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Trump blasts Clinton as 'world-class liar'

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Leroy N. Soetoro

Jun 23, 2016, 4:52:30 PM6/23/16

NEW YORK — His campaign in turmoil, Donald Trump sought to get back on
track Wednesday with a familiar tactic: attacking Hillary Clinton.

Clinton is "a world-class liar" who has "perfected the politics of
personal profit and even theft," Trump said during a heavily promoted
speech he delivered as members of the GOP continued to raise questions
about his campaign organization and its ability to raise money.

In a remarkably negative speech against a presidential rival, the
presumptive Republican nominee said Clinton "may be the most corrupt
person ever to seek the presidency of the United States," a line that drew
that drew a standing ovation from supporters packed into a meeting room at
a Trump hotel in Manhattan.

Echoing attacks he has made throughout the campaign, Trump again claimed
the former secretary of State has used her position to solicit
contributions to the Clinton Foundation she sponsors along with former
president Bill Clinton. Trump accused the foundation of accepting money
from foreign governments that brutalize women and gays, and he said "she
ran the State Department like her own personal hedge fund."

Reading his speech from a teleprompter, Trump also faulted Clinton over
the economy, free trade and some of her campaign contributions. Citing a
string of contributors across the world, he said donors "totally own her."

While Trump tries to make the fall election about Clinton, the Democratic
candidate seeks to do the reverse, casting Trump as wholly unqualified for
the presidency. "He is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that
requires knowledge, stability, and immense responsibility," Clinton said
this week.

As for Trump's attack speech, Clinton campaign spokesperson Glen Caplin
said Trump offered only "more hypocritical lies and nutty conspiracy
theories," all in an effort to distract voters from his campaign problems.
At a rally in Raleigh, N.C., following Trump's remarks, Clinton said,
"“He’s going after me personally because he has no answers on the

The Clinton team also noted in a statement that independent fact-checking
organizations have frequently given Trump's statements failing grades.

Trump's speech in New York City came two days after he fired campaign
manager Corey Lewandowski,

The nominee-in-waiting's anti-Clinton speech — initially scheduled for
last week, but delayed so that Trump could respond to the Orlando
terrorist attack — is part of an attempt by the real estate mogul to move
on after bad reports about the state of his campaign.

Hours after Lewandowski's dismissal, the Trump campaign filed a financial
report showing it had only $1.3 million in the bank at the start of June;
Clinton reported $42 million, one of the biggest financial advantages in
the history of American politics.

Republicans continued to voice anxiety about the state of Trump's
campaign, citing what they described as its small size, reluctance to
invest in micro-targeting and other get-out-the-vote techniques and lack
of message discipline.

Tom Rath, a Republican convention delegate from New Hampshire who is
pledged to former Trump opponent John Kasich, said Trump's campaign
trouble is not just a "process story."

It "guts his strongest argument — that he is an accomplished executive who
makes large organizations work," Rath said.

Republican consultant Bruce Haynes, founding partner of Washington-based
Purple Strategies, said the Trump campaign seems to be realizing that it
has a different job in the general election than it did during the
primaries, and "they have to make drastic changes fast."

Clinton on Tuesday delivered another speech describing Trump as
temperamentally unfit for the presidency, focusing on economic polices
that she said would lead to a recession.

As she did in an earlier speech hitting the Republican candidate over
foreign policy, Clinton said, “every day we see how reckless and careless
Trump is. He’s proud of it."

David Brock, who heads a pro-Clinton political organization called Correct
the Record, said in a memo to reporters that Trump's attacks on Clinton
rely on "right-wing books" that have been discredited. He described
Wednesday's speech as an attempt to divert attention from his own

"Donald Trump's presidential campaign is melting down," Brock said.

In his speech Wednesday, Trump said he has built a multi-billion-dollar
business, and "that's a talent our country desperately needs."

Attacking Clinton's stewardship of the State Department, Trump cited the
rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, the deadly attack on a U.S.
facility in Benghazi, Libya, that killed a U.S. ambassador, and her use of
private email that is currently the subject of investigation, and, he
suggested, could have been hacked by the nation's enemies.

The result has been "one deadly foreign policy disaster after another,"
the Republican candidate said.

Trump also cited a letter from a woman whose son was killed by an
undocumented immigrant, saying she wrote that Clinton "needs to go to
prison to pay for the crimes that she has already committed against our

Trump cast the fall campaign as one pitting "the people" against "the
politicians" who have "rigged" the system in their favor, and are
symbolized by both Clintons. He also mocked the Clinton campaign slogan
"I'm with her," saying instead, "I'm with you, the American people."

Reciting his favorite campaign themes, Trump linked his opponent to open
immigration refugee policies, bad trade deals, President Obama's health
care plan, and the weakening of the military, and he pledged a new
approach on all of those issues.

Trump and associates have described Lewandowski's firing as part of an
effort to re-orient his team toward the challenges of a fall campaign.
They also downplayed the fundraising report, saying they have raised
millions in June and that Trump can put in his own money if necessary.

Republican critics said Trump's problems are self-inflicted, and they
still hope to somehow head off his nomination at next month's convention
in Cleveland.

GOP strategist Liz Mair, who has headed up a "Never Trump" group, said
"convention delegates — and indeed Trump himself — ought to be looking for
a way out of this, whether that means delegates throwing out the rule
book, or Trump withdrawing and going back to running his business."

His Omnipotence Barack Hussein Obama, declared himself "Pooptator" of all
mentally ill homosexuals and crossdressers, while declaring where they
will defecate.

Obama increased total debt from $10 trillion to $19 trillion in the seven
years he has been in office, and sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.

Barack Obama, reelected by the dumbest voters in the history of the United
States of America. The only American president to deliberately import a
lethal infectious disease from Africa, Ebola.

Loretta Fuddy, killed after she "verified" Obama's phony birth

Obama ignored the brutal killing of an American diplomat in Benghazi, then
relieved American military officers who attempted to prevent said murder
in order to cover up his own ineptitude.

Obama continues his muslim goal of disarming America while ObamaCare
increases insurance premiums 300% and leaves millions without health care.

--- news:// - complaints: ---


Jun 23, 2016, 5:33:45 PM6/23/16
It's going to be fun watching Trump verbally abuse Crooked Hillary until

And you posted this off-topic article here because?

In other news, somehow Crooked Hillary still isn't in prison...


Jun 23, 2016, 6:15:51 PM6/23/16
On 2016-06-23 18:32:46 -0400, Ubiquitous <> said:

>> Trump said: "Clinton is "a world-class liar..."

Here's the fact check on who is a World Class Liar. (Hint: It's the
guy who just lied by projecting his attributes onto Hillary.)

When it comes to lying, Trumpty-Dumpty is in a class all by himself...

> It’s been a banner year for political whoppers — and for one teller of
> tall tales in particular: Donald Trump.
> In the 12 years of’s existence, we’ve never seen his match.
> He stands out not only for the sheer number of his factually false
> claims, but also for his brazen refusals to admit error when proven
> wrong.
> Trump boasted that he “predicted Osama bin Laden.” Nope. The book Trump
> published in 2000 mentioned bin Laden once, and predicted nothing about
> bin Laden’s future plans.
> Trump “heard” that Obama is “thinking about signing an executive order
> where he wants to take your guns away.” If so, he misheard. What Obama
> reportedly considered was requiring large-volume private gun dealers to
> conduct background checks, not confiscating firearms from those who own
> them.
> Trump said he “heard” the Obama administration plans to accept 200,000
> Syrian refugees — even upping that wildly inaccurate number to 250,000
> in another speech. Nope and nope. The number is about 10,000.
> Trump said he got to know Putin “very well” while the two were on CBS’
> “60 Minutes.” Nope. The two men were interviewed separately, in
> different countries thousands of miles apart.
> Trump claimed his campaign is “100 percent” self-funded. Nope. At the
> time, more than 50 percent of his campaign’s funds had come from
> outside contributors.
> Trump said his tax plan is revenue neutral. Nope. The pro-business Tax
> Foundation estimated the Trump plan would reduce revenues to the
> Treasury by more than $10 trillion over 10 years, even assuming his
> plan would create economic growth.
> Trump told the story of a 2-year old who got autism a week after the
> child got a vaccine. But there’s no evidence of such a link. The study
> that claimed to have found a link between vaccines and autism has been
> exposed as an “elaborate fraud.” It was retracted five years ago by the
> journal that published it, and the author was stripped of his license
> to practice medicine in Britain.
> Trump said Mexico doesn’t have a birthright citizenship policy. It does.
> Trump claimed credit for getting Ford Motor Co. to move a plant from
> Mexico to Ohio. Ford says that’s baloney; it made the decision years
> before Trump even announced his run for president.
> Trump denied that he ever called female adversaries some of these
> things: “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.” He used all of
> those terms.
> Trump said in June “there are no jobs” to be had, when official
> statistics were showing 5.4 million job openings — the most in 15 years.
> Trump claimed economic growth in the U.S. has “never” been below zero —
> until the third quarter of 2015. “Who ever heard of this?” he asked.
> Except it’s not unheard of. Economic growth has been below zero 42
> times since 1946.

That's why he's earned the nickname "King of the Whoppers".
"The Clinton Foundation helps poor people around the world get access
to life saving AIDS medicine..."
"Donald Trump uses poor people around the world to produce his line of
suits and ties." - HRC

Fight for America!

Jun 23, 2016, 6:16:52 PM6/23/16
On 6/23/2016 4:15 PM, FPP wrote:
> When it comes to lying, Trumpty-Dumpty is in a class all by himself...

Not even CLOSE:

Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight.

Fight for America!

Jun 23, 2016, 6:18:53 PM6/23/16
On 6/23/2016 4:15 PM, FPP wrote:
> That's why he's earned the nickname "King of the Whoppers".

You are well known as a serial liar and a traitor to America.

You might have thought anyone would believe that PARTISAN BULLSHIT, but
they won't:

Objection 2: Trump is terrible at business, as proven by his several

Persuasion: Ask how many bankruptcies Trump has had. Most people say
between 5-10. Then ask how many entities Trump has his name on. The
answer is about 500. Then ask if that is a good performance for an
entrepreneur who is often trying things in new fields.

(Asking questions in that fashion is good persuasion technique. It
removes the adversarial frame and gives the person a sense of coming to
a new conclusion without pressure.)

Then explain how licensing works. Trump puts his name on various
products and he gets paid even if the product or company does poorly in
the end. That’s an example of Trump taking the LEAST risk in a deal. The
other parties take larger risks and frequently fail. Trump gets paid
either way. All parties to the deals have lawyers who review everything.
Trump isn’t taking advantage of people with his licensing deals.
Licensees are knowingly accepting the riskier side of the deal because
they also have the biggest potential upside.

Trump doesn’t like risk. We see it in lots of ways. For example, Trump
has never been in a physical fight. He asked his wives to sign prenups.
He creates separate entities so some can go bankrupt without bringing
down the rest. He licenses his name so he gets paid even if the company
buying the license does not make a profit. And he diversifies his
portfolio to reduce exposure to any one risk.

Based on everything we see, Trump consistently tries hard to avoid risk
in everything he does. And people don’t change character at age 70.

The exceptions to Trump’s risk-avoidance include some of the provocative
stuff he is saying during the campaign. That behavior looks risky to
most observers, but it was exactly what got him the Republican
nomination. Evidently, Trump takes risks when doing so makes sense.

Trump’s four bankruptcies were Chapter 11 reorganizations (named for its
location in federal bankruptcy code), which are designed to restructure
businesses without shutting them down completely. The purpose is to
"save" the business, as opposed to other forms of bankruptcy which would
liquidate the company, said Michael Venditto, a partner at the ReedSmith
law firm who has extensive experience with Chapter 11.

' The fact is, I built a net worth of more than $10 billion. I have a
great, great company. I employ thousands of people. And I'm very proud
of the job I did."

A Trump spokesman said many of the filings occurred when Trump was no
longer involved in the businesses, blaming them on the declining casino
market in Atlantic City. "It's not fair to judge anyone of his success,
and the empire that he's built, on a particular investment without also
looking at all of the great success he's had," he said.


Jun 23, 2016, 7:00:31 PM6/23/16
On 2016-06-23 18:32:46 -0400, Ubiquitous <> said:

>> Trump said: "Clinton is "a world-class liar..."

Here's the fact check on who is a World Class Liar. (Hint: It's the
guy who just lied by projecting his attributes onto Hillary.)

When it comes to lying, Trumpty-Dumpty is in a class all by himself...

That's why he's earned the nickname "King of the Whoppers".


Jun 24, 2016, 1:33:14 PM6/24/16
"The bad moon rising over Hillary"

Hillary Clinton won’t be able to say she didn’t see the bad moon rising.
Donald Trump gave her a blistering introduction this week to Presidential
Politics 102, which differs in a remarkable way from Politics 101, which she
encountered in her first attempt in 2008 and before that as the managing
partner in Bubba’s two campaigns.

Whatever she learned from Bubba didn’t take. He was a master at covering his
tracks and playing the rube when forced to, with a Huck Finn grin and country
charm: “Aw, whatcha gonna do with a good ol’ boy like me?” He got away with
murder, and the goobers in the cheap seats loved him for it.

But Hillary is a different kind of Clinton. Bubba was in fact an actual good
ol’ boy, a product of the unlikely Hot Springs casino culture that thrived
among the hardshell Baptists and teetotaling Methodists, presided over by a
mayor who paraded down the main street of the town he owned behind a brace of
black and white horses he called Scotch and Soda. Bubba could get by with
anything if he was respectful of the code he didn’t have to obey.

Hillary spent a term in Arkansas, which she despised and finally did everyone
the favor of leaving. She was the Yankee lady only after the money. Bubba
didn’t have anything against the money but all he really wanted were women —
tall ones, short ones, blonde and brunette pastries occasionally washed down
by a tall chocolate soda. And of course a political campaign, which Bubba
played with the obsession that some men apply to golf or the horses.

Like the correct feminist that she is, Hillary spurns gallantry and the
manners wrought by the gentle breeding prized by Southerners (sometimes
honored only in the breech), but she expects the deference and the courtesy
alien to her nonetheless. Donald Trump obviously understands this and is
determined to give her the rough and ribald ride she is not prepared for.

In a “major address” this week he gave her the preview of the wrath to come,
calling her “a world-class liar” who collected cash by the tub full when she
was the secretary of State pretending to look out for the nation’s interests.
“She gets rich,” he said, “by making you poor.”

He called her “the most corrupt person ever to run for president,” recognized
as exaggeration and embroidery by anyone with a passing acquaintance with
rude and rowdy frontier politics, but it had the ring of truth to anyone who
has been reading the newspapers or watching cable television over the past
two or three decades. The Clintons themselves wrote the book on Clinton

The political correspondents still don’t understand the politics of 2016, and
continue to concentrate on the trivia of conventional politics that no longer
apply, how the Donald has invested too little in infrastructure, how he
struggles to manage the transition to the general election, how he’s unable
to calibrate an uneven organization. All true, more or less, but the
conventional pales before the unorthodox candidate with the gift for the
memorable phrase or label that sticks to an opponent like something plastered
on Velcro with Gorilla Glue.

“Hillary Clinton perfected the politics of personal profit and even theft,”
the Donald told a rally this week in New York. The numbers of the audience
were not worth counting, but the number of reporters with pad and pencil and
the number of television cameras was of a sufficient plenty. “She ran the
State Department like her personal hedge fund,” he told them, “doing favors
for oppressive regimes and many others for cash, pure and simple.” Not very
pure, actually, but simple enough.

The Clinton scandals, none forgettable and all memorable, are the gift that
keeps on giving. One that bubbled to the surface again this week was the tale
of one Rajiv Fernando, who traded millions to the Clinton Foundation, the
family sponge, for an appointment to the International Security Advisory
Board. Mr. Fernando was owner of something called Chopper Trading, hardly a
qualification to measure and advise the secretary of State on nuclear weapons
and national security, even with his access to national secrets. He served
only briefly, until questions were asked, with nuclear scientists, former
senators, Cabinet officers and presidential security advisers.

This cash-for-access trade smelled so rank that even Hillary’s top aides
could finally not abide the stench. Asked Philippe Reines, an assistant
secretary of State: “Couldn’t he have landed a spot on the President’s
Physical Fitness Council?”

Hillary’s the authority on how to sell the White House. She practiced by
peddling the Lincoln bedroom to campaign donors when she was the first lady.
Now she’s after a bigger inventory, and the Donald has her number.


Jun 24, 2016, 6:14:11 PM6/24/16
On 2016-06-23 23:51:34 +0000, Ubiquitous <> said:

> "The bad moon rising over Hillary"

And, yet, with all the "crimes" you claim the Clintons have committed,
you clowns haven't been able to make a single one stick. How
incompetent are you? Christ, you've had 30 years without a win...

And could you please include the source, next time you steal somebody
else's idea?
It's only polite when plagiarizing other's ideas.

(I assume that the lack of typos and spelling errors means that you
didn't write it.)
Trump Claim: Ambassador Chris Stevens "was left helpless to die as
Hillary Clinton soundly slept in her bed...”
Fact: The attack in Benghazi was at 3:45 pm, Eastern. Hillary was wide
awake when the call came in. Trump is a liar.

Fight for America!

Jun 24, 2016, 7:02:16 PM6/24/16
On 6/24/2016 4:14 PM, FPP wrote:
> On 2016-06-23 23:51:34 +0000, Ubiquitous <> said:
>> "The bad moon rising over Hillary"
> And, yet, with all the "crimes" you claim the Clintons have committed,
> you clowns haven't been able to make a single one stick.

Were you a big fan of the Mafia too?

Brent Hasselback

Jun 24, 2016, 7:44:39 PM6/24/16
On Friday, June 24, 2016 at 12:33:14 PM UTC-5, Ubiquitous wrote:
> "The bad moon rising over Hillary"

The fear is strong with this one...


Jun 24, 2016, 7:52:28 PM6/24/16
Wow... talk about stepping on your own dick. Um... that was Trump.

> La Cosa Nostra had a virtual monopoly on concrete in New York at the
> time Trump was adding his name to its skyline in the 1980s. And the
> mafia’s control over building supplies and labor unions meant that the
> crime families had a hand in most construction projects in Manhattan.
> Trump and other major developers "had to adapt to that situation" or
> build elsewhere, said James B. Jacobs, a mafia expert who was part of a
> state task force on organized crime.
> "That was the fact of life, that was the way it was," he told
> PolitiFact. "The contractors and developers weren’t pure victims. You
> could bribe the mob-controlled union leaders and get relief from the
> more arduous conflicts. But we had no information that Trump was any
> different."
> That being said, Trump’s business dealings with the mob or mob-related
> characters are widely documented.


you always ask questions that cast your side in the worst possible light?

Fight for America!

Jun 24, 2016, 8:17:55 PM6/24/16
On 6/24/2016 5:52 PM, FPP wrote:
> On 2016-06-24 23:02:11 +0000, Fight for America! <> said:
>> On 6/24/2016 4:14 PM, FPP wrote:
>>> On 2016-06-23 23:51:34 +0000, Ubiquitous <> said:
>>>> "The bad moon rising over Hillary"
>>> And, yet, with all the "crimes" you claim the Clintons have committed,
>>> you clowns haven't been able to make a single one stick.
>> Were you a big fan of the Mafia too?
> Wow... talk about stepping on your own dick. Um... that was Trump.

The line reads:

" yet, with all the "crimes" you claim the Clintons have committed,
you clowns haven't been able to make a single one stick>"

Brain freeze, fuckwit?


Jun 24, 2016, 8:59:42 PM6/24/16
Well, you know how his reading comprehension skills go out the window
whenever he's lost the debate!

In other words:
A scalded dog always runs...


Jun 24, 2016, 9:51:45 PM6/24/16
Thanks for pointing out the word "claim"... Maybe you might want to
look it up, now?

I'll wait... If you need help, just whistle.
"The Clinton Foundation HELPS poor people around the world get access
to life saving AIDS medicine..."
"Donald Trump USES poor people around the world to produce his line of
suits, and ties." - HRC


Jun 24, 2016, 9:52:48 PM6/24/16
And now you've stolen my line, too.

What's the matter... couldn't remember what you said?
"The Clinton Foundation HELPS poor people around the world get access
to life saving AIDS medicine..."

Fight for America!

Jun 24, 2016, 11:14:33 PM6/24/16
On 6/24/2016 7:51 PM, FPP wrote:
> On 2016-06-25 00:17:50 +0000, Fight for America! <> said:
>> On 6/24/2016 5:52 PM, FPP wrote:
>>> On 2016-06-24 23:02:11 +0000, Fight for America! <> said:
>>>> On 6/24/2016 4:14 PM, FPP wrote:
>>>>> On 2016-06-23 23:51:34 +0000, Ubiquitous <> said:
>>>>>> "The bad moon rising over Hillary"
>>>>> And, yet, with all the "crimes" you claim the Clintons have committed,
>>>>> you clowns haven't been able to make a single one stick.
>>>> Were you a big fan of the Mafia too?
>>> Wow... talk about stepping on your own dick. Um... that was Trump.
>> The line reads:
>> " yet, with all the "crimes" you claim the Clintons have committed,
>> you clowns haven't been able to make a single one stick>"
>> Brain freeze, fuckwit?
> Thanks for pointing out the word "claim"...

Thanks for fronting for CRIMINAL Demotards, you traitor.

Fight for America!

Jun 24, 2016, 11:15:03 PM6/24/16
On 6/24/2016 7:52 PM, FPP wrote:
> What's the matter... couldn't remember what you said?
> --

Need a knuckle sammich?

Fight for America!

Jun 24, 2016, 11:21:04 PM6/24/16


Jun 25, 2016, 1:10:52 AM6/25/16
So you're back again? New nym, too... it's all pretty and shiny.

Bye till next time.
On Donald Trump: "He's written a lot of books about business... they
all seem to end at Chapter 11." -HRC


Jun 25, 2016, 1:11:30 AM6/25/16
Since when does a pussy have knuckles?


Fight for America!

Jun 25, 2016, 5:07:57 AM6/25/16

On 6/24/2016 8:00 PM, Ubiquitous wrote:

Fight for America!

Jun 25, 2016, 10:21:55 AM6/25/16
On 6/24/2016 11:10 PM, FPP wrote:
> On 2016-06-25 03:14:25 +0000, Fight for America! <> said:
>> On 6/24/2016 7:51 PM, FPP wrote:
>>> On 2016-06-25 00:17:50 +0000, Fight for America! <> said:
>>>> On 6/24/2016 5:52 PM, FPP wrote:
>>>>> On 2016-06-24 23:02:11 +0000, Fight for America! <>
>>>>> said:
>>>>>> On 6/24/2016 4:14 PM, FPP wrote:
>>>>>>> On 2016-06-23 23:51:34 +0000, Ubiquitous <> said:
>>>>>>>> "The bad moon rising over Hillary"
>>>>>>> And, yet, with all the "crimes" you claim the Clintons have
>>>>>>> committed,
>>>>>>> you clowns haven't been able to make a single one stick.
>>>>>> Were you a big fan of the Mafia too?
>>>>> Wow... talk about stepping on your own dick. Um... that was Trump.
>>>> The line reads:
>>>> " yet, with all the "crimes" you claim the Clintons have committed,
>>>> you clowns haven't been able to make a single one stick>"
>>>> Brain freeze, fuckwit?
>>> Thanks for pointing out the word "claim"...
>> Thanks for fronting for CRIMINAL Demotards, you traitor.
> So you're back again?

So you remain a traitor to America.

Fight for America!

Jun 25, 2016, 10:22:28 AM6/25/16
On 6/24/2016 11:11 PM, FPP wrote:
> On 2016-06-25 03:14:58 +0000, Fight for America! <> said:
>> On 6/24/2016 7:52 PM, FPP wrote:
>>> What's the matter... couldn't remember what you said?
>>> --
>> Need a knuckle sammich?
> Since when does a pussy have knuckles?
> Bye.

Since you begged to be fisted, duh.

Fight for America!

Jun 25, 2016, 10:23:19 AM6/25/16
On 6/24/2016 11:11 PM, FPP wrote:
> Bye.
> --
> On Donald Trump: "He's written a lot of books about business... they all
> seem to end at Chapter 11." -HRC

4 Ch. 11 bankruptcies out of over 500 business entities, the bitch lies
like most people breathe.


Jun 25, 2016, 11:01:53 AM6/25/16

On 6/24/2016 11:11 PM, FPP wrote:
> Bye.
> --
> On Donald Trump: "He's written a lot of books about business... they all
> seem to end at Chapter 11." -HRC

There are 14 chapters in The Art of the Deal, proving once again that
Crooked Hilalry is a liar.

Crooked Hillary also alluded to the wrong bankruptcy code. She should
have said "Chapter 7". Isn't she allegedly a lawyer?

Beam Me Up Scotty

Jun 25, 2016, 11:35:37 AM6/25/16
Bankruptcy is a legal means to solve a problem... what the Liberals are
saying is that TRUMP follows the law.

If only Hillary had followed the laws then the FBI wouldn't be
investigating her for her e-mail crimes. Because the FBI isn't
investigating TRUMPS bankruptcies.

That's Karma


Jun 25, 2016, 4:58:36 PM6/25/16
On 2016-06-25 14:23:14 +0000, Ubiquitous <> said:

> On 6/24/2016 11:11 PM, FPP wrote:
>> Bye.
>> --
>> On Donald Trump: "He's written a lot of books about business... they all
>> seem to end at Chapter 11." -HRC
> There are 14 chapters in The Art of the Deal, proving once again that
> Crooked Hilalry is a liar.
> Crooked Hillary also alluded to the wrong bankruptcy code. She should
> have said "Chapter 7". Isn't she allegedly a lawyer?

It doesn't matter how many chapters are in the book... Trump's
businesses still ended in Chapter 11.
Here are the facts (like you care):

> Trump’s four bankruptcies were Chapter 11 reorganizations (named for
> its location in federal bankruptcy code), which are designed to
> restructure businesses without shutting them down completely.
> The purpose is to "save" the business, as opposed to other forms of
> bankruptcy which would liquidate the company, said Michael Venditto, a
> partner at the ReedSmith law firm who has extensive experience with
> Chapter 11.

other words, YES, you really are just THAT stupid. (Ad hominem
gleefully acknowledged.)

Hillary was spot on, and you're an ignorant douchenozzle. Or should
that be an "Alleged Douchenozzle"?
Donald J. Trump: The asteroid destined to destroy a party of dinosaurs. -S Bee


Jun 25, 2016, 4:59:36 PM6/25/16
On 2016-06-25 15:35:24 +0000, Beam Me Up Scotty
What "crime" is that? It's not a crime, it's your wet-dream.
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