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Letterman and tinnitus

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Mar 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/26/98

I recently read an article which stated that David Letterman has tinnitus.
Tinnitus, is, in the most general of terms, often described by those who
suffer as never-ending ringing in the ears.
Does anyone know if David Letterman does in fact suffer from this? The
reason I'm so interested is that my Dad has recently been afflicted with
this. I believe that if David Letterman does in fact suffer from tinnitus,
he ought to be using his extreme popularity in order to both raise the
public awareness that many many people suffer everyday from this horrible
affliction and also to help generate much needed research funds to help
treat and hopefully someday cure it.

I intend to write him a letter. I already know of one address. (The Ed
Sullivan Theatre). If anyone knows of another address please let me know.

Thank you.


Mar 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/26/98

I remember him saying on the show about two years ago that he did have it. my
dad also has it. I think I have the early stages of it, and its not the
"Horrible affliction" that you say it is. its a ringing in the ears. thats
all. its not like cancer or anything. it cant kill you.


Mar 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/26/98

i heard that william shatner has a severe case and that leonard nimoy has it
too and the guy who was the lead singer for mission of burma,too


Mar 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/26/98

>"Craig " <> wrote:

>I recently read an article which stated that David Letterman has tinnitus.
>Tinnitus, is, in the most general of terms, often described by those who
>suffer as never-ending ringing in the ears.

> I believe that if David Letterman does in fact suffer from tinnitus,

>he ought to be using his extreme popularity in order to both raise the public
awareness that many many people suffer everyday from this horrible affliction
and also to help generate much needed research funds to help treat and
hopefully someday cure it.

Oh please... and if he has hemorrhoids he should raise public awareness for
"this horrible affliction." The man's health is his own business.



Mar 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/26/98

>Oh please... and if he has hemorrhoids he should raise public awareness for
>"this horrible affliction."

Yo, good one....:)


Mar 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/26/98

i totally disagree dave being the leader of comedy in the free world should let
us fans know the absolutist of every aspect of his health to prepare us, like
you know dave's kind of angry tonite not funny. oh,yeah that's right his
rrhoids must be acting up.


Mar 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/26/98

It is strikingly obvious that I picked the wrong forum to voice my opinions
of 3/25/98 given that the intelligence and maturity level of many of the
members of this group reaches into the negative numbers.
To those who decided that my issue was worthy of being mocked---I pray you
never get tinnitus.

Let me address a few points:

1) To DzubeG: Having hemorrhoids, as far as I know, never directly caused
anyone to contemplate nor actually commit suicide. William Shatner, among
many faceless countless others who suffer from this, had in fact thought of
doing just that--committing suicide. That is how debilitating this ailment
is. I am not trying to pry into the health of David Letterman. In our
society, public awareness of most any issue is only brought to the
forefront when media or sports personalities make it happen. I shudder to
think where AIDS research would be right now if no media or sports figure
had acquired it. I'm simply stating that if David Letterman has this
affliction, he could do wonderful things to bring the issue a step higher
and help relieve the suffering and misery of so many. If you doubt my
sincerity, just go to the tinnitus web page or news group. Your mockery of
this issue only serves to illuminate your shallowness and diminishes the
dignity of many sufferers.

2) To BFVACH: I haven't heard the word "yo" used since Rocky Balboa
uttered it in Rocky. I assume your intelligence level is about up there
with Rocky's

3) To WHarr: I am not saying that David Letterman should use any
condition as an excuse for a poor performance. Quite the contrary. It
should never be used as an excuse for a failure.

If anyone has anything intelligent to add to this conversation, such as an
answer to my original question as to whether or not David Letterman has
tinnitus, please do. If not, please stop wasting my time.


Mar 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/26/98

>If anyone has anything intelligent to add to this conversation, such as an
>answer to my original question as to whether or not David Letterman has
>tinnitus, please do. If not, please stop wasting my time.

I do seem to recall Dave discussing this one night -- was it possibly with
William Shatner? I can't remember exactly but I'm almost positive I've heard
him discuss his own condition with a guest on the show. It must have been at
least 2 years ago. Whether or not he is still afflicted with it I can't say for
sure. I guess it's not something he would talk about on a regular basis.

I, fortunately, have never been afflicted with it but I have a friend at work
who had it for a couple of weeks and she felt like she was going crazy,
couldn't sleep, was upset all the time. It finally went away but I can't
imagine having it for even longer periods of time. I sympathize with anyone
who has it or any other chronic illness.


Mar 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/26/98

>2) To BFVACH: I haven't heard the word "yo" used since Rocky Balboa

Obviously, you don't travel in the right circles.

Lighten up, will ya? No one is denying the seriousness of the ailment, but the
last time I looked, this site was devoted to all things Dave, and a
celebration thereof. Those of us who are devoted to the man, know that he is a
very private person and it is not in his nature to become a public advocate for
much of anything. He has already stated in public that he is a sufferer of
tinnitus, and if he had wanted to focus attention on the subject, I'm sure he
would have done so by now. This is not a forum for discussion on whether or not
celebrities are obligated to raise money/attention for various causes, just a
bunch of folks who love David Letterman, shortcomings and all. Yo.


Mar 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/26/98

> "Craig " <> whined:

>It is strikingly obvious that I picked the wrong forum to voice my opinions of
3/25/98 given that the intelligence and maturity level of many of the members
of this group reaches into the negative numbers.

I am quite bright and mature. It is your sense of humor that is in the negative

>To those who decided that my issue was worthy of being mocked---I pray you
never get tinnitus.

Actually, I have had it for three years, mild case. I wasn't mocking tinnitus,
just your position about David being the posterboy for it.

>1) To DzubeG: Having hemorrhoids, as far as I know, never directly caused
>anyone to contemplate nor actually commit suicide.

I don't know, I hear they can be debilitating. They can also make someone
bitchy enough to lose their sense of humor. Ring any bells?

>William Shatner, among many faceless countless others who suffer from this,
had in fact thought of doing just that--committing suicide.

Well then, we already have a celebrity speaking about it, don't we? Is it
making a difference?

> If you doubt my sincerity, just go to the tinnitus web page or news group.

I've been there. I've researched all there is on tinnitus. Yes, it can be very
tough and depressing. No cure yet. I'm hoping for one.

> Your mockery of this issue only serves to illuminate your shallowness and
diminishes the dignity of many sufferers.

Oh bull. I did not mock the issue of tinnitus, just your silly position about
David Letterman taking it to the public if he has it.

>2) To BFVACH: I haven't heard the word "yo" used since Rocky Balboa uttered
it in Rocky.

Speaking of Stallone, in _Copland_ when a gun is fired near his head and he
can't hear, but there is a ringing sound, that is the exact sound I and many
others hear all the time, at differing volumes. As you can hear, it is quite
annoying. "This is a test of the emergency broadcast system..."

>If anyone has anything intelligent to add to this conversation, such as an
answer to my original question as to whether or not David Letterman has
tinnitus, please do. If not, please stop wasting my time.

Hey, please stop insulting people who disagree with you. No one is wasting your
time. You aren't compelled to read posts here. Now if you'll excuse me, I think
I hear the phone ringing...... :-)


Someone you know

Mar 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/26/98

Craig wrote:
> It is strikingly obvious that I picked the wrong forum to voice my opinions
> of 3/25/98 given that the intelligence and maturity level of many of the
> members of this group reaches into the negative numbers.
> To those who decided that my issue was worthy of being mocked---I pray you
> never get tinnitus.
> Let me address a few points:
> 1) To DzubeG: Having hemorrhoids, as far as I know, never directly caused
> anyone to contemplate nor actually commit suicide. William Shatner, among

> many faceless countless others who suffer from this, had in fact thought of
> doing just that--committing suicide. That is how debilitating this ailment
> is. I am not trying to pry into the health of David Letterman. In our
> society, public awareness of most any issue is only brought to the
> forefront when media or sports personalities make it happen. I shudder to
> think where AIDS research would be right now if no media or sports figure
> had acquired it. I'm simply stating that if David Letterman has this
> affliction, he could do wonderful things to bring the issue a step higher
> and help relieve the suffering and misery of so many. If you doubt my
> sincerity, just go to the tinnitus web page or news group. Your mockery of

> this issue only serves to illuminate your shallowness and diminishes the
> dignity of many sufferers.
> 2) To BFVACH: I haven't heard the word "yo" used since Rocky Balboa
> uttered it in Rocky. I assume your intelligence level is about up there
> with Rocky's
> 3) To WHarr: I am not saying that David Letterman should use any
> condition as an excuse for a poor performance. Quite the contrary. It
> should never be used as an excuse for a failure.
> If anyone has anything intelligent to add to this conversation, such as an
> answer to my original question as to whether or not David Letterman has
> tinnitus, please do. If not, please stop wasting my time.

I remember hearing about this too. But unless there is a soruce that we
can definately quote from, we will remain not sure. I think we all
should lighten up and enjoy the ng. If Dave truly is inflicted with
this, it is his right how he personally handles it. If not, more to be
thankful for.

Steve Cook

Mar 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/27/98

I don't know about Dave, but I inow William Shatner a.k.a. James Tibirius
Kirk has tinnitus.


On 26 Mar 1998, Craig wrote:

> I recently read an article which stated that David Letterman has tinnitus.
> Tinnitus, is, in the most general of terms, often described by those who
> suffer as never-ending ringing in the ears.

> Does anyone know if David Letterman does in fact suffer from this? The
> reason I'm so interested is that my Dad has recently been afflicted with

> this. I believe that if David Letterman does in fact suffer from tinnitus,

> he ought to be using his extreme popularity in order to both raise the
> public awareness that many many people suffer everyday from this horrible
> affliction and also to help generate much needed research funds to help
> treat and hopefully someday cure it.


Mar 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/27/98

> >
> > If anyone has anything intelligent to add to this conversation, such as an
> > answer to my original question as to whether or not David Letterman has
> > tinnitus, please do. If not, please stop wasting my time.

He has discussed this at length on several occasions including a
long discussion with Shatner on Late Show. I don't think there is
any major doubt that he suffers from it and that he has made that


Tony Dickson

Mar 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/27/98

Craig wrote in message <01bd58e7$9500f700$84a8b5cd@a>...

>2) To BFVACH: I haven't heard the word "yo" used since Rocky Balboa
>uttered it in Rocky. I assume your intelligence level is about up there



Mar 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/28/98

> He has discussed this at length on several occasions including a
> long discussion with Shatner on Late Show. I don't think there is
> any major doubt that he suffers from it and that he has made that
> clear.
> k

Another regular guest who suffers is Tony Randall. I remember him
talking about it on the REAL Tonight Show, with Johnny Carson. I
unfortunately suffer too.


To do is to be - Descartes

To be is to do - Voltaire

Do be do be do - Sinatra

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