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Resnick's Deposition: The "Real" OJ (long)

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Joyce Bolton

Mar 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/26/96
Anyone that's interested in hearing about the "real" relationship between
Simpson and Nicole should read Resnick's deposition. Contrast her
testimony with Simpson's, wherein he says no abuse, amicable separation,
no drugs, no extramarital affairs... For those of you without the time
or inclination to plod through the lengthy depo., you might enjoy some of
the highlights below.

Please note that despite what Simpson says, Faye and Nicole were best
friends, and thus, Faye "was" in a position to know about the Simpson
relationship. Faye saw Nicole 4 to 5 times a week minumum, spoke on the
phone 3 times a day, their children were good friends, and they
considered each other best friends.

Faye describes Simpson when he was angry: ...teeth clenched, narrow,
black eyes, protruding jaw, sweating, face distorted, could hardly talk,

Simpson beat Nicole while she was pregnant, and complained about her
getting fat.

He had a girlfriend for three years while married to Nicole and supported
the girlfriend (Tawny Kittan (?)) financially. Bought her $20,000
earrings. He would beat Nicole when she confronted him regarding his
relationships. The '89 beating occurred because she confronted him about
his two other women. During that beating, Nicole told Faye that Simpson
beat, punched, kicked and slapped her.

Nicole said that Simpson had sexual relations with Tropic girls (models)
during their marriage. Numerous one night stands. When the new crew
came in, he'd date the new crew. Nicole had caught Simpson in the
Rockingham guest house during their marriage with one of his girls.

Nicole told Faye that she had called "911" 30 times.

After the divorce and prior to '93, Nicole had a relationship with Marcus
Allen. This was an extremely sore point with Simpson--" could she
do that?"

Faye saw Simpson snort cocaine at Harley Davidson Cafe (Mark Packer was
present as well). Back and the NY condo that evening, Simpson and Nicole
fought about the Enquirer article which talked about the abuse and
Nicole's 911 call. It was Nicole's fault, Simpson said. Faye, in the
bedroom, was afraid to sleep because she feared Simpson would harm Nicole.

Also saw Simpson snort cocaine at Rockingham (AC present). Simpson told
Faye he could get her however many drugs she needed. "OJ admitted to
using drugs, it was no secret."

Simpson's initial reaction to Nicole's initiation of the reconciliation
in '93 was that he was happy with Paula, but later the same day, he
called Nicole 5 times and went to see her.

Nicole's demands regarding the reconciliation: No beatings, no drugs, no
interferring with her friendships, no controlling her.

Simpson insisted she tell him about all her relationships with men during
the separation and divorce. He learned about Marcus Allen.

During a conversation with Faye, Simpson told her ('93) that if he ever
saw Nicole with Marcus, he didn't know what he would do.

Nicole made the decision to break of the reconciliation with Simpson
during the Cabo trip (April '94). Simpson had openly flirted with a
waitress where the group, including the children, were having dinner.
Also made the comment about Nicole's fear of frogs and his being the
Frogman. Nicole was afraid to tell Simpson she was breaking off the
relationship and didn't do so until after Simpson returned from Puerto
Rico, but in the meantime refused to return his calls.

Simpson was angry at Faye because she hid that Nicole was ending the
relationship. Simpson had been calling Faye at all hours, day and night.
After Nicole broke off with him, he told Faye that if he caught Nicole
with another man before Augst, he would kill her. He also told this to

Nicole was seeing Marcus Allen in May of 94. Faye was told this by
Cynthia Shahian and Cora Fishman, and also saw Marcus' car parked at
Bundy. Nicole told Faye that she loved Marcus Allen, during a
conversation that occurred during the last two weeks of her life.

Regarding the IRS, Simpson told Faye he wanted to cause Nicole as much
pain as possible. Wanted to make her live in reality so that she would
see how lucky she had it, being with him.

Early in May 94, Simpson, stopping at Starbucks were Nicole, Faye, Ron
Goldman and his friends were having coffee, says "this is my wife you
know. I want to talk to you Nicole."

When Faye was staying at Bundy prior to entering rehab in early June of
94, Nicole was unable to find her house key and remote, which she wanted
to give to Faye. After searching through the drawer where it was
normally kept, Nicole said, "Oh my God! OJ must have taken my keys last
week when he was here!"

Patrick Holley

Mar 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/29/96
Joyce Bolton ( wrote:
: Anyone that's interested in hearing about the "real" relationship between
: Simpson and Nicole should read Resnick's deposition.

Faye is such a liar even the prosecution didn't call her.
Even her friends call her a liar.

: Contrast her

: testimony with Simpson's, wherein he says no abuse, amicable separation,
: no drugs,

:no extramarital affairs...

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. baker specifically disallowed any questions
of OJ's women.

:For those of you without the time

: or inclination to plod through the lengthy depo.,

Please do. Joyce repeatedly makes mistakes.

:you might enjoy some of
: the highlights below.

They would be good for a laugh, if Faye wasn't so pathetic.

: Please note that despite what Simpson says, Faye and Nicole were best

: friends, and thus, Faye "was" in a position to know about the Simpson
: relationship.

Faye NEVER saw any abuse whatsoever.

:Faye saw Nicole 4 to 5 times a week minumum, spoke on the

: phone 3 times a day, their children were good friends, and they
: considered each other best friends.

Kato says that Faye sometimes got on NBS' nerves. Their relationship
would go up and down.

hard to judge who was her best friend:
Cora was constant and saw NBS every day. Faye had sex with NBS.
Faye lived with NBS. Faye used NBS. Faye got on NBS' nerves. Faye created

My opinion:
Cora was a better friend, Faye was her best friend (because of the sex
and staying part). Kato had been a better friend than both of them (NBS
wanted to have sex with kato -kato thought it would be weird like having
sex with sister).

: Faye describes Simpson when he was angry: ...teeth clenched, narrow,

: black eyes, protruding jaw, sweating, face distorted, could hardly talk,
: animalistic...

Same description NBS said in Lally tape. I wonder why?
Faye got it from the Lally tape.

: Simpson beat Nicole while she was pregnant,

Nonsense. Faye did not even know NBS when she was pregnant.

:and complained about her
: getting fat.


: He had a girlfriend for three years while married to Nicole and supported

: the girlfriend (Tawny Kittan (?)) financially.

Kitaen made money on her own: movies Crystal Heart, Witchboard.

:Bought her $20,000

: earrings.
:He would beat Nicole when she confronted him regarding his
: relationships.

Total nonsense.
nicole had honest long conversations with kato and only
told him of the 1989 incident and something about fractured head (Kato was
fuzzy on this point), which is most likely about AC taking NBS to the
hospital after the 1989 incident or could be Kato's hearing media report
on doctor trip. That's it. No closet beatings, nothing.
NBS cooked up the abuse parts of the diary to get Oj to void the pre-nup.
NBS actually misrepresented the 1989 incident and didn't testify.
She saw Dr. Forward only twice at urging of her divorce attorney. She
wasn't seeking therapy, just advice on how to create the diary.

:The '89 beating occurred because she confronted him about

: his two other women. During that beating, Nicole told Faye that Simpson
: beat, punched, kicked and slapped her.

Total nonsense. OJ grabbed her and dragged her.

: Nicole said that Simpson had sexual relations with Tropic girls (models)
: during their marriage. Numerous one night stands. When the new crew
: came in, he'd date the new crew.

This is true.

:Nicole had caught Simpson in the

: Rockingham guest house during their marriage with one of his girls.

I doubt this is true. Oj is smarter than this.

: Nicole told Faye that she had called "911" 30 times.

The police have records. There are records of only 3 calls to 911.
period. Garcetti was forced to admit it.
Faye is, as usual, lying.

: After the divorce and prior to '93, Nicole had a relationship with Marcus

: Allen. This was an extremely sore point with Simpson--" could she
: do that?"

And KAto admits that OJ knew about it and was not upset.

: Faye saw Simpson snort cocaine at Harley Davidson Cafe (Mark Packer was
: present as well).

yeah,right. Snort cocaine in public restaurant. Great way for Oj to
protect image. Oj's image was everything.

: Back and the NY condo that evening, Simpson and Nicole

: fought about the Enquirer article which talked about the abuse and
: Nicole's 911 call. It was Nicole's fault, Simpson said. Faye, in the
: bedroom, was afraid to sleep because she feared Simpson would harm Nicole.

yeah, right. Faye claims in some places she knew nothing (except
1989) before the supposed April 1994 talk she had with NBS, and other
times that she knew a lot about abuse. One time Petrocelli had to come in
and rescue her, because she couldn't keep her story straight.

: Also saw Simpson snort cocaine at Rockingham (AC present). Simpson told

: Faye he could get her however many drugs she needed. "OJ admitted to
: using drugs, it was no secret."

Faye is an admitted drug user and addict. Oj used drugs recreationally some
time ago. No cocaine was found in his blood stream, when he was supposedly
under so much stress he killed two people.

: Simpson's initial reaction to Nicole's initiation of the reconciliation

: in '93 was that he was happy with Paula, but later the same day, he
: called Nicole 5 times and went to see her.

He also brought her soup and nursed Nicole when she was sick.

: Nicole's demands regarding the reconciliation: No beatings, no drugs, no

: interferring with her friendships, no controlling her.

Total Joke.

: Simpson insisted she tell him about all her relationships with men during

: the separation and divorce. He learned about Marcus Allen.

They both wanted a fresh start. Oj tried to be monogamous for the
first time in his life.
Not only did he stay friends with Allen, he hosted Allen's wedding.

: During a conversation with Faye, Simpson told her ('93) that if he ever

: saw Nicole with Marcus, he didn't know what he would do.

: Nicole made the decision to break of the reconciliation with Simpson
: during the Cabo trip (April '94).

They agreed to try it a year.

:Simpson had openly flirted with a

: waitress where the group, including the children, were having dinner.

Oj has girls come up to him and flirt with him all the time.
Some women (jackie kennedy, Coretta Scott King, possibly hillary
Clinton, etc.) can handle it.

: Also made the comment about Nicole's fear of frogs and his being the
: Frogman.

Oj was in Puerto Rico the entire month of April. he was not in Cabo.

:Nicole was afraid to tell Simpson she was breaking off the

: relationship and didn't do so until after Simpson returned from Puerto
: Rico, but in the meantime refused to return his calls.

She didn't refuse his calls.

: Simpson was angry at Faye because she hid that Nicole was ending the
: relationship. Simpson had been calling Faye at all hours, day and night.
: After Nicole broke off with him, he told Faye that if he caught Nicole
: with another man before Augst, he would kill her. He also told this to
: Nicole.

She was so scared she attended the funeral attended by Oj and
secured by his friends.

They told each other they would kill each other all the time.
it's why their friends didn't take it seriously.

: Nicole was seeing Marcus Allen in May of 94.

Marcus says no.

: Faye was told this by

: Cynthia Shahian and Cora Fishman, and also saw Marcus' car parked at
: Bundy. Nicole told Faye that she loved Marcus Allen, during a
: conversation that occurred during the last two weeks of her life.

marcus was married. kato said that Nicole was never serious with Marcus.

: Regarding the IRS, Simpson told Faye he wanted to cause Nicole as much

: pain as possible. Wanted to make her live in reality so that she would
: see how lucky she had it, being with him.

Doesn't make sense to kill someone before the IRS made them squirm.

: Early in May 94, Simpson, stopping at Starbucks were Nicole, Faye, Ron

: Goldman and his friends were having coffee, says "this is my wife you
: know. I want to talk to you Nicole."

No one else except Faye says this.

: When Faye was staying at Bundy prior to entering rehab in early June of

: 94, Nicole was unable to find her house key and remote, which she wanted
: to give to Faye.

I doubt very seriously that she would want Faye to have her key. Would you
give a key to drug addict like Faye?

:After searching through the drawer where it was

: normally kept, Nicole said, "Oh my God! OJ must have taken my keys last
: week when he was here!"

Yeah, right. Sure. No calls to Randa asking for return of the keys?
No changing of locks since she was supposedly so scared?

Greg Goss

Mar 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/29/96
to (Patrick Holley) wrote:
>Same description NBS said in Lally tape. I wonder why?
>Faye got it from the Lally tape.

Is the Lally transcript posted anywhere? You keep referring to it,
and some of us don't have it. It only counts as evidence if we all
can examine it. I didn't find it on Walraven, but might have missed
it. I don't have access to AOL (Court TV) or Compu$erve (CNN Oj
reports?) for pay-per-read transcripts.

>:Nicole had caught Simpson in the
>: Rockingham guest house during their marriage with one of his girls.
>I doubt this is true. Oj is smarter than this.

Smarter? What's the downside? I he doesn't care about his marriage
or thought he could totally dominate his wife, then her opinions on
what he is doing are irrelevant. And who else is gonna criticize the
great OJ?

>She was so scared she attended the funeral attended by Oj and
>secured by his friends.

Why do you keep bringing this up? The media was also out in force.
I'm sure that OJ is gonna draw his gun and start shooting people in
front of the cameras? What would OJ do at the funeral? His modus
operandi is by surprise, in the dark when (he thought) she was alone.

>Marcus says no.

Marcus refused to testify under oath. Where does he say anything?

>: When Faye was staying at Bundy prior to entering rehab in early June of
>: 94, Nicole was unable to find her house key and remote, which she wanted
>: to give to Faye.
>I doubt very seriously that she would want Faye to have her key. Would you
>give a key to drug addict like Faye?

Faye moved in for a few days. According to OJ, Nicole was doing much
the same as the rest of her crowd. You're stretching pretty badly
here. Push on this point and your credibility will fall off the scale
again. Do you want to try another "spiders and snakes" session? It
took months for you to regain credibility after insisting on an
untenable point.

>:After searching through the drawer where it was
>: normally kept, Nicole said, "Oh my God! OJ must have taken my keys last
>: week when he was here!"
>Yeah, right. Sure. No calls to Randa asking for return of the keys?
>No changing of locks since she was supposedly so scared?

She knows OJ. He'll deny taking them. I've actually had to take
someone by the hand and drag them off to a locksmith to change a lock
she was terrified about. Spousal abuse victims are not the most
rational people at protecting themselves. They can be aware of
hazards, but take the most bizarre steps to sort-of protect


Mar 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/30/96
In <4jgipa$> (Patrick
Holley) writes:



>Total nonsense.

>Total nonsense. OJ grabbed her and dragged her.

First off, is there anyone more annoying in this group than HOlley with
this "nonsense" crap? Like what he's addressing is so unbelievable,
it's total nonsense. Give me a break. Make a credible statement before
you answer every freakin' post with the word "nonsense" or "it's

Second, you have the nerve to sit here and ramble on about these
murders being linked with Faye. Yet there isn't ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE,
not ONE! that points to Faye in any way shape or form, but you still
cling to this idiotic theory. And all the evidence points to OJ, yet
you disregard it. It's EMBARRASSING.



Mar 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/30/96
Well- a "drug addict like Faye" was Nicole's close friend who may have
recently started using cocaine. Nicole's cricles included several people
who periodically used drugs, including OJ.

Forget thinking in hyperbole and look at this situation objectively for a
minute-- Faye was a friend going through a rough patch. Maybe Nicole
used bad judgement in letting anyone who does any drugs into her home
with her kids, but in my opinion, OJ and Nicole used similar bad
judgement in getting drunk while their children were home, and
ESPECIALLY in having screaming, violent, expletive-filled fights while
the kids were home. And if you want to focus blame on Nicole, fine--
The fact is, Nicole was careless enough to subject her children and her
home to a hysterical, violent man. Therefore, it makes sense that she'd
allow access to her home to a friend who may be using cocaine.
Remember-- Faye was buying and doing coke. This does not automatically
mean that Faye was bringing murdering Columbian drug lords wherever she
went. In fact, this doesn't mean much at all. Why would Nicole be so
terrified of Faye's having a key? Its already established (by OJ
himself) that Nicole was perfectly fine with Faye staying there at Bundy
during this time.

Greg Goss

Mar 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/31/96
to ) wrote:
>>Total nonsense.

>>Total nonsense. OJ grabbed her and dragged her.

>Give me a break. Make a credible statement before

>you answer every freakin' post with the word "nonsense" or "it's

Now now Dan, It's OK. Nonsense is his word for March, but March is
almost over. Just like Embarassing has disappeared, so will his
nonsense. At least it's not so bad as the month he was hooked on
"dark alley"


Mar 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/31/96
Greg Goss ( wrote:

: ) wrote:
: >>Nonsense.
: >>Total nonsense.
: >>Total nonsense. OJ grabbed her and dragged her.

: >Give me a break. Make a credible statement before

: >you answer every freakin' post with the word "nonsense" or "it's
: >embarrassing"

: Now now Dan, It's OK. Nonsense is his word for March, but March is
: almost over. Just like Embarassing has disappeared, so will his
: nonsense. At least it's not so bad as the month he was hooked on
: "dark alley"

...Or the month he kept insisting "..they had a love-hate affair."

Anne ... <>

Jon Beaver

Mar 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/31/96
to (doug haire) wrote:

>Patrick Holley ( wrote:

>: Faye is such a liar even the prosecution didn't call her.

>: Even her friends call her a liar.

>Except that many of the things she said were told to her by Nicole, Kato
>*also* says Nicole told him. Are they both liars? Is Kato a liar? Has
>anyone ever called Kato a liar?

The legal issue is whether NICHOLE is a liar. Since she isn't
here to take an oath, most people accept that none of her
statements made to Faye or Nichole will be admissible in the
civil trial. Of course that doesn't mean that they are useless
as evidence in forming a personal opinion, but in my personal
opinion, personal opinions are highly overrated.
- Jon Beaver

Terry Hallinan

Apr 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/1/96
to (Anne) wrote:

Oh, Lord, that is the longest month. It goes on and on like the
energizer bunny.

Joyce Bolton

Apr 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/1/96
to (Patrick Holley) wrote:

I don't know where Holley gets his information (much of it seems to be
intuitive or guesswork on his part), but I find his posts regarding
Faye's deposition suspect. Beware!

I can't resist just one example. Holley's comment regarding the threat
Simpson made in a phone conversation to Faye that he would kill Nicole :

doug haire

Apr 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/3/96
Jon Beaver ( wrote:

: (doug haire) wrote:
: >Patrick Holley ( wrote:
: >: Faye is such a liar even the prosecution didn't call her.

: >: Even her friends call her a liar.
: >Except that many of the things she said were told to her by Nicole, Kato
: >*also* says Nicole told him. Are they both liars? Is Kato a liar? Has
: >anyone ever called Kato a liar?
: The legal issue is whether NICHOLE is a liar. Since she isn't
: here to take an oath, most people accept that none of her
: statements made to Faye or Nichole will be admissible in the
: civil trial.

Actually, there wasn't a legal issue here at all. There was a claim made
by Holley that Faye Resnick is a liar and I was addressing that.

Of course, the remarks both she and Kato have attributed to Nicole are
hearsay. No argument there.

: Of course that doesn't mean that they are useless

: as evidence in forming a personal opinion, but in my personal
: opinion, personal opinions are highly overrated.
: - Jon Beaver

That's a hell of a straight line, Beaver, I won't touch it.

Greg Goss

Apr 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/3/96
to (Terry Hallinan) wrote:

It looks like we are into summer re-runs already. I've already seen
many references to "dark alley". I think that this is the word for

Jean Lyles

Apr 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/9/96
to (Joyce Bolton) said:

>> (Patrick Holley) wrote:

>>I don't know where Holley gets his information (much of it seems to be
>>intuitive or guesswork on his part), but I find his posts regarding
>>Faye's deposition suspect. Beware!

>>I can't resist just one example. Holley's comment regarding the threat
>>Simpson made in a phone conversation to Faye that he would kill Nicole :

>>They told each other they would kill each other all the time.

>>>it's why their friends didn't take it seriously.

Joyce, this is embarassing and furthermore it's nonsense ;>

Jean Lyles

Patrick Holley

Apr 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/16/96
Jean Lyles ( wrote:
: (Joyce Bolton) said:

: >> (Patrick Holley) wrote:
: >>

: >>I don't know where Holley gets his information (much of it seems to be
: >>intuitive or guesswork on his part),

:>>but I find his posts regarding
: >>Faye's deposition suspect. Beware!

: >>I can't resist just one example. Holley's comment regarding the threat
: >>Simpson made in a phone conversation to Faye that he would kill Nicole :

: >>They told each other they would kill each other all the time.

: >>>it's why their friends didn't take it seriously.

: Joyce, this is embarassing and furthermore it's nonsense ;>

The only nonsense is you.
They did threaten each other. They had a love-hate relationship.

: --
: Jean Lyles


Apr 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/16/96
to (Patrick Holley) wrote:

>Jean Lyles ( wrote:
>: (Joyce Bolton) said:

>: >> (Patrick Holley) wrote:
>: >>

>: >>I don't know where Holley gets his information (much of it seems to be
>: >>intuitive or guesswork on his part),

>:>>but I find his posts regarding
>: >>Faye's deposition suspect. Beware!

>: >>I can't resist just one example. Holley's comment regarding the threat
>: >>Simpson made in a phone conversation to Faye that he would kill Nicole :

>: >>They told each other they would kill each other all the time.

>: >>>it's why their friends didn't take it seriously.

>: Joyce, this is embarassing and furthermore it's nonsense ;>

>The only nonsense is you.
>They did threaten each other. They had a love-hate relationship.

Love and hate cannot co-exist....obviously.

>: --
>: Jean Lyles

Cheryl McGonegal

Apr 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/16/96
to (Patrick Holley) wrote:
>Jean Lyles ( wrote:
>: (Joyce Bolton) said:
>: >> (Patrick Holley) wrote:
>: >>
>: >>I don't know where Holley gets his information (much of it seems to be
>: >>intuitive or guesswork on his part),

>:>>but I find his posts regarding
>: >>Faye's deposition suspect. Beware!

>: >>I can't resist just one example. Holley's comment regarding the threat
>: >>Simpson made in a phone conversation to Faye that he would kill Nicole :

>: >>They told each other they would kill each other all the time.

>: >>>it's why their friends didn't take it seriously.

>: Joyce, this is embarassing and furthermore it's nonsense ;>

>The only nonsense is you.
>They did threaten each other. They had a love-hate relationship.

Poor Folley. OJ's threat to kill Nicole has been confirmed by two
separate witnesses - each from opposite sides of the fence. Yet
he's still defending his hero. Cheryl


Apr 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/16/96
Mako ( wrote:

: Love and hate cannot co-exist....obviously.

: >: --
: >: Jean Lyles
: >:

I'm not sure of the attributions in this message,
so don't know whether mako or Jean posted this line..

Whoever - I dispute that love and hate cannot
co-exist. I believe that love and hate are part
of each other. You can't hate someone about whom
you have no feelings.... You can hate their actions,
or inactions, but how can you hate someone who means
nothing to you? Just my .02.

Anne ... <>


Apr 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/17/96
On 16 Apr 1996 08:55:24 GMT, (Patrick
Holley) wrote:

>Jean Lyles ( wrote:
>: (Joyce Bolton) said:
>: >> (Patrick Holley) wrote:
>: >>
>: >>I don't know where Holley gets his information (much of it seems to be
>: >>intuitive or guesswork on his part),
>:>>but I find his posts regarding
>: >>Faye's deposition suspect. Beware!
>: >>I can't resist just one example. Holley's comment regarding the threat
>: >>Simpson made in a phone conversation to Faye that he would kill Nicole :

>: >>They told each other they would kill each other all the time.

>: >>>it's why their friends didn't take it seriously.

>: Joyce, this is embarassing and furthermore it's nonsense ;>
>The only nonsense is you.
>They did threaten each other. They had a love-hate relationship.

Right, Folley. OJ did threaten her. Then he killed her.

>: --
>: Jean Lyles


Go Yanks!!!

Apr 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/17/96
just one question.....can anyone take resnick at her word? now, i
am no OJ lover, (he killed those poor people and got away with it) but i
really can't consider resnick a reliable sorce either.....and not only
because of her drug abuse.....mostly because of her first book when she
profited from her "friends" death by desribing her love life with marcus
allen and others......what kind of "friend" is that?

Joyce Bolton

Apr 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/18/96
In <4l3q99$> "Go Yanks!!!" <>

Granted that writing the book was in poor taste, to say the least, but
her doing so doesn't mean that she's a liar. I've read her first book
and have seen many of her interviews on tv, and my personal impression
of her is that she's entirely truthful.

Danielle Lessard

Apr 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/18/96
"Go Yanks!!!" <> wrote:
> just one question.....can anyone take resnick at her word? now, i
>am no OJ lover, (he killed those poor people and got away with it) but i
>really can't consider resnick a reliable sorce either.....and not only
>because of her drug abuse.....mostly because of her first book when she
>profited from her "friends" death by desribing her love life with marcus
>allen and others......what kind of "friend" is that?
--- a friend with a book contract, that's what ---
Danielle Lessard


Apr 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/18/96
Danielle Lessard <> wrote:

What about Simp's contracts for "I Want to Tell You"....and the video?
Do you consider the source reliable?

The same source who fled from justice?

The same source who claimed he wouldn't testify under oath because the
jurors were tired and angry?

The same source who claims never to have taken a lie detector test?

The same source who claims never to have used cocaine?

The same source who alternatively denies owning or claims to not
remember whether he owned a pair of "ugly-ass" BM's?

The same source who describes spousal beatings as "rasslin'", and
claims *he* was a battered husband?

The same source who claims *everyone's* lying but himself?


Apr 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/18/96
Question for the Faye-haters:
-so was it just a lucky amazing coincidence that Faye's "lies" re: OJ's
coke use and OJ's beatings of Nicole sound awfully similar to A.C.'s
sworn testimony?
Or is AC a racist & greedy slut too?


Apr 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/19/96
In article <4l4b9l$>, Bolton) writes:

>Granted that writing the book was in poor taste, to say the least, but
>her doing so doesn't mean that she's a liar. I've read her first book
>and have seen many of her interviews on tv, and my personal impression
>of her is that she's entirely truthful.

I, too, find her very credible. She has never denied her drug use which
is more than you can say for Butch. She also seems pretty intelligent.

Doug and Jeanne Miltenberger

Apr 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/20/96
Alice <> wrote:

Good pont Alice.

Terry Hallinan

Apr 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/20/96

>Alice <> wrote:

>Good pont Alice.

No, it's not, Alice. Not this time. It's a wee bit strange to call
Faye a racist except that seems to have become a familiar form of
greeting. I don't know what a slut is but I guess it is something
awful. Personally it's not the lies that present a problem with what
Faye has written but what is, or may be, true. Even in this day and
age there are a few of us that find exposing some intimacies unseemly
and to rush into print to profit from the terrible personal tragedy of
a friend in such a way is obscene.

But at least it is not quite as hypocritical as the oily Shapiro, who
wishes to bask in the limelight of the racist defense of OJ he
engineered and then damn Johnnie Cochran for carrying it out. I guess
there is something to be said for Faye after all. Not much but at
least she isn't as bad as the lawyers.

Maybe you will try to forgive the preaching but there are still
fossils around who who have never learned the new morality. Maybe
it's because we don't go to church.
Best, Terry

"Positive - Being wrong at the top of one's lungs"
-The Devil's Dictionary

Go Yanks!!!

Apr 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/21/96

of course not......but, he is a pretty reliable killer.......


Apr 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/22/96
In article <4lb8qa$>, (Doug and Jeanne
Miltenberger) wrote:

"Alice <> wrote:
">Question for the Faye-haters:
">-so was it just a lucky amazing coincidence that Faye's "lies" re: OJ's
">coke use and OJ's beatings of Nicole sound awfully similar to A.C.'s
">sworn testimony?
">Or is AC a racist & greedy slut too?
"Good pont Alice.

Right on Alice u hit it right on the nose! Very good.

George (AKA) The Holy Macro

Mar 9, 2018, 1:14:53 AM3/9/18
On Saturday, March 30, 1996 at 1:00:00 AM UTC-7, Alice wrote:
> OK Patrick-
> You and OJ have called Faye lots of nasty names like "slut, liar,
> druggie, sex-addict, wannabe, annoying..."
> And OJ accompanies his name-calling with his ad nauseum declarations that
> he is 100% sure Faye and "her world" are responsible for the drug murders
> of Nicole and Ron.
> Yet OJ responds to news that she's fled the country by scoffing, saying
> she SHOULD be frightened, b/c the drug cartels are probably trying to
> kill her due to her continuing to mis-direct blame away from them and
> toward an innocent OJ (?)... oh, and by the way, OJ sure hopes she makes
> peace with his lord Jesus Christ.
> an open letter to OJ, and Patrick please feel free to respond as well:
> OJ,:
> Why are you letting Faye get away with this? Why aren't you on a
> rampage, demanding Faye be arrested and interrogated about
> who/where/why killed the mother of your children and set you up to take
> the rap? If Garcetti won't do it, why don't you & your private
> investigators?! You and your lawyers made a half-assed effort to look
> into this, during the trial, but then it was only to deflect blame from
> you.
> Aren't you still FURIOUS with this woman, who is responsible for Nicole's
> murder? Isn't this the one who is causing you to go through and pay for a
> second (civil) trial? Why was your cross-exam. of Faye during the
> depo. so tame? Why did it focus on nit-picking details, rather than
> going after the truth re: this woman knows who the real killer is???
> When you recently heard Kato accuse you, and Darden and the Garveys and the
> Browns, why didn't you scream for the thousandth time, "YOU GUYS! FAYE
> Why do you respond re: Kato's tendency to get confused
> & Darden's problems with anger, and just make general denials of your
> guilt?
> Why wouldn't you be screaming at the top of your lungs--"Kato! I didn't
> do it-- it was Faye Resnick and her world!" Better yet, why not argue
> this more, esp during your public statements? Tell us why, tell us more
> re: your evid. about this. Why don't you ever xpress outrage that she is
> being allowed to flee the country, possibly forever, and escape
> liability and escape your
> investigations into the truth re: the real killers?
> Holley, you snidely point out that the prosec. didn't call Faye as a
> witness, (although you yourself admit that the prosec. would have been
> severely limited as to what they could ask Faye due to the h.say rule
> excluding anything Nicole said to her about OJ's abuse and threats.)
> Well- guess what-- THE DEFENSE CHOSE NOT TO CALL FAYE as well.
> Yes- the defense had the chance to question the person OJ is POSITIVELY
> SURE is responsible for the murders that OJ's accused of. Instead, the
> defense calls a parade of barely relevant witnesses to comment on things
> like how OJ was getting along with his girlfriend at the time of the
> murders, and how much dandruff OJ has and how much Ron Shipp had to drink
> and how OJ acted at a golf game the week before.
> All this stuff is more important than questioning the woman who has
> direct info. re: the real killers???
> True, OJ's lawyers did ask Ito if they could ask indirect questions about
> this subj. area from Faye's ex-boyfriend who was a close OJ buddy. But
> when they were told no, why didn't they get Faye up there immediately?
> One of the most striking things about the case was, and still is, the
> absolute lack of evid. or info. about who else but OJ could be guilty.
> And it is just absurd for OJ to vaguely allude, every once in a while,
> that by the way, he knows for sure who did it and who could enlighten us
> (and him) with all the details, but lets just let it drop now while he
> plays some more golf and continues to foot the bills for the civil lawyers.

you got it girl!! if you look at youtube look at OJ UNCUT and watch Johnny Cochran cross examine Fornesic latent prints specialist Gilbert Auigular testmony how 17 of those prints at the bundy crime scene did not match OJ SIMPSON he did say one belong to faye resnick and others belong to nicole also detective ron phillips print was there too so who are the rest of the prints belong to?

Mar 20, 2018, 9:17:05 AM3/20/18
On Tuesday, March 26, 1996 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-5, Joyce Bolton wrote:
> Anyone that's interested in hearing about the "real" relationship between
> Simpson and Nicole should read Resnick's deposition. Contrast her
> testimony with Simpson's, wherein he says no abuse, amicable separation,
> no drugs, no extramarital affairs... For those of you without the time
> or inclination to plod through the lengthy depo., you might enjoy some of
> the highlights below.
> Please note that despite what Simpson says, Faye and Nicole were best
> friends, and thus, Faye "was" in a position to know about the Simpson
> relationship. Faye saw Nicole 4 to 5 times a week minumum, spoke on the
> phone 3 times a day, their children were good friends, and they
> considered each other best friends.
> Faye describes Simpson when he was angry: ...teeth clenched, narrow,
> black eyes, protruding jaw, sweating, face distorted, could hardly talk,
> animalistic...
> Simpson beat Nicole while she was pregnant, and complained about her
> getting fat.
> He had a girlfriend for three years while married to Nicole and supported
> the girlfriend (Tawny Kittan (?)) financially. Bought her $20,000
> earrings. He would beat Nicole when she confronted him regarding his
> relationships. The '89 beating occurred because she confronted him about
> his two other women. During that beating, Nicole told Faye that Simpson
> beat, punched, kicked and slapped her.
> Nicole said that Simpson had sexual relations with Tropic girls (models)
> during their marriage. Numerous one night stands. When the new crew
> came in, he'd date the new crew. Nicole had caught Simpson in the
> Rockingham guest house during their marriage with one of his girls.
> Nicole told Faye that she had called "911" 30 times.
> After the divorce and prior to '93, Nicole had a relationship with Marcus
> Allen. This was an extremely sore point with Simpson--" could she
> do that?"
> Faye saw Simpson snort cocaine at Harley Davidson Cafe (Mark Packer was
> present as well). Back and the NY condo that evening, Simpson and Nicole
> fought about the Enquirer article which talked about the abuse and
> Nicole's 911 call. It was Nicole's fault, Simpson said. Faye, in the
> bedroom, was afraid to sleep because she feared Simpson would harm Nicole.
> Also saw Simpson snort cocaine at Rockingham (AC present). Simpson told
> Faye he could get her however many drugs she needed. "OJ admitted to
> using drugs, it was no secret."
> Simpson's initial reaction to Nicole's initiation of the reconciliation
> in '93 was that he was happy with Paula, but later the same day, he
> called Nicole 5 times and went to see her.
> Nicole's demands regarding the reconciliation: No beatings, no drugs, no
> interferring with her friendships, no controlling her.
> Simpson insisted she tell him about all her relationships with men during
> the separation and divorce. He learned about Marcus Allen.
> During a conversation with Faye, Simpson told her ('93) that if he ever
> saw Nicole with Marcus, he didn't know what he would do.
> Nicole made the decision to break of the reconciliation with Simpson
> during the Cabo trip (April '94). Simpson had openly flirted with a
> waitress where the group, including the children, were having dinner.
> Also made the comment about Nicole's fear of frogs and his being the
> Frogman. Nicole was afraid to tell Simpson she was breaking off the
> relationship and didn't do so until after Simpson returned from Puerto
> Rico, but in the meantime refused to return his calls.
> Simpson was angry at Faye because she hid that Nicole was ending the
> relationship. Simpson had been calling Faye at all hours, day and night.
> After Nicole broke off with him, he told Faye that if he caught Nicole
> with another man before Augst, he would kill her. He also told this to
> Nicole.
> Nicole was seeing Marcus Allen in May of 94. Faye was told this by
> Cynthia Shahian and Cora Fishman, and also saw Marcus' car parked at
> Bundy. Nicole told Faye that she loved Marcus Allen, during a
> conversation that occurred during the last two weeks of her life.
> Regarding the IRS, Simpson told Faye he wanted to cause Nicole as much
> pain as possible. Wanted to make her live in reality so that she would
> see how lucky she had it, being with him.
> Early in May 94, Simpson, stopping at Starbucks were Nicole, Faye, Ron
> Goldman and his friends were having coffee, says "this is my wife you
> know. I want to talk to you Nicole."
> When Faye was staying at Bundy prior to entering rehab in early June of
> 94, Nicole was unable to find her house key and remote, which she wanted
> to give to Faye. After searching through the drawer where it was
> normally kept, Nicole said, "Oh my God! OJ must have taken my keys last
> week when he was here!"

It's well established that members of three groups congenitally prejudiced against Simpson had him as the murderer before they finished the autopsy. Spousal abuse was the instant proof required by the white racists and the sisterhood.

While I realize the Simpson haters have still to bother with actually assessing the credibility of the testimony and authenticity of any evidence against him, it bears keeping in mind that the charges of spousal abuse surfaced in connection with their divorce. Indeed, in his deposition Simpson notes that Nicole had been urged by her attorney to raise the issue of spousal abuse to improve her leverage for a better settlement.

Never before in the history of divorce actions has any such thing ever been hear of.

There is, however, an even more compelling reason for Nicole to raise in her divorce action. She had signed a prenup that specifically limited the settlement she could get - UNLESS she could somehow break it. The answer: Spousal abuse. That's the sure and certain motive for her and her friends to raise that issue and to substantiate it happened.

The stalking issues she raised after the divorce were based on exactly the same grounds. Her settlement was limited to a rental property in San Francisco and no alimony, plus child support. She loved a high life style and went through the proceeds of the condo in no time. She needed money.

How to get it from Simpson. An attorney colleague at the NYC Department where I worked gave the best answer. Simpson's stalking that created safety issues were grounds she was creating to re-open the divorce by claiming she needed more money for the expenses she would incur to protect herself from the threat he posed to her. That's your full and complete motive for her making those claims.

The fact is, Simpson was done with her. He was that night calling Gretchen Stockdale, a Playboy Playmate, undoubtedly to arrange a meet. Their failed reconciliation made crystal clear to Simpson that he and Nicole had no future.

He was not interested in her. Spousal abuse was a phony motive. Since Simpson had absolutely no motive to commit the murders, that's more than enough grounds to dismiss the charges against him especially with all the fabricated evidence and false testimony that was produced against him that the prosecution covered up and protected by perjury proofing every one of their witnesses for their false statements.


Kittens Magazine

Dec 18, 2021, 1:40:15 AM12/18/21
On Wednesday, April 17, 1996 at 12:00:00 AM UTC-7, Go Yanks!!! wrote:
> just one question.....can anyone take resnick at her word? now, i
> am no OJ lover, (he killed those poor people and got away with it) but i
> really can't consider resnick a reliable sorce either.....and not only
> because of her drug abuse.....mostly because of her first book when she
> profited from her "friends" death by desribing her love life with marcus
> allen and others......what kind of "friend" is that?

You would have to be a detective at the crime scene or a witness to a murder or a racist, to say that OJ killed those people. He was acquitted.
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