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got to admit.

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joystick over-ride

Dec 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/1/00
Got to admit I only read one message here and replied to it, but then found I had another five minutes up my sleeve to come back in before I go out (obviously something none of the users of use-net here do).
Reason, simply to laugh my head orf' again at the way all you lame brains have obviously religiously hung around this death-bed of a group each waiting for the other to fire something up and make it come ALIVE again just like in the da good ol days of the 'codes' and the pointless chit-chat that used to go on. Got to feel sorry for you all as I sorta remember what it was like when I was a kid and had a club-house and secret passwerd and stuff, must be a real downer to all you people here with real cool nics like:nnnnn chilly willy, (boy, thats gotta be just sooo top of the list-ish) & boston-blackie, (now there's another real well though out mannerism of disguise) & fizz, shit, what can we all say about gramps, he's been around the young girl part of the internet since its inception, he's as clever as sewerage trying to find a home and as smart as the person that would take in a piece of sewerage, ////then we got mister, well, we cant really comment on him because he aint here but we can all send sympathy cards to his wife can't we.
I really honestly can't believe that after all this time you people still come here daily in the hope that the New Yorker will come back and Declare the group open again.
You know, one of You could always do it yourselve's, Remember how it started!! The new-yorker said he just happened to find an empty group and decided to take it on as his own til the owners came back, cept they never did.
So, what do you reckon Arch, could you handle the responsibility yourself?,,,, or are'nt you game enough to take the lime-light again. Maybe Muddled-up could do it, although he doesnt quite have the decorum to be a leader does she. Oh well, whatever, I'm sure you oooooohhh so lonely people will work something out, but I think you got a major problem on your hands if you think woodie will come back and be your king after what pops did to him behind his back; you gonna have to do it yourselves guys!

joyless without ya all......

Oh, sorry I can't read the other posts, I got things to do.


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