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Re: duab's little froup...

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Oct 12, 2011, 9:44:11 PM10/12/11
mogga <> wrote:

>On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 11:36:29 +0100, duab <> wrote:
>>..survived teh froup holocaust instigated by teh Sands and jo peeps.
>>"not wholly bright"
>>/bows to judgement of superior headcase.
>Did I miss something?

Probably, you were never involved.

Basically, after I brought people in here from
(when people got sick of being banned, posts cancelled, etc.)
unbeknown to me some people got a bit uneasy with it being 'my group'.
This was a ridiculous notion and I was unaware that a hidden agenda
was brewing with jo and possibly that barmy bint who's name escapes
me. So while I was being flattered by the attentions of Mr Sands, jo
and his little army were busy moving to alt.scarecrow and planning the
demise of auld with x-posted attacks and general stick-poking in order
to fuel the existing flames in here.

jo used many identities (some I recognised were him and some I
didn't), in order to start flame wars and wind me up..He knew I had
some paranoia issues about my RL identity from another matter years
earlier with Steve Firth from uk.misc. jo was very clever with one ID,
where he was supposed to be a guy from the Isle of Wight who just
happened to trip and fall into auld and start a fight with me,
culminating in a real life threat to come to my home and beat me up.
It was all a ruse to discredit me and make jo the kingpin of his own
group (in which he was only ever a squatter) alt.scarecrow.

All the while I thought jo was a genuine person and a friend and
treated him as such, while he was actually a two-faced twat of the
lowest order. Why? IHNI but I found out during the Man from IOW

Purely because I was personally quite vulnerable at that time, I've
never forgotten it.

jo and Bill were just destructive forces and the proof is that jo also
turned me and Grant against each other, and everyone else against
Grant in scarecrow, for no good reason. The bint eventually realised
this and befriended Grant after literally years of unnecessary
hostility towards him

It is interesting that CB and I are still friends and still "chat"
most days on twitter and we are friends on fb. And of course you and I
still chat even though it can be months or even years in between. Also
Pottums and I once discussed a business opportunity, it didn't take
off but we were quite "normal" away from usenet.

jo never was, he maintained his usenet persona in emails and used to
delight in thinking he was sometimes 'telling me off' for matters
which were absolute nonsense. I could never quite understand it but
put it down to him being a bit of a fragile ex-smakhead junkie and an
alcoholic.. I don't know if he and Sands were ever in collusion but I
doubt it and think it more likely that jo used Bill as a tool to
finally kill off auld.

It is interesting that jo thought I had "issues" when he was clearly
very ill.

So although that by virtue of the fact you and I are still here, I
refer to auld being the survivor of the two groups, that remark is
actually a metaphor for the enduring friendships between myself and
the real, genuine people from all that time ago.

That'd be you, me, CB, DP, Dom and a few others.

Glad you arsked? lol :)


Oct 13, 2011, 10:08:12 PM10/13/11
duab <> wrote:

>I was unaware that a hidden agenda
>was brewing with jo and possibly that barmy bint who's name escapes

Paula.. That was it..

I trusted her and bought a mobile phone from her and the company she
worked for.. I trusted her with my cc and bank details and then, over
a year later I found a dupe account had been set up and I had been
paying for two mobile numbers through my bank.

I contacted her and she said 'oh sorry it was a traumatic time for me
and don't want to talk about it' !

Don't want to talk about it?? No I bet she didn't... And if I'd
been in my right fucking mind I'd have reported the stealing
fraudulent bitch to the police.

By the time I was in a position to begin legal action for recovery of
the stolen money the "company" had folded.


Jan 5, 2012, 8:33:57 PM1/5/12
i don't recall anyone being glad they ever asked you anything. i expect the friends who bother with you twice a decade remember "the loonie" - and seriously, it was never jo. Okay, it was jo sometimes... he was a bit of a loon but i didn't get to know him much at all. you and cb and your tragic froupettes (sorry but that's entirely how you all looked to those of us with even a vague life) insisted on "following" jo... which you all did regardless of the consequences. a bit like when you all stole, illegally as it turned out, from telephony providers while hacking into their dial up numbers (i don't expect even CB cba ranting about that one any more). if jo was from the IoW, he never told me - not that that's meaningful since i knew him only for a year or so before he went off with that blonde chick... angel? if jo had drug problems, i expect they only amounted to there being a shortage. i dearly hope he's still alive, even though he epically pissed me off before he went.

Trouble with you, duab (sorry, i forgot your name), is that from my recollection you never could quite let go. how many wives and friends have left you because of that?

me? i come back here once a year to check on teh Micks and teh Clacks... for old times' sake.

Happy new year to ya, and ffs grow up. You gotta be what, 75 by now? dick.


Jan 10, 2012, 9:24:36 AM1/10/12
Oh someone please stop her, I can't stop laughing.

> i expect the friends who bother with you twice a decade
> remember "the loonie" - and seriously, it was never jo. Okay,
> it was jo sometimes... he was a bit of a loon but i didn't get
> to know him much at all.

Well I did, and he confessed much to me privately. Then he went off
the rails /again/ and pissed me off.

> you and cb and your tragic froupettes
> (sorry but that's entirely how you all looked to those of us
> with even a vague life) insisted on "following" jo... which you
> all did regardless of the consequences.

Nonsense, no one followed jo anywhere except those who ended up in
scarecrow. That was never me Mogga or CB; you and others however, did.

>a bit like when you all
> stole, illegally as it turned out,

You are aware of an alternative, legal method of theft? Tell me

> from telephony providers
> while hacking into their dial up numbers (i don't expect even
> CB cba ranting about that one any more).

He was 18 and now in his 30s I exopect you are correct. And I hope
you have evidence of my alleged involvement in that accusation?

Now, want to talk about ghost mobile phone accounts and stolen money
from a very trusting client?

> if jo was from the
> IoW, he never told me -

Helps if you read properly...

" where he was ***supposed*** to be a guy from the Isle of Wight "

> not that that's meaningful since i knew
> him only for a year or so before he went off with that blonde
> chick... angel?

Split up, she kicked him out and he shuffled off back to Wales. And
you two were fucking about on sc for much longer than 12 months, iirc.

> if jo had drug problems, i expect they only
> amounted to there being a shortage. i dearly hope he's still
> alive, even though he epically pissed me off before he went.

Google his full name, Wales and golf.

> Trouble with you, duab (sorry, i forgot your name),

I'm devastated (that I have trouble).

> is that
> from my recollection you never could quite let go. how many
> wives and friends have left you because of that?


Married 26 years, been together over 30 years. My daughter's god
father is still my friend, I am God dad to a 16 year old, etc., etc.

This tends to be about right if you believe the cliche's..

I have three true close friends and many others not so close but good
people. I count CB as a life-long friend as I do Mogga.

They "got it", you see. Whereas you lot were just cunts.

> me? i come back here once a year to check on teh Micks and teh
> Clacks... for old times' sake.

> Happy new year to ya, and ffs grow up. You gotta be what, 75
> by now? dick.

Yes, happy new year to you and all.
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Jan 10, 2012, 1:55:10 PM1/10/12

"duab" <> wrote in message news:jei119$p64$
> Puck <> wrote:
> The entire post is just wrong so "Puck" is either high on something or
> the post is a fake.

Its her, high no, think alcohol related dementia.

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J Kaner

Feb 14, 2012, 10:38:20 PM2/14/12
"Puck" <> wrote

me? i come back here once a year to check on teh Micks and teh Clacks... for
old times' sake.

Well, I'm happy to say I'm still alive, babes.
Looks like you are too!
It's just teh Mickster we's unsure about.
Come on Micky, let us know!!
Is it Usenet or a ouija board we need?

Heh, just had a look, it's very nearly two years since I last posted in
Wow, doesn't time fly when yer not posting in here!!

Anyway, happy new year babes!!
We'll have to do this again next year too!!

All the best Paula ;)

x x x x


Feb 15, 2012, 7:41:26 AM2/15/12

"J Kaner" <> wrote in message

J Kaner

Feb 15, 2012, 11:29:06 PM2/15/12
" Grant" <> wrote in message
Y' know, it's hard to tell what yer trying to say sometimes, what with yer
dyslexia and all that so hang on while I run this dyslexia decoding software
I got...

*runs dyslexia decoding software*

Whoa there mate...I like you too, but not like that. Sorry dood. Micky
might but not me. And I only left you out of that post for yer own good.
Did it on purpose! I knew if I included you you'd only get all hyper with
excitement and probably trip over something, breaking an arm or a leg. You
know there's not much room in yer bedsit and, well, I didn't want anything
on me conscience y' know...

Anyway, good to know you ain't topped yerself yet, G, so all the best for


Feb 17, 2012, 6:43:55 AM2/17/12

"J Kaner" <> wrote in message
Go fuck yourself.

J Kaner

Feb 22, 2012, 12:23:39 AM2/22/12

" Grant" <> wrote in message
Wish I could. Would be good. But I can't. Haven't got a fanny in the
palm of me hand and I can't get me cock anywhere near me bumhole. No chance
when it's flaccid and you'd have to snap the fucker when it's not!

Stop thinking about me having a wank instead.

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Jul 28, 2015, 8:37:08 PM7/28/15
mike <> wrote in news:552ad207$0$29431$b1db1813

> jo <> wrote:
>>A tad harsh...
> Truth often is.
daub my brother, your bitching and whining is too much. I failed to
completely read all that you wrote.

Too long.

Too complex

No body gives a shit about your problems.

Have a nice day!

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