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The Russian Conspiracy Theory Boils Over

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Joe Cooper

Feb 17, 2017, 10:41:51 AM2/17/17
The so-called scandal involving former National Security Advisor Mike
Flynn is 9/11, Pearl Harbor, Iran-Contra, Watergate, proof of
presidential fascism, a cynical money-making scheme, and a pro-Russian
spy thriller all rolled into one, according to the increasingly deranged
rants of howling left-wingers and their truth-adverse confederates in the
mainstream media.

Despite this relentless barrage of fake news and smears, President Donald
Trump pushed back against the orchestrated campaign against him yesterday
at what is sure to go down in history as The Best Presidential Press
Conference of All Time as he gave the mainstream media the beat-down it
deserves. (See transcript.)

“To give you an idea how Trump’s press conference went, afterwards, the
press corps demanded a safe space,” Ann Coulter tweeted of the 77-minute
long White House event, Trump’s first solo presser as president. “I wish
this press conference could go on all day.”

“The public doesn’t believe you people anymore,” a ferocious, animated
Trump told the assembled press corps. “Maybe I had something to do with
that. I don’t know. But they don’t believe you.”

“This whole Russia scam that you guys” are pushing on people is “so you
don’t talk about the real subject which is illegal leaks.”

“The public sees it,” he said. “They see it. They see it’s not fair. You
take a look at some of your shows and you see the bias and the hatred.
And the public is smart. They understand it.”

“I didn’t do anything for Russia,” he said. “I have done nothing for
Russia. Hillary Clinton gave them 20 percent of our uranium. Hillary
Clinton did a reset, remember with the stupid plastic button that made us
look like a bunch of jerks.”

A mewling Chuck Todd of NBC was offended by the president’s conduct at
the press conference and tweeted, “This [is] not a laughing matter. I’m
sorry, delegitimizing the press is un-American[.]”

Perhaps he shouldn’t have signed on to the effort to delegitimize
President Trump.

Manufactured mass hysteria directed against Trump
Todd, of course, is one the members of the media out to get Trump.

He recently said the invented Flynn-Russia crisis is “arguably the
biggest presidential scandal involving a foreign government since Iran-

Disgraced former anchorman Dan Rather, the poster child for journalistic
malfeasance who humiliated himself a decade ago with his proven lies
about George W. Bush’s military service record, couldn’t resist hopping
on the bandwagon in order to create the illusion he is relevant.

He gravely pontificated that “Watergate is the biggest political scandal
of my lifetime, until maybe now. It was the closest we came to a
debilitating Constitutional crisis, until maybe now.”

This manufactured mass hysteria directed against Trump, a democratically
elected president, in order to drive him from office continues. It feeds
on itself. It infects. It multiplies. It smothers.

This un-American mobocracy threatens to snuff out American democracy
itself if not contained.

Calls for President Trump’s impeachment, removal from office by the
Senate or by military coup, and assassination are growing on the Left as
it comes to grips with the fact that the Chief Executive is deadly
serious about protecting America and rolling back President Obama’s
poisonous legacy.

No claim or statement is too crazy, lawless, undemocratic, or barbaric
for the Left as it desperately tries to keep the borders open to Muslim
terrorists, Americans groaning under the chains of Obamacare, businesses
buried in red tape, and the welfare state ballooning.

Exhibit “A” from the magical land of fairy dust and unicorns is communist
mockumentary director Michael Moore.

In the complete absence of evidence, Moore called Trump a “Russian
traitor” and said he should vacate the White House. “We can do this the
easy way (you resign), or the hard way (impeachment).” He also called for
Trump to be arrested.

Todd, Rather, and Moore are far from alone.

On Fox News Channel, Sean Hannity held up an interview CNN’s Wolf Blitzer
did with Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) as an example of the media’s
“abusively biased coverage, this false narrative.”

“If members of the administration are essentially conspiring with Russia
either through the campaign earlier or now in the administration itself,
I mean, look, Wolf, that’s the definition of treason,” Moulton said.
“This is a very, very serious affair.”

From his perch at a glossy, content-free fashion magazine, MSNBC reject
Keith Olbermann huffed and puffed. “I call for the immediate indictment
of Michael Thomas Flynn on charges of and his immediate arrest on
suspicion of violation of the Logan Act,” he said invoking a long-
forgotten statute from 1799 under which no one has ever been convicted.
Trump should be named as Flynn’s “unindicted co-conspirator,” he added.

Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) conspiracy-theorized that Trump is using the
Flynn saga to privatize intelligence-gathering and help his friends on
Wall Street make money off it. Trump plans to ask Stephen A. Feinberg, a
co-founder of Cerberus Capital Management, to conduct “a broad review of
American intelligence agencies,” the New York Times has reported.

“Now what he’s doing is naming another Wall Streeter to go in like a
corporate takeover of the intelligence community, clearly with the intent
of creating a chilling effect upon these intelligence professionals, who
are trying to help America to understand how our security may have been
compromised in our relationship with Russia,” Markey said.

Riot-cheerleading Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), who claims the Reagan
administration flooded the nation’s inner cities with crack cocaine, was
overjoyed at Flynn’s ouster, describing him as “a liar and someone who
cannot be trusted.”

“I’ve always believed that there has been collusion between the Trump
outfit here, and Russia and the Kremlin. So I believe this is the tip of
the iceberg … the strategy and the plot, to defend Russia and to work
with Russia, is part of who Trump and his organization is,” Waters said.

New York Times columnist and hyperbole junkie Thomas Friedman accused
Flynn and Trump of participating in some weird, ill-defined international
conspiracy. “After the Russians did not respond harshly to the eviction
of their spies and diplomats, Trump actually tweeted out some positive
encouragement of this. Did the two of them cook this up all along?”

“And it gets … to two other issues,” Friedman continued. “The first is,
we have never taken seriously from the very beginning Russia hacked our
election. That was a 9/11-scale event. They attacked the core of our very
democracy. That was a Pearl Harbor-scale event.”

Radical kook Chauncey DeVega, who calls Trump a “fascist authoritarian,”
hyperventilated at Salon that the president is “a traitor to the United
States” and so are all who back him.

Trump’s “voters and other supporters who do not denounce him are also
traitors, and any Republican officials who continue to back Trump are
traitors as well,” he wrote, as visions of sending patriotic Americans to
die in forced labor camps danced in his head.

PJMedia’s Michael Walsh calls what’s happening in the country “a rolling
coup attempt” and he’s right.

Make no mistake about what’s happening here: this is a rolling
coup attempt, organized by elements of the intelligence
community, particularly CIA and NSA, abetted by Obama-era
holdovers in the understaffed Justice Department (Sally Yates,
take a bow) and the lickspittles of the leftist media, all of
whom have signed on with the “Resistance” in order to overturn
the results of the November election.

This escalating offensive against Trump kicked up a few notches after
Flynn, an arch foe of Islamofascism, was forced out of his critically
important advisory role Monday night by what is shaping up to be an East
German-style Ben Rhodes-centered deep state cabal.

Flynn, a retired lieutenant general in the U.S. Army, fell on his sword
reportedly for allegedly making contact with a Russian envoy. The White
House claims Flynn resigned after admitting he lied to Vice President
Mike Pence about his conversations with the Russian ambassador to the
U.S. Sergey Kislyak.

It’s not as if we know what actually happened with Flynn and the Russian
or Russians at this point, or if there was any contact at all. News
reports don’t quote any on-the-record sources.

And despite the lunatic ravings of NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, the New York
Times, the Washington Post, Bill Kristol, David Frum, Sally Kohn, Joan
Walsh, Hollywood celebrities, and many others, there is no credible
evidence whatsoever that Trump had anything to do with the hacking of the
Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee or that
Trump colluded with Russia in whatever may or may not have transpired.

Without proof all of this screaming about Flynn and Trump and their
supposedly nefarious connections to Vladimir Putin is just noise.

It could be (and likely is) completely made up.

Fiction is, after all, what Ben Rhodes, now identified as a major player
in the plot against the president, specialized in when he worked in the
Obama White House. Rhodes bragged to the New York Times about duping
Americans by creating a media “echo chamber” to promote the botched,
unenforceable nuclear nonproliferation agreement with the Islamic
Republic of Iran that will actually end up helping the mad mullahs who
want to kill us all get the bomb. Rhodes became a misinformation-
manufacturing servant of a hostile power while betraying his fellow
Americans to help an Islam-loving president cozy up to the world’s worst
state sponsor of terrorism.

But as we keep learning more and more about Rhodes and Obama’s post-
presidential sabotage apparatus, there was a small victory for common
sense as the FBI announced it sees no reason to do anything about the
Flynn case because there’s nothing there.

The FBI is still investigating the Russian saga but won’t pursue charges
against Flynn “barring new information that changes what they know,” CNN
reported last night. Although Flynn stumbled at times during FBI
interviews, investigators believe Flynn was “cooperative and provided
truthful answers.”

And that can’t be bad.


"For them, pro-choice boils down to just two options: Whatever they
demand and abortions."--Susan Stamper Brown

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 17, 2017, 12:52:43 PM2/17/17
Joe Cooper, <news:XnsA71F4E39FF6...@>
But he still has fired Flynn, and, more generally, he
significantly changed certain accents of his agenda after
the pressure, so, what public sees is that 'it works'.

> "I didn't do anything for Russia," he said. "I have done
> nothing for Russia. Hillary Clinton gave them 20 percent
> of our uranium. Hillary Clinton did a reset, remember
> with the stupid plastic button that made us look like a
> bunch of jerks."

He tries to defend himself, he is in a defensive stance.

As he sacrificed Flynn, one can expect he might sacrifice
someone / something else, and the members of his admin now
also keep it in their mind.

Joe Cooper

Feb 17, 2017, 12:57:54 PM2/17/17
"Oleg Smirnov" <> wrote in news:o87d5o$qsc$1

> But he still has fired Flynn, and, more generally, he
> significantly changed certain accents of his agenda after
> the pressure, so, what public sees is that 'it works'.

Ayup... Trump folded like a cheap tent, in spite of the fact that there is
zero evidence of any wrongdoing by anyone. Go figger.


Feb 17, 2017, 2:04:24 PM2/17/17
On 02/17/2017 12:56 PM, Joe Cooper wrote:
> "Oleg Smirnov" <> wrote in news:o87d5o$qsc$1
>> But he still has fired Flynn, and, more generally, he
>> significantly changed certain accents of his agenda after
>> the pressure, so, what public sees is that 'it works'.
> Ayup... Trump folded like a cheap tent, in spite of the fact that there is
> zero evidence of any wrongdoing by anyone. Go figger.

TRUMP only needs to be dissatisfied with the performance of someone in
that position to then decide to fire them.

And that timing worked well to get rid of someone that wasn't making the

That's Karma

Joe Cooper

Feb 18, 2017, 11:51:17 AM2/18/17
PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA71FBBE...@

> Flynn made contact while Trump was president in waiting and when
> Obama was president. Fact is, the US has only one government at a
> time.

Your point being...? Flynn broke no law, negotiated nothing.

Then, of course, one needs ask where Obama found the authority to intercept
communications by members of the Trump team - and perhaps Trump himself....
but hey, who's counting?

Siri Cruise

Feb 18, 2017, 3:10:27 PM2/18/17
In article <XnsA7205A0062D...@>,
Joe Cooper <> wrote:

> PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA71FBBE...@
> > Flynn made contact while Trump was president in waiting and when
> > Obama was president. Fact is, the US has only one government at a
> > time.
> Your point being...? Flynn broke no law, negotiated nothing.
> Then, of course, one needs ask where Obama found the authority to intercept
> communications by members of the Trump team - and perhaps Trump himself....
> but hey, who's counting?

Are you whinging that government should not have monitorred Russian diplomats?
Or that wiretaps should only record one side of a conversation?

:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted.
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'
Free the Amos Yee one.
Yeah, too bad about your so-called life. Ha-ha.

Rudy Canoza

Feb 18, 2017, 3:43:39 PM2/18/17
On 2/18/2017 8:49 AM, Joe Cooper wrote:
> PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA71FBBE...@
>> Flynn made contact while Trump was president in waiting and when
>> Obama was president. Fact is, the US has only one government at a
>> time.
> Your point being...? Flynn broke no law, negotiated nothing.
> Then, of course, one needs ask where Obama found the authority to intercept
> communications by members of the Trump team - and perhaps Trump himself....
> but hey, who's counting?

The intelligence and law enforcement services were monitoring Kislyak,
not Flynn. It doesn't really matter, though. You anti-terrorist
fanatics want the state to monitor everyone, without a warrant. When
Edward Snowden spilled the secrets about the extent of state
eavesdropping, you weren't calling for the prosecution of the agents in
the NSA, CIA and FBI - you called for the prosecution of Snowden.

You shitbags are wildly inconsistent.

Benny Spencer

Feb 18, 2017, 3:46:39 PM2/18/17
On 2/18/2017 12:10 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
> In article <XnsA7205A0062D...@>,
> Joe Cooper <> wrote:
>> PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA71FBBE...@
>>> Flynn made contact while Trump was president in waiting and when
>>> Obama was president. Fact is, the US has only one government at a
>>> time.
>> Your point being...? Flynn broke no law, negotiated nothing.
>> Then, of course, one needs ask where Obama found the authority to intercept
>> communications by members of the Trump team - and perhaps Trump himself....
>> but hey, who's counting?
> Are you whinging that government should not have monitorred

*monitored*, you fucking illiterate shit-4-braincell

"murderred", "murderrer"
"edittor", "edittorial"

And now:


I've given you the rule many times. You are just willfully stupid.


Feb 18, 2017, 3:59:15 PM2/18/17
On 02/18/2017 03:10 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
> In article <XnsA7205A0062D...@>,
> Joe Cooper <> wrote:
>> PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA71FBBE...@
>>> Flynn made contact while Trump was president in waiting and when
>>> Obama was president. Fact is, the US has only one government at a
>>> time.
>> Your point being...? Flynn broke no law, negotiated nothing.
>> Then, of course, one needs ask where Obama found the authority to intercept
>> communications by members of the Trump team - and perhaps Trump himself....
>> but hey, who's counting?
> Are you whinging that government should not have monitorred Russian diplomats?
> Or that wiretaps should only record one side of a conversation?

In America the "jack booted thugs" need a warrant to listen to Americans
private yoga and grandchildren conversation.....

If the FBI or NSA got a FISA warrant for terrorism being suspected, who
gave that warrant and what was the fraudulent proof that they used to
get the warrant? This is BIGGER THAN WATERGATE.

A government spying on the transition team and/or their "nominated"
cabinet before the nomination process is complete just to get dirt on
them to use to obstruct the nominations and/or.... post nomination
plans is criminal.



Feb 18, 2017, 4:08:09 PM2/18/17
On 02/18/2017 03:10 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
> In article <XnsA7205A0062D...@>,
> Joe Cooper <> wrote:
>> PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA71FBBE...@
>>> Flynn made contact while Trump was president in waiting and when
>>> Obama was president. Fact is, the US has only one government at a
>>> time.
>> Your point being...? Flynn broke no law, negotiated nothing.
>> Then, of course, one needs ask where Obama found the authority to intercept
>> communications by members of the Trump team - and perhaps Trump himself....
>> but hey, who's counting?
> Are you whinging that government should not have monitorred Russian diplomats?
> Or that wiretaps should only record one side of a conversation?

In America the "jack booted thugs" need a warrant to listen to Americans
private yoga and grandchildren conversation..... i.e. Hillary's
e-mails and Bill Clinton's meeting with AG Loretta Lynch.

If the FBI or NSA got a FISA warrant for terrorism being suspected by
Flynn, then who gave that warrant and what was the fraudulent proof that
they used to get the warrant? This is BIGGER THAN WATERGATE.

A government spying on the transition team and/or their "nominated"
cabinet before the nomination process is complete just to get dirt on
them to use to obstruct the nominations and/or.... post nomination
plans, is criminal.

Joe Cooper

Feb 19, 2017, 8:37:10 AM2/19/17
PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA7217E8...@

> Why was Flynn approaching a foregn goverment when he wasn't appointed
> by anyone to do so but acted as a private citizen (which is forbidden
> by the Logan Act)?

Because it was his job. (The Stupid strong here is.)

Joe Cooper

Feb 20, 2017, 6:52:39 AM2/20/17
PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA7219BC...@

> It couldn't have been Flynn's job because in December 2016 Obama was
> still president and he hadn't appointed Flynn to do anything.

Sorry, but your ignorance is showing. (Kids, STAY IN SCHOOL!)


Feb 20, 2017, 12:34:45 PM2/20/17
On 02/20/2017 11:22 AM, PIBB wrote:
> On 11:50 20 Feb 2017, Joe Cooper wrote:
>> PIBB <> wrote in
>> news:XnsA7219BC...@
>>> It couldn't have been Flynn's job because in December 2016
>>> Obama was still president and he hadn't appointed Flynn to do
>>> anything.
>> Sorry, but your ignorance is showing. (Kids, STAY IN SCHOOL!)
> The US has only one government at a time and Flynn was not part of
> it when he spoke to the Russian ambassador.
> Flynn was an unappointed civilian. The fact that at the time he
> was Trump's pick does not give him authority to represent the
> government.
And according to all accounts he never did say what the Obama Government
was going to do....

He spoke of some day after the ObamaRegime long gone and it was nebulous
so there was no speaking for the government. There was no promise made
on Obama's behalf.

The entire Liberal Narrative is false.

Rudy Canoza

Feb 20, 2017, 3:34:37 PM2/20/17
On 2/20/2017 8:22 AM, PIBB wrote:
> On 11:50 20 Feb 2017, Joe Cooper wrote:
>> PIBB <> wrote in
>> news:XnsA7219BC...@
>>> It couldn't have been Flynn's job because in December 2016
>>> Obama was still president and he hadn't appointed Flynn to do
>>> anything.
>> Sorry, but your ignorance is showing. (Kids, STAY IN SCHOOL!)
> The US has only one government at a time and Flynn was not part of
> it when he spoke to the Russian ambassador.
> Flynn was an unappointed civilian. The fact that at the time he
> was Trump's pick does not give him authority to represent the
> government.

The issue is not really that Flynn was violating the Logan Act. The
issue is that he lied about what he discussed with the Russian
ambassador, which compromised him and rendered him vulnerable to blackmail.

Of course, it isn't as if Trumpolini himself isn't also vulnerable to
it. Nearly everyone thinks he is.


Feb 20, 2017, 5:15:52 PM2/20/17
On 02/20/2017 06:50 AM, Joe Cooper wrote:
> PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA7219BC...@
>> It couldn't have been Flynn's job because in December 2016 Obama was
>> still president and he hadn't appointed Flynn to do anything.
> Sorry, but your ignorance is showing. (Kids, STAY IN SCHOOL!)
Or run away if you're in the same schools PIBB attended.

Joe Cooper

Feb 21, 2017, 9:14:38 AM2/21/17
PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA722A68...@

> Flynn was an unappointed civilian. The fact that at the time he
> was Trump's pick does not give him authority to represent the
> government.

Gee, you don't suppose that since Flynn was not representing the
government, nor purporting to, it sounds like your ignorance is STILL

Are you a Democrat, by chance?

Joe Cooper

Feb 21, 2017, 10:16:23 AM2/21/17
PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA723971...@

> As a citizen, Flynn illegally contacted the Russians without
> permission from the government and he discussed a illegal deal to
> suspend sanctions.

Flynn needed no permission from anyone to contact foreign representatives.
No such discussion took place, no promises made to augment or suspend

Yep, you're a Democrat - your ignorance brands you.


Feb 21, 2017, 11:39:56 AM2/21/17
On 02/21/2017 09:51 AM, PIBB wrote:
> On 14:12 21 Feb 2017, Joe Cooper wrote:
>> PIBB <> wrote in
>> news:XnsA722A68...@
>>> Flynn was an unappointed civilian. The fact that at the time
>>> he was Trump's pick does not give him authority to represent
>>> the government.
>> Gee, you don't suppose that since Flynn was not representing the
>> government, nor purporting to, it sounds like your ignorance is
>> STILL showing.
> As a citizen, Flynn illegally contacted the Russians without
> permission from the government and he discussed a illegal deal to
> suspend sanctions.
> Unfortunately for Flynn the whole conversation was being monitored
> and the transcripts are now just waiting to be published.
> Trump put his foot in it by saying that if Flynn had not been in
> touch with the Russians then Donald would have ordered it. However
> at the time the Obama government was in power.
> Donald overlooks the fact that the US has only one government at a
> time.

A private citizen (as you point out Flynn was at the time) can talk to a
Russian... free speech and all.

Until Trump was President, Flynn was NOT of the government. If he was
and the Transition team is government then Obama was guilty of spying on
our government employees without a warrant. That's illegal.

Democrats are pissing in the wind and it's Democrats will be going to
jail NOT Flynn. This is the Obama shadow government at work and that is
unconstitutional now that TRUMP is running the government. Releasing
that was NOT like illegally recording the conversation without a
warrant, it,s sabotaging the government, and espionage and they're both
serious enough to be punishable by death.

The ObamaRegime recording that was bad but holding it and then later
releasing that to the public was very serious since TRUMP was sworn in.

That makes it not only anti American constitutional violations of a
citizen but now it's a violation of National security.

Rudy Canoza

Feb 21, 2017, 12:14:03 PM2/21/17
On 2/21/2017 7:14 AM, Joe Cooper wrote:
> PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA723971...@
>> As a citizen, Flynn illegally contacted the Russians without
>> permission from the government and he discussed a illegal deal to
>> suspend sanctions.
> Flynn needed no permission from anyone to contact foreign representatives.
> No such discussion took place, no promises made to augment or suspend
> anything.

Are you *trying* to be stupid? Flynn already acknowledged that the
discussion *did* take place. The issue is what he said in it, and what
he said *about* it afterward. He discussed the sanctions imposed
against Russia, and told the Russian ambassador not to worry about it,
that their boy Trumpolini would relax or remove them once he was in
office. He didn't say that in so many words, of course, but it is the
essence of what he said. Then he lied about it to Pence and said he
never discussed sanctions with the ambassador at all.

What was it you blackshirts kept bleating over and over last November
and into December? Oh, yeah, it was something very much like this:
"Flynn's gone. Get over it."

You're really a fucking idiot, aren't you?


Feb 21, 2017, 12:19:50 PM2/21/17
On 02/21/2017 11:39 AM, PIBB wrote:
> On 15:14 21 Feb 2017, Joe Cooper wrote:
>> PIBB <> wrote in
>> news:XnsA723971...@
>>> As a citizen, Flynn illegally contacted the Russians without
>>> permission from the government and he discussed a illegal deal
>>> to suspend sanctions.
>> Flynn needed no permission from anyone to contact foreign
>> representatives. No such discussion took place, no promises made
>> to augment or suspend anything.
> Unfortunately for Flynn the whole conversation was being monitored
> and the transcripts are now just waiting to be published.

Was there a FISA warrant for that, and who was the terrorist that was
being monitored?

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 21, 2017, 12:59:22 PM2/21/17
PIBB, <news:XnsA723971...@>
> On 14:12 21 Feb 2017, Joe Cooper wrote:
>> PIBB <> wrote in
>> news:XnsA722A68...@
>>> Flynn was an unappointed civilian. The fact that at
>>> the time he was Trump's pick does not give him
>>> authority to represent the government.
>> Gee, you don't suppose that since Flynn was not
>> representing the government, nor purporting to, it
>> sounds like your ignorance is STILL showing.
> As a citizen, Flynn illegally contacted the Russians
> without permission from the government

Is it illegal to US citizens to contact the Russians
without permission from the government? Really?
Looks a bit like North Korea style.

> and he discussed a
> illegal deal to suspend sanctions.
> Unfortunately for Flynn the whole conversation was being
> monitored and the transcripts are now just waiting to be
> published.
> Trump put his foot in it by saying that if Flynn had not
> been in touch with the Russians then Donald would have
> ordered it. However at the time the Obama government was
> in power.
> Donald overlooks the fact that the US has only one
> government at a time.


Feb 21, 2017, 1:07:04 PM2/21/17
On 02/21/2017 12:55 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> PIBB, <news:XnsA723971...@>
>> On 14:12 21 Feb 2017, Joe Cooper wrote:
>>> PIBB <> wrote in
>>> news:XnsA722A68...@
>>>> Flynn was an unappointed civilian. The fact that at
>>>> the time he was Trump's pick does not give him
>>>> authority to represent the government.
>>> Gee, you don't suppose that since Flynn was not
>>> representing the government, nor purporting to, it
>>> sounds like your ignorance is STILL showing.
>> As a citizen, Flynn illegally contacted the Russians
>> without permission from the government

How does the government TRANSITION when the people involved can't speak
to anyone during the transition?

That's Karma

- 1.0.3 -
“I would hope that a wise *Latina woman* with the richness of her
experiences would more often than not reach a *better conclusion* than a
*white male* who hasn’t lived that life,” -Sonya Sotomayor-

Joe Cooper

Feb 21, 2017, 2:44:22 PM2/21/17
"Oleg Smirnov" <> wrote in news:o8hv26$8j1$1

> PIBB, <news:XnsA723971...@>
>> On 14:12 21 Feb 2017, Joe Cooper wrote:

[ignorant drivel snipped]

>> As a citizen, Flynn illegally contacted the Russians
>> without permission from the government

> Is it illegal to US citizens to contact the Russians
> without permission from the government? Really?
> Looks a bit like North Korea style.

No, Pibbie's just monumentally stupid.

Joe Cooper

Feb 21, 2017, 2:45:35 PM2/21/17
#BeamMeUpScotty <Hillary&Obama&> wrote in

[Pibbikins] As a citizen, Flynn illegally contacted the Russians
without permission from the government [/Pibbikins]

> How does the government TRANSITION when the people involved can't speak
> to anyone during the transition?

You'd have better luck asking pibbikins if he can add 1 and 1...

Rudy Canoza

Feb 21, 2017, 3:10:32 PM2/21/17
On 2/21/2017 11:43 AM, Joe Cooper wrote:
> #BeamMeUpScotty <Hillary&Obama&> wrote in
> news:bl%qA.29253$Ig2....@fx26.iad:
> [Pibbikins] As a citizen, Flynn illegally contacted the Russians
> without permission from the government [/Pibbikins]
>> How does the government TRANSITION when the people involved can't speak
>> to anyone during the transition?
> You'd have better luck asking pibbikins if he can add 1 and 1...

Fuck off. Flynn had no need, no legitimate reason, to speak with the
Russian ambassador prior to Trumpolini taking office. The whole thing
stank, for obvious reasons. Stop defending the sell-out to the Russians.

Joe Cooper

Feb 21, 2017, 3:11:06 PM2/21/17
PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA723C98...@

> Making representations is the problem. God jon we have a
> transcript of the conversation.

What "representations," exactly? Cite the transcript.

Rudy Canoza

Feb 21, 2017, 3:13:17 PM2/21/17
On 2/21/2017 12:09 PM, Joe Cooper wrote:
> PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA723C98...@
>> Making representations is the problem. God jon we have a
>> transcript of the conversation.
> What "representations," exactly? Cite the transcript.

Fuck off. Flynn represented that the sanctions would be relaxed or
lifted altogether once Trumpolini took office.


Feb 21, 2017, 5:13:06 PM2/21/17
On 02/21/2017 02:44 PM, PIBB wrote:
> All electronic communciations are monitored by intel agencies without
> any warrants being required.

That is wrong.... they can only listen to the communication if it
originated outside the U.S. or is from the U.S. to a terrorist... They
need a warrant to actually have access to the conversation of any others.

If you remember the guy hiding in Russia "Edward Snowden", that ran off
with a laptop filled with NSA SECRETS posted the fact/proof that
*Obama's* *shadow government* was saving all phone calls and it created
a shit storm for the ObamaRegime. They were illegally holding all that
information.... and it looks like they were still breaking the laws
right up to the last days.


Feb 21, 2017, 5:15:50 PM2/21/17
On 02/21/2017 02:43 PM, Joe Cooper wrote:
> #BeamMeUpScotty <Hillary&Obama&> wrote in
> news:bl%qA.29253$Ig2....@fx26.iad:
> [Pibbikins] As a citizen, Flynn illegally contacted the Russians
> without permission from the government [/Pibbikins]
>> How does the government TRANSITION when the people involved can't speak
>> to anyone during the transition?
> You'd have better luck asking pibbikins if he can add 1 and 1...
We could go back and listen to all Obama's TRANSITION phone calls and
find out if Obama and his people were doing any of the same stuff they
are accusing TRUMP's staff of doing.

Then the TRUMP staffers could leak those conversations.... so we know
what the Obama Shadow Government was up to when they were transitioning.


Feb 22, 2017, 11:48:03 AM2/22/17
On 02/22/2017 04:07 AM, PIBB wrote:
> On 22:15 21 Feb 2017, #BeamMeUpScotty wrote:
>> On 02/21/2017 02:43 PM, Joe Cooper wrote:
>>> #BeamMeUpScotty <Hillary&Obama&>
>>> wrote in news:bl%qA.29253$Ig2....@fx26.iad:
>>> [Pibbikins] As a citizen, Flynn illegally contacted the
>>> Russians without permission from the government [/Pibbikins]
>>>> How does the government TRANSITION when the people involved
>>>> can't speak to anyone during the transition?
>>> You'd have better luck asking pibbikins if he can add 1 and
>>> 1...
>> We could go back and listen to all Obama's TRANSITION phone
>> calls and find out if Obama and his people were doing any of the
>> same stuff they are accusing TRUMP's staff of doing.
> I am perfectly sure the intel services did listen to those phone
> calls. It would be iresponsible of them if they didn't. I haven't
> heard of any concerns they raised about anything, so I guess there
> was nothing out of order.

That's Karma

111 - They tell me that Socialism is dead... I tell them it lives in a
constant state of failure.


Feb 22, 2017, 11:52:43 AM2/22/17
On 02/22/2017 04:05 AM, PIBB wrote:
> On 22:13 21 Feb 2017, #BeamMeUpScotty wrote:
>> On 02/21/2017 02:44 PM, PIBB wrote:
>>> On 17:19 21 Feb 2017, #BeamMeUpScotty wrote:
>>>> On 02/21/2017 11:39 AM, PIBB wrote:
>>>>> On 15:14 21 Feb 2017, Joe Cooper wrote:
>>>>>> PIBB <> wrote in
>>>>>> news:XnsA723971...@
>>>>>>> As a citizen, Flynn illegally contacted the Russians
>>>>>>> without permission from the government and he discussed a
>>>>>>> illegal deal to suspend sanctions.
>>>>>> Flynn needed no permission from anyone to contact foreign
>>>>>> representatives. No such discussion took place, no promises
>>>>>> made to augment or suspend anything.
>>>>> Unfortunately for Flynn the whole conversation was being
>>>>> monitored and the transcripts are now just waiting to be
>>>>> published.
>>>> Was there a FISA warrant for that, and who was the terrorist
>>>> that was being monitored?
>>> All electronic communciations are monitored by intel agencies
>>> without any warrants being required.
>> That is wrong.... they can only listen to the communication if
>> it originated outside the U.S. or is from the U.S. to a
>> terrorist... They need a warrant to actually have access to the
>> conversation of any others.
> There is a distinction between recording the electronic
> communications and listening to it. It is all stored. Tons of
> it. Listening and acting upon it requires a court's permission
> but in practise it isn't always sought.
>> If you remember the guy hiding in Russia "Edward Snowden", that
>> ran off with a laptop filled with NSA SECRETS posted the
>> fact/proof that *Obama's* *shadow government* was saving all
>> phone calls and it created a shit storm for the ObamaRegime.
>> They were illegally holding all that information.... and it
>> looks like they were still breaking the laws right up to the
>> last days.
> That looks like misleading info from Snowden because, as we now
> know, there is no shadow government. Snowden is unreliable
> necause he became a Russian sympathizer and is a traitor, so it's
> hard to trust what he says.
You seem to be ignorant of the instance in the discussion, it was all
true and Obama and his ilk were caught and had to change how this was
being done... but apparently they lied and they were still abusing
Americans 4th amendment rights.

They seem to be admitting it by knowing what Citizen Flynn was saying on
a phone call that was monitored without a warrant.

Joe Cooper

Feb 22, 2017, 12:03:47 PM2/22/17
PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA7245D384F3C6F3QA2@

> On 20:09 21 Feb 2017, Joe Cooper wrote:
>> PIBB <> wrote in
>> news:XnsA723C98...@
>>> Making representations is the problem. God jon we have a
>>> transcript of the conversation.
>> What "representations," exactly? Cite the transcript.

> We are awaiting the release of the transcript. The Trump team is
> doing it's best to hide it from the public.

Translation: I cannot support my allegations with facts.

> The leak will confirm what those who have already read the
> transcripts have said in public - namely that Flynn was making
> representations as part of his negotiation to reduce sanctions
> against Russia. What an idiot.

Translation: Having failed to support my specious bullshit, I am now free
to pretend I am precognitive.


Joe Cooper

Feb 22, 2017, 12:04:28 PM2/22/17
PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA7245D7...@

> Perhaps Flynn thought Trump would, in some way, protect him against
> the force of the law. Perhaps Flynn thought he had permission to
> break the rules.

Perhaps Flynn knew what you are too stupid to know: No laws were broken.


Feb 22, 2017, 12:53:15 PM2/22/17
On 02/22/2017 12:11 PM, PIBB wrote:
> The FISA warrart to monitor Flynn was issued last year.

So Flynn was a suspected terrorist?

I know Hillary would have been monitored under a FISA warrant if they
did that to Flynn. Where are the Hillary tapes?

Or was this part of the effort to destroy Flynn as they did to General

Joe Cooper

Feb 22, 2017, 2:09:57 PM2/22/17
PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA724AF3...@

>> PIBB <> wrote in
>> news:XnsA7245D7...@
>>> Perhaps Flynn thought Trump would, in some way, protect him
>>> against the force of the law. Perhaps Flynn thought he had
>>> permission to break the rules.
>> Perhaps Flynn knew what you are too stupid to know: No laws were
>> broken.
> Normally a court decides that.
> Don't fall into the trap Donald Trump did by thinking personal legal
> opinions are better than a judge's.

Translation: I can claim Flynn violated a law or laws - but you can't.



Feb 24, 2017, 12:02:31 AM2/24/17
#BeamMeUpScotty wrote:
> On 02/18/2017 03:10 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
>> In article <XnsA7205A0062D...@>,
>> Joe Cooper <> wrote:
>>> PIBB <> wrote in news:XnsA71FBBE...@
>>>> Flynn made contact while Trump was president in waiting and when
>>>> Obama was president. Fact is, the US has only one government at a
>>>> time.
>>> Your point being...? Flynn broke no law, negotiated nothing.
>>> Then, of course, one needs ask where Obama found the authority to intercept
>>> communications by members of the Trump team - and perhaps Trump himself....
>>> but hey, who's counting?
>> Are you whinging that government should not have monitorred Russian diplomats?
>> Or that wiretaps should only record one side of a conversation?
> In America the "jack booted thugs" need a warrant to listen to Americans
> private yoga and grandchildren conversation.....

Idiot. They were monitoring the Russian. Flynn was too stupid to realize that.

> If the FBI or NSA got a FISA warrant for terrorism being suspected, who
> gave that warrant and what was the fraudulent proof that they used to
> get the warrant? This is BIGGER THAN WATERGATE.
> A government spying on the transition team and/or their "nominated"
> cabinet before the nomination process is complete just to get dirt on
> them to use to obstruct the nominations and/or.... post nomination
> plans is criminal.


Feb 24, 2017, 12:02:55 AM2/24/17
PIBB wrote:
> On 13:35 19 Feb 2017, Joe Cooper wrote:
>> PIBB <> wrote in
>> news:XnsA7217E8...@
>>> Why was Flynn approaching a foregn goverment when he wasn't
>>> appointed by anyone to do so but acted as a private citizen
>>> (which is forbidden by the Logan Act)?
>> Because it was his job.
> It couldn't have been Flynn's job because in December 2016 Obama was
> still president and he hadn't appointed Flynn to do anything.


> Just as Trump became president, Flynn was already under investigation
> for his inappropriate contact with the Russians.

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