robotnik? That sounds like a good idea
for Sonic Fights Robotnik 6. No wait SFR 6 is The Return
of Bob. Ok Sonic Fights Robotnik 7 maybe

Mark Palenik

Jul 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/24/98

The Chaos Emerald wrote:

> Jeff Read wrote...
> >
> >I am the Walrus... I am the Eggman... Goo goo gachoo!
> Does this mean that Rotor is really Robotnik? I think you've read too many
> early Archies...
> The Chaos Emerald

I remember that....I loved that issue (it was back when every body read comic
books for the reason that the title implies, and didn't expect great literature
out of them).

Mark Palenik

Jul 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/24/98

SONIC FAN wrote:

> In article <yazt1.34669$>,
> says...

> > Jeff Read wrote...
> > >
> > >I am the Walrus... I am the Eggman... Goo goo gachoo!
> >
> >
> > Does this mean that Rotor is really Robotnik? I think you've read too many
> > early Archies...
> >
> > The Chaos Emerald
> >
> >

> Rotor is really Robotnik? That sounds like a good idea
> for Sonic Fights Robotnik 6. No wait SFR 6 is The Return
> of Bob. Ok Sonic Fights Robotnik 7 maybe

You're an idiot. That would never work. Are you joking (it sounds like
something you'd do, that's the only reason I'm taking it seriously). Robor and
Robotnik have been in the same place at the same time. Rotor has helped the FF's
on several occasions, and he knows where knothole is. If Rotor was Robotnik,
then Robotnik would know where knothole was, and crush the FFs. There are even
more reasons as to why it's impossible. It's just plain stupid.


Jul 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/25/98
>Rotor is really Robotnik? That sounds like a good idea
>for Sonic Fights Robotnik 6. No wait SFR 6 is The Return
>of Bob. Ok Sonic Fights Robotnik 7 maybe

You're doing this on purpose! You purposely misspell F*ck and put greenday and
more Tails' uncles than we know what to do with! You have furry bevis and
butthead, you have the 100000000000000000000 swat missel,s and you do it to
torture us! Great Scott, you're worse than Dr. Forrester! GAK!

Mach H. Hedgehog,
Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time:

69. Catsup is not a viable means of transportation.

Howie T. Cat

Jul 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/25/98
MachHedge wrote:
> >Rotor is really Robotnik? That sounds like a good idea
> >for Sonic Fights Robotnik 6. No wait SFR 6 is The Return
> >of Bob. Ok Sonic Fights Robotnik 7 maybe
> You're doing this on purpose! You purposely misspell F*ck and put greenday and
> more Tails' uncles than we know what to do with! You have furry bevis and
> butthead, you have the 100000000000000000000 swat missel,s and you do it to
> torture us! Great Scott, you're worse than Dr. Forrester! GAK!

Yeah, and he keeps spelling "Mountain Dew" wrong! GAK! ACK, ACK,
a-DAK!! (I heard that on "Mighty Mouse: the New Adventures" back in
'87. Don't know what it means...)

> Mach H. Hedgehog,
> Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time:
> 69. Catsup is not a viable means of transportation.

Yes, but is Ketchup?

Howie T. Cat, who just won 20 ounces of Mountain Dew (not "Due")


Jul 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/25/98
to MachHedge

On 25 Jul 1998, MachHedge wrote:

> >Rotor is really Robotnik? That sounds like a good idea
> >for Sonic Fights Robotnik 6. No wait SFR 6 is The Return
> >of Bob. Ok Sonic Fights Robotnik 7 maybe
> You're doing this on purpose! You purposely misspell F*ck and put greenday and
> more Tails' uncles than we know what to do with! You have furry bevis and
> butthead, you have the 100000000000000000000 swat missel,s and you do it to
> torture us! Great Scott, you're worse than Dr. Forrester! GAK!

> Mach H. Hedgehog,
> Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time:
> 69. Catsup is not a viable means of transportation.

Not to mention, he uses Snively in his stories, too!

Joya Nappo

And It's a Chance I Have To Take!
-Billy Corgan!
(Lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins!)

Mark Palenik

Jul 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/25/98

Howie T. Cat wrote: > Mach H. Hedgehog,

> > Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time:
> >
> > 69. Catsup is not a viable means of transportation.

> Yes, but is Ketchup?



Jul 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/25/98
>> 69. Catsup is not a viable means of transportation.
>Yes, but is Ketchup?

nope. neither.


Jul 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/25/98
> You're an idiot. That would never work. Are you joking (it sounds like
>something you'd do, that's the only reason I'm taking it seriously). Robor
>Robotnik have been in the same place at the same time. Rotor has helped the
>on several occasions, and he knows where knothole is. If Rotor was Robotnik,
>then Robotnik would know where knothole was, and crush the FFs. There are
>more reasons as to why it's impossible. It's just plain stupid.

Since when is logic a part of his storys?


Jul 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/25/98
>Rotor is really Robotnik? That sounds like a good idea
>for Sonic Fights Robotnik 6. No wait SFR 6 is The Return
>of Bob. Ok Sonic Fights Robotnik 7 maybe

<sobbing> Make it stop! Make it stop!

Signing off,

"I have always wanted to robotosize you hedgehog, but I've changed my mind!"
Dr. Robotnik

Mark Palenik

Jul 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/25/98

MachHedge wrote:

> Since when is logic a part of his storys?
> Mach H. Hedgehog,
> Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time:
> 69. Catsup is not a viable means of transportation.

You're right, I've been a fool.


Jul 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/26/98

You're being sarcastic, aren't you?

Howie T. Cat

Jul 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/26/98
Mark Palenik wrote:
> Howie T. Cat wrote: > Mach H. Hedgehog,

> > > Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time:
> > >
> > > 69. Catsup is not a viable means of transportation.
> >
> > Yes, but is Ketchup?
> >

You're right: it IS Catsup! Except when it comes in a bottle marked
"Ketchup". Then it is Ketchup.

Howie T. Cat, who eats Ketchup, not Catsup
Future thread: "It's CATSUP, damn you!"

Mark Palenik

Jul 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/26/98

Howie T. Cat wrote:

> Mark Palenik wrote:
> >
> > Howie T. Cat wrote: > Mach H. Hedgehog,
> >
> > > > Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time:
> > > >
> > > > 69. Catsup is not a viable means of transportation.
> > >
> > > Yes, but is Ketchup?
> > >
> >
> You're right: it IS Catsup! Except when it comes in a bottle marked
> "Ketchup". Then it is Ketchup.

I guess your right....but it's still Catsup. I'm going to have a word
with those people at Hines (is that how it's spelled?).....

Mark Palenik

Jul 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/26/98

MachHedge wrote:

> >> Since when is logic a part of his storys?
> >>

> >> Mach H. Hedgehog,
> >> Pointless thingy of the un-determined amount of time:
> >>
> >> 69. Catsup is not a viable means of transportation.
> >

> > You're right, I've been a fool.
> >
> >
> You're being sarcastic, aren't you?

I should have snipped out your sig, then you would have known that I
wasn't. I was actualy thinking that Sonic Fan might listen to reason.


Jul 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/26/98

Well, It's OK, don't feel bad.


Jul 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/26/98
MachHedge wrote:
> You're doing this on purpose! You purposely misspell F*ck and put greenday
> and more Tails' uncles than we know what to do with! You have furry bevis
> and butthead, you have the 100000000000000000000 swat missel,s and you do
> it to torture us! Great Scott, you're worse than Dr. Forrester! GAK!

I like the stories! They're funny!

(don't throw things, just play along...)

David Bulmer

Jul 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/27/98
In article <>, SONIC FAN
<> writes

>In article <yazt1.34669$>,
> says...
>> Jeff Read wrote...
>> >
>> >I am the Walrus... I am the Eggman... Goo goo gachoo!
>> Does this mean that Rotor is really Robotnik? I think you've read too many
>> early Archies...
>> The Chaos Emerald
>Rotor is really Robotnik? That sounds like a good idea
>for Sonic Fights Robotnik 6.
The depressing thing is, he's right. *B^)
David Bulmer

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