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The ABC's of Gun Control

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Sep 30, 2000, 7:00:00 AM9/30/00
Date: 9/28/2000 10:15:00 PM

The ABCs of Gun Control

by Charles Maxwell

a.. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.

b.. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

c.. Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface.

d.. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.

e.. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?

f.. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.

g.. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.

h.. If you don't know your rights you don't have any.

i.. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.

j.. The United States Constitution ( c ) 1791. All Rights Reserved.

k.. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

l.. The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.

m.. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.

n.. Guns only have two enemies: Rust and Politicians...

p.. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

q.. 911 - government sponsored Dial a Prayer.

r.. Assault is a behavior, not a device.

s.. Criminals love gun control - it makes their jobs safer.

t.. If Guns cause Crime, then Matches cause Arson.

u.. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.

v.. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.

w.. Know guns, know peace and safety. No guns, no peace nor safety.

x.. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.

y.. The American Revolution would never have happened with Gun Control.

z. "...a government ... by the people, for the people..."

Edward L. Sandwicheater

Sep 30, 2000, 7:00:00 AM9/30/00

Slayer3x6 wrote:
> Date: 9/28/2000 10:15:00 PM
> The ABCs of Gun Control
> by Charles Maxwell
> a.. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.

an angry armed men will kill his friends or his family

> b.. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

A dog in the room is better then a gun in the hand

> c.. Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface.

Smith & wesson the original point and kill interface

> d.. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.

gun control is not about control its about saving lives

> e.. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?


> f.. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.

Guns cause more serious crimes

> g.. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.

Free men do not have an inalienable right to bear arms

> h.. If you don't know your rights you don't have any.


> i.. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.


> j.. The United States Constitution ( c ) 1791. All Rights Reserved.

whats your point?

> k.. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

what part of well regulated militia do you not understand

> l.. The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.

the second amendment is to preserve the rights of the states to maintain
militias (national guard)

> m.. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.

so? how many will they kill tomorrow?

> n.. Guns only have two enemies: Rust and Politicians...

and anyone with common sense

> p.. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.


> q.. 911 - government sponsored Dial a Prayer.

cute but stupid

> r.. Assault is a behavior, not a device.

assault with device is easier and more effective then assault without a

> s.. Criminals love gun control - it makes their jobs safer.

criminals hate gun control because they steal their guns from law
abiding citizens

> t.. If Guns cause Crime, then Matches cause Arson.

guns facilitate crime

> u.. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.

gun control is not citizen control

> v.. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.

You dont now nor have you ever had a 'right' to keep an bear arms. The
2cd speaks of collective rights not individual rights

> w.. Know guns, know peace and safety. No guns, no peace nor safety.

You know guns, you know dead kids and family members and you know the
highest murder rate in the industrialized world

> x.. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.

You cant remove a right they dont have. The 2cd isnt about individual

> y.. The American Revolution would never have happened with Gun Control.

very few americans had guns during the revolution

> z. "...a government ... by the people, for the people..."

and the people are sick and tired of the violence causes by the easy
availability of guns

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Hunter Putnam

Sep 30, 2000, 7:00:00 AM9/30/00

Edward L. Shiteater <> wrote in message

> > a.. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
> >
> an angry armed men will kill his friends or his family

Only an armed man can defend his friends and/or family against an angry
armed man. An unarmed man will be shot and his family/friends will be
murdered. But liberals think it's okay if innocent people die...just as
long as they didn't own a that would have been a tragedy!

> > b.. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
> >
> A dog in the room is better then a gun in the hand

Not if the attacker has a gun. He'll shoot Fido dead, and then kill you,

> > c.. Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface.
> >
> Smith & wesson the original point and kill interface

And thank God their weapons have killed many violent criminals who would
have otherwise murdered innocent men, women, and children.

> > d.. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
> >
> gun control is not about control its about saving lives

Bullshit. Gun control is about dumbass politicians needing an issue to get
elected on. The best way to save your life against an armed violent
attacker is to be armed yourself.

> > e.. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
> >
> yes

Swords don't kill people, Mr. Shiteater? Contradicting yourself yet again.

> > f.. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
> >
> Guns cause more serious crimes

Bullshit. Guns prevent more serious crimes.

> > g.. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
> >
> Free men do not have an inalienable right to bear arms

Yes, they do, as long as they still have their brain intact...which
obviously doesn't include you...

> > k.. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
> >
> what part of well regulated militia do you not understand

what part of continuously upheld by the supreme court do you not understand?

> > m.. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
> >
> so? how many will they kill tomorrow?

How many innocent lives will they save tomorrow?

> > n.. Guns only have two enemies: Rust and Politicians...
> >
> and anyone with common sense

You flatter yourself, Mr. Shiteater. You don't have the common sense God
gave a jackass...

> > p.. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
> >
> bullshit

You're one irrational dumbass, Shiteater. If I shoot someone who is trying
to shoot and kill me, I've saved my own life. That's how it works.

> > r.. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
> >
> assault with device is easier and more effective then assault without a
> device

And defending against assault with device is easier and more effective when
one has a device of his own. Thanks for proving my point, dumbass.

> > s.. Criminals love gun control - it makes their jobs safer.
> >
> criminals hate gun control because they steal their guns from law
> abiding citizens

Again, thanks for proving our point, dunce. In your words above, criminals
"steal their guns from law abiding citizens"--therefore they break the law
by stealing. What good does it do to pass more gun laws, when criminals
demonstrate day in and day out that they have no inclination to obey the
laws? How do you know criminals "hate" gun control laws? Did you talk to
any of them about the issue? Oh, I get it, pure speculation with no
evidence...right... I would assume criminals have no "hatred" of any
law--they obviously don't care one way or the other--the law doesn't
influence their behavior--that's why they're criminals, the BREAK THE LAWS.
Wake up and smell the coffee, dipshit.

> > t.. If Guns cause Crime, then Matches cause Arson.
> >
> guns facilitate crime

guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens decrease the facilitation of crime

> > u.. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control
> >
> gun control is not citizen control

It certianly can be. I guess Hitler wanted to disarm the Jews because he
didn't want to control them...

> > v.. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
> >
> You dont now nor have you ever had a 'right' to keep an bear arms. The
> 2cd speaks of collective rights not individual rights

The supreme court has upheld the amendment as pertaining to individual
rights. Sorry, you lose again...

> > w.. Know guns, know peace and safety. No guns, no peace nor safety.
> >
> You know guns, you know dead kids and family members and you know the
> highest murder rate in the industrialized world

Murder rates are highest in the cities with the strictest gun control
laws--look it up. When criminals know that law-abiding citizens are
unarmed, they're much more likely to commit violent crimes.

> > y.. The American Revolution would never have happened with Gun Control.
> >
> very few americans had guns during the revolution

Yes, it's a well known historical fact that they defeated the British with
harsh language...

> > z. "...a government ... by the people, for the people..."
> and the people are sick and tired of the violence causes by the easy
> availability of guns

I guess that's why N.R.A. membership is at an all time high...

David L. Moffitt

Sep 30, 2000, 7:00:00 AM9/30/00

"Edward L. Sandwicheater" <> wrote in message

> Slayer3x6 wrote:
> >
> > Date: 9/28/2000 10:15:00 PM
> >
> > The ABCs of Gun Control
> >
> > by Charles Maxwell
> >

> > a.. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
> >
> an angry armed men will kill his friends or his family

%%%% Yes he can "arm" himself with a bat, sword, a brick, his bare

> > b.. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
> >
> A dog in the room is better then a gun in the hand

%%%% People aren't scared of my poodle------They are scared of a 1911 45acp!

> > c.. Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface.
> >
> Smith & wesson the original point and kill interface

%%%% That is the intended purpose!

> > d.. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
> >
> gun control is not about control its about saving lives

%%%% I agree since real gun control is hitting your target!

> > e.. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
> >
> yes

%%%% See my post about bringing a sword to a gun fight!

> > f.. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
> >
> Guns cause more serious crimes

%%%% Internet access causes stupidity as you just proved!

> > g.. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
> >
> Free men do not have an inalienable right to bear arms

%%%% Wrong, slaves do not have rights! Look up inalienable in your

> > h.. If you don't know your rights you don't have any.
> >
> ridiculous

%%%% Sociofascist point of view!

> > i.. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
> >
> ridiculous

%%%%Sociofascist do not know what liberty is, it is a foreign subject.

> > j.. The United States Constitution ( c ) 1791. All Rights Reserved.
> >
> whats your point?

%%%% Life---Liberty----Persuit of Happiness-----!!!!

> > k.. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
> >
> what part of well regulated militia do you not understand

%%%% Sure taught how to march in formation and fire your weapon!

> > l.. The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.
> >
> the second amendment is to preserve the rights of the states to maintain
> militias (national guard)

%%%% National Guard did not exist when the Constitution and B.O.R. were

> > m.. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
> >
> so? how many will they kill tomorrow?


> > n.. Guns only have two enemies: Rust and Politicians...
> >
> and anyone with common sense

%%%% Also socialist and Communists-----Which one are you?

> > p.. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
> >
> bullshit

%%%% Actually I shoot to kill to stay alive. I haven't killed anyone,but my
wife has!

> > q.. 911 - government sponsored Dial a Prayer.
> >
> cute but stupid

%%%% I call 1911-------1911 45acp!

> > r.. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
> >
> assault with device is easier and more effective then assault without a
> device

%%%% And defence against assault is safer with a gun than without one!

> > s.. Criminals love gun control - it makes their jobs safer.
> >
> criminals hate gun control because they steal their guns from law
> abiding citizens

%%%%Then how is taking my gun away going to help except make me an easier

> > t.. If Guns cause Crime, then Matches cause Arson.
> >
> guns facilitate crime

%%%% Criminals facilitate crime, or you not aware of the trend of robbing
people with swords in Australia?

> > u.. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control
> >
> gun control is not citizen control

%%%% Ask a Jew!

> > v.. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
> >
> You dont now nor have you ever had a 'right' to keep an bear arms. The
> 2cd speaks of collective rights not individual rights

%%%% Wrong! Did you say you were a socialist or a communist?

> > w.. Know guns, know peace and safety. No guns, no peace nor safety.
> >
> You know guns, you know dead kids and family members and you know the
> highest murder rate in the industrialized world

%%%%Yes we do with all methods not only guns. Confiscation of guns in
England and Oz didn't decrease the murder rare but, actually increased it.

> > x.. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.
> >
> You cant remove a right they dont have. The 2cd isnt about individual
> rights

%%%% Did you say communist or socialist. All of the bill of rights are about
individual rights!

> > y.. The American Revolution would never have happened with Gun Control.
> >
> very few americans had guns during the revolution

%%%% Sociofascist revisionist history. I have seen thousands of antique arms
from the 1700s.

> > z. "...a government ... by the people, for the people..."
> and the people are sick and tired of the violence causes by the easy
> availability of guns

%%%% People are sick and tired of the repeated violence from coddled

David Moffitt Lifetime NRA,GOA,JPFO,SAS,TFA Member and BASTARDS----and damn
proud of it!

"Liberalism pretends to speak in the name of the poor and
disenfranchised, but a look at the left's membership roster gives the
lie to this notion: government bureaucrats, university professors, the
media, pop culture celebrities, the arts community, social services
professionals and so forth. Hardly the demographics of food stamps
recipients." --W. James Antle III


Sep 30, 2000, 7:00:00 AM9/30/00

>Slayer3x6 wrote:
>> Date: 9/28/2000 10:15:00 PM
>> The ABCs of Gun Control
>> by Charles Maxwell
>> a.. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
>an angry armed men will kill his friends or his family

Not always. Anger is not the cause. Lack of discipline
is. Even disciplined individuals, far more than a liberal
like yourself, sometimes cracks. But most violence is
done with the hand. And that can be very deadly.

>> b.. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
>A dog in the room is better then a gun in the hand

Depends on the dog. Mine can not bark (Africian).
Better that we had a society of trained individuals,
like we had after WW2. Knowing that most households
had a combat veteran in it did keep crime down back

>> c.. Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface.
>Smith & wesson the original point and kill interface

>> d.. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
>gun control is not about control its about saving lives

>> e.. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?

Swords are often outlawed, especially outside
your home in many states.

>> f.. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
>Guns cause more serious crimes

No, ideas are dangerous. Look at Marxism,
socialism and Nazism. The right to vote is
far more dangerous than guns. That is why
we allowed gun ownership but restricted the
right to vote in the past.

>> g.. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
>Free men do not have an inalienable right to bear arms

Free men are allowed the same force as the government.
They are the government. Liberals want someone else
to do the dirty work. Most police see themselves as superior
to losers like yourself. Many in the military also see themselves
as superior to liberals.

Disarm the public and it will be only a matter of time before the
police and the mlitary will see the public as weak and refuse
to listen to them.

>> h.. If you don't know your rights you don't have any.

The left is unwilling to defend themselves. They want to
hire others to do it for them. Thus they become slaves to
those that protect them. But then the left feels that taxes
equals caring.

>> i.. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.

It has been shown over and over again in history. That is
why the founders wanted every male to serve in the military.
That the military would mostly be a reserve force and would
have police and fire duties. Few full time paid professionals,
mostly for training.

>> j.. The United States Constitution ( c ) 1791. All Rights Reserved.
>whats your point?

That there is wisdom that we have walked away from over
the last 30 years.

>> k.. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
>what part of well regulated militia do you not understand

The US Code, Title 10 USC Sect 311, defines the militia
as all males between 17 and 45 who are fit to serve in the
military plus the National Guard. "Well regulated" would
mean trained in the art of war, police duties and fire fighting.

Since we can not have a huge full time military, a strong
reserve force (ie the National Guard) made up of millions
and millions of young men would fulfill the 2nd amendment.

BTW, have you noticed that gun ownership goes up when
we have a huge number of veterans? And down we were
are in a period like now where few serve?

>> l.. The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the
>the second amendment is to preserve the rights of the states to
>militias (national guard)

And the right of the states to overthrow the federal government.
The secret is to have your side in control of the military. As it is
now, the military, and even law enforcement, is skewed to the right.

>> m.. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
>so? how many will they kill tomorrow?

Few. Crime is dropping.

>> n.. Guns only have two enemies: Rust and Politicians...
>and anyone with common sense

Good sense has never been common, especially
on the left wing.

>> p.. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

Ask any cop. That is how they are trained. Two shots
to the chest, one to the head and final one to the groin.
The extra shots are in case the perp is wearing body

>> q.. 911 - government sponsored Dial a Prayer.
>cute but stupid

911 can be less than effective. Too many use it
for minor matters, overloading the system.

>> r.. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
>assault with device is easier and more effective then assault without
>a device

An uarmed liberal is very easy to take out. Just beat him to

>> s.. Criminals love gun control - it makes their jobs safer.
>criminals hate gun control because they steal their guns from law
>abiding citizens

Or make them. Or, as the Gangsters Disciples in Chicago
are doing, import them from Albania.

>> t.. If Guns cause Crime, then Matches cause Arson.
>guns facilitate crime

Liberal lawyers faciltate crime. Soft headness facilitates
crime. Fatherless boys facilitate crime.

>> u.. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to
control them.
>gun control is not citizen control

In history, disarming the public has been
a traditional means of overthrowing the
elected government.

What we have is the next level of the anti war
movement. The left does not serve, they pay
others to serve. Except that those who serve
see themselves as superior to softheaded liberals.

>> v.. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
>You dont now nor have you ever had a 'right' to keep an bear arms.
>The 2cd speaks of collective rights not individual rights

The 2nd speaks of a collective responsibility to serve.
Mandatory military service.

>> w.. Know guns, know peace and safety. No guns, no peace nor safety.
>You know guns, you know dead kids and family members and you know the
>highest murder rate in the industrialized world

Collectively, Europe has as much crime as us. And you can can only
compair all of Europe to us, as no single country is as big as us.

Remember, France and Germany use their military in police work.

>> x.. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create
>You cant remove a right they dont have. The 2cd isnt about individual

Then the 4th, the 1st and the other rights are about "collective"

>> y.. The American Revolution would never have happened with Gun
>very few americans had guns during the revolution

There are questions about that arguement. Even so,
there would have been a huge number of guns available
after the war.

>> z. "...a government ... by the people, for the people..."
>and the people are sick and tired of the violence causes by the easy
>availability of guns

1. guns are less available today than they were in the '50s.

2. many of us in the military and in law enforcement are sick
and tired of weak citizens who will not serve. We have a greater
right to own guns, and to vote, than you do. We are your fucking
superiors. And, btw, we are getting more and more of those of us
in the miltary and in law enforcement elected to public office. We
will rule you.

Aaron R. Kulkis

Oct 1, 2000, 7:00:00 AM10/1/00

Since liberals were totally happy with Clinton's ex-post-facto tax...
how about an ex-post-facto tax on all of those who have never served.

Heh heh heh heh

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A: The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
direction that she doesn't like.

C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
...despite (D) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.

Scott Leahy

Oct 2, 2000, 5:08:46 AM10/2/00

On Sat, 30 Sep 2000 22:08:34 GMT, N9NWO <> wrote:

>1. guns are less available today than they were in the '50s.

>2. many of us in the military and in law enforcement are sick
>and tired of weak citizens who will not serve. We have a greater
>right to own guns, and to vote, than you do. We are your fucking
>superiors. And, btw, we are getting more and more of those of us
>in the miltary and in law enforcement elected to public office. We
>will rule you.

Sounds like Kruschev banging his shoe at the UN, doesn't it? What was
it he said? "We will bury you", something like that.

What was your name again, uh, N9NWO?


Scott Leahy
American-Gun-owner-Democrat and damned proud of all.

Aaron R. Kulkis

Oct 2, 2000, 7:00:00 AM10/2/00

You really like to aim at your own foot, don't you.

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
ICQ # 3056642


Oct 3, 2000, 1:50:04 AM10/3/00

: N9NWO> 2. many of us in the military and in law enforcement are sick
: N9NWO> and tired of weak citizens who will not serve. We have a greater
: N9NWO> right to own guns, and to vote, than you do. We are your fucking
: N9NWO> superiors. And, btw, we are getting more and more of those of us
: N9NWO> in the miltary and in law enforcement elected to public office. We
: N9NWO> will rule you.
:Your totalitarian side is showing, again.

No I am just tired of you believing that lie that taxes equals
caring. That you can bribe others to do what you will not
get your hands dirty doing.

That means that others will raise your children (teachers), others
will defend this country (there is no responsibility to defend those
who will not defend themselves), that others will deal with the poor.

All because you are too weak to serve. And you wonder why freedom
is disappearing.


Oct 5, 2000, 7:00:00 AM10/5/00

: N9NWO> 2. many of us in the military and in law enforcement are sick
: N9NWO> and tired of weak citizens who will not serve. We have a greater
: N9NWO> right to own guns, and to vote, than you do. We are your fucking
: N9NWO> superiors. And, btw, we are getting more and more of those of us
: N9NWO> in the miltary and in law enforcement elected to public office. We
: N9NWO> will rule you.
: >>
: >> Your totalitarian side is showing, again.
: N9NWO> No I am just tired of you believing that lie that taxes equals
: N9NWO> caring. That you can bribe others to do what you will not
:I am tired of your totalitarianism and lies.
:I never said anything of the sort about taxes.
: N9NWO> get your hands dirty doing.
: N9NWO> That means that others will raise your children (teachers), others
:My wife and I have far more to do with the raising of our children
:than their teachers do.
: N9NWO> will defend this country (there is no responsibility to defend those
:Should this country need defending, I will do all I can to help.
: N9NWO> who will not defend themselves), that others will deal with the poor.
:I give a lot to charity.
: N9NWO> All because you are too weak to serve. And you wonder why freedom
: N9NWO> is disappearing.
:Freedom is disappearing because of totalitarians like yourself.

Freedom is disappearing because you will not do your part. Gun
ownership goes up after a major war because more people are exposed to
using them. It goes down, in times like now, because so few serve.
Countries, like Switzerland and Israel, have higher levels of gun
ownership because all males are required to serve therefore more
individuals are aware of guns.

There is nothing totalitarian about demanding that everyone does there
duty, shares equally in service. Look, your family may be well run
but most are not. Too many young men are being raised without fathers
even in high income homes. Grandparents are too far away. Most
people no longer live on a farm or in a rural community. They are
urban, either in a city or right outside one. With so many single
parnet moms, they welcome a "daddy" government that raises the kids
(teachers), uses cops to protect them (like a father should) and so

One top of that we seeing our society feminized. Few young men are
being trained to become men. At least the Army would do that. It
would get them away from their mommies' skirts.

I know that you do not like government interferrence in your life.
But you are not helpless. We still have recourse in the policies of
country. Yes it does seem that seem that the press has more
influence over the politicians than we do. But then so few of us
are involved so why should they listen to us? If we do not care,
why should they care about us??


Oct 8, 2000, 7:00:00 AM10/8/00

: N9NWO> Freedom is disappearing because you will not do your part. Gun
:No, it is disappearing because of people like you, that try to
:impose their will on others.

No, freedom is disappearing because people are weak. We are now
in a period of neo-Victorianism. As during the last Victorian Age,
you have a push to feminize society. Then men had to hide in their
clubs to have any peace. That option is no longer available.

Our society is much like many churches. The only adult male is the
pastor. The democratic party is made of weak, feminized individuals
with a handful of strong establishment types running the party.

You can not impose your will on those who are strong, who know
themselves. You may persuade them but you can not force them.
(Especially if they are organized and have numbers.)

: N9NWO> ownership goes up after a major war because more people are exposed to
: N9NWO> using them. It goes down, in times like now, because so few serve.
: N9NWO> Countries, like Switzerland and Israel, have higher levels of gun
: N9NWO> ownership because all males are required to serve therefore more
: N9NWO> individuals are aware of guns.
:Are you equating freedom with the numbers of people that own guns?
:Very odd. One should, of course, be free to own a gun, but owning
:one is not a measure of freedom.

The ancient Greeks held that every man must be made of three parts.
A scholar, a diplomat, a warrior. This codified in the first three
amendments of the Constitution. The freedom of religion is to be a
scholar, to form your beliefs. The freedom of speech is to be a
diplomat, to communicate your beliefs and to debate them. The right
to bear arms is to defense your beliefs against unjust oppression.

Before WW2, the Japanese people were controlled as they were limited
in what they could learn as the people only had 512 words while the
upper class had over 2000. The Soviet Union controlled their people
by restricting their ability to communicate (the Russians were good
scholars and warriors however). And many cultures limited the lower
classes ability to rebel. American blacks were not allowed to learn,
to speak or fight back.

: N9NWO> There is nothing totalitarian about demanding that everyone does there
: N9NWO> duty, shares equally in service. Look, your family may be well run
:Yes there is. If they do not want to do your bidding, you are
:restricting their freedom.
:The draft is a form of slavery, explicitly banned by the Constitution.

The draft is a duty to country. It is a duty that all males are
required to perform as demanded by the second amendment.
If you do not like the missions that soldiers are asked to do
then vote politicians into office who share your vision of what
our foreign policy should be. But do not run away and hide
like so many on the right have done.

: N9NWO> but most are not. Too many young men are being raised without fathers
: N9NWO> even in high income homes. Grandparents are too far away. Most
: N9NWO> people no longer live on a farm or in a rural community. They are
: N9NWO> urban, either in a city or right outside one. With so many single
: N9NWO> parnet moms, they welcome a "daddy" government that raises the kids
: N9NWO> (teachers), uses cops to protect them (like a father should) and so
: N9NWO> forth.
: N9NWO> One top of that we seeing our society feminized. Few young men are
: N9NWO> being trained to become men. At least the Army would do that. It
: N9NWO> would get them away from their mommies' skirts.
:But if you are forcing them to adhere with your concept of manliness,
:you have deprived them of some of their freedom.

Nature itself determines what manhood is. It is built into our genes.
We either accept it or fight it.

: N9NWO> I know that you do not like government interferrence in your life.
: N9NWO> But you are not helpless. We still have recourse in the policies of
: N9NWO> country. Yes it does seem that seem that the press has more
: N9NWO> influence over the politicians than we do. But then so few of us
: N9NWO> are involved so why should they listen to us? If we do not care,
: N9NWO> why should they care about us??
:I do care. But I do not, like you, try to impose my will on others.

Then get involved in politics instead of bitching on the internet.


Oct 8, 2000, 7:00:00 AM10/8/00

Don Barzini

Oct 9, 2000, 7:00:00 AM10/9/00
In article <>,

N9NWO <> wrote:
> : N9NWO> Freedom is disappearing because you will not do your part.
> :
> :No, it is disappearing because of people like you, that try to
> :impose their will on others.
> No, freedom is disappearing because people are weak.

Wrong, again, Greggie. It's disappearing because tiny-minded little
twits like you want it to disappear.

> We are now
> in a period of neo-Victorianism. As during the last Victorian Age,
> you have a push to feminize society.

You don't know much about history, do you?

> Then men had to hide in their
> clubs to have any peace. That option is no longer available.

What rubbish.

> Our society is much like many churches. The only adult male is the
> pastor.

Where do you get these bizarre ideas?

> The democratic party is made of weak, feminized individuals
> with a handful of strong establishment types running the party.

Ah, the conspiracy.

> You can not impose your will on those who are strong, who know
> themselves.

Oh, the irony.

> You may persuade them but you can not force them.

Uh...isn't the result the same?

> (Especially if they are organized and have numbers.)

Greggie, you're ranting now.

> : N9NWO> ownership goes up after a major war because more people are
exposed to
> : N9NWO> using them. It goes down, in times like now, because so
few serve.
> : N9NWO> Countries, like Switzerland and Israel, have higher levels
of gun
> : N9NWO> ownership because all males are required to serve therefore
> : N9NWO> individuals are aware of guns.
> :
> :Are you equating freedom with the numbers of people that own guns?
> :
> :Very odd. One should, of course, be free to own a gun, but owning
> :one is not a measure of freedom.
> The ancient Greeks held that every man must be made of three parts.
> A scholar, a diplomat, a warrior.

There aren't many ancient Greeks left, are there?

> This codified in the first three
> amendments of the Constitution.

Try again,oh tiny-brained one.

> The freedom of religion is to be a
> scholar, to form your beliefs.

Then why are you trying to shove yours down our throat? Strike one.

> The freedom of speech is to be a
> diplomat, to communicate your beliefs and to debate them.

You just rant and rave like a lunatic. Strike two.

> The right
> to bear arms is to defense your beliefs against unjust oppression.

And people like you. BTW, that was only two amendments you discussed,
no three. Strike three...Yer out!

> Before WW2, the Japanese people were controlled as they were limited
> in what they could learn as the people only had 512 words while the
> upper class had over 2000.

What a load. Where did you get this?

> The Soviet Union controlled their people
> by restricting their ability to communicate (the Russians were good
> scholars and warriors however). And many cultures limited the lower
> classes ability to rebel. American blacks were not allowed to learn,
> to speak or fight back.

Getting sentimental for the old days, huh?

> : N9NWO> There is nothing totalitarian about demanding that everyone
does there
> : N9NWO> duty, shares equally in service. Look, your family may be
well run
> :
> :Yes there is. If they do not want to do your bidding, you are
> :restricting their freedom.
> :
> :The draft is a form of slavery, explicitly banned by the
> The draft is a duty to country. It is a duty that all males are
> required to perform as demanded by the second amendment.

Then why doesn't the second amendment discuss it specifically. Try
again, hosebag.

Nature screwed you over, didn't it?

> : N9NWO> I know that you do not like government interferrence in
your life.
> : N9NWO> But you are not helpless. We still have recourse in the
policies of
> : N9NWO> country. Yes it does seem that seem that the press has
> : N9NWO> influence over the politicians than we do. But then so few
of us
> : N9NWO> are involved so why should they listen to us? If we do not
> : N9NWO> why should they care about us??
> :
> :I do care. But I do not, like you, try to impose my will on others.
> Then get involved in politics instead of bitching on the internet.

Start by voting AGAINST all RepubliKKKans.

Sent via
Before you buy.

Edward L. Sanwhicheater

Oct 9, 2000, 7:00:00 AM10/9/00

N9NWO wrote:
> : N9NWO> Freedom is disappearing because you will not do your part. Gun
> :
> :No, it is disappearing because of people like you, that try to
> :impose their will on others.

> No, freedom is disappearing because people are weak. We are now

> in a period of neo-Victorianism. As during the last Victorian Age,

> you have a push to feminize society. Then men had to hide in their

> clubs to have any peace. That option is no longer available.

Huh?? Ridiculous. If freedom is disappearing, and I see no evidence that
it is, the limitations on freedom would be imposed by those on the
right. Those who want to legislate religion, what a woman can do with
her body, morality and those who would limit the freedom of someone
because of there nationality , their color, their religion or lack of
religion or their sexual orientation.

> Our society is much like many churches. The only adult male is the

> pastor. The democratic party is made of weak, feminized individuals

> with a handful of strong establishment types running the party.

Not only ridiculous but utterly stupid.

> You can not impose your will on those who are strong, who know

> themselves. You may persuade them but you can not force them.

> (Especially if they are organized and have numbers.)

Whats your point? Are you strong? It doesnt appear so by the extreme
level of FEAR in your posts. But conservatism is the philosophy of the

> : N9NWO> ownership goes up after a major war because more people are exposed to
> : N9NWO> using them. It goes down, in times like now, because so few serve.
> : N9NWO> Countries, like Switzerland and Israel, have higher levels of gun
> : N9NWO> ownership because all males are required to serve therefore more
> : N9NWO> individuals are aware of guns.
> :
> :Are you equating freedom with the numbers of people that own guns?
> :
> :Very odd. One should, of course, be free to own a gun, but owning
> :one is not a measure of freedom.
> The ancient Greeks held that every man must be made of three parts.
> A scholar, a diplomat, a warrior.

So? Theyre all dead.

> This codified in the first three

> amendments of the Constitution. The freedom of religion is to be a
> scholar, to form your beliefs. The freedom of speech is to be a
> diplomat, to communicate your beliefs and to debate them. The right

> to bear arms is to defense your beliefs against unjust oppression.

So you are not a literalist when it comes to the constitution. Funny,
most conservatives are.

> Before WW2, the Japanese people were controlled as they were limited
> in what they could learn as the people only had 512 words while the
> upper class had over 2000.

Yeah right.

> The Soviet Union controlled their people
> by restricting their ability to communicate (the Russians were good
> scholars and warriors however). And many cultures limited the lower
> classes ability to rebel. American blacks were not allowed to learn,
> to speak or fight back.

Do you have a point or are you just rambling?

> : N9NWO> There is nothing totalitarian about demanding that everyone does there
> : N9NWO> duty, shares equally in service. Look, your family may be well run
> :
> :Yes there is. If they do not want to do your bidding, you are
> :restricting their freedom.
> :
> :The draft is a form of slavery, explicitly banned by the Constitution.
> The draft is a duty to country.

No it isnt.

>It is a duty that all males are
> required to perform as demanded by the second amendment.

Have you ever read the second amendment? I guess not, you were also
wrong about the first amendment.

> If you do not like the missions that soldiers are asked to do
> then vote politicians into office who share your vision of what
> our foreign policy should be. But do not run away and hide
> like so many on the right have done.

During the Vietnam war those who went to canada or jail were as
honorable as those who went to vietnam. Only a fool or a brain dead
zombie would fight in a war in which they dont believe. Principle is
more important then patriotism.

> : N9NWO> but most are not. Too many young men are being raised without fathers
> : N9NWO> even in high income homes. Grandparents are too far away. Most
> : N9NWO> people no longer live on a farm or in a rural community. They are
> : N9NWO> urban, either in a city or right outside one. With so many single
> : N9NWO> parnet moms, they welcome a "daddy" government that raises the kids
> : N9NWO> (teachers), uses cops to protect them (like a father should) and so
> : N9NWO> forth.
> :
> : N9NWO> One top of that we seeing our society feminized. Few young men are
> : N9NWO> being trained to become men. At least the Army would do that. It
> : N9NWO> would get them away from their mommies' skirts.
> :
> :But if you are forcing them to adhere with your concept of manliness,
> :you have deprived them of some of their freedom.
> Nature itself determines what manhood is. It is built into our genes.
> We either accept it or fight it.

Nature has no idea that the concept of manhood exists.

> : N9NWO> I know that you do not like government interferrence in your life.
> : N9NWO> But you are not helpless. We still have recourse in the policies of
> : N9NWO> country. Yes it does seem that seem that the press has more
> : N9NWO> influence over the politicians than we do. But then so few of us
> : N9NWO> are involved so why should they listen to us? If we do not care,
> : N9NWO> why should they care about us??
> :
> :I do care. But I do not, like you, try to impose my will on others.
> Then get involved in politics instead of bitching on the internet.


Oct 9, 2000, 7:00:00 AM10/9/00
:> :No, it is disappearing because of people like you, that try to

:> :impose their will on others.
:> No, freedom is disappearing because people are weak. We are now
:> in a period of neo-Victorianism. As during the last Victorian Age,
:> you have a push to feminize society. Then men had to hide in their
:> clubs to have any peace. That option is no longer available.
:Huh?? Ridiculous. If freedom is disappearing, and I see no evidence that
:it is, the limitations on freedom would be imposed by those on the
:right. Those who want to legislate religion, what a woman can do with
:her body, morality and those who would limit the freedom of someone
:because of there nationality , their color, their religion or lack of
:religion or their sexual orientation.

It was his comments about freedom disappearing because I suggest
that we mandate military service. My comments were that freedom is
disappearing because the left has created a society where weakness
is a virtue.

Look at the way we treat boys in school. If they are too active then
we drug them. Teachers value the female values of sitting still and
playing nice. Not the rough and tumble of maleness.

We need formal military training for all males, as required by the
Second Amendment. Every male, if fit, should be required to serve
in the National Guard.

:> Our society is much like many churches. The only adult male is the

:> pastor. The democratic party is made of weak, feminized individuals
:> with a handful of strong establishment types running the party.
:Not only ridiculous but utterly stupid.

The democratic party is a collection of misfits, of those who see
themselves as outsiders. There are only a few strong individuals
in the party.

:> You can not impose your will on those who are strong, who know

:> themselves. You may persuade them but you can not force them.
:> (Especially if they are organized and have numbers.)
:Whats your point? Are you strong? It doesnt appear so by the extreme
:level of FEAR in your posts. But conservatism is the philosophy of the

I have no fear. Most of what goes on will not effect me. But it will
effect you.

And remember it is the democrats who use group politics (strength in
numbers). The guy I was replying to was fearful of mandatory
military service. My point to him was that he organized others then
there is strength in that organization and numbers.

:> : N9NWO> ownership goes up after a major war because more people are exposed to

:> : N9NWO> using them. It goes down, in times like now, because so few serve.
:> : N9NWO> Countries, like Switzerland and Israel, have higher levels of gun
:> : N9NWO> ownership because all males are required to serve therefore more
:> : N9NWO> individuals are aware of guns.
:> :
:> :Are you equating freedom with the numbers of people that own guns?
:> :
:> :Very odd. One should, of course, be free to own a gun, but owning
:> :one is not a measure of freedom.
:> The ancient Greeks held that every man must be made of three parts.
:> A scholar, a diplomat, a warrior.
:So? Theyre all dead.

Wisdom lives on. Reason is dangerous as it forgets wisdom.
History has much to teach us, if we only listen.

:> This codified in the first three

:> amendments of the Constitution. The freedom of religion is to be a
:> scholar, to form your beliefs. The freedom of speech is to be a
:> diplomat, to communicate your beliefs and to debate them. The right
:> to bear arms is to defense your beliefs against unjust oppression.
:So you are not a literalist when it comes to the constitution. Funny,
:most conservatives are.

That is a literalist view. Burke.

:> Before WW2, the Japanese people were controlled as they were limited

:> in what they could learn as the people only had 512 words while the
:> upper class had over 2000.
:Yeah right.

Go read about the speech made by the emperor
to the Japanese people at the end of the war. The
comments were that they only understood one out of
fours words he said. This is well known.

A friend, Dr. Dave Koltick of the Purdue Physics Dept.,
pointed this out. He grew up in Japan after the war as
his dad was an Air Force Sargent.

:> The Soviet Union controlled their people

:> by restricting their ability to communicate (the Russians were good
:> scholars and warriors however). And many cultures limited the lower
:> classes ability to rebel. American blacks were not allowed to learn,
:> to speak or fight back.
:Do you have a point or are you just rambling?

That there are several ways of controlling people.
Limit what they can learn, what they can speak or
their ability to defend themselves.

And as most left wingers will not defend themselves,
they are weak and controllable. They are not whole
human beings.

:> : N9NWO> There is nothing totalitarian about demanding that everyone does there

:> : N9NWO> duty, shares equally in service. Look, your family may be well run
:> :
:> :Yes there is. If they do not want to do your bidding, you are
:> :restricting their freedom.
:> :
:> :The draft is a form of slavery, explicitly banned by the Constitution.
:> The draft is a duty to country.
:No it isnt.

It always has been.

:>It is a duty that all males are

:> required to perform as demanded by the second amendment.
:Have you ever read the second amendment? I guess not, you were also
:wrong about the first amendment.

We are required to have a well regulated militia. What is a militia?
By law (Title 10 USC Sect 311) is ALL males between the ages of
17 and 45 who are fit to serve, plus the National Guard. What is well
regulated? It is that all males are to be trained, and equipped, to
serve in the military or to perform police and fire duties.

And all males "well regulated"??? No.

:> If you do not like the missions that soldiers are asked to do

:> then vote politicians into office who share your vision of what
:> our foreign policy should be. But do not run away and hide
:> like so many on the right have done.
:During the Vietnam war those who went to canada or jail were as
:honorable as those who went to vietnam. Only a fool or a brain dead
:zombie would fight in a war in which they dont believe. Principle is
:more important then patriotism.

Never. And to make sure that never happens again, we have
agreements with Canada and other countries to return draft dodgers.
And future drafts will not have exemptions.

You will serve. And you will like it.

:> : N9NWO> but most are not. Too many young men are being raised without fathers

:> : N9NWO> even in high income homes. Grandparents are too far away. Most
:> : N9NWO> people no longer live on a farm or in a rural community. They are
:> : N9NWO> urban, either in a city or right outside one. With so many single
:> : N9NWO> parnet moms, they welcome a "daddy" government that raises the kids
:> : N9NWO> (teachers), uses cops to protect them (like a father should) and so
:> : N9NWO> forth.
:> :
:> : N9NWO> One top of that we seeing our society feminized. Few young men are
:> : N9NWO> being trained to become men. At least the Army would do that. It
:> : N9NWO> would get them away from their mommies' skirts.
:> :
:> :But if you are forcing them to adhere with your concept of manliness,
:> :you have deprived them of some of their freedom.
:> Nature itself determines what manhood is. It is built into our genes.
:> We either accept it or fight it.
:Nature has no idea that the concept of manhood exists.

Of cause it does. It is part of the sex drive. The same hormones
that cause us to funk every bitch that comes along also causes
to be the shit out of other males.

:> : N9NWO> I know that you do not like government interferrence in your life.

:> : N9NWO> But you are not helpless. We still have recourse in the policies of
:> : N9NWO> country. Yes it does seem that seem that the press has more
:> : N9NWO> influence over the politicians than we do. But then so few of us
:> : N9NWO> are involved so why should they listen to us? If we do not care,
:> : N9NWO> why should they care about us??
:> :
:> :I do care. But I do not, like you, try to impose my will on others.
:> Then get involved in politics instead of bitching on the internet.

The left is weak. Therefore useless.

And the cops treat them like the weak cowards
they are.

Don Barzini

Oct 9, 2000, 7:00:00 AM10/9/00
In article <>,

N9NWO <> wrote:
> :
> :> :No, it is disappearing because of people like you, that try to
> :> :impose their will on others.
> :>
> :> No, freedom is disappearing because people are weak. We are now
> :> in a period of neo-Victorianism. As during the last Victorian
> :> you have a push to feminize society. Then men had to hide in their
> :> clubs to have any peace. That option is no longer available.
> :>
> :
> :Huh?? Ridiculous. If freedom is disappearing, and I see no evidence
> :it is, the limitations on freedom would be imposed by those on the
> :right. Those who want to legislate religion, what a woman can do with
> :her body, morality and those who would limit the freedom of someone
> :because of there nationality , their color, their religion or lack of
> :religion or their sexual orientation.
> It was his comments about freedom disappearing because I suggest
> that we mandate military service. My comments were that freedom is
> disappearing because the left has created a society where weakness
> is a virtue.

And you have been shown to be wrong...again.

> Look at the way we treat boys in school. If they are too active then
> we drug them. Teachers value the female values of sitting still and
> playing nice. Not the rough and tumble of maleness.


> We need formal military training for all males, as required by the
> Second Amendment. Every male, if fit, should be required to serve
> in the National Guard.

Read it again, oh tiny-brained one. Nothing in the 2nd amendment
mentions a draft.

> :> Our society is much like many churches. The only adult male is the
> :> pastor. The democratic party is made of weak, feminized
> :> with a handful of strong establishment types running the party.
> :>
> :
> :Not only ridiculous but utterly stupid.
> The democratic party is a collection of misfits, of those who see
> themselves as outsiders. There are only a few strong individuals
> in the party.

Have you been drinking again?

> :> You can not impose your will on those who are strong, who know
> :> themselves. You may persuade them but you can not force them.
> :> (Especially if they are organized and have numbers.)
> :>
> :
> :Whats your point? Are you strong? It doesnt appear so by the extreme
> :level of FEAR in your posts. But conservatism is the philosophy of
> :fearful.

Hear hear!

> I have no fear.

You're the biggest coward going.

> Most of what goes on will not effect me. But it will
> effect you.

That's why YOU spend all YOUR time bitching and moaning, huh?

> And remember it is the democrats who use group politics (strength in
> numbers).

The repubs have never done that with say the religious right. Oh yeah.

> The guy I was replying to was fearful of mandatory
> military service.

Fearful? Define what you mean here. He could have been guided by moral

> My point to him was that he organized others then
> there is strength in that organization and numbers.

But no group politics, huh?

> :> : N9NWO> ownership goes up after a major war because more people
are exposed to
> :> : N9NWO> using them. It goes down, in times like now, because so
few serve.
> :> : N9NWO> Countries, like Switzerland and Israel, have higher
levels of gun
> :> : N9NWO> ownership because all males are required to serve
therefore more
> :> : N9NWO> individuals are aware of guns.
> :> :
> :> :Are you equating freedom with the numbers of people that own guns?
> :> :
> :> :Very odd. One should, of course, be free to own a gun, but owning
> :> :one is not a measure of freedom.
> :>
> :> The ancient Greeks held that every man must be made of three parts.
> :> A scholar, a diplomat, a warrior.
> :
> :So? Theyre all dead.
> Wisdom lives on.

It seems dead in your house.

> Reason is dangerous as it forgets wisdom.

[hic]. Put down the bottle and start making sense.

> History has much to teach us, if we only listen.

Yes. It teaches us that your profound ignorance (don't worry, you're
not the only one who's ignorant) is dangerous.

> :> This codified in the first three
> :> amendments of the Constitution. The freedom of religion is to be a
> :> scholar, to form your beliefs. The freedom of speech is to be a
> :> diplomat, to communicate your beliefs and to debate them. The
> :> to bear arms is to defense your beliefs against unjust oppression.
> :>
> :
> :So you are not a literalist when it comes to the constitution. Funny,
> :most conservatives are.
> That is a literalist view. Burke.

Except that's not what it says.

> :> Before WW2, the Japanese people were controlled as they were
> :> in what they could learn as the people only had 512 words while the
> :> upper class had over 2000.
> :
> :Yeah right.
> Go read about the speech made by the emperor
> to the Japanese people at the end of the war. The
> comments were that they only understood one out of
> fours words he said. This is well known.

Dummy, that's because the emperor used a form of archaic japanese. It
had nothing to do with the number of words in the vocabulary. It was
like if Queen Elizabeth made a speech in 14th century English. No one
would understand what she was saying.

> A friend, Dr. Dave Koltick of the Purdue Physics Dept.,
> pointed this out. He grew up in Japan after the war as
> his dad was an Air Force Sargent.

Then he misled you.

> :> The Soviet Union controlled their people
> :> by restricting their ability to communicate (the Russians were good
> :> scholars and warriors however). And many cultures limited the
> :> classes ability to rebel. American blacks were not allowed to
> :> to speak or fight back.
> :>
> :
> :Do you have a point or are you just rambling?
> That there are several ways of controlling people.
> Limit what they can learn, what they can speak or
> their ability to defend themselves.

Some ignorance is self-imposed...Greg.

> And as most left wingers will not defend themselves,
> they are weak and controllable. They are not whole
> human beings.

Gawd, but don't you feel threatened by this.

> :> : N9NWO> There is nothing totalitarian about demanding that
everyone does there
> :> : N9NWO> duty, shares equally in service. Look, your family may
be well run
> :> :
> :> :Yes there is. If they do not want to do your bidding, you are
> :> :restricting their freedom.
> :> :
> :> :The draft is a form of slavery, explicitly banned by the
> :>
> :> The draft is a duty to country.
> :
> :No it isnt.
> It always has been.

Keep repeating the same lie. It won't be any truer in the future than
it is now.

> :>It is a duty that all males are
> :> required to perform as demanded by the second amendment.
> :
> :Have you ever read the second amendment? I guess not, you were also
> :wrong about the first amendment.
> We are required to have a well regulated militia. What is a militia?
> By law (Title 10 USC Sect 311) is ALL males between the ages of
> 17 and 45 who are fit to serve, plus the National Guard. What is well
> regulated? It is that all males are to be trained, and equipped, to
> serve in the military or to perform police and fire duties.

Has this EVER been enforced?

> And all males "well regulated"??? No.


> :> If you do not like the missions that soldiers are asked to do
> :> then vote politicians into office who share your vision of what
> :> our foreign policy should be. But do not run away and hide
> :> like so many on the right have done.
> :>
> :
> :During the Vietnam war those who went to canada or jail were as
> :honorable as those who went to vietnam. Only a fool or a brain dead
> :zombie would fight in a war in which they dont believe. Principle is
> :more important then patriotism.
> Never.

Sick bastard.

> And to make sure that never happens again, we have
> agreements with Canada and other countries to return draft dodgers.
> And future drafts will not have exemptions.

Cites? Thought not.

> You will serve. And you will like it.

You will bend over. And you ain't gonna like it one bit.


> that comes along also causes
> to be the shit out of other males.

This makes absolutely no sense. Does you wife realize that you are
referring to her as a funky bitch? Is she? Methinks Greggie is putting
on a show to cover up for some inadequacy.

> :> : N9NWO> I know that you do not like government interferrence in
your life.
> :> : N9NWO> But you are not helpless. We still have recourse in the
policies of
> :> : N9NWO> country. Yes it does seem that seem that the press has
> :> : N9NWO> influence over the politicians than we do. But then so
few of us
> :> : N9NWO> are involved so why should they listen to us? If we do
not care,
> :> : N9NWO> why should they care about us??
> :> :
> :> :I do care. But I do not, like you, try to impose my will on
> :>
> :> Then get involved in politics instead of bitching on the internet.
> The left is weak. Therefore useless.

You are stupid and even more useless.

> And the cops treat them like the weak cowards
> they are.

Yeah, yeah. Loser.

Aaron R. Kulkis

Oct 10, 2000, 7:00:00 AM10/10/00
to wrote:

> >>>>> N9NWO writes:
> >>
> >>> :No, it is disappearing because of people like you, that try to
> >>> :impose their will on others.
> >>>
> >>> No, freedom is disappearing because people are weak. We are now
> >>> in a period of neo-Victorianism. As during the last Victorian Age,
> >>> you have a push to feminize society. Then men had to hide in their
> >>> clubs to have any peace. That option is no longer available.
> >>>
> >>
> >> Huh?? Ridiculous. If freedom is disappearing, and I see no evidence that
> >> it is, the limitations on freedom would be imposed by those on the
> >> right. Those who want to legislate religion, what a woman can do with
> >> her body, morality and those who would limit the freedom of someone
> >> because of there nationality , their color, their religion or lack of
> >> religion or their sexual orientation.
> N9NWO> It was his comments about freedom disappearing because I suggest
> N9NWO> that we mandate military service. My comments were that freedom is
> Do not try to whitewash your totalitarian comments. This is what
> you said that would revulse any decent person:

> : N9NWO> 2. many of us in the military and in law enforcement are sick
> : N9NWO> and tired of weak citizens who will not serve. We have a greater
> : N9NWO> right to own guns, and to vote, than you do. We are your fucking
> : N9NWO> superiors. And, btw, we are getting more and more of those of us
> : N9NWO> in the miltary and in law enforcement elected to public office. We
> : N9NWO> will rule you.
> You were threatening to take over by force. You were claiming to be
> superior to those that disagree with your totalitarian ways.
> You are revolting.

Not nearly as much as a socialist asshole like you..

by the way, need to go wipe yourself.


> --
> Andrew Hall
> (Now reading Usenet in

Aaron R. Kulkis

Oct 11, 2000, 7:00:00 AM10/11/00
to wrote:
> >>>>> Aaron R Kulkis writes:
> Aaron> wrote:

> >>
> >> >>>>> N9NWO writes:
> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>> :No, it is disappearing because of people like you, that try to
> >> >>> :impose their will on others.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> No, freedom is disappearing because people are weak. We are now
> >> >>> in a period of neo-Victorianism. As during the last Victorian Age,
> >> >>> you have a push to feminize society. Then men had to hide in their
> >> >>> clubs to have any peace. That option is no longer available.
> >> >>>
> >> >>
> >> >> Huh?? Ridiculous. If freedom is disappearing, and I see no evidence that
> >> >> it is, the limitations on freedom would be imposed by those on the
> >> >> right. Those who want to legislate religion, what a woman can do with
> >> >> her body, morality and those who would limit the freedom of someone
> >> >> because of there nationality , their color, their religion or lack of
> >> >> religion or their sexual orientation.
> >>
> N9NWO> It was his comments about freedom disappearing because I suggest
> N9NWO> that we mandate military service. My comments were that freedom is
> >>
> >> Do not try to whitewash your totalitarian comments. This is what
> >> you said that would revulse any decent person:
> >>
> >> : N9NWO> 2. many of us in the military and in law enforcement are sick
> >> : N9NWO> and tired of weak citizens who will not serve. We have a greater
> >> : N9NWO> right to own guns, and to vote, than you do. We are your fucking
> >> : N9NWO> superiors. And, btw, we are getting more and more of those of us
> >> : N9NWO> in the miltary and in law enforcement elected to public office. We
> >> : N9NWO> will rule you.
> >>
> >> You were threatening to take over by force. You were claiming to be
> >> superior to those that disagree with your totalitarian ways.
> >>
> >> You are revolting.
> Aaron> Not nearly as much as a socialist asshole like you..
> Chuckle. You are a fool. If you support Mr. Dean, you
> are a totalitarian like him. I am libertarian.

then why do you write such non-libertarian drivel?

> Aaron> by the way, need to go wipe yourself.
> Oh, big dig! Where did you learn such cutting insults?
> Aaron> Eeeeeeeew!

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