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Meanwhile, Hillary Continues to Swoon

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Apr 13, 2016, 1:41:14 PM4/13/16
RUSH: Now, on the Democrat side, we're back to audio sound bite 11
here. On the Democrat side, Bernie Sanders has decided to pick up
the riff and start saying that the game is being rigged against him.
I mean, he sees, A, that it is. The Democrat side is rigged.
We've known that from before it began. The Democrat side is
definitely rigged -- and, by the way, I mean really rigged. Now, on
the Republican side I wouldn't go so far as to call their system
rigged, 'cause it's all happening right out in the open.

The establishment is doing everything it can to hold onto what it
has. You can't say that we're rigging the game simply because they
don't just roll over and let everything they have built be taken
away from them. They're gonna do everything they can to hold on to
what they've built. It's the way they value themselves. It's their
self-worth, it's their lifestyles, everything. I mean, literally
everything in their lives is membership in that club, and they're
just not gonna lay down and let somebody walk in and take it from
them, particularly using the democratic process.

They do not think that they have to sit by and let the votes of the
people determine who's in the establishment and who isn't. It's
that simple. But they're doing whatever they're doing pretty much
up front. The Colorado thing was not done in darkness; it was not
done in deceit. I mean, you can't announce what you're gonna do in
August -- make your announcement in August what you're gonna do in
April -- and have anybody saying you're sneaking up on 'em. But on
the Democrat side, every one of these primaries that Bernie Sanders
wins -- and it's a lot of them.

It seems like every primary -- the last seven or eight -- the winner
is Bernie Sanders. And then we're told that Hillary Clinton picks
up most of the delegates after each one of these Bernie Sanders
wins. The exact opposite is happening on the Republican side. When
you win a majority of the popular vote in the state, you get a
majority of the delegates. You get a delegate bonus for being the
front-runner and for winning a majority of the delegates.

There's always bonus delegates in any of these states. But it's...
I don't think it's happened that the second-place finisher has
cleaned up more delegates. There have been instances where you get
into these congressional district delegates and it's not so much who
wins the whole state; it's who wins districts and by how much. That
determines the number of delegates. But again, that's wide out in
the open.

The Democrats are using this super delegate process with many of
them pre-pledged to Hillary Clinton, so that the outcome of these
primaries... If there's any bunch of people that really ought to be
fit to be tied, it is the Bernie Sanders supporters, because they
are doing everything according to the book, and it isn't mattering.
They're out-fundraising Hillary. Oh, you know something else I saw?
Let me see if I can find it in the Stack. I found the most
incredible story. It's about Hillary.

Yeah, here it is. It's a story from Michael Isikoff, he of Spiked
News fame on the Lewinsky story. It was his story originally, and
Newsweek spiked it; Drudge picked it up, and the rest is history.
"Are Hillary's Big Speaking Fees Being Used to Help Fund Her
Campaign?" Well, that's about as silly a question as, "Is Barack
Obama involved at all in the Department of Justice decision whether
or not to indict Hillary Clinton?" Both silly questions.

"Recently filed campaign finance reports may shed light on how
Hillary Clinton is using some of the money she collected from her
hefty speechmaking fees from Wall Street banks and other special-
interest groups: She is plowing an increasingly large amount of her
funds, $560,983 as of last month, back into her presidential
campaign. A Yahoo News review of Clinton's campaign disclosure
reports finds that in the weeks after launching her bid for the
presidency in April 2015, the former secretary of state paid
$278,821 to her campaign to cover so-called testing the waters

"These included consulting and legal fees, travel bills and salaries
for top staffers like personal aide Huma Abedin and deputy political
director Brynne Craig," as well as other "testing the waters"
expenses "that were incurred during the early months of last year,
when Clinton was officially weighing whether to run for president.
Since then, the reports show, Clinton has kicked another $282,162
into her campaign, with payments to her campaign committee, Hillary
for America, averaging about $90,000 a month. Most of that revenue
($228,837) has gone to the Clinton Executive Services Corp., a
Clinton family payroll operation that is compensating staffers
engaged in campaign-related work for her chief surrogate, her
husband and former president Bill Clinton, according to campaign
reports and a Clinton campaign official."

And from the bottom of the article comes this little passage. "The
timing of some of Clinton's speeches -- especially when matched up
against the payments to her campaign -- raise questions about
whether her lucrative speech fees effectively amount to a 'pass
through' of money from special interest groups to help bankroll her
candidacy, according to Jacobs and other ethics advocates."

Is there any doubt that this is going on? She goes out and she
makes speeches at Goldman Sachs and Citibank, JPMorgan Chase,
wherever. She gets around $250,000 for a 20-minute speech. They
don't release the transcripts of what she says, and is there any
question as to why that happens? I'll tell you why they don't. It's
because she's out there praising them to the hilt.

But it's also clear what these are.

Nobody is paying her a quarter of a million dollars for her insight.
Nobody is paying her a quarter of a million dollars to come
entertain them at a conference. Nobody's paying her a quarter of a
million dollars for 20 minutes of remarks designed to enlighten them
about whatever subject. They are paying Hillary, they're investing
in her presidency on the come. A quarter of a million dollars for
20 minutes? Let's not kid ourselves what's going on here.

So people are now acting shocked. Shocked that the money would end
up in her campaign? Shocked that she might be paying staff salaries
with this money? Why the surprise? What about this elicits any
kind of -- who are we talking about here? These are the Clintons,
after all. And they always use other people's money for everything.
They are the king and queen at that, or of that.

The point is that the campaign and its fundraising are not having to
spend money to hire her experts and assistants, that the banks
essentially are. That's the allegation, that this is just like a
shell company, essentially. It's a pass-through corporation where
the banks get to pay Hillary for whatever she's gonna do for them.
They pay in advance. She gets to use the money however she wants.
She's chosen to use it to pay for her staff so she doesn't have to
dip into campaign funds for that. And everybody says, "I wonder if
there's something questionable."

You wonder? Really? Seriously? You think there's something
legitimate about this? The reason they won't release the
transcripts is because Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are both
running promising their voters that these bankers are gonna go to
jail someday, that these are the guys that caused the crash and
these are the guys that we bailed out, that you bailed out, these
are the guys that took all that bailout money so they would never
lose any money of their own. These are the guys that jacked around
with the financial system is and nearly caused it to collapse, and
we bailed 'em out, and she's making speeches, telling 'em how
important they are, how great they are. There's no way she's ever
gonna release these transcripts. It would undercut everything she's
saying about these banks inher campaign.

There's a wink and a nod between Hillary and the banks. She says,
look, I gotta go out and rip you guys, you understand. It's all
about getting me in the White House where I can really pay you back,
and they wink. You say whatever you want about us, Hillary. We're
cool. We're fine. And that's the deal.

And how the money ends up being used, like I say, they're not giving
her a quarter of a million dollars for a 20-minute speech because
they think she's worth it in a substantive sense. You might pay
Seinfeld that if you really want some bang-up show at your
conference. But you're not gonna pay Hillary. She can't draw a crowd
to a book signing, for crying out loud. I wonder how many people
even show up to hear these things that she says.

Anyway, Bernie's finally figured this is all rigged and he doesn't
have access to this kind of money and the superdelegates and the way
this is all panning out, and it's causing real problems on the
Democrat side. I got a story from yesterday from the Huffing and
Puffington Post, a ten-point story, a story featuring 10 points of
how the Democrats are on the verge of losing the presidency in
November because they're getting behind Hillary in a stupid,
following way that is causing them to abandon or not see the reality
on the ground for their voters, their base all across the country.
I'll share it with you as the program unfolds today.

Trump is starting to unload on Hillary now. Last night during his
campaign event in Albany.

TRUMP: Everybody knows that she is guilty as hell, okay?
Everybody. (cheers) Her whole life has been a big, fat, beautiful
lie. It's been a terrible, terrible lie. Everything about her is a

RUSH: Right. Okay. And that's important because there's nobody on
the Republican side talking about Hillary that way, and you know my
lament. I mean, no matter what you think of what's going on on the
Republican side; no matter how rotten to the core you think some of
the people are; no matter how damaging you think some of the
supporters and some of these candidates are, they are not the people
responsible for running this country down the tubes.

The Democrat Party owns that, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and
they should remain the people in the political crosshairs. And I've
always thought that going after Hillary and going after the
Democrats should be a prominent aspect of our primary campaign. We
shouldn't reserve this and hold this for the general. All this
attention is being focused on the Republican primary for whatever
reasons, for all this media attention, use it and identify for
everybody the real reason that people in this country are miserable
and not looking positively at the future.

For the White House's "Take Your Daughters To Work Day," Sasha &
Malia golfed.

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