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11 مرّة مشاهدة
التخطي إلى أول رسالة غير مقروءة


غير مقروءة،
04‏/05‏/2014، 8:36:34 ص4‏/5‏/2014
So there's these signs up at my school with the main tag-line being "L4L" because people are concerned about rising tuition prices. On these posters, the L4L is supposed to stand for "loans4life" which is actually spin-off of one of our school's well known tags that stands for "Laurentians4Life." All around campus I've seen new signs put on top of these L4L signs with things saying it stood for "lunch ladies 4 life" and "Lionel Richie 4 life."
But on this fine morning, I came across my favorite sign yet: Love 4 Lemurs!! It also says " no more lemurs fighting" and "struggling to be a lemur? tweet your story: #Love4Lemurs #L4L"

I stumbled across this lemur page and just hoped I could make someone laugh! I'd post a picture of the sign but I don't know how to do that on here!

Meg Foy

Christopher Reed

غير مقروءة،
09‏/05‏/2022، 3:25:52 ص9‏/5‏/2022
If L4L had been in a personals ad, it could have stood for "Lemur for Lemur".

Christopher Reed
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