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The Jumping Jesus and it's possible boomerang effect

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Jul 6, 2012, 3:31:03 AM7/6/12

According to Webster's Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language
the word (actually verb) "accelerate" seems to have a positive
connotation: "to cause faster or greater activity, development,
progress, advancement, etc."

I guess, some of the question are: Is acceleration always positive? Is
it always efficient? Is it always progressive?

Recently, I read an article in "The Atlantic Magazine" titled "Is
Facebook Making Us Lonely" by Stephen Marche; and when I came across
these lines - "We live in an accelerating contradiction: the more
connected we become, the lonelier we are. We were promised a global
village; instead we inhabit the drab cul-de-sacs and endless freeways
of a vast suburb of information" - I thought of Wilson's Jumping Jesus
phenomenon and it's possible boomerang effect upon us.

Let me paraphrase the old saying: "All roads lead to Internet." How
many times a day do we log on Internet and experience the following:
"...then waiting and clicking and waiting and clicking - a moment of
superconnected loneliness preserved in amber. We have all been in that
scene: transfixed by the glare of a screen, hungering for
response." (S.Marche)

According to Wilson we were "doubling" throughout the history. It
seems, to me, we are "instanting" today and I wonder if we reached
ground zero and consequently shall have to experience the
"accelerating contradiction"? Shall we be advancing backward now?

There may be some simpler examples of a negative aspect of
'acceleration'. I noticed it while watching basketball and I may be
wrong here but when I see LeBron James running down the court at
Lamborghini speed and misses layout being completely alone under the
basket, I can not help it but asking "What is the effect/purpose of
that speed?"

And it seems, to me, that in LeBron's case RAW's statement: "This
necessarily implies that our psychic universe is expanding even more
rapidly than the physical universe" works in reverse.

I agree with Wilson that the Jumping Jesus Phenomenon had mostly
positive and revolutionary effect and wonder if we have reached the
point where and when it will backfire and cause harm?

In the meantime:

"And the electronic center of this halo of mentation, this noosphere,
is potentially everywhere. It is available to you right where you are
sitting now. Just plug in a terminal. The machine doesn't care who or
what you are." - (RAW, "RWYASN", p.32)



Jul 8, 2012, 1:07:14 AM7/8/12
I think there's something to Wilson's Jumping Jesus. I think there's something to McKenna's Timewave Zero (the increase in *novelty*). What seems significant to me is the increase in uncertainty in the world and the panic that it causes sombunall. To me, 2012 ultimately boils down to a choice...

Fear. Or Love.

Choose Love.


Jun 12, 2013, 10:15:16 AM6/12/13
ARW23 spoke unto us saying:

> Let me paraphrase the old saying: "All roads lead to Internet." How
> many times a day do we log on Internet and experience the following:
> "...then waiting and clicking and waiting and clicking - a moment of
> superconnected loneliness preserved in amber. We have all been in that
> scene: transfixed by the glare of a screen, hungering for
> response." (S.Marche)

<Just thinking aloud here> its really simple IMO:

Toss a book, sandwich, & thermos in your ruck-sack & get
outside somewhere like a park, read & talk with others.

There's a machine <computer> between you & life, remove it...

Later on,
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