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WHAT's so funny is...........

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Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00
The hilarious thing is...that if the situation were exactly reversed,
and Ms. Harris was attempting to certify the election with Gore 300
votes ahead, you Demobrats would be hailing her as a "model of
virtue"- "a courageous public servant who's only following the letter
of the law" ......

Al Gore reminds me of a 7 year-old who lost a game of checkers, threw
a tantrum, swiped the pieces off the board, and claimed "it's just not
fair, that game didn't count"........

Assuming the Florida S. Court hands Al this election Monday, how
are you Demobrats going to be able to respect him? Oh, I forgot....
respect for your politicians isn't proved that with


Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00

"Diceman" <> wrote:

> The hilarious thing is...that if the situation were exactly reversed,
> and Ms. Harris was attempting to certify the election with Gore 300
> votes ahead, you Demobrats would be hailing her as a "model of
> virtue"- "a courageous public servant who's only following the letter
> of the law" ......

Yeah, and you Republicraps wouldn't be howling like banshees, right?
In fact, if this thing doesnt go your way, we'll just see how much you
respect "the letter of the law."
What Rush and his dittoheads know about the law could fit on the tip of
Dubya's cocaine spoon.


Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00

"Frederick" <> wrote in message

The fact is, the Democrats worst enemy is the law. When it doesn't suit them
at the moment, we see what happens. Time to bring in the lawyers, and the
likes of Daley. And the only people i see "screaming" are the Dems. The
thought of losing the House, Senate, and the Presidency, scares you idiots
so bad that you'll stop at nothing. But keep on, I haven't laughed this much
since Clinton "never had sexual relations with that woman".


Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00

"Diceman" wrote:
> >
> The fact is, the Democrats worst enemy is the law. When it doesn't suit
> at the moment, we see what happens. Time to bring in the lawyers, and the
> likes of Daley. And the only people i see "screaming" are the Dems.

Until about two hours ago, when the Florida Supreme Court overruled the
lower court. That howl you hear is the sound of you and your right wing
brethren bitching and moaning. Bwahahahahahha.

> The
> thought of losing the House, Senate, and the Presidency, scares you idiots
> so bad that you'll stop at nothing. But keep on, I haven't laughed this
> since Clinton "never had sexual relations with that woman".

Laugh while you can, monkey boy.


Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00

"Frederick" <> wrote in message
> Oh, I intend to , asswipe. The great thing about having Democraps around,
is that there's never any lack of hilarious entertainment. Like you. And
Barney Frank. And Gore. And Jocelyn Elders. And Clinton. And the list goes
on and on and on....
That sound we're hearing isn't howling, it's Al Boy's stomach churning. And
we're still laughing......
heh heh heh heh heh heh heh


Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00

"Diceman" wrote:
> > > >
> > Laugh while you can, monkey boy.
> >
> Oh, I intend to , asswipe. The great thing about having Democraps around,
> is that there's never any lack of hilarious entertainment. Like you. And
> Barney Frank. And Gore. And Jocelyn Elders. And Clinton. And the list
> on and on and on....
> That sound we're hearing isn't howling, it's Al Boy's stomach churning.
> we're still laughing......
> heh heh heh heh heh heh heh

This is the sound of one hand clapping.


Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00

Diceman wrote:

> The hilarious thing is...that if the situation were exactly reversed,
> and Ms. Harris was attempting to certify the election with Gore 300
> votes ahead, you Demobrats would be hailing her as a "model of virtue"-
> "a courageous public servant who's only following the letter of the
> law" ......


I would be cringing and hoping for a recount. Who would want to win in
such an ugly way?

Can you IMAGINE what Limbaugh et al would be saying if Gore led FL by 300
while trailing in the national popular vote while Gore's brother was the
governor and the state's AG was not willing to accept a recount?

> Al Gore reminds me of a 7 year-old who lost a game of checkers, threw a
> tantrum, swiped the pieces off the board, and claimed "it's just not
> fair, that game didn't count"........

The fact that Gore's ahead in the nationwide popular vote, the electoral
college and the court of public opinion apparently means ZERO to you

> Assuming the Florida S. Court hands Al this election Monday, how are
> you Demobrats going to be able to respect him?

In order for the state of FL to "hand" the election to Al Gore, it would
be necessary for him to win the state's popular vote.

So, in answer to your question, of course!

> Oh, I forgot....respect for your politicians isn't
> proved that with
> Clinton.


Coming from a supporter of the alcoholic who forgot he was arrested, who
refuses to tell us when he last used cocaine, and who seems to have
misplaced his last 15 months of his NG duty, not to mention his entire
life before he grew up at 40, that is indeed rich.

But all in all, I hope Bush declares victory tomorrow anyway. In fact, I
hope he wins.

He'll be considered illegitimate by the majority of the country and you
guys will become as reviled to the country as a whole as you already are
to those of us who've paid attention for the last few years.


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