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MAZMOUZE Being "Hassled"

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The Dark Ranger

Aug 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/11/96

In another posting, entitled "Agony in Pink," MAZMOUZE wrote:

<<The writer of Agony In Pink got a new account and has been harrassing me.
He is giving me graphic details about what he wishes would happen (Like,Amy Jo
acting out Agony In Pink). He keeps acting like I know him fromsomewhere and
he wouldn't reveal his name, but I think it's him!

How do I keep him to leave me alone, and keep his graphic mind away? And,
for those who have read Agony In Pink, what should I say to him?

BTW, the anonymous writer's name is Paul.>>

MAXMOUZE has developed a rather graphic imagination. I do not have a new
account, nor have I been harrassing him. I have not had any correspondence
with him at all for years (the last time was when he was sending me E-Mail
regarding AIP). And last but not least, my name is *NOT* Paul.

People hate me enough for the stories I write without false charges of
harrassment being heaped on me. MAXMOUZE is totally wrong to publicly post
that I am harrassing him based on his "thinking" that some guy who's sending
him nasty E-Mail is me. I assure everybody, it is *NOT* me.

The Dark Ranger

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P12345 Abcd

Aug 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/12/96

I agree with this guy. Maxmouze is somtimes in a good mood, but sometime,
He acts just like the Maxmouse in Ghostwriter. He has accused Me of
stealing His password and even though I told Him I didn't do it. He
still posts false things about Me on AOL, and noew here. So I got Mad
and said Zordon is Evil.

I just want Him to stop accusing people of doing things they don't do.
It really annoys the member trying to have a good time. It's a good
thing that He make up His own fan club. But I don't like the way He
brags to people that He can really talk personally to the people who make
the show. If He really does, I think He should keep it a secret.
Theirfore, It won't humiliate people so much. No offense, but what
bothers Me the most is that, how is it possible that He out of a million
fans of the show be picked the be producers just two months after
enrolling onto AOL? Their are millions of fans on the net.

I am also a fan of Ghostwriter and I love the show a lot. Like Him, He
know all about that show too. But what disturbs Me is that He told Me
only He can write newsletters and I can't. I really didn't copy Him at
all. My newsletter has a story in it, but His doesn't. So It's *not*
the same as His. I'll even send You His and Mine and You compare.

Max, just *please* stop accusing people. :-/

Original message.


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A Wasserman

Aug 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/12/96

Listen, guys, do you think you could take this somewhere else? I know the
group's not awfully busy these days, but it's still not the proper forum
for this discussion. Really, it's this sort of thing that's giving Usenet
a bad name. I'm not trying to flame anyone, just making a freindly

Thanks for your time.

The Wasserman
__ __ __ __
\ \/\/ / "And all should cry, Beware! Beware! \ \/\/ /
\ / His flashing eyes, his floating hair! \ /
\/\/ Weave a circle round him thrice, \/\/
/\/\ And close your eyes with holy dread, /\/\
/ \ For he on honey-dew hath fed, / \
/ /\/\ \ And drunk the milk of Paradise." / /\/\ \
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

P12345 Abcd

Aug 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/12/96

If You receive offensive mail from any member on America Online, You can
forward the mail to AOL's Community Action Team at or

Richard A. Wood

Aug 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/13/96

In <4un51i$> (MAXMOUZE)
>I must apologize. I received another e-mail from the "harrasser" and
>confirmed that he was not the Dark Ranger. Sorry for jumping to
>conclusions but it seemed to be the only correct solution.
>But, this guy is still harrassing me! So, there is still a problem.

Nobody cares about your problems max you just think your all
high and mighty because you write the newsletter! And you think anybody
else who make a news letter about anything in Saban is copying you!
Give the guy some space he would probabaly of left you alone if you
didn't make him soud so bad!!

Natalie Knight

Aug 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/13/96

> In article <4umcvb$>,

> (P12345 Abcd) writes:
> >I agree with this guy. Maxmouze is somtimes in a good mood, but
> sometime,
> > He acts just like the Maxmouse in Ghostwriter. He has accused Me of
> >stealing His password and even though I told Him I didn't do it. He
> >still posts false things about Me on AOL, and noew here. So I got Mad
> >and said Zordon is Evil.
> See, this is that "Zordon is Evil" guy. He will not leave me alone.

too much to ask for?


TCN Steltk

Aug 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/13/96

In article <4uollu$>, A. Wood) writes:

>Nobody cares about your problems max you just think your all
>high and mighty because you write the newsletter! And you think anybody
>else who make a news letter about anything in Saban is copying you!
>Give the guy some space he would probabaly of left you alone if you
>didn't make him soud so bad!!

I don't know about this one. I don't think Mark thinks he's "high and
mighty"; he's just seeking advice, from his friends, how to deal with a
problem of his. The VRT newsletter, I am under the impression, was the
same format. If I could see a copy of it, I'd be in a better position to
make a statement. However, I've never seen Mark go after somebody for
putting out Saban-related material; I've only seen him get angry when
somebody steals his ideas, or when somebody takes information they've
gotten from him and speading it, taking credit for it themselves. This is
hardly irrational behavior, as I'm sure we'd all get mad if this happened
to us.

PS- I've also seen Mr. RIchard A. Wood mention that Mark is "high and
mighty" numerous times. Mr. Wood, do you have some sort of personal
problem with Mark?

Natalie Knight

Aug 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/13/96

too hard to ask for?



Aug 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/13/96

why dont you report him to tos

Richard A. Wood

Aug 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/13/96

My name is nathaniel!!!!!!!!!!!!

David Messina

Aug 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/14/96

I'm not at all keeping track of this garbage, but hell..I'm taking the
side of mr. "zordon is evil". quit whining mouze and um...'high and
mighty'..heh..not you! you're a helluva a lot closer to cabrit san cor
than high and mighty! and i'm sure quite a few people wouldn't mind
pushing you closer to that either! HA!

|David "#1 Oakland Athletics and Power Ranger fan" Messina|
/Shogun on IRC\
| Check out my HomePage at: |
| |

P12345 Abcd

Aug 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/14/96

This is what I was trying to say... I told Him I wanted to write My own
newsletter, but He said I need "His" permission to do it. This letter is
not meant to bother Him at all. I'm just pointing out that other would
like to write update on their own shows.

P12345 Abcd

Aug 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/14/96

Well, I did warn Maxmouze. And It looks like it won't be nessecary to
report the offensive messages.

David Messina

Aug 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/14/96

P12345 Abcd ( wrote:
: This is what I was trying to say... I told Him I wanted to write My own
: newsletter, but He said I need "His" permission to do it. This letter is
: not meant to bother Him at all. I'm just pointing out that other would
: like to write update on their own shows.

Hmm..and maybe your NL would actually have news. mouze's NL shouldn't be
called a newsletter. it's just made up of MAYBE 2% news anyway.

P12345 Abcd

Aug 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/14/96

This is a letter from


Nobody cares about your problems max You just think your all
high and mighty because You write the newsletter! And You think anybody
else who make a news letter about anything in Saban is copying You!
Give the guy some space He would probabaly of left You alone if You
didn't make Him soud so bad!!


Pardon My last post, I forgot to tell You guys what the last posting was
all about.

This is what I was trying to say.... Their are other members online and
they would like to make update on their favorite TV Shows, Saban or not.
I'm not posting this message to bother Him. I'm just pointing out what I
was trying to say.

In fact, He was in a good mood and after I warned Him that using vulgar
language is a violation of aol's term and conditions, He asked Me a
question and I answered. And we had a friendly chat. That is the
Maxmouze I want to see. :-)


Aug 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/14/96

I have returned ....... but this isn't what I was expecting to come back
to. Things still the same around here or did I just come back at a bad
Oh well, I'll show up every so often.


Your bro,

jus in

Tribal Prophet

Aug 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/15/96

>>I agree with this guy. Maxmouze is somtimes in a good mood, but
>> He acts just like the Maxmouse in Ghostwriter. He has accused Me of
>>stealing His password and even though I told Him I didn't do it. He
>>still posts false things about Me on AOL, and noew here. So I got Mad
>>and said Zordon is Evil.
>See, this is that "Zordon is Evil" guy. He will not leave me alone.

So it is.... what now?

The Prophet did notice that he says you were harrassing him and saying
slanderous things about him, and that you didn't deny that...

Tribal Prohpet

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