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25 Years

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Jun 19, 2019, 2:42:36 PM6/19/19
How time flies. It is now 25 years since OJ Simpson murdered Nicole and Ron. At age 71 OJ remains unrepentant and continues to deny his involvement in the murders, conveniently forgetting his near confession in If I Did It. America's all time favorite double murderer(TM) now lives the good life in Las Vegas following his release from prison on robbery charges. He has taken to Twitter to, as he puts it, "settle some scores", which is a rather eerie statement given his history.

Sadly, the posters that made this group such a vibrant place in the 90's and early '00s are long gone, having either shuffled off this mortal coil or simply disappeared due to the incessant cross-posting that made this group such a wasteland, as most of Usenet has become. Bob August still has his site up but has not updated OJ news since 2017. Dick Wagner's research is still available online.

The idiotic Iago in Brentwood (Fuhrman did it) site is gone. A Kato did it site remains.

The last real activity was in 2012 with the publication of William Dear's book and the subsequent 2017 Investigation Discovery series, (Jason did it), which stretched logic to the breaking point.

A majority of both Black and White Americans now believe OJ did it.

Aug 15, 2019, 1:36:53 PM8/15/19
Ah, still immersed in your illusions. Of course, Simpson's denies having had anything to do with the murders when that is the truth.

But then I know people like you are convinced Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, Oswald did Kennedy, Pearl Harbor was a completely surprise attack; 19 Arabs with box cutters dove planes into the WTC that brought them down even though no plane hit WTC, no passenger could have entered the locked cockpits in flight, and never before or since has a steel framed building collapsed from fire; and, of course, Epstein conveniently killed himself to save taxpayers the cost of trying him Epstein and only coincidentally taking to his grave all the secrets that would have destroyed an army of the rich and powerful, and even have brought edifice of corruption down in ruins.

Dream on.

Kingdom of Animaria

Apr 5, 2022, 1:26:01 PM4/5/22
hello everyone, what happened to people in this specially bob august?

Alex Tome

Jun 28, 2022, 11:05:09 PM6/28/22
Does anyone know anything about a call made from Rockingham to the police department in Westwood at 2:53am on June 13 1994?

Jan 13, 2023, 8:11:53 PM1/13/23
On Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 2:42:36 PM UTC-4, Ragnar wrote:

> A majority of both Black and White Americans now believe OJ did it.

That's because racialism within the LAPD in the 1990s had nothing to do with the fact that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointed to Simpson's guilt. A majority of persons, regardless of color or ethnicity, can see that.


Jan 15, 2023, 9:24:50 AM1/15/23
This newsgroup like all of usenet is now junk. When I was young, I didnt grasp how rapidly posters , like the rest of humanity, would just die off. They die in their 40s or 50s or even earlier. And their wisdom or craziness is lost

Brother Rap

Jan 18, 2023, 2:27:01 AM1/18/23

What overwhelming scientific evidence? If you force feed a lie long enough you can get a bunch of people who hear the same lie over and over to capitulate and pretend like they believe in the lie for peace of mind. They fed a bunch of fools a seductively addictive false narrative with subtle yet powerful racial undertones they knew they would swallow. They knew it would be effective, as Shakespeare knew it would be effective at the beginning of the 17th century when he wrote the popular tragic play OTHELLO, as the man whose short story he took as the template for Othello, the 16th century short story UN CAPITANO MORO written by the Italian playwright Cinzio. In order to sell this hyper inflated lie, basically to mesmerized white folks, they had to conceal and/or manipulate empirical evidence so that you believers would continue focusing on irrelevant anecdotal allleged acts of domestic abuse as prima facie facts that led no where, nor proved anything, regarding whether Simpson committed multiple murders.

1.) They told you about size 12 Bruno Magli Lorenzo model shoes but gave you no dimensions, which are the most important since most of you would lose a bet if you had to cite off hand the actual dimension down to a quarter of an inch of your own size shoe. Yet out of your inherent racial arrogance you assume you know those size 12 alleged Bruno Magli shoes fit OJ Simpson's foot, though the FBI agent William Bodziak did not even show all of you factually interested characters the respect to go to the central jail and attain an accurate measurement of Simpson's foot . Well, here's a fact for you, they don't fit. How do we know, because we watched all of those photo shots during the actual trial and on websites beyond TV of the actual SILGA U2887 size 46 (metric) alleged size 12 (English system) shoe soles on the bottom of those alleged Bruno Magli shoes that fit neatly into those sidewalk tiles that made up Nicole Brown Simpson's Bundy sidewalk from front gate to rear gate. When asked directly by the prosecution the co-lead detective, Tom Lange, testified that the side walk tiles were 11 and 1/2 inches square. So just to make sure of what we were concluding, especially when you attempt to change a seductive/addictive racially constructed narrative, we would have to have empirical proof that the shoes did not fit Simpson's foot. Hence, we sent away to Italy to the SILGA shoe sole plant and attained the size 46/size 12 U2887 shoe sole. Then we attained a tracing of OJ Simpson's foot and overlayed the shoe sole over his foot tracing and as expected his toes stick out of the front of the shoes, ride the back heel, and overlap the perimeter of the shoe sole on both sides of the arches. In order to find comfort with those size 12 shoes, after paying almost $200 for a pair back in the early 1990s, he would have had to cut the toes out of the shoes before even departing the store. You can see that foot tracing at the following website here

2.) Did Nicole speak to her mother after her mother arrived home and called back to the enclave of Brentwood, Northwest Los Angeles from the far southern end of Orange County at Monarch Bay, Dana Point at 11PM, 10:17 PM or 09:37PM? The wool they pulled over your eyes officially by circumventing jury examination was by entry by lawyer stipulation agreed to mutually outside of the jury, since California law bars the jury from examination and obligates them to accept the stipulation as the veritable truth. So, 09:37 PM became the official time of the begining of the final phone call of when Nicole Brown Simpson was alive, as opposed to the original statement only hours after the murders took place of the last time she was known to be alive by the family. The father told the lead detective and the coroners investigator Nicole was alive at 11PM when called Monday morning around 7AM, June 13, 1994. The mother, Juditha Brown, told the same to the defense investigators on June 15th, 1994 and they told attorney Robert Shapiro to check for himself so he asked Juditha the same on June 16th, 1994 and she told him the same even more formidably by stating she knew it was 11PM because when she got home she looked at the clock and it stated that it was 11PM. Well, since the conspirators have fought very hard behind the scenes to keep us from attaining a copy of the phone records after seeking a secret ex parte hearing with a judge, John H. Reid, to issue an order to remove the phone records along with all evidence from the Simpson exhibit department case file. Given the interest in this contradiction in southern California of an alleged departure from Brentwood at 8:45 PM and arrival to make a 9:37 PM phone call back to Brentwood from Dana Point, the California Dept. of Transportation provided us with the stats on volume and density on the I-405 Freeway for the night of June 12, 1994 between 8-9PM, the Brown's departure time. The traffic volumes were extremely heavy, rivaling the highest weekday peak traffic volumes, slowing average speeds to below 30 MPH for the 8 miles of data from Sunset Blvd to LaTijera Blvd, on a night the Browns would have had to maintain an average speed of 72 MPH from door to door to make the 72 mile drive within an hour. According to the entered testimony they made that drive in 52 minutes when the average drive time was closer to 90 minutes to 120 minutes (Two hours). If you want to see what the 34, 240 vehicles looked like between Sunset Blvd and 8 mles further south to Latijera Blvd you may see it here:

3). Then you have the second FBI agent who lied about the blood. He wrote the letter he was requested by DA Rockne Harmon, and expected to write back to the LADA's office stating that he could not find any of the preservative compound, EDTA, in the blood samples Harmon had sent to the FBI Laboratory in Washington D.C. in January 1995. However, it turns out that the testifying agent, Roger Martz, was a biologist with a Bachelor's degree in Biology. He did not have the expertise to set up the protocols necessary to test for EDTA which was a difficult compound to measure quantitatively. Though through nepotism he was made Unit Chief of the Chemistry lab, Martz, was not a chemist and thus the actual work on the requested alleged contaminated blood was done by actual chemists who disagreed with the alleged fraudulent findings of Martz in the letter he sent back to the LADA's office stating that after his examination of the blood samples he could find no EDTA whatsoever. The members of the FBI's lab resented Martz due to his failure to apply the Scientific method in eliminating the false conclusions until arriving at a final conclusion. Martz was highly resented due to his shoot from the hip style in arriving at conclusions. Hence, these lab scientists knew that Martz was ill prepared and would undoubtedly lie if he took the witness stand, and commit perjury to enhance his own credibility as an FBI agent, which had become a common practice with some that stirred deep resentment. Multiple agents and scientists would approach another agent who had been doing battle with his FBI superiors for almost a decade before the Simpson trial, named agent Frederic Whitehurst. They wanted him to author the complaint against Martz sent to the Office of the Inspector Genera's l of the USDOJ. When that news reached the top office of the director, Louis Freeh, he would send the bureau's own top attorney out to Los Angeles to negotiate with Johnnie Cochran to keep the FBI agent Whitehurst from testifying to the lies and history of perjury of the other agent, Roger Martz. Martz had been called an incompetent and a charlatan by a Florida judge in a death row appeal case just 4 years before the Simpson case in 1990, the George Trepal appeal. The FBI director did not want any of the bad habits to become highly publicized due to the Simpson "trial of the century". A deal was cut......

The foregoing will probably mean little to many of you who are so high on the false narrative, that just like crack addicts you don't want that brief high interrupted, since you would rather continue feeling the euphoria of a pleasing lie. However, the actual empirical evidence does not Support Simpson's guilt, and if you believe that it does not then you should begin to focus on the dysfunctions that existed with Nicole Brown Simpson, the Goldman family, the Kardashian patriarch, and Ron Goldman himself. Each one of them have dysfunctions that were deep enough to set them up to be murdered yet by 3:15 PM on the day the bodies were discovered, June 13, 1994 just 15 hours later the LAPD was pulling down the crime scene tape since they were convinced they had their man, once he returned from Chicago, OJ Simpson. However, to make many of you in the public believe it too, they would have to conceal a plethora of evidence beyond the foregoing mentioned above.
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