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Ronald Reagan warned us against Biden

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Nov 3, 2020, 9:50:54 AM11/3/20
I happen to be reading Ronald Reagan’s presidential diaries right now.
Just last night, I came across a concise gem of insight into what and
who Joe Biden always has been.

Reagan’s diaries were hand-written, often in a sort of shorthand and
with rushed, sketchy spelling, but they are insightful and illuminating
about the life, schedule, and portfolio of a president. Even in private
diaries, Reagan’s sunny personality and quick wit shine brightly. Even
his criticisms of his political opponents usually lack harsh edges.

But Biden really rubbed Reagan the wrong way. The key entry came on
June 15, 1987. This was just three days after perhaps the single most
famous speech of Reagan’s presidency, the one where he stood in front
of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate and said, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this
wall!” It was the signature moment encapsulating the “Reagan doctrine,”
which asserted that Soviet communism could be not just “contained” but
actually rolled back and eventually defeated.

On the most important issue facing statesmen in Biden’s entire
apparently never-ending career, Biden was completely wrong. He opposed
Reagan at every step. And right after Reagan’s “wall” speech, Biden
again took the line that Reagan shouldn’t dare to provoke the Soviet

Thus, on June 15, Reagan wrote in his diary about a meeting with some
of his top aides: “[There was] some talk about Sen. Biden — now
candidate for Pres. I saw him on CNN last night speaking to the John F.
Kennedy school at Harvard U. He’s smooth but pure demagog[ue] — out to
save Am[erica] from the Reagan doctrine.”

Yes, “demagogue.” From Reagan, that’s especially strong stuff. But it’s
entirely accurate. Biden’s whole career was built on doing whatever it
took to “connect” with an audience, no matter how many fibs and
exaggerations and plagiarisms it took — and no matter how wrong his
policy analyses were.

And wrong they were, especially when it came to national defense and
foreign policy. Former CIA Director and Defense Secretary Robert Gates,
who served presidents of both parties, famously said that Biden had
been wrong about “nearly every major foreign policy and national
security issue over the past four decades.” Biden was wrong on the
Reagan doctrine, wrong on the 1980s defense buildup, wrong on the
Strategic Defense Initiative. He was wrong to oppose the first Gulf
War, when a U.S.-led coalition deftly kicked Saddam Hussein’s troops
out of Kuwait. Under President Barack Obama, Biden was wrong to advise
against the mission that killed Osama bin Laden. And when President
Trump ordered the successful and helpful killing of Iran’s terrorist-
supporting Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Biden opposed that, too.

A liberal friend of mine told me within this past year that Biden is a
“purely transactional” politician. That’s what makes demagoguery come
so easily to him: His only conviction is that he should be president,
so he’ll say whatever it takes to get there. And on all the many times
he is wrong, well, he’ll just discard his demagoguery on that issue and
move on to the next one.

Well, if it’s foreign or defense policy, he’ll be wrong on the next one
as well. That would make him a dangerous president. It’s why making him
president is one transaction a lot of voters won’t want to make.

Democrats and the liberal media hate President Trump more than they
love this country.

Siri Cruise

Nov 3, 2020, 10:04:03 AM11/3/20
In article <>,
Ubiquitous <> wrote:

> I happen to be reading Ronald Reagan’s presidential diaries right now.

Reagan joined the bigots of Nixon to the fake christians to get
voters stupid enough to give their hard earned money to the rich.

Forty years later and you keep painting that target on your back.

Reelect iDJT. You deserve him.

:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
Discordia: not just a religion but also a parody. This post / \
I am an Andrea Doria sockpuppet. insults Islam. Mohammed
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