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thanks to rmjon

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Jun 20, 2003, 12:35:14 PM6/20/03
for his ever timely & interesting postings. Thanks!


Jun 21, 2003, 8:05:21 PM6/21/03

>>for his ever timely & interesting postings. Thanks!<<

Thanx. I like reading yours, too. And BedHead's and Neil's and EvolverTCB's and
Cliff Stabbert (muy, muy interesting and intelligent, that guy), and Sue Howard
ROCKS!, and the ubiquitous, eldritch and fierce Clore (who shall remain
nameless), and Big Pit Dave, Hanuman, the articulate and funny and Bold Sned,
Thor, BS ("Panty") Shields, and Neon Cat. I've left out about 17 others, but
you know who you are. I cop a buzz off all of you from time to time. And I
wonder about your lives, appearances, quirks, and that which is hinted at in
your intelligence.

RAW himself has shown up here, too, of course.

RE: my postarhhea, useful, amusing, appropriate or not: To paraphrase Dr.J
(Samuel Johnson), 'tis a harmless drudge. Obviously too lazy to blog, which sez
a lot, and probably annoys a few. I assume I'm killfiled by more than two, but
they aren't reading this, so no harm, no foul, no blood, no ambulance, no
autopsy, no wife, no horse, no mustache.

-rmjon23 de Los Angeles

sned the bold

Jun 23, 2003, 3:14:18 PM6/23/03
>RE: my postarhhea, useful, amusing, appropriate or not: To paraphrase Dr.J
>(Samuel Johnson), 'tis a harmless drudge. Obviously too lazy to blog, which
>a lot, and probably annoys a few. I assume I'm killfiled by more than two,

this newsgroup is low enough volume that one would think most people are
delighted when somebody posts a good deal of relevant (or at least
entertaining) material. at least i am

-Sned The Bold
"it's a dead man's party. who could ask for more?
everybody's coming leave your body at the door"
-oingo boingo


Jun 24, 2003, 2:55:39 AM6/24/03
here here! May you always have a clean shirt, a clear conscience, and
enough coins in your pocket to buy a pint! rmjon...thanks for the
great posts over the years...
-thor (EWagner382) wrote in message news:<>...

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