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Bathtub tops King Torrid's second universe. A Sonic Fanfic.

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May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
I liked the way things were going, but tht tires went flat, and transmission


King Torrid got word that Midnight left Mobius, and went to follow him. A few
days later...

"NO!! You MAY NOT mary that common hedgehog, even if he IS related to Sir
Charles Hedgehog! This is the LAST TIME I want to hear of this matter"
Sally saw a look in her father's eyes she had never seen before.
"In fact, You MAY NOT SEE the wretched hedgehog EVER AGAIN!"
Sally burst into tears. Sally burried her face in her pillow. "And if I see
you around that d*mn cretin again... I'll... I'll... I... Just dont let me
catch you around him! Or you will be sorry!" With that statement, The king
stormed out of Sally's Bedroom. Sally held a gilded pictureframe, containing a
picture of Sonic and herself near her heart. The king walked back into Sally's
room and snatched the pictureframe of Sonic and Sally from her hands, took the
picture from it's frame, tore it into tiny pieces, threw them out the window,
and left again. Sally just cried. The king sat in his throne, and watched two
children fighting. He smiled. The king began to roll a large, spherical, red
jewel around his left hand, uver his knuckles, and between his fingers. "Um,
king Acorn, should I break them up before someone gets hurt?" asked Geoffery
St.John. The king was silent. He just smiled, and calmly rolled the orb over,
and around his fingers. The king's servants could hear Sally's bawling. "Um,
should I check on Princess..." Geoffery was interupted "No, she'll have to get
over it on her own." said the king. Hours went by, but the crying didn't stop.
The room service person walked up from the basement, and was heading to
Sally's room "Sally Might be hungry when she stops crying, I'll leave this in
her room."
"No, take it back down to the kitchen. If she's going to be a crybaby about
this, then she can starve!"
"But m'lord, you specificaly stated that she should be on a high-protein,
high-calory diet, meals, due to her high activity..." said the room service
lady. then she whispered "And because she's been starving herself for the past
few months. And recently, she hasn't touched a bit of food for five days."
"I AM WELL AWARE OF MY DAUGHTER'S CONDITION!!!" king Acorn was quite p*ssed
Geoffery heard the entire conversation, and was shocked. Around eleven o'
clock, the king went to bed. Geoffery went into Sally's room, and got her to
stop crying. "Could you get my dinner?" asked Sally "I think they forgot to
bring it up tonight." Geoffery didn't tell Sally what he knew, because it would
only make her feel worse, he just snuck down, grabed a covered dish, and snuck
back to Sally's room. "Here it is." Sally began to stuff her mouth as if she
had never seen food before. Geoffery noticed that there was enough food on that
plate to feed several people, but assumed it was part of Sally's diet.

The king walked into Sally's room the next morning. "I hope your hissy fit is
over." The king noticed that Sally's cheek pouches were stuffed full. He could
make out the shapes of small spring rolls and other vegetable treats from the
contour of Sally's cheekpouches. He also saw the plate carelessly shoved under
her bed, with only seven of the tiny spring rolls left. "I... You..." the king
was at a loss for words. He placed his hand on her neck, and hit the back of
her head, knocking the spring rolls all over the floor. "Why did you steal
these from the kitchen?!? They were for a meeting, it's in an hour!" after the
spring rolls were out of her mouth, he began to backhand her face. She began
to bleed from her nose and her mouth. Geoffery walked into the room. "What the
H*ll are you doing to her?!?" Geoffery asked. "I am maintaining disciplin! She
stole a dish of spring rolls from the kitchen!"
"Uh, sir, I... I took the rolls." Geoffery's stomach turned. He was terrified.
The king smiled warmly, setting Geoffery at ease. "Is that all? May I have a
word with you? In the hall? I don't want her to hear this." Geoffery walked out
into the hall. "What is it, my leige?" asked Geoffery. The king held up the
red jewel "Isn't it beautiful?" "Yes, it is, my liege. But what does the ball
have to do with Sally?" The orb floated out of the king's hand. Geoffery
watched the orb. The king quietly pulled a dagger from his belt. The handle was
gold, but the blade was the same one Midnight tried to murder Sally with.
Geoffery looked down and saw the blade, but it was too late, the king covered
Geoffery's mouth, and thrust the blade into Geoffery's heart. Geoffery
struggled for a few seconds, then dropped limp. The red jewel hovered over
Geoffery's body. A glowing green mist arose from Geoffery's body and went into
the jewel. The king placed the blade back into the scabbard, stuffed the jewel
into his pocket, then called fore the watchmen.
"I got here, and he was dead!" said the king, breathing heavily. Sally walked
out into the hall, just gulping down the last of the spring rolls. "Oh my gosh!
What happened?" Sally's heart was pounding with fear. The king saw that Sally's
stomach was bulging. "I told you those rolls were for a meeting! Oooh you're
gonna' get it, you stupid little b*tch!" Sally ran for the window, but the
king cought up to her., and began to strangle her, and hit her in the stomach.
Amy Rose walked into the room. "Sally, I brought some flowers to make you feel
bett... Why are you hurting your daughter, mister king Acorn?" the king turned
around. "I'M TELLING!!!" the little tike screamed. The king jumped from Sally
to Amy. Sally ran to the window, and jumped out. Sally didn't look back. People
stared at Sally, noticing her near skeletal form, or was it the fact that she
had a terrible nosebleed? Sally was shiaking as if from cold, even though it
was over ninety two degrees outside. Meanwhile, the king placed his hand over
Amy's mouth and began to smother the tiny hedgehog. "I hate hedgehogs!" Two
sentries arived at the room. "Get her! She went out the window!" the king
pointed at the open window. "Who went out the window?" the sentry asked. "SALLY
went out the window" the king continued pointing at the window. "Why am I
always surrounded by fools? GET HER!" The two sentries jumpes out the window,
and followed the trail of blood. The king reached into his pocket, took out the
red jewel, and it rolled out of his hand, floating into the air. Again the
glowing green mist rose from Amy's unconcious body, and into the jewel. The
king snatched the stone, and thrust it back into his pocket.

Sally met up with Sonic, at the pallace fountain. "Sonic! My father's gone
insane!" "Whoa, Sall! Who did this to you?" Sonic asked. "My father! He's evil,
I could feel the evil!" Sally burst into tears. "Oh Sonic, I missed you so
much!" Several officers located Sally. "Sonic! Get us out of here! NOW!" Sonic
scooped up Sally, and ran towards Knothole. He noticed that Sally was lighter
than usual. Fefore Sonic could clear the city limits, he smacked into a a
prisioner transport vehical, knocking Sonic unconcious, and dislocating Sally's

Sonic awoke before Sally, but pretended to still be asleep. Sally became
concious an hour later. The two were shackled to a rail running under the
bench they were sitting on. Sally's hip had been put back in place.
"So, Sally, you want to get kn*cked up by this... rogue?" the king looked at
Sonic. "Or did you want to score big by h*mping a princess?" "We LOVE each
other, king Acorn." The king looked at Sally. "I expected the ruffian to say
that" the king took off his belt, unshackled Sally, Threw her on the floor, and
began to hit her in the face with the belt buckle. Sonic Grabbed the knife,
and jimmied the shackles on his ankles. Sonic ran behind the king, yanked his
pants down, grabbed Sally, and ran out the door. Sonic ran his fastest. They
met up with Tails at the city limits. Sonic filled Tails in on what had been
happening. "We'll have to hide at Knothole Sub Delta, the hidden area" said
Sally. Half way there, an orange, red and black portal opened, a human steped
through. "Who the heck are you?" sonic asked. "I am the warior monk Kung...
This isn't Outworld! This transport stone must be malfunctioning." The human
went back through the portal. "That was wierd!" Sonic said. Tails' mouth hung
open. They made their way to Knothole Sub Delta.

Back at the pallace, the king was interogating Bunnie, Antoine, Rotor, and
Dulcy. Uncle Chuck was partialy dismantled on the floor. "What are ya all
talkin' about? We haven't seen the princess for almost a week." The king held
the stone to Bunnie. the stone hovered infront of her. Yet again, a green mist
went frome Bunnie to the stone, The same was done to Antoine, and the others.
Bunnie was all quiet. "Tell me what I want to know." Bunnie spoke, but as a
quiet, almost robotic voice. "Sally-would-have-gone-to-Knothole-Sub-Delta." The
others said the same thing. "The Prisioner is ready." said one of the king's
informants. "Bring him here." said the king. Twelve sentries brought in a
large, round form. "Greetings, Jullian!" the king smiled. It was Robotnik. "I
never got a chance to repay you for my time in the void." the king pulled out
the red jewel. Robotnik screamed. "NOT THAT!! NOOOOOOO!!!!" "I take it you
recognize this beautiful gem." the king said. "It's the Jewel of Essence
Theft." Robotnik was shaking in fear, too frightened to speak loudly. The king
raised the Jewel of Essence Theft. It rose up, and the green mist went from
Robotnik into the jewel. "How do you feel, Jullian?" the king asked.
"I-doo-not-feel." Robotnik said. The king left Robotnik in the dungeon,
standing motionless.

At Knothole...

"Someone has get the security system running, We can't stay here forever."
Tails said. "Then I'll go." Sonic said.
"No, you need to stay here with Aunt Sally. If they get you, nobody will be
here to protect her. And I won't be a match against them." Tails said, leaving
the safety of Sub delta. Tails got halfway to the powerbox, but he was caught.
"So, two-tailed freak, where are the hedgehog, and that tramp daughter of
mine?" the king asked. "Go to H*ll king Acorn! I'll never tell!" Tails started
to cry. "I can take more frome you than you think. I can take your very
essence, your SOUL!" Tails screamed and cried. "Tell me what I want to know, or
your soul is MINE!" Tails looked at the king. "Okay. I'll tell! But I'll have
to whisper it in your ear." said Tails. The king moved his ear to Tails'
mouth. Tails hochered up a loogie, and blew it into the king's ear. "Like I
said before GO TO H*LL!!!" The king smiled. "Kiss your soul goodbye!" The king
raised The stone, and stole Tails' soul. "Now tell me, freak, Where are Sonic
and Sally?!?" Tails spoke. "Sonic-and-Sally-are-this-way." Tails lead the
king, and his two troops down the hall, pushed the false wall open, but before
the troops could get Sonic and Sally, Sonic carried Sally through, and ran
above ground. Sonic twisted his ankle on a tree root that was protruding from
the ground. "Run, Sall'!" sonic cried "Save yourself!" "No, Sonic, I'll never
leave your side again, never! We stay and fight TOGETHER!" The king walked up
to Sonic and Sally. "Touching... It IS true love! HOW SICKENING!" The king's
eyes turned black as the midnight sky, he took the red jewel from his pocket.
"I have the souls of all your friands in this little red jewel, and soon I'll
have your souls as well!" "Remember the plan, Sonic!" sally said. "Right on,
Sall'! GO!!" Sonic said. Sally began to back away "So the loathsome hedgehog
protects the Princess of Wh*res... How cliche..." said the king. "How WRONG!"
Sally Shouted, running up to the king, kicking him in the privates as if she
were kicking the game-deciding field goal at the superbowl. The king dropped
like a rock. Sally took the dagger from his belt, and jammed it through his
chest, killing him DEAD! The red jewel rolled out of the kings dead hand, and
traveled behind the two. The two troops came to their senses, looked around,
and ran from the king's dead body. "It's all over, Sall', we won." Sonic said,
hugging Sally. "But at what cost?" asked Sally. A deep voice came from behind
Sonic and Sally. "At the cost of the souls of your closest friends!" Sonic and
Sally turned around "NO NOT YOU!!!" said Sonic and Sally. It was the very same
huge evil warior that nearly took Sally's life at that big rock, walking to the
mouth of a red, orange, and black portal. he was holding the jewel. The warior
removed his great big helmet, and placed a mask with the appearance of a human
skull. "Here we go again!" said Sonic. "By the laws of the elder gods, I may
not enter this world again without winning a Mort..." The large human was
interupted by another multi-colored portal. His Portal closed. "Hey, Sall',
it's that Kung guy!" The large human spoke. "Kung Lao!?!" "Shao Kahn! Give me
that stone!!!" said Kung Lao. Shao Kahn ran away from the mouth of the portal.
Kung lao disapeared into the portal. The portal closed. After a few minutes,
Sonic spoke. "I guess we're alone now." The two heald each other close. "At
least we have each other. Tails stood staring at Sonic, without facial
expression. "I guess you're gonne, little buddy. Sonic cried. Sally placed her
hand on Sonic's shoulder, and she cried as well. Just then the portal opened
again. Kung Lao came through. "I thought you guys might need this..." Kung Lao
placed the jewel into Sonic's hand. "How do we get the souls out?" asked Sonic.
"A friend of mine named Rayden told me the jewel must be broken by a bonded
love, whatever that means. Rayden isn't always clear about what he says." Sonic
smiled "We got all the souls back Sall'! This is great!" Kung Lao frowned. "I'm
sorry, but Shao Kahn managed to get one of the souls from the jewel, But I'm
not sure which one... I'm very sorry." Kung Lao waved 'goodbye as he stepped
into his portal and vanished. "What do you think he meant, Sall'?" Sonic and
Sally lookes into each other's eyes, then they both nodded.

Sonic and Sally were standing at the altar of the largest churcd on Mobius, all
the Freedom Fighters' placed at the seats. Sonic and Sally Exchanging vowes.
Sonic placed the ring on Sally's finger. The preacher pronounced them man and
wife. Sonic and Sally kissed, held hands, and together they droped the jewel on
the ground. The jewel shattered. There was a flash of light. Suddenly, all
the Freedom Fighters Began to move again... All oh them.
"Kung Lao said One of the souls was lost, I guess he was wrong.

Meanwhile, deep in a dungeon, Far below the city, Robotnik stood motionless...

The End!

Okay, Now that's the happiest ending I can think of!
(Think about it! That dork king Acorn's dead, Shao Kahn has Robotnik's soul,
Geoffery St.John's got shishkebabed, and Sonic and Sally got married after all!

Now does that beat Torrid's story, or what? ;)

"I am the non-powerful bathtub. People will fill me with water, plug their
radios into the wall, sit in me, and drop their radios into the water, thus
killing themselves. Many people will do this. I will not have to lift a
finger to kill people... They will have done it to themselves"
-The Non-Mighty Bathtub


May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
A few un resolved matters...

A few days after the wedding, Sonic and Sally were walking near nothole. Just
then, Kung Lao, and his portal showed up again. "I heard you broke the jewel,
How did you do it?"

"We've wanted to get married for Quite awhile. And we did it!" Sally said.
"I should have thought of that." Kung Lao said "Just like Rayden to give out a
riddle like that."
"It was a riddle?" Sonic asked.
"Almost everything Rayden says is a riddle" Kung Lao said
"Do you Know why my father turned evil?" Sally asked.
"Shao Kahn was able to control him." Kung Lao said
"You said one of the souls was missing." Sonic said. "But everyone came back."
"That's the other thing I needed to Tell you." Kung Lao said "Shao Kahn gave
that soul a new body."
"Who's soul was it?" Sally asked
"His name was Ivo Robotnik, or it was Jullian Kintober... Don't remember. But
now his name is Doctor Eggman." Kung Lao said
"Oh No!" Sonic ans Sally said together.
"Well, he won't be back on this realm for another month and a half." Kung Lao
"Why did you need to know how to break that jewel, Is there another one?" Sally
"No, I bet Rayden I could find out how it was broken before he did, that he
would do my job for a week, and I could go on a weeks vacation"
"Who was that Torrid guy?" Sonic asked
"Some guy in the AFSH newsgroup who can't write fanfic worth a squat." Kung Lao
said "Don't read his stories, they'll bore you to death"
"Have you seen him before?" asked Sally.
"Yes, he's realy a midget named Bobo, and he's even shorter than you two, no
insult intended." Kung Lao said "I met him in Earth realm. He stutters, picks
his nose, and constantly scratches his butt. He smells funny too. "
"Enjoy your vacation" Sally said.
"Good bye, I hope you two have a good life together."Kung Lao said. And with
that, Kung Lao went back through the portal

The end. (For now)


Sorry, Torrid. No malice intended, just wanted to be funny.

Paulette Del Castillo

Oct 24, 2021, 9:18:40 PM10/24/21
> "I am the non-powerful bathtub. People will fill me with water, plug their
> radios into the wall, sit in me, and drop their radios into the water, thus
> killing themselves. Many people will do this. I will not have to lift a
> finger to kill people... They will have done it to themselves"
> -The Non-Mighty Bathtub
the hecc
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