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THEORY: "Full-disclosure capitalism"

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Jorn Barger

Jan 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/22/96

For me, one of the great political traumas of the 1970s was when
Congress backed off on requiring *used car dealers* to tell their
customers of any known problems with the cars...

This sort of legislation is exactly the sort of intervention we
*should* expect from government-- in fact, I've wondered, since, if
all of capitalism's problems couldn't be solved by denying businesses
*any* sort of privacy, so that all their finances, processes,
policies, etc were necessarily public knowledge...

I don't even think Coke should be allowed a secret formula--
people need to know what's gone into their food!

But, as well, it should be easy to find out how companies treat
their employees, and how the prices of their products are
related to their expenses, etc etc etc...

Just a thought... (what am I overlooking?)


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