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I think Lea salonga is the biggest f- -cking hoax!

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Craig Nielsen

Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
lea salonga is the biggest hoax. filipinos have the notorious reputation
here in the U.S. for trying so hard to be sooooo westernized. lea salonga
is the best example of that. how can someone claim to be filipino and yet
not know how to speak fluent tagalog. if i were a filipino and had the
decency to call myself that, i would try to be proud of my heritage. the
fact is, lea salonga is one of those fortunate filipinos born with the
proverbial silver spoon and she took advantage of that. from the get go she
was taught english was her first language. and she never did try to learn
how to speak tagalog, why, so that you suckers would think she was cooool,
and you little suckers would all would try to be just like her in your
pathetic little ways in your distinctly filipino accents from the barrio;
but the truth is, there is a trendy movement in the United States right now,
it's called, being proud of your heritage. so shape up people - it's still
cool to be like mike, but lea salonga??????

Christopher B. Zydel

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
>lea salonga is the biggest hoax. filipinos have the notorious reputation
>here in the U.S. for trying so hard to be sooooo westernized. lea salonga
>is the best example of that. how can someone claim to be filipino and yet
>not know how to speak fluent tagalog. if i were a filipino and had the
>decency to call myself that, i would try to be proud of my heritage. the
>fact is, lea salonga is one of those fortunate filipinos born with the
>proverbial silver spoon and she took advantage of that. from the get go she
>was taught english was her first language. and she never did try to learn
>how to speak tagalog, why, so that you suckers would think she was cooool,

This post seems relatively pointless, so I don't know why I'm wasting my time
with a reply... however:

I am Irish, German, and Polish. I can't speak a single word of Gaelic or
Polish, and what little German I know is pretty much words that are common
knowledge. This doesn't make me any less polish, irish, or german.

>and you little suckers would all would try to be just like her in your

I don't try to be like anyone except myself. I read and post to this news
group because I enjoyed Miss Saigon greatly, and enjoy hearing from one of the
talented people that made it a great experience for me. In addition to this,
one of the things that I enjoy about this newsgroup is that it shows that many
actors/actresses (such as Lea Salonga) are no different from everyone else.
They wake up, get dressed, and go to work.. have hobbies, friends, etc.
I get up in the morning and spend my day being a network engineer, some go to a
theater and act. This doesn't take anything away from me or them as far as I'm

If there is any quality of Lea Salonga's that I'd like to emulate... it is to
do what I do well.

Lea, if you're bothering to read this rather meaningless thread, don't let guys
like this bother you. Keep on being a great actor, and I'll do my best to be a
great network engineer.

... and if you ever come out to the island, maybe you'll have a chance to enjoy
my work
first hand, as I have had the opportunity to enjoy yours.



Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
Are we gonna have a second NP or something now?
>all i have to say is.....
>Ignore the dude's post for best results.

Sometimes when you win, you lose.
Sometimes when you lose, you win.
-"What Dreams May Come"


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99

Our "np" (non person) aka Mr Box, or something, now has a new companion.

I hereby add Craig Nielsen to the list of NON PERSONS for this newgroup.



Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
*ahem* i think you've chosen the wrong crowd to tell this to...get ready for
major..and I mean MAJOR replies to this.

I don't speak for Lea but...sorry just because you can't speak the language
(which I thought Lea did know how to) doesn't mean you're not proud of your
heritage! I know of very many filipinos out there that are immersed in their
culture but just didn't have the advantage of learning the language. But ask
them any questions about their heritage and they can answer you fine. And how
could someone from an outside point of view judge how "filipino" someone is
anyway??? I mean for crying out loud...just because you speak english DOES NOT
mean you're less filipino than the next person.

Sorry dude..u just picked the wrong time to post so happens i just had
an argument about this with someone recently.

BTW, who the hell wants to be like Mike?
not me that's for sure =)

(can I get an AMEN!! :)

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
For your information, our liking Lea or posting to this ng has nothing to do
with her being Filipino. We admire her work; it's as simple as that. So just
beat it jerk.


-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
Um no! I am Korean! I am adopted, so there is absolutely no way that I would
want to learn Korean! I am proud of my heritage, I like being Asian, but it's
not fair that you are saying that just because we don't speak the language
where we came from means that we don't honor our heritage! For instance, say
someone is Irish, they don't speak Gaelic! So just go shove it! Lea is proud of
her heritage. Besides you wouldn't know because you aren't part of the ng! If
you don't like her, then why did you even post?
"They're called Bui Doi, the dust of life."


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
THIS??? Go some where else to post your trash, obviously, we are here because
we love Lea, not because we wanna trash her.

Second of all: Being proud of your heritage, and knowing your cultures language
are two different things. I am Jewish, but I can't speak hebrew, only read it.
Does that make me a horrible Jew? I go to Temple, I do everything I am supposed
to on the holidays, but gosh darnit, I dont speak hebrew, so I must be this
horrible horrible Jew. Don't you all agree?

Seriuosly, go to if you want to post trash. We don't want
it here.

-Laura (I dont feel like writing "Love Always" to this post. First post I have
ever had to do that.)

"I am the Laur and the Laur is not mocked!"

WARNING: I like to post a LOT and I just may have to re-name you....


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
How do you make someone a non-person? Is it just a hypothetical thing where you
don't reply with their posts, or is there an actual thing you can do to ignore

"You want a cookie?"- "Ragtime"


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
First of all. You can't expect all Filipinos to speak their language since The
Phillipines is filled with many different races and languages. The Phillipines
have been ruled by the Spanish, the U.S. and and one point in time to the next
the official language ranged from Spanish to English to back to the native
various Filipino languages. I'm not Filipino but am fascinated with it's
culture ( also doing a term paper on it..hehe). I think you should definitely
think before you speak, especially if you don't know much about what you'rer



Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
> if i were a filipino and had the
>decency to call myself that, i would try to be proud of my heritage.

there are different ways to be proud of your heritage and not speak the
"I hate stupid people" - Aubry


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
>Um no! I am Korean! I am adopted, so there is absolutely no way that I would
>want to learn Korean! I am proud of my heritage, I like being Asian

it's the same thing here...i am korean and was adopted...but never made an
attempt to learn the language (it's torture just having to take spanish and
german at my school!)
i remember once i went to a mary kay make-up thing and the girl (who was
filipino or hawaiian -- i'm a bad judge of nationality) was trying to show me
how to apply eye make-up to give me a more americanized look....hmmmm...i enjoy
being and looking asian...and caucasian boys are always telling me that i'm
exotic and mysterious/refined and classy looing.*cracks knuckles and tries to
look modest*'s pretty easy to wrap those boys around my little mercy :o)


Lea My Lea

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
all i have to say is.....
Ignore the dude's post for best results.

It's not worth reading. nuff said.

Jen Jen
"Smile if you aren't wearing underwear!"

Amanda Pressnell

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
That's nice..

Go away spam scum.

..going Message | Block Sender right now..


Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
>lea salonga is the biggest hoax. filipinos have the notorious reputation
>here in the U.S. for trying so hard to be sooooo westernized. lea salonga
>is the best example of that. how can someone claim to be filipino and yet
>not know how to speak fluent tagalog. if i were a filipino and had the
>decency to call myself that, i would try to be proud of my heritage. the
>fact is, lea salonga is one of those fortunate filipinos born with the
>proverbial silver spoon and she took advantage of that. from the get go she
>was taught english was her first language. and she never did try to learn
>how to speak tagalog, why, so that you suckers would think she was cooool,
>and you little suckers would all would try to be just like her in your
>pathetic little ways in your distinctly filipino accents from the barrio;
>but the truth is, there is a trendy movement in the United States right now,
>it's called, being proud of your heritage. so shape up people - it's still
>cool to be like mike, but lea salonga??????

The TRUTH??? You speak like you know everything. Firstly, please get your
facts straight before you start putting people down!... Lea speaks tagalog!
Secondly, why are you terrorizing Filipino heritage and Lea Salonga's
reputation? Are you PERFECT that you can judge people? Please!
"What you measure will also be measured back to you".. Please don't be a
hypocrite! Look in the mirror first! Why are you so bold as to mock people?
(stupid people do that!).. Please show some respect to all the posters of this
board and not only to Lea as well but yourself too! Daang dude!!!~ I think
your the biggest f--cking hoax!!!!


Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
>ea salonga is the biggest hoax. filipinos have the notorious reputation
>here in the U.S. for trying so hard to be sooooo westernized. lea salonga
>is the best example of that. how can someone claim to be filipino and yet
>not know how to speak fluent tagalog. if i were a filipino and had the
>decency to call myself that, i would try to be proud of my heritage. the
>fact is, lea salonga is one of those fortunate filipinos born with the
>proverbial silver spoon and she took advantage of that. from the get go she
>was taught english was her first language. and she never did try to learn
>how to speak tagalog, why, so that you suckers would think she was cooool,
>and you little suckers would all would try to be just like her in your
>pathetic little ways in your distinctly filipino accents from the barrio;
>but the truth is, there is a trendy movement in the United States right now,
>it's called, being proud of your heritage. so shape up people - it's still
>cool to be like mike, but lea salonga??????

Get the facts man.....You are obviously reading too much Enquirer...You look
like the kind to believe that Elvis is till alive...

Lea has always been proud of being Filipino...and that is really the biggest
quality about her that I like the most !

...Our deepest wishes are whispers of our authentic selves....

Apr 23, 2019, 10:23:18 AM4/23/19
how unfortunate you do not a philosophical mind. Your reasoning does not the rules of logic.
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