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dick wagner

Sep 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/20/99
Among the alternative theories of the Simpson case is one that believes
that the intended target of the crime was not Nicole, but Ron Goldman.
This is based on certain coincidental facts in Ron's background that
could cause a person to suspect that forces in the underworld were
motivated to kill him for some reason, but there is no specific causal
evidence showing that a particular person acted to implement such a
plan. Since I believe that there was an organized crime connection to
the Bundy murders, such discussions interest me, somewhat.

Carol, my friend in Kansas, knows of my interest, sent me some articles
she collected from the internet, and asked me to evaluate them. A
review of the material and my conclusion follows.

RON GOLDMAN'S BACKGROUND: At the time he died, Ron Goldman (according
to the coroner's report) was a 29 year old white male, 5'9" tall, 171
pounds, hazel eyes and brown hair, with a tattoo on his right shoulder.
His date of birth was 7/2/65, which makes him "almost 29 years old" at
the time he died.

Sheila Weller says that by Christmas 1993, Goldman had come to L.A.
from Chicago, and was hanging out with two other guys of his age at "the
wall" at Starbuck's coffee shop in Brentwood. At a point in life when
many others had already established a career, these had "starter jobs,"
waiter, gym trainer, courier,... And, they were all looking for their
"big break," that they knew from folk lore could come from a friendly
contact with someone rich or celebrated, and probably older than
themselves. In the spring of 1994 Nicole fraternized with these young
men, but with Goldman least. According to court transcripts, Goldman
landed a waiter's job at Mezzaluna in February 1994, and from other
sources we believe that Michael Nigg, a contemporary of Goldman's
without a known occupation, but lots of money, got Ron the job at the

MARVIN GLASS: According to the internet source
( the greatest
suspicion centers not on Ron Goldman as the object of the crime, but his
father, Fred Goldman. The concept begins with a colorful Chicago figure
who died in 1997, Marvin Glass. Originally a prominent Chicago lawyer,
Glass drifted into associations with Colombian mob figures, and was
accused in the mid-eighties of being involved with his drug-dealer
clients, acting as a middleman for $100-million
marijuana-and-cocaine-smuggling ring (money laundering), then collecting
even more money to defend his friends after they were busted. He was
also accused of having offered $2,500 to have his ex-partner shot and

During Glass's trial, his wife, Patti, was a faithful presence, but
once he was convicted she divorced Marvin, and took up with Fred
Goldman. Glass was sentenced to eight years in prison on July 17, 1986,
and Patti married Fred Goldman on February 21, 1987. If that was not
enough to ruin Marvin's outlook, shortly before the trial he was
involved in a traffic accident, and in the process of putting him back
together, the hospital used tainted blood; poor Marvin was diagnosed
with AIDS, and in those days that was an eventual death sentence. There
is much speculation, but no direct evidence, that Glass was unhappy with
his situation, and angry at Fred Goldman for depriving him of his wife.
According to this theory, Glass induced his mob associates to murder
Fred Goldman's son, Ron, as a way to exact revenge from the senior for
stealing his wife. (The idea is compelling for followers of this theory
because the June 1994 Bundy murders coincide with the end of Glass's
"official" eight year sentence, even though Glass actually served only a
little over two years.)

The main problem with this idea is its obliqueness. The usual way for
mobsters to exact revenge is to kill the principal, especially if he is
undefended, as Fred Goldman was. I can not recall hearing another story
in which a mobster killed the child of man, rather than the man himself
in such circumstances. Then, there is also the lack of corroborating
indication. It is simply EXPECTED that Glass might have had a grudge
against Goldman. It is also possible that Glass was grateful that
Goldman would take care of a woman (Patti) that he could no longer look
after. Many motives could be ascribed, but none are indicated in the

RON GOLDMAN'S DREAMS: In another part of this consideration that Ron
might have been the target, the contradiction is pointed out between his
dreams and his reality. His reality is described as, "In 1994 Ron
Goldman has proven himself to be a failure. He is a Hollywood wannabe
actor, without a SAG card; a wannabe model, without an agent; unable to
pay his parking tickets, his driver's license was revoked - yet in
blatant disregard for the law, he drove borrowed cars; living beyond his
visible means, he filed bankruptcy..."

Certainly we would say of such a person that he had unpromising
prospects. Nonetheless, it was his ambition to open a disco, club, or
restaurant, and some of these dreams were so detailed as to actually
include designs and prototype policies. From this, the theorists
conclude, "... he had access to hundreds of thousand necessary to build
an upscale restaurant." If Ron was dreaming beyond his means, he would
not be the first man to do so. In fact, it is rather common, and leads
many people to play the lottery or take other long-shot measures to make
their dreams come true. In the Brentwood scene, the folklore is rich
with the possibility that a young man may "get his big break" out of
nowhere, and that by being nice to the right person, his dreams can come

It is certainly not warranted to believe that because there was a huge
disconnect between Ron's dreams and his reality that thereby he must
have been knowingly involved with underworld figures or their projects.
In the place of Brentwood, and with Ron's circumstances, it is much more
likely to think he was scheming to get his "big break" in the usual
Brentwood way. By being nice to a rich (relatively) and well connected

RON'S FRIENDS: It is also claimed that Ron must have been active with
the underworld because some people he knew appear to have had an
involvement. Most often mentioned are,

* Michael Nigg, the high living friend who got Ron the job at the
Mezzaluna. Nigg was shot and killed on September 9, 1995 by a gunman
who had a getaway car and driver.

* Brett Cantor, Ron's friend and record company owner who died of stab
wounds and a slashed throat at his Brentwood home on July 30, 1993.

From this, it can be reasonably concluded that Ron was aware of an
underworld presence in the Brentwood neighborhood, as he probably also
knew of an underworld reality in Chicago, from where he had come. (Just
from knowing a thumbnail biography of his step-mother, Patti (Glass)
Goldman, Ron probably took the reality of the underworld as a fact of
life.) But, having a friend that is affiliated with gangsters does not
make one a gangster himself. There is not any indication that Ron
worked with or had any explicit understandings with gangsters to do
illegal things. As far as the public record indicates, his criminal
history consists of unpaid parking tickets.

OTHER MOB CONNECTIONS: During the criminal trial (on March 23, 1995)
the press took note of the fact that Denise Brown, the victim's sister,
was being squired by Tony "The Animal" Fiato, a mob enforcer and FBI
informant, and that was believed to be part of a long-lasting and close
relationship. It is believed that Fiato worked for Joey Ippolito,
second generation Mafia and successor to Myer Lansky. Ippolito moved to
Southern California in 1988 and opened Cent'Anni, a fashionable Italian
restaurant in Malibu. It has been claimed that at one time A.C.
Cowlings, Simpson's very close friend, worked for Ippolito as a
bodyguard. The internet article hints of an underworld rivalry: Marvin
Glass (and hence Patti) had connections to Colombian drug sources,
whereas Denise had connections to the Mafia. According to the theory
this rivalry could have come to a focus in the Bundy murders. But, this
is an entirely diffuse connection, and there is no vague (much less
explicit) reason to think that the rivalry erupted in this crime. If
there is no other reason to doubt this idea, one victim was from one
side of the rivalry, and the other victim was from the other side.

There is another indication of gangster methods associated with the
crime. Faye Resnick, Nicole's close friend at the end, claims that
shortly after the murders she suffered a break-in during which her
diaries of the period before the crime were stolen. Jennifer Ameli, a
West Los Angeles therapist, who counseled both Nicole and Ron in the
spring of 1994, suffered burglaries in which her records were stolen.
These crimes are suggestive of efforts to cover up some other connection
to the Bundy murders than Simpson himself.

CONCLUSION: From the foregoing, there is no persuasive indication that
the Bundy murders were undertaken specifically to kill Goldman, whether
by professional gangsters or anybody else.

However, this review does makes it appear that there was some mob
presence in Westside L.A. in 1994, and that the victims of the crime,
and the families and friends, were familiar with the reality of the
underworld, and probably their ways. We would not be surprised,
therefore, if people like Nicole and Ron might have had associations
with people they realized might be mobsters. And, if they thought that
those contacts were innocent, they may have believed that as long as
they themselves did not break any laws, they were safe. This very
gentle association of the victims with mobsters does seem quite possible
to me.

Dick Wagner • Van Nuys, CA (9/20/99) NG_584

Robert Miller

Sep 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/20/99

dick wagner wrote:

[Cowlings testified to being a driver for Ippolito in front of the grandjury. He
had the same lawyer, I believe his name was Donald Re, but
I'd have to check. Ralph Ranalli talked about it in a Boston Herald article,
August 24, 1994.]

[I think that the presence of organized crime around the Bundy murders
is important not so much for any particular relationship among the players,
although at a later date knowing these relationships can help explicate how
the crime occurred. Rather, organized crime organizations in the US at the end of
the 20th Century have, like ultra right-wing and cult groups, unique
relations with government powers, and specifically with law enforcement
and intelligence services. Law enforcement doesn't so much stop drug
flow as allow for favored criminal enterprises to flourish while cutting
down unconnected entreprenuers. A prime example was the Syrian
Al-Kassar heroin pipeline and its relation to Ollie North's own Enterprise.
Organized crime figures can help set the stage, can move various players
to different spots on the stage, can silence unruly witnesses.]


Sep 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/21/99
>Dick Wagner,

Thanks for posting this, only proves that the LAPD rushed to judgement. There
would have been nothing wrong with a more lengthly thorough investigation.


dick wagner

Sep 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/21/99

Thanks for your more detailed description of Cowlings connection to
Ippolito. On my file copy of this article I have removed the quilifier,
"It has been claimed that..." from the description of AC as Ippolito's
"bodyguard." I realize that you also said Cowlings was a "driver," but
one look at him, and I think he could pass as bodyguard, whatever he
chose to call himself.

As to your sweeping ideas about the role of organized crime in American
society, I am sure you have your reasons for believing this, but it is
contrary to my understanding, and you do not give any cause for me to
think differently, other than you yourself think differently.

Thanks for your input.

--dick wagner

dick wagner

Sep 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/21/99

You say, "Thanks for posting this, only proves that the LAPD rushed to

judgement. There would have been nothing wrong with a more lengthly
thorough investigation."

I am sorry, too, that the investigation was not more thorough. I think
any time that a murder occurs involving rich and celebrated persons, the
police should suspect that there might be more than meets the eye, and
continue to investigate beyond the obvious conclusion. Before they got
through with the preliminary hearing, they had nailed the barking dog
down to around 10:18 from which it was a reasonable guess that the crime
occured at 10:15 or before. At the same time, they had interviewed
Heidstra and Shively, and so had cause (if they believed what they
heard) to think that Simpson was fleeing the scene in the 10:35 to 10:40
time frame. This alone should have caused them to look more closely.
But, of course, no one (LAPD or LADA) was the slightest interested in
solving the crime, their only interest was in convicting Simpson, and
these indications were contrary to that.

In particular, I agree with Fuhrman that the interview of Simpson was
shameful (L&V's "explanation" notwithstanding). And, I am very
disturbed that the interview of the Mezzaluna witnesses consisted of a
"group discussion." When it was discovered that an important component
of the security system (the gate unlatcher) had failed, why was there no
investigation of why it had failed, or when? Was it not in the least
suspicious that Juditha's glasses had lain on the pavement two feet from
the curb on busy San Vicente unharmed for three hours, and that during
half that time it was still daylight, and the valet was moving back and
forth to the location, but did not discover them? Or why the recovered
glasses were "muddy," but there is no indication of water (much less
"mud") in the street? Or why the fragile agapanthus at the narrow
entrance to the Goldman alcove was unharmed even though a titanic
struggle presumably passed through there. Or why the BACK of Goldman's
clothes were drenched in blood, even though he bled from the front and
was presumably erect during the murder (but, no blood on the soles of
his boots).

There never was, from the moment Marcia Clark showed up at Rockingham,
any serious interest in investigating this case. She decided Simpson
was guilty, and everybody else simply became her helpers in proving

--dick wagner


Sep 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/21/99


>From: dick wagner
>Date: Mon, 20 September 1999 10:39 PM EDT
>Message-id: <>

Kim Goldman speaks of Glass in her depo--also interesting, Kim Goldman dated
Michael Nigg, before he apparently knew her brother...when asked how she met
him, she said some "friends" introduced her to Nigg.

Interesting also, the girl with Nigg at the time of the hit, was never harmed
by the gunman...

Interesting still, is Nigg's background.

Note: the date of Nigg's death, 3 weeks into the OJ trial..

We have a lot more on the Glass story...we've researched it for some time. The
reknown author:Scott Turow, was the states prosecutor that prosecuted Glass.
Glass was a former prosecutor himself, in Chicago at one time..and was caught
primarily for moneylaundering for the mob, as their lawyer.

Glass was busted early on in the "Operation Greylord" days, fled, and was re
arrested in Texas.

"Operation Greylord" was an interesting story in itself...with numerous judges,
lawyers etc. being prosecuted, sentenced and jailed...

Glass cut a deal with the Gov. and agreed to wear a wire for further
information gathering against some of his associates, involving the drug trade
from Colombia, mexico, LA, Colo. Chicago, and numerous other states.

The story gets more interesting...
and too long to give at this moment..those interested, can find most of the
material in the Chicago Trib archives, Papers in Texas, LA, Florida, etc...

Glass racked up 210 years for his part in the saga, but was finally sentenced,
to only 8 years, for his co-operation, in 88.

"Greylord", was eventually connnected to the 'inslaw case' and several more
VERY interesting arrests, were made, although his arrangement with Turow,(
"wearing of the wire",) as described in court cases was controversial, and
contested in some of the cases, it eventually held up in court.

It's known only to particular people whether Glass was at Bundy that nite, or
hired, (as was his usual mo) someone to kill Goldman.

It is known however, that Glass WAS in LA within days of the murders, for his
child's graduation from grammar school...(Check Kim's depo for exact details.

The most interesting fact of all I found to connect Glass to Patti and Fred
Goldman, is the manner in which their home in "Thousand Oaks" was purchased.
"for a consideration", money in excess of $350,000 was exchanged, which just
happened to be the same amount of money that was given to a certain judge in
Chicago, that disappeared, (the money that is, the judge was jailed.)

Glass claimed to be penniless, sick, and unable to practice law if he got out
of prison it too much for one to wonder if some of the Glass
fortune, was used to 'purchase' the Goldman home?
And Glass gets out of prison and demands money from his former "faithful
wife", now married to Fred Goldman?

Is it coincidental ?

Glass died in June, of 1997, according to the "New York Magazine"..and left
minor children, who would now be near adulthood and ready to claim their
father's estate? (A loan was since, taken out on the property, (before it was
put up for sale, and Goldman's move to AZ.)

It's all a matter of public records, taxes liens,deeds, etc...

(Incidently,Scott Turow has a website, if you're of his new
books just recently paralells the Glass case. It's unknown to me at this time
if Glass's name is actually used in the book, I haven't read it.)

Robert Miller

Sep 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/21/99

dick wagner wrote:

[I didn't have space for my footnotes.]

dick wagner

Sep 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/21/99

You say (of my mention that you did not support your claims about the
Mafia's pervasive influence in American society), "I didn't have space
for my footnotes."

I imagine <G>.

--dick wagner

dick wagner

Sep 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/21/99

You add more detail to the discussion about the proximity of gangsters
to the Bundy murders. Some of this I knew, but excised from my account
because of remoteness (I thought); other of your details are new to me.

I was a little disappointed that you did not give an explicit opinion
about the significance of all of this to the cause of the Bundy murders
(if any). I infer you think that Glass was the cause of those crimes,
but I can't be sure. I am always put off a little when I read an
analysis that builds its case on questions (e.g., "Is it coincidental?")
or lays out a series of facts without verbalizing the obvious
implication. Maybe it's just me.

--dick wagner


Sep 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/22/99
>From: dick wagner
>Date: Wed, 22 September 1999 12:04 AM EDT
>Message-id: <>

It is no secret I feel that OJ Simpson did not commit the Bundy murders..

I never started posting til after the criminal trial verdict was in and I
started reading the 'nojay hater's posts.

It was obvious to me that the real story behind the Bundy murders has never
been told yet, so I like many, have embelished myself in a search for the

Whether the information I gather, from whatever sources is complimentary, or
otherwise, to any known participant in the case, I've always tried to get the
information out there for discussion by both sides.

It is no secret also that I have engaged bitter Simpson haters also on a
personal level, for which I found is usually a nothing more than the nojay
tatic to avoid discussing the real facts of the case, and I care not to waste
any of my valuable time as such anymore. I simply try to avoid reading their

I belong to a network of Projays, compiled of, but not restricted to, lawyers,
foriensic scientist, med. techs., lab workers, investigators, law enforcement,
in fact, from all walks of life. When we have time, we filter information back
and forth for discussion..Including posts for example that we read here from
posters like Miller, Prien, Ma, yourself,(Dick Wagner) Suska, Rene..and and old
mail buddy, Ojfan2, fact, most of you.

Of course there is no true search for the truth unless one consider's the nojay
arguments...I notice today a very well informed nojay, JAN35, has started to
post here. Tannwitz was another one, if you avoid engaging them on a personal
level, an pass over their personal hatred for Simpson.

Please don't assume any reason for the nature of my posts, the biggest reason
is the "Search for what really happened that nite at Bundy".

Although I don't deny, certain events and associates in my past and present,
have caused me to take certain precautions on a personal level, I make little
claim as to any "privy" info unknown to the masses.

I do so hope you all continue to discuss the facts in a civil manner...and keep
things on a 'humane' level.

In closing, I wish to make clear that in mentioning just a few of the facts
surrounding Glass-Goldman background, I have by no means come to the
conclusion that Glass was DIRECTLY involved. It remains only a possibility for
me right now, and much more feasable than a "Simpson suddenly goes irrate",
motive for murder.

It was never a secret as to Nicole's past envolvement with persons in the
drug world, and her own inner circle--nor was it ever a secret of her search
for a new life without Simpson..

There is much to be learned by the lot of you here on this board...
so I guess you could say, it's only correct to 'assume' I believe in Simpson's
innocence of the murders, based on fact, facts that have created a 'Mountain of
Doubt" for me.

I guess I just never have learned to join the herd mentality.


Sep 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/22/99
>From: dick wagner
>Date: Wed, 22 September 1999 12:04 AM EDT
>Message-id: <>
> You add more detail to the discussion about the proximity of gangsters
>to the Bundy murders. Some of this I knew, but excised from my account
>because of remoteness (I thought); other of your details are new to me.
> I was a little disappointed that you did not give an explicit opinion
>about the significance of all of this to the cause of the Bundy murders
>(if any). I infer you think that Glass was the cause of those crimes,
>but I can't be sure. I am always put off a little when I read an
>analysis that builds its case on questions (e.g., "Is it coincidental?")
>or lays out a series of facts without verbalizing the obvious
>implication. Maybe it's just me.
> --dick wagner

Also, I would like to call attention to the fairly recent arrest of "LADY
M"(Furrow, Farrow,not sure of spelling at this moment)----an elementary
schoolteacher there in LA.

Some of the "Lady M" stats paralells a story Wagner has on his website--the
woman connected to the 'Mexican Mafia"--known also as the 'clean' contact for
imprisioned Mex mafia members. She was the 'contact' for getting things done
on the outside..hits, non payment of drugs, taking over drug turf disputes

I mention this only because of Glass's connection to the Mexican Mafia, when he
was in the height of his own corrupt carreer -in a cocaine smuggling, alien
smuggling, etc empire that led to his final demise.

(For clarification purposes, Marvin Glass, was Patti Goldman's former husband,
in Chicago)

Interesting information exists of Gil Garcetti's bed partner-Media rep. during
the Simpson trial days, (Suzzane Childs) former wife of a certain Hollywood
producer-(a story in itself, and too long to tell now.)also both came from

I mention this, as in researching Fred Goldman's past, her name came up.
Apparently Fred wasn't always a "point of sales" salesman, but instead worked
in the media world also.

Is it any wonder I grin, that he is now Pres. of a satelite 'tracking firm' in
AZ? He recently got the job, after being unemployed suddenly by the Az States
att. office....though his wife was employed in a boutique, doing nails....and
probably still is.

Robert Miller

Sep 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/22/99

dick wagner wrote:

[Imagination helps. Along with enough information tofill in the blanks.]]

dick wagner

Sep 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/22/99

Thanks for your explanation of your position and purpose. It all seems
reasonable to me.

From my own perspective, I think you are going about it backwards, to
gather such a huge volume of information, 90% of which will turn out to
be irrelevant coincidence, no matter who turns out to be the guilty
party. For me, it is better to first come to a specific and confident
understanding of what happened on the night of the murder, and then let
that certainty guide the search for more. Or, so it seems to me.

Now that I know I am being watched <G> by you and your friends, I hope
to give you something fun to see tonight. Drop by and look for "RIGHT
BEFORE OUR EYES, ALL THIS TIME". It is a single example of what I think
is the dominating characteristic of the Simpson case: the evidence that
will lead to a true understanding of this crime has been right in front
of us all this time, if we will only understand what we are looking at.

--dick wagner


Sep 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/23/99
>From: dick wagner
>Date: Wed, 22 September 1999 03:58 PM EDT
>Message-id: <>

Mr. Wagner:
First you are welcome.
And on the fact gathering, wouldn't one waste a lot more than 5+ years if
his/her mind was already made up?
As long as the verdict has already been announced: "NOT GUILTY"--my selfish
purpose is not the same as yours....You, obviously are a gifted
writer...thinker...(I'll stop there, I don't want to start a revolt on the

Your last paragraph is so true. THE TRUTH about one thing has been before us
all the time: THE MYSTERIOUS MAGLIS OWNER---was not the killer. Lee puts the
photographer in the BRUNOS. One only has to read the orginal testimony, the
part about the cropped off pics. and the 'seven other drops'--leading to the
other gate.

Then note his test. about the lines on the jeans, and envelope/paper/Fuhrman
picture pointing to the envelope, the envelope, paper, before and after...the
crimescene is altered here..either to allow Fuhrman get his pictures he desires
for his book?---or a frame by whomever. Take your choice, but the Bruno Maglis
print on the envelope is the photographers.

Sep 27, 2014, 6:19:05 PM9/27/14
> Dick Wagner * Van Nuys, CA (9/20/99) NG_584

Did Fred Goldman know Jay Sebring? His dead ringer attended Sebrings funeral and Sebring also had drug ties with mafia people.


Mar 23, 2015, 11:33:53 PM3/23/15
> Dick Wagner * Van Nuys, CA (9/20/99) NG_584

Though you are no longer with us Mr. Wagner, you should have been persuaded by the Cantor evidence, which there is a bit more of:

Bruce/Brett Cantor of the LA Dragonfly Nightclub was murdered (1993, about one year before Ron's murder) with the same MO, multiple stab wounds to the body, followed by jugulation, injuries nearly identical to those of Ron and Nicole.

Further, Cantor was an acquaintance/employer of Ron, and an acquaintance of Nicole, and of Faye Resnick. (You would obviously follow these links and leads in trying to discover Ron's killer.) The Cantor murder is unsolved. As PI Pat McKenna, former LAPD detective, says, the killer(s) of Cantor are almost certainly the same as the killer(s) of Ron and Nicole. The Cantor killing is one tiny tip of the exculpatory iceberg.

There is a third besides Cantor and Nigg.

Jul 21, 2015, 1:09:33 AM7/21/15
when did we lose mr wagner?s! rest in peace!!!

Mar 8, 2017, 11:30:27 PM3/8/17
We must be diligent on his behalf.

Someone needs to contact McKenna!


May 13, 2021, 12:50:29 PM5/13/21
There mob doesn't hire African American bodyguards or drivers. Bottom line.

Kittens Magazine

Dec 16, 2021, 10:39:30 PM12/16/21
Actually. They do.

Kittens Magazine

Dec 16, 2021, 10:45:38 PM12/16/21
It wasn't drug related it wasn't mafia. Drug dealers and mafia don't plant evidence. There has been clues left of who really did ... DJ Research a DJ named Michael Jackson from KABC radio, and the murder of Allen Berg.
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