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Q to liberal anti-american protestor: Should we have just waited for another 9-11, this time from Iraq?

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Stupendous Man

2003年3月22日 18:16:362003/3/22
A: Yes!

Stupid, stupid liberals.

Stupendous Man—Too smart to be a liberal, too honest to be a Democrat.
B-1B Lancer bomber flies in support of Operation Enduring Freedom:


2003年3月22日 18:25:502003/3/22
A: I guess 1% of the money u already spent over there would have been enough
to make flights secure enough.

"Stupendous Man" <> schrieb im

> A: Yes!
> Stupid, stupid liberals.

> Stupendous Man > B-1B Lancer bomber flies in support of Operation Enduring


2003年3月22日 18:54:232003/3/22
"Nano" <> wrote:

>A: I guess 1% of the money u already spent over there would have been enough
>to make flights secure enough.

What makes you think the terrorists will only strike flights?


2003年3月22日 19:58:592003/3/22
A: Yes!

Stupid, stupid liberals.

Stupidous Man—Too smart to be a liberal, too honest to be a Democrat, so I decided to get a lobotomy.
Good to see someone as smart as you on the side of Ameica.
I have written a song that will shut up all those traitors who are so uppity to actually demand the truth.
It's called "Nine Eleven Forever", because well, you know it's so useful. 
911 oh 911 can we get some more milage
911 911 so we can go pillage
911 what a blessing
bombing another village
911 what would we do without you
we'd have no reason for what we do
other than the truth (
911 says that won't do
911 America fear
911 don't worry we're here
911 just be afraid
911 we'll protect by taking rights away(
911 don't forget
911 oh 911 (
if you're against our war....
oh 911 i said 911 (
911 yes it's cynical
we needed the tragedy for you all
911 we'll shut up those critical
911 but our deeds are starting to unravel
911 no independent investigation
911 police state nation
911 don't forget to fear
911 oh 911 911is here (
(solemn spoken word break)
Don't forget to fear.  The government will save you, but be afraid.  You never know when the nuke will go off.  Iraq is a threat and so is everyone else Bush says is.  Don't question, that's anti-American.  I said nine-eleven.  Are you gonna argue with that?  I said nine-eleven.  Do you understand I said nine-eleven... hey where's eveyone going?  Come back!  Nine eleven!!  Hey! 
911 understand
911 needed for the plan
911 if it runs out of steam
911 another terror attack we'll need
911 we'll make it take place
we'll blame it on another face
a new enemy needed for the nation
and just like 911 we'll help it happen
like 911 we won't stop it
like 911 we'll get lotsa mileage outta it
where were you when the towers fell...
i said nine eleven nine eleven
nine one one nine one one
i said nine eleven nine eleven
don't forget and do not think
i said nine eleven nine eleven
911 the fear is all you need....
911 oh 911 ya 911 oh 911
911 1111
oh 999 1111
911 Bush loves you... 911
be afraid... nine eleeeeveeeeeeeen....

Stupendous Man

2003年3月22日 19:55:322003/3/22
FBI sources have verified that "Nano", in news message <2i6fa.123291$>, posted on 2003-03-22 6:25 PM apparently from, said:

> A: I guess 1% of the money u already spent over there would have been enough
> to make flights secure enough.

Don't need an airplane when you have atomics.

Stupendous ManAnnoying liberals on Usenet since 1987.
Lower marginal tax rates would increase the attractiveness of saving relative to
current consumption (the "substitution effect"
--Joint Economic Committee:

Warren Stupidity

2003年3月22日 21:13:022003/3/22

What makes you think the Iraqis had anything to do with 9-11?

Mark Roddy

"Further, the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change, is
likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event like a
new Pearl Harbor."

-- Project for a New American Century,
-- the neocon cabal's blueprint for world empire.


2003年3月22日 21:30:382003/3/22
Warren Stupidity <> wrote:

>Foxtrot <> wrote:
>>What makes you think the terrorists will only strike flights?
>What makes you think the Iraqis had anything to do with 9-11?


2003年3月22日 21:33:552003/3/22
Foxtrot <> wrote:

They may not have been directly involved with 9/11, but
they have connections with al Qaeda.


2003年3月22日 23:33:022003/3/22
so does GW Bush.

Foxtrot <> wrote in message

Jeffrey Turner

2003年3月22日 23:00:002003/3/22
Stupendous Man wrote:
> A: Yes!

The evidence was and is pretty clear we'd be waiting
a LONG time.

> Stupid, stupid Hawks.


Stupendous Man

2003年3月23日 01:00:552003/3/23
FBI sources have verified that "KARTOFFELKANONE", in news message <>, posted on 2003-03-22 7:58 PM apparently from, said:

>> Stupendous Man <> wrote in message
>> A: Yes!
>> Stupid, stupid liberals.
> Stupidous Man—Too smart to be a liberal, too honest to be a Democrat, so I
> decided to get a lobotomy.
Good to see someone as smart as you on the side of Ameica.

I'm not surprised that someone as dishonest as you is an enemy of America.

Stupendous Man—Enemy of Terrorism
USS Philippine Sea (CG 58) opens up a can of whoop ass on the Taliban:

George Grapman

2003年3月23日 01:17:232003/3/23

Stupendous Man wrote: on the side of America.

I'm not surprised that someone as dishonest as you is an enemy of America.

  I wonder if stupendous is part of the 45 percent that thinks that some of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
  Speaking of 9/11 has he added Reagans support of the Taliban to his web site?

   To reply via e-mail please delete "NOSPAM" from address.

Ruel Smith

2003年3月23日 01:43:072003/3/23
Jeffrey Turner wrote:

> Stupendous Man wrote:
>> A: Yes!
> The evidence was and is pretty clear we'd be waiting
> a LONG time.

What evidence? I seem to remember the first attempt to bomb the trade center
a few years ago. Then there was the attack on the USS Cole. There were
others too, but I can't remember them right off. Each one got more
elaborate and bold. I think the evidence suggests it would have come
sooner, rather than later. Let's not forget the terrorist attacks in other
countries too, esspecially Isreal.



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There's only one...

Ruel Smith

2003年3月23日 01:44:162003/3/23
Stupendous Man wrote:

> I'm not surprised that someone as dishonest as you is an enemy of America.

All war protesting traitors should be shipped off to Iraq!

Ruel Smith

2003年3月23日 01:48:022003/3/23
Warren Stupidity wrote:

> On Sat, 22 Mar 2003 23:54:23 GMT, Foxtrot <> wrote:
>>"Nano" <> wrote:
>>>A: I guess 1% of the money u already spent over there would have been
>>>enough to make flights secure enough.
>>What makes you think the terrorists will only strike flights?
> What makes you think the Iraqis had anything to do with 9-11?

Are you just stupid or what? The problem with Iraq is the arsenal they
posessed that was unaccounted for, their history of willingness to use it,
their hatred for the US and Isreal, and the great potential of someone like
Bin Laden getting their hands on such weapons. I guess if we hadn't done it
and someone did set off some nerve gas or nuclear device, you wouldn't have
cried "Why didn't Bush do more to prevent this?"?

Ruel Smith

2003年3月23日 01:50:082003/3/23

> so does GW Bush.

At least he didn't give a speach claiming that the attacks on 9/11 were the
result of slavery that happened over 150 years ago. However, Clinton did.
That just confirmed my suspicion that Clinton was a complete idiot and not
in touch with reality.

Jeffrey Turner

2003年3月23日 04:21:532003/3/23
Stupendous Man wrote:

> Don't need an airplane when you have atomics.

Gee, yeah, you should be out practicing with your atomic
hand grenade :). Of course, the IAEA says there's no
evidence of a nuclear weapons program in Iraq. Maybe
you're thinking of North Korea or (?) Iran.


> Stupendous Man?Annoying liberals WITH HIS NONSENSE on Usenet since 1987.

Mitchell Holman

2003年3月23日 12:07:052003/3/23
Ruel Smith <> wrote in

> Stupendous Man wrote:
>> I'm not surprised that someone as dishonest as you is an enemy of
>> America.
> All war protesting traitors should be shipped off to Iraq!

Really. How dare people protest government
action? Don't they know that government knows
what is best for everyone? Besides, who was that
anti-government agitator who said that "government
is not the solution, government is the problem"?

Warren Stupidity

2003年3月23日 12:15:472003/3/23
On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 01:48:02 -0500, Ruel Smith <>

>Warren Stupidity wrote:
>> On Sat, 22 Mar 2003 23:54:23 GMT, Foxtrot <> wrote:
>>>"Nano" <> wrote:
>>>>A: I guess 1% of the money u already spent over there would have been
>>>>enough to make flights secure enough.
>>>What makes you think the terrorists will only strike flights?
>> What makes you think the Iraqis had anything to do with 9-11?
>Are you just stupid or what? The problem with Iraq is the arsenal they
>posessed that was unaccounted for, their history of willingness to use it,
>their hatred for the US and Isreal, and the great potential of someone like
>Bin Laden getting their hands on such weapons. I guess if we hadn't done it
>and someone did set off some nerve gas or nuclear device, you wouldn't have
>cried "Why didn't Bush do more to prevent this?"?

And yet there remains no connection between Iraq, a secular
nationalist regime, and the radical fundamentalist organizations like
al qaeda. In fact al qaeda has stated in the past and recently
re-affirmed, that they would also like to get rid of the baath regime
in Iraq. Prior to the bush adventure, there was absolutely no reason
for Iraq to get involved with al qaeda, and certainly no reason to
give them weapons (which as far as we know the Iraqis do not have,)
that al qaeda would very likely use against the baghdad regime itself.
Generally you do not arm your sworn enemies with weapons they can use
against you.

However, it remains astounding that one of the many, ever shifting,
justifications for this war is *SPECULATION* that in the future some
bad thing *MIGHT* happen if we do not act now. That remains a
completely inadequate reason to wage a war of aggression. Our war
remains a violation of the UN Charter and of international law. Our
regime is guilty of a war crime.

Iraq demonstrated willingness to use chemical and biological weapons
against Iran because they had what they believed was the tacit
approval of the US. In fact, it was our government that provided the
critical technology for some of these weapons. True enough, the Iraqis
appear to have committed an atrocity against the kurds, killing, by
most reports, 5,000 in a chemical attack. You should be aware that our
good friends the turks have committed a similar atrocity against the
kurds, albeit with more standard military techniques, in their
campaign to put down kurdish independence. In fact, since WWI it has
been open season on kurds, with turkey, iraq, and iran taking turns
supporting and or seeking to eliminate various kurdish attempts to
create their own nation. Generally this has been done with the tacit
or explicit approval of the assorted Great Powers. But why bother with
history. It is so much easier to spew out non-sequitors and emotional

In gulf-war-I Iraq possessed chemical and biological weapons and
delivery systems. They did not use them, even as their army was being
crushed in its retreat from kuwait. Why? Because they were warned that
we would respond in kind if they did. This sort of simple threat of
reprisal is very effective. We have an enormous arsenal of WMD and we
have demonstrated our ability to deliver these weapons to virtually
any place on the planet with pinpoint accuracy. This threat is
understood by the baghdad regime. That might be evil folks, but they
are not stupid.

Prior to this war, there was simply no credible threat of an Iraqi WMD
attack against us. There was little chance that Iraq, if it does have
chemical or biological weapons useful to terrorists, would give these
weapons to groups that would attack us. As the CIA itself testified to
congress the risk of this happening has drastically increased now that
the regime is facing almost certain destruction.

We are engaged in a classic example of self full filling prophecy. Our
actions have enraged the muslim world. Where al qaeda was becoming
isolated, now there is a very good chance that more and more
mainstream muslim people will be drawn into their cause. Where there
was disunity among muslim nations and our proclaimed 'axis of evil',
we are driving them towards unity against us. Iran and North Korea
have accelerated their nuclear programs. We have destabilized the
friendly muslim nations of jordan, pakistan, egypt, saudi arabia,
yemen, and others. We have created a sense of grim determination in
syria and libya: these countries will be seeking to defend their
nations against our onslaught as well. We have created serious concern
in the two other nuclear super powers: china and russia. We have
alienated the european union, and perhaps we have galvanized their
determination to move from economic union to political union. For
what? For some addled-brained theory that this makes us immune to
another 9-11? For the election campaign of 2004? For some neocon
nightmare of world hegemony?

Ruel Smith

2003年3月23日 21:16:472003/3/23
You're willing to take that chance? I"m not...
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