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Open letter to KROQ

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Apr 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/6/96
I have listened to KROQ since '84. I'll do the math for ya...That's 12
years!! Over that 12 year period, I've listened to the format (and
station) go down the drain.

It all started around "87-'88 when what's his name (MARS FM Owner) sold
the station to Infinity. I knew pretty much right away when it started
getting bad. All of a sudden they were playing the same songs over, and
over, and over again. I admit a couple of good bands slipped through, like
"The Pixies" - RIP, and early Sinead O'Connor. But then...

Then came Pearl Jam. STOP PLAYING PEARL JAM SO MUCH DAMN IT!!! Not that
they are my only beef w/ the station.

It was really refreshing to hear MARS (RIP) when it came to be. They
played all the new & interesting music that KROQ _Should_ have been
playing. At least the old KROQ would have played it. But this is the new
KROQ (pronounced Alternative KIIS FM) We only play the Bands that have
already made a name for themselves. With a dash of "NOFX" here and
"Garbage" there.

Listen people, there is so much more out there than KROQ is playing. Stuff
that would put Pearl Jam to shame. KROQ touts itself as the "New Music
Leader" But how many excellent groups has it passed over in favor of
"Live" or Goo Goo Dolls". Give me a break. What about groups like "The
Connels" or "Ministry". These aare bands that have been around for a long
time, but don't get played on KROQ. "Work for Love" & "Everyday is
like..." not included by the way. I'm talking "Breathe", "Just one Fix"

I've heard the excuses as to why they play the same music every hour or
so. It makes sense. People tune in and out all day. This way, you are sure
to hear Pearl Jam at least once a day. Lucky you.

I say in closing, bring back the old KROQ. Have some guts damn it. Don't
give me your sanitized excuses. Fuck the sponsors. And the major labels.

Thanks for listening.

P.S. Why the hell did it take 2 years to play Fugazi?



Apr 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/8/96
In article <>,
(Ash) wrote:

> I have listened to KROQ since '84. I'll do the math for ya...That's 12
> years!! Over that 12 year period, I've listened to the format (and
> station) go down the drain.

The past is always better than the present.

> Listen people, there is so much more out there than KROQ is playing. Stuff
> that would put Pearl Jam to shame.

That will always be true. My perfect station would play a song once and
only once, and then it would play a different song. Preferably one that
doesn't sound anything like the former song, but that will never sell.
That's why I'm not surprised, and I don't complain when I don't find that
station on my dial.

> Fuck the sponsors. And the major labels.

Grow up. The station exists for the sponsors. It does not exist for you,
and it doesn't owe you anything. If you aren't comfortable with a station
that caters to the lowest common denominator then don't listen to the
radio. Play your CDs or your tapes, and stop whining.
e e
e If this were an actual emergency do you think e
e anyone would tell you? -- The Schwa Corp. e
e e
e e

Jonthon Brown

Apr 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/8/96
Excuse me, I don't post in this newsgroup often or even occasionally
really but as another 10+ year
KROQ fan I counldn't believe the lunacy in this post:

> In article <>,
> (Ash) wrote:
> > I have listened to KROQ since '84. I'll do the math for ya...That's 12
> > years!! Over that 12 year period, I've listened to the format (and
> > station) go down the drain.

As another responder pointed out, your not paying for KROQ the sponsers
are and what they want is a broad and stable demographic audience. KROQ has
that. Face it, you've grown old and KROQ still appeals to the 14-23 year
old group
you were in when you started listening. I'm not saying that there are no
younger or older, but that's becasue those listeners like the music. If
you don't like
the music any more change stations! I'm sure KROQ would rather lose ten
like you than one sponsor.

> > Listen people, there is so much more out there than KROQ is playing. Stuff
> > that would put Pearl Jam to shame.

First: Yes, that's true, but there are only 24 hours in every day and no
single station
could possibly play all the good music in the world everyday. If you think you
could, start a radio station and I'll be your most loyal listener.

Second: KROQ has a certain sound and yes they play the same kind of music
and a lot of it sound similar, I like that! It's much better than tuning
in and having
no idea what they were going to be playing. The play loads of new music
more than
any other station I know of, and yet I know I'll probablly like what
they're playing. If
your not in the mood for "KROQ Music" tune into a different station, like
I said above
KROQ won't even notice that your listening to another station.


jeremy redman

Apr 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/10/96
Jonthon Brown wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > (Ash) wrote:
> >
> > > Listen people, there is so much more out there than KROQ is playing. Stuff
> > > that would put Pearl Jam to shame.
> First: Yes, that's true, but there are only 24 hours in every day and no
> single station
> could possibly play all the good music in the world everyday. If you think you
> could, start a radio station and I'll be your most loyal listener.

actually, although they don't play music 24 hours a day, KCRW comes pretty close
to playing the "good music in the world".

> Second: KROQ has a certain sound and yes they play the same kind of music
> and a lot of it sound similar, I like that! It's much better than tuning
> in and having
> no idea what they were going to be playing.

that attitude reminds me of a line in one of my favorite movies, Time
Bandits, Satan says to one of his minions, "Dear Benson, you are so
mercifully free from the ravages of thought." Not that I'm saying the
above philosophy is stupid, but there. KROQ only playing the bands that
fit a KROQ format only accomplishes one thing, limiting the variety of music
they can play. The new song by the Verve Pipe, photograph, darn good, only
reason it's on KROQ is cause of Jed... It never would have made the play
list otherwise..

> The play loads of new music more than
> any other station I know of, and yet I know I'll probablly like what
> they're playing.

well, then, I'd like to introduce you to KCRW, 89.9 FM. They play loads
more new music that any station I know of. (well except for maybe KUCI,
but that's a different story). Try listening weekday mornings from 9 - noon,
or evenings from 8 onward. Sure, you won't hear the same grunge guitar that
KROQ has made popular, but there's more to music that is dreamt of in KROQ's

granted KROQ is driven by the whole coporate sponsor, but to say that the
resulting station is the best it can be is like painting the Mona Lisa
using only 3 colors..

jeremy redman "peace in a world free from religion, peace in a world where everyone gets heaven." - Toni Halliday


Apr 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/13/96
Hi All!

Well it's been a couple days since I originally posted my thoughts, and
I'm happy that you listeners responded. Thank you.

I started listening to KROQ back in '85 when I moved to L.A. from Boulder, CO.
I was reluctant to listen at first. There was nothing like it back in
Colorado. All we had was U2, Fixx, Ratt, etc...

The only reason I gave KROQ a chance was because a girl I liked listened
to it. It was quite a change for me. Going from Motley Crue to Bronski
Beat :^). But I grew to like the music after a while. Soon, I just
couldn't get enough (No pun intended) I was hooked.

As I mentioned before, after "Ken Roberts"(sp) sold KROQ to Infinity
Broadcasting, the format changed for the worse. No one can seriously tell
me that it was I who changed. KROQ was now owned by a corporation that
only cared about money. Not the listener. And that is when KROQ started to

Anyone bitching at me for my observations has no foundation to do so. You
probably were listening to KPWR at the time so you most likely didn't
notice any change in the station.

I'm not the only one that feels this way about KROQ. I talked to alot of
people (Including ex-KROQ DJ's) who were thrilled when MARS came on the
air. Finally a station not afraid to play truly "new music".

Having said all this, know that I still listen to KROQ sometimes, and I
like the Jason Bently (sp) Saturday night after-hours show. But I don't
listen to KROQ half as much as I used to. Am I the only one? I think not.
But like someone said...KROQ doesn't notice, so why should they care.
Right?...It's pretty sad to think that way but It's probably true.

I now find most of my new music from recommendations on the net. I can't
wait until we get internet radio. I have high hopes that it can avoid the
pressures put apon traditional radio by corporate sponsors and major
labels to play what they think is best for you (and them). But we'll see.

Note to the person claiming that I'm just whining: I respect your comment.
I'm sure the British thought the same of the settlers just before the
American Revolution. Probably not the best comparison, but TS

"New Music Revolution" - What a joke.

If you have a favorite band not currently being played on KROQ but should
be, email me. Or better yet, post it in this newsgroup.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings (Whining)


Matt Pearce

Apr 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/25/96
In article <>, (Ash) wrote:

>I started listening to KROQ back in '85 when I moved to L.A. from Boulder, CO.

>As I mentioned before, after "Ken Roberts"(sp) sold KROQ to Infinity

>Broadcasting, the format changed for the worse. No one can seriously tell
>me that it was I who changed. KROQ was now owned by a corporation that
>only cared about money. Not the listener. And that is when KROQ started to

I too was a fan or KROQ before Infinity took it over and agree with what
you are saying. It is now like a McDonalds instead of the In and Out
Burger that it used to be.

MTV and the other infinity stations have become like the same stamped out,
manufactured radio that can be found across the country. It is not new or
unique. I may visit McDonalds everyone and then, but only if it is

Kevin and Bean and the Sat. Night Party Pit are the only things that I have
been listening too lately. In '83 my radio was constantly turned to KROQ.
It is as if they take their playlist off Billbard's top 10.

Even though KROQ loose points for their lack of originality and variety,
they do score for quality. The professionalism is higher in the newer DJ's
as opposed to the near-college standard of the past. Don't get me wrong, I
loved Dusty Street and Ramondo. I missed the relaxed attitude it brought
to the airwaves. Becuase of their more strict observance of their staff
they have lost the creative touch that the experimentation brought. I
think the only one that they let act the same is Jed the fish -- they
probably trust him (or know that he will do whatever he feel like).

Instead of the California Landmark that they could be, KROQ has decided to
be pre-packaged and sold in the most convenient popular package.


Lisbet Rodriguez

Apr 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/26/96

Hey People!!!! Give it up!!! If you don't like KROQ, stop listening,
but for the love of God.... STOP COMPLAINING!!

I am one of the KROQ listeners who happens to love KROQ. I think
the format is fine... and if I am listening one day and I don't like
it, I turn the dial or I put on a CD.

I'm sick of coming into this newsgroup and finding all of YOU who
complain, complain and complain. SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!

Fine... so it's not what it used to be (according to some)... Fine...
find something else to listen to and leave the rest of us who enjoy
KROQ "AS-IS" alone.

Enough Said!

Apr 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/27/96
to (Matt Pearce) wrote:

>>I started listening to KROQ back in '85 when I moved to L.A. from Boulder, CO.

>>As I mentioned before, after "Ken Roberts"(sp) sold KROQ to Infinity
>>Broadcasting, the format changed for the worse. No one can seriously tell
>>me that it was I who changed. KROQ was now owned by a corporation that
>>only cared about money. Not the listener. And that is when KROQ started to

Partial text or original post:

>I too was a fan or KROQ before Infinity took it over and agree with what
>you are saying. It is now like a McDonalds instead of the In and Out
>Burger that it used to be.

>MTV and the other infinity stations have become like the same stamped out,
>manufactured radio that can be found across the country. It is not new or
>unique. I may visit McDonalds everyone and then, but only if it is

>Kevin and Bean and the Sat. Night Party Pit are the only things that I have
>been listening too lately. In '83 my radio was constantly turned to KROQ.
>It is as if they take their playlist off Billbard's top 10.

> Matt

Before I moved here KROQ was king. My brother and I would make tapes of
broadcasts when we came out on vacation. He still has some of those tapes and I
can confirm it. KROQ was more daring, more innovative, more creative back in
the early to mid '80s. It's a shame they went corporate.

"We're told this is the Golden Age. And gold is the reason for the wars we rage."

Apr 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/27/96

Lisbet Rodriguez wrote:
> I'm sick of coming into this newsgroup and finding all of YOU who
> complain, complain and complain. SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!
> Enough Said!

Amen to that!



Apr 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/27/96

People have a right to complain about KROQ, although doing it DOES
make absolutely no sense....if you have complaints about KROQ, there
are PLENTY of other stations out there. It's really hard. You reach
over.....grab a firm hold of the tuner dial...and give it a good
crank. Or sit back, enjoy the good music KROQ plays, and SHUT YER

The choice is yours.


Apr 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/28/96

Disagree. I enjoy KROQ a lot, but it's far from perfect, and if people want
to call the station or post to this newsgroup to vent their opinions, that's
perfectly fine. KROQ may be too far gone towards the corporate route to ever
*really* care what its listeners think, but this newsgroup gives people a
forum to discuss what they'd like to hear, and, although I'll continue to
tune in KROQ, several of the disatisfied folks who have posted here have
provided the names of interesting bands and music worth checking out. Plus,
it's enjoyable to get others' opinions, positive or negative.

I do agree that this group seems to attract a high number of complaints about
KROQ, but if people want to improve the positive feedback ratio, post some
positive stuff; there's plenty of us who would welcome those opinions.



Apr 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/29/96

You all wish!!

This is a newsgroup dedicated to KROQ. Some of you choose to support KROQ,
others (Like myself) see the faults of the station and choose to expose
them. You can call it whining, or complaining, bitching, nagging whatever.
And you have a right to think so. But if you think that we are going to
roll over and die, you are sadly mistaken. If you have the balls to
blindly stand by the bloated Corporate Monster called KROQ, than your
going to have to deal with people like me!

Yes, I agree that KROQ has it's good points. I have already said so
before. But there are also some areas where KROQ need to improve. Are you
content with the meager portion of new, quality bands that KROQ is dishing
out. I for one am not. I have heard too many excellent songs by very
deserving bands that go un-noticed (sp) by KROQ to think the same as you.

I have heard from people on this newsgroup who say that it is pointless to
complain. That KROQ is not here for the listeners, but for the sponsors.
Does anyone else hear think this mentality is self-defeating.

You say...Turn the station!...Listen to your CD's. Well I do. I like a
variety of music. Even if KROQ were playing better groups, and more of
them, I'd still turn the dial to see what else is out there. The more
variety, the better I say. But KROQ's format is supposedly "Modern Rock".
I already know your position on this, but I feel that they aren't doing
the best that they can. Everything in life has it's critics. I am KROQ's
Critic. Like it or not!

P.S. - I'll post this any time another listener bitches about my bitching.
I respect you, and your opinions. Please repect mine.

Thanks for listening,


Apr 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/29/96

That should read "respect mine"

Thank you, and good night :^)


Apr 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/29/96

Brant-Zawadzki <> wrote:

> wrote:
>> Lisbet Rodriguez wrote:
>> > I'm sick of coming into this newsgroup and finding all of YOU who
>> > complain, complain and complain. SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!
>> > Enough Said!
>> Amen to that!
>> Diana

>People have a right to complain about KROQ, although doing it DOES
>make absolutely no sense....if you have complaints about KROQ, there
>are PLENTY of other stations out there. It's really hard. You reach
>over.....grab a firm hold of the tuner dial...and give it a good
>crank. Or sit back, enjoy the good music KROQ plays, and SHUT YER

>The choice is yours.

I do turn the dial and that's the whole point. You never had to before. People
are complaining because they are hungry for something different, something
unique. KROQ offered that in the past. They no longer do. Corporate greed has
taken over the station and KROQ has become just "another station."

Scott Hagie

Apr 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/29/96

Ash ( wrote:
: You all wish!!

: This is a newsgroup dedicated to KROQ. Some of you choose to support KROQ,
: others (Like myself) see the faults of the station and choose to expose
: them. You can call it whining, or complaining, bitching, nagging whatever.
: And you have a right to think so. But if you think that we are going to
: roll over and die, you are sadly mistaken. If you have the balls to
: blindly stand by the bloated Corporate Monster called KROQ, than your
: going to have to deal with people like me!

Sigh. The point is that nothing you are saying hasn't been said before.
Before you there were other complainers, with the exact same points and
whines. At least they said it with more humor and less vitriol (Lollipop
kids, where are you?). It has become tiresome and redundant, as if it was
anything else but in the first place. If you don't like KROQ, then change
the station, and find another newsgroup. There are over 17000 groups on the
Usenet now, find one you like, leave us alone. If you don't like KROQ, fine,
but what personality fla do you have that makes you come here and bitch,
moan, and complain to people who do?

: I have heard from people on this newsgroup who say that it is pointless to

: complain. That KROQ is not here for the listeners, but for the sponsors.
: Does anyone else hear think this mentality is self-defeating.

Oh BS. KROQ is for the listeners, just not you. They are doing better in the
ratings than ever before, and that is a measure of listeners. If you
personally don't like KROQ now, that's your problem, you are in the

: P.S. - I'll post this any time another listener bitches about my bitching.

: I respect you, and your opinions. Please repect mine.

This is alt.FAN.kroq. You are in the wrong group. Go away.

Scott Hagie - - Sierra Madre, Ca.

Open mouth, Insert foot, post Internationally.

Robert Flemming

Apr 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/29/96

In article <>, Scott Hagie <> wrote:

>Sigh. The point is that nothing you are saying hasn't been said before.
>Before you there were other complainers, with the exact same points and
>whines. At least they said it with more humor and less vitriol (Lollipop
>kids, where are you?). It has become tiresome and redundant, as if it was

I'm getting misty I never heard such beautiful words before...he missed me,
he really missed me. I feel flushed...*blush*

>anything else but in the first place. If you don't like KROQ, then change
>the station, and find another newsgroup. There are over 17000 groups on the
>Usenet now, find one you like, leave us alone. If you don't like KROQ, fine,
>but what personality fla do you have that makes you come here and bitch,
>moan, and complain to people who do?

Damn Scott you're still using that old line, "there are over 17000
groups..." some things never change ;) It's good to see you in prime
form again...the time off hasn't dulled your "cunning linguistics" a bit.

>Oh BS. KROQ is for the listeners, just not you. They are doing better in the
>ratings than ever before, and that is a measure of listeners. If you
>personally don't like KROQ now, that's your problem, you are in the

Was that a racial slur Scott??? You better be careful when your talking
about minorities you what a a politically correct place the net is :)

>This is alt.FAN.kroq. You are in the wrong group. Go away.

I went away, but there always seemed to be a lack of joy in my life that
was only present when I taunted the folks around these here parts. I'm
reparking my double-wide right back where it was, here in my favorite
Usenet trailer park... and this time I'm taking off the axles

--Yee Ha
LPRob - get the hibachi we's havin' a BBQ


Apr 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/29/96

> Disagree. I enjoy KROQ a lot, but it's far from perfect, and if people want
> to call the station or post to this newsgroup to vent their opinions, that's
> perfectly fine. KROQ may be too far gone towards the corporate route to ever
> *really* care what its listeners think, but this newsgroup gives people a
> forum to discuss what they'd like to hear, and, although I'll continue to
> tune in KROQ, several of the disatisfied folks who have posted here have
> provided the names of interesting bands and music worth checking out. Plus,
> it's enjoyable to get others' opinions, positive or negative.
> I do agree that this group seems to attract a high number of complaints about
> KROQ, but if people want to improve the positive feedback ratio, post some
> positive stuff; there's plenty of us who would welcome those opinions.
> Perry

That's great. I totally agree with this man's view.

The whole point why I and others "Complain" is that we want the station to
be it's best. It is not a nastalga thing. I don't want to relive my youth
(Personally, I'm glad it's over). The 80's are gone. Thank god! Now that
I've said that, please drop that as an excuse as to why listeners are
"Complaining". It's not true. The fact is that KROQ now has a playlist
that they must adhere to. The station has become more, and more detached
from it's listeners in favor of sponsors. That is my opinion. You can
agree, or disagree with it. That's your choice. But if you think just
because you voice your dis-taste with our views, we're going to run and
hide, think again. I certainly won't. I think if enough people call for
changes, maybe someone at KROQ will take notice. "I could be wrong I could
be right"

P.S. - If you think KROQ is fulfilling all your musical needs, email me.
I'm sure I could turn you on to tons of groups you've probably either
never heard of, or never thought to give a chance. Just email me a list of
Groups (or Songs) that you really like, and I promise to email you some
other leads. As a former DJ, that has always been my greatest thrill to
turn people on to new music. Funny...It used to be KROQ's too.

Thanks again,

Scott Hagie

Apr 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/30/96

Robert Flemming ( wrote:
: I'm getting misty I never heard such beautiful words before...he missed me,
: he really missed me. I feel flushed...*blush*

Hey Rob, long time no see. I know that Connie still lurks, but where is Ryq
lately. He can't still be having problems with his computer.

: >the station, and find another newsgroup. There are over 17000 groups on the

: >Usenet now, find one you like, leave us alone. If you don't like KROQ, fine,
: >but what personality fla do you have that makes you come here and bitch,
: >moan, and complain to people who do?

: Damn Scott you're still using that old line, "there are over 17000
: groups..." some things never change ;) It's good to see you in prime

No, the line is different, there are more groups. :-)

: >Oh BS. KROQ is for the listeners, just not you. They are doing better in the

: >ratings than ever before, and that is a measure of listeners. If you
: >personally don't like KROQ now, that's your problem, you are in the
: >minority.

: Was that a racial slur Scott??? You better be careful when your talking
: about minorities you what a a politically correct place the net is :)

So what are you saying? That the people who hate KROQ are a different
race? I'll buy that, some lower form of life maybe, de-evolution in action.

: >This is alt.FAN.kroq. You are in the wrong group. Go away.

: I went away, but there always seemed to be a lack of joy in my life that
: was only present when I taunted the folks around these here parts. I'm
: reparking my double-wide right back where it was, here in my favorite
: Usenet trailer park... and this time I'm taking off the axles

Ah well, join the club. I've calmed down here, and don't flame 'em like I
used to. So turn off that damn Habachi. :-)

Scott Hagie - - Sierra Madre, Ca.

Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity ...


Apr 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/30/96

In article <>, (Scott Hagie) wrote:

> Ash ( wrote:
> : You all wish!!
> : This is a newsgroup dedicated to KROQ. Some of you choose to support KROQ,
> : others (Like myself) see the faults of the station and choose to expose
> : them. You can call it whining, or complaining, bitching, nagging whatever.
> : And you have a right to think so. But if you think that we are going to
> : roll over and die, you are sadly mistaken. If you have the balls to
> : blindly stand by the bloated Corporate Monster called KROQ, than your
> : going to have to deal with people like me!

> Sigh. The point is that nothing you are saying hasn't been said before.
> Before you there were other complainers, with the exact same points and
> whines. At least they said it with more humor and less vitriol

Scott please, what is so funny about how KROQ has forgotton it's original
ideal. I think it would be a fair question to ask how old you are. How
long have you been a listener? Were you even listening to KROQ
pre-Infinity? If you have, than you can't possibly get upset with my
gripes (sp). If you haven't been a "fan" of KROQ past seven or so years,
then I can understand your frustration with me. You just never knew the
KROQ that I and OG listeners have known. That's sad. They were the best
Modern Rock station in the world. And I can say that. I've been around.
Let's see what else you say...

>It has become tiresome and redundant, as if it was

> anything else but in the first place.

Sorry, I don't understand the second part of this one. Please re-state
with a bit more clairity. Tiresome? Redundant? Sounds like your describing
KROQ nowadays.

>If you don't like KROQ, then change the station,

You say that you've heard all these Complaints before, but it souds to me
as though you haven't gotten the message. People are trying to say...We do
listen to other stations. As one poster said, You didn't use to have to
turn the station before...It's pretty sad. This is why I bitch. I AM a fan
of KROQ. I'm just pissed at the current state of the station.

>There are over 17000 groups on the Usenet now, find one you like, leave
us alone.

Sorry, I Can't in all good conscience do that :^), Besides, most of the
other 16,999 newsgroups don't have anything to do with KROQ. I think I'm
happy here. But I appreciate your concern. Thank you.

>If you don't like KROQ, fine,

You know something...Now I now why KROQ plays a song every half hour. It
take numerous times to hear something before you finally actually hear it.
Scott? I have stated many times that I am a fan of KROQ. Have been since
'85. Just because I voice my dis-satisfaction with the current situation
doesn't mean I don't like the station. Don't treat this as a black or
white issue please. Some of us are totally happy with KROQ, others are
not. Right?

> but what personality fla do you have that makes you come here and bitch,
> moan, and complain to people who do?

Do what? Have a fla?

Do you mean "flaw"? Well I do have a small skin blemish on my little toe,
but other than that I'm perfect ;^). Come on Dude, everyone's shit stinks.
I'm a humble man. Yes I am flawed. So are you. So is KROQ.

I said...

> : I have heard from people on this newsgroup who say that it is pointless to
> : complain. That KROQ is not here for the listeners, but for the sponsors.
> : Does anyone else hear think this mentality is self-defeating.

Then you came back with...

> Oh BS. KROQ is for the listeners, just not you.

Oh I see. Excuse me, I thought there were other disgruntled listeners
other than myself. You mean to say that KROQ is doing this just to piss
little ol' me off. I didn't realize. I do smell BS, but I think it's
coming from you.

P.S. - Yes Sir, I am having fun with this. What else did you say...

>They are doing better in the ratings than ever before, and that is a
measure of >listeners.

That they gained when Pirate went off the air. These are the one's
requesting Collective Soul, Gin Blossom, Candle Box, etc...over, and over.

>If you personally don't like KROQ now, that's your problem, you are in
the >minority.

I'm very comfortable here.Thank you for your concern. You on the other
hand are the perpetual sheep grazing off the the fields of mediocrity.

> : P.S. - I'll post this any time another listener bitches about my bitching.
> : I respect you, and your opinions. Please repect mine.

> This is alt.FAN.kroq. You are in the wrong group. Go away.

NO!! All and all, I'd bet that I'm a bigger fan of KROQ than you are. I've
got friends to proove it too. I liken myself to the good friend that is
honest enough to tell you when your fucking up. KROQ...Your Fucking up.
Sorry, the truth hurts.

> Scott
> --
> Scott Hagie - - Sierra Madre, Ca.

> Open mouth, Insert foot, post Internationally.

I think you just did. Any time you want to debate my friend, just let me
know. It's something I've always been good at.

Thanks as always for listening...



Apr 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/30/96

In article <4m3eta$>, (Robert Flemming) wrote:

Hi Robert!

Scott seemed to think it was only me who was complaining. I'm glad to see
you back.

I'll get the hibatchi!!


Apr 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/30/96

In article <>,
(I, Ash) wrote:

> I'm very comfortable here.Thank you for your concern. You on the other
> hand are the perpetual sheep grazing off the the fields of mediocrity.

I ment perverbial. Not that that's even the correct spelling. I wanted to
correct myself before somebody else did.


Apr 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/30/96


on 30 Apr 1996 22:05:16 GMT Ash ( utilized the mandibles to disperse:
# In article <>,
# (I, Ash) wrote:

# > I'm very comfortable here.Thank you for your concern. You on the other
# > hand are the perpetual sheep grazing off the the fields of mediocrity.

# I ment perverbial. Not that that's even the correct spelling. I wanted to
# correct myself before somebody else did.


Though I liked perpetual better.

* Jon Nilsen ** I push the elelator button. *
* ** Elelator go up. Elelator go down. *
* ** -Plucky Duck *

May 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/1/96
to (Ash) wrote:

>The whole point why I and others "Complain" is that we want the station to
>be it's best. It is not a nastalga thing. I don't want to relive my youth
>(Personally, I'm glad it's over). The 80's are gone. Thank god! Now that
>I've said that, please drop that as an excuse as to why listeners are
>"Complaining". It's not true. The fact is that KROQ now has a playlist
>that they must adhere to. The station has become more, and more detached
>from it's listeners in favor of sponsors. That is my opinion. You can
>agree, or disagree with it. That's your choice. But if you think just
>because you voice your dis-taste with our views, we're going to run and
>hide, think again. I certainly won't. I think if enough people call for
>changes, maybe someone at KROQ will take notice. "I could be wrong I could
>be right"

I certainly agree that KROQ needs to loosen up the play list. As I've said
before they are a mere shadow of what they used to be. I'm not so sure about
them having become detached from their listeners. It may be the listeners have
lost the desire to experience anything new or different. They may want to be a
bunch of cloned, programmed by corporate KROQ automatons. After all it takes
effort to think for yourself and why should anyone think for themselves. Just
let KROQ do the thinking for you. If they are playing are giving a soon heavy
air play it must be "good stuff". If they are not playing a song it must be
"bad stuff". It's so much simpler isn't it?

"We're told this is the Golden Age. And gold is the reason for the wars we wage."

John E. Bredehoft

May 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/2/96

In article <>, RPM <> wrote:
>I do agree that this group seems to attract a high number of complaints about
>KROQ, but if people want to improve the positive feedback ratio, post some
>positive stuff; there's plenty of us who would welcome those opinions.

I like Tad's gasping sound and the Wolfgang Puck commercials. The freedom-
fighting pure anti-commercial outlets don't have either. 'Nuff said.
John E. Bredehoft, <>

John E. Bredehoft

May 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/2/96

In article <>, Scott Hagie <> wrote:
>Ash ( wrote:
>: I have heard from people on this newsgroup who say that it is pointless to
>: complain. That KROQ is not here for the listeners, but for the sponsors.
>: Does anyone else hear think this mentality is self-defeating.
>Oh BS. KROQ is for the listeners, just not you. They are doing better in the
>ratings than ever before, and that is a measure of listeners. If you

>personally don't like KROQ now, that's your problem, you are in the

Back to Ash's point: if a significant number of listeners complained (say
50,000), yes KROQ would quit playing [insert random group here] all the
time. However, I'd wager that posters on are a rabid minority.
The vast majority of listeners (the ones the sponsors want to reach) feel
just fine about hearing [irgh] every four hours. (Just as the listeners
of 1985 felt just fine about hearing the Cure and Oingo Boingo every four
hours. Only the groups have changed.)

>: P.S. - I'll post this any time another listener bitches about my bitching.
>: I respect you, and your opinions. Please repect mine.
>This is alt.FAN.kroq. You are in the wrong group. Go away.

I disagree with Scott. "Fan" means "fanatic," either for or against. Stay.

May 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/2/96

John E. Bredehoft wrote:

> Back to Ash's point: if a significant number of listeners complained (say
> 50,000), yes KROQ would quit playing [insert random group here] all the
> time. However, I'd wager that posters on are a rabid minority.
> The vast majority of listeners (the ones the sponsors want to reach) feel
> just fine about hearing [irgh] every four hours. (Just as the listeners
> of 1985 felt just fine about hearing the Cure and Oingo Boingo every four
> hours. Only the groups have changed.)

Exactly!!!!!!! KROQ is doing what it feels is best for their BUSINESS. It
is obviously working. No radio station can please everybody all the time.
It's radio's job to please as many people as it can at any given time.

It's your CD player's job to give you variety......

jeremy redman

May 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/3/96

John E. Bredehoft wrote:
> I like Tad's gasping sound and the Wolfgang Puck commercials. The freedom-
> fighting pure anti-commercial outlets don't have either. 'Nuff said.

i will agree on that. wolfgang puck commercials are great. not as good as
the Fibar beaver years back, but damn good. i remember when kroq was getting
requests to play the Fibar commercials.

jeremy redman "peace in a world free from religion, peace in a world where everyone gets heaven."

- Toni Halliday


May 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/4/96

In article <4maml4$>, (John
E. Bredehoft) wrote:

> I like Tad's gasping sound and the Wolfgang Puck commercials. The freedom-
> fighting pure anti-commercial outlets don't have either. 'Nuff said.

You LIKE the Wolfgang Puck commercials!?! They frighten me. Wolfgang
sounds insane. He must be a bad man who does bad things to the food.

e e
e If this were an actual emergency do you think e
e anyone would tell you? -- The Schwa Corp. e
e e
e e


May 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/6/96

In article <>, (Ash) writes:
>Scott please, what is so funny about how KROQ has forgotton it's original
>ideal. I think it would be a fair question to ask how old you are. How
>long have you been a listener? Were you even listening to KROQ

I concur with ash here. I've been listening to KROQ since 1982, and there
was a definite change in it when Infinity took over. The current KROQ is
just a shadow of what it once was. It used to be something unique. They
used to play music that no other station would touch. They also used to
play a much bigger variety. [Am I the only one who remembers "Gorilla
You're an Outlaw" and "Frank's Wild Years"?]

Stan "Loyal Opposition" Schwarz

Stan Schwarz | "I just want to live like Yogi Bear | He kicks ass on the average bear."
---------------------------------------------------- -Stukas Over Bedrock -----

Randy Steven Hoffman

May 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/7/96

On 6 May 1996, Stan wrote:

> I've been listening to KROQ since 1982, and there
> was a definite change in it when Infinity took over. The current KROQ is
> just a shadow of what it once was. It used to be something unique. They
> used to play music that no other station would touch. They also used to
> play a much bigger variety. [Am I the only one who remembers "Gorilla
> You're an Outlaw" and "Frank's Wild Years"

When exactly did Infinity take over. I've only been a listener since
about 1991 and don't even want to get involved in this discussion on how
KROQ sucks. I actually think it's pretty good. I was just wondering if
KROQ was ULTRA-ALTERNATIVE before Infinite took over. If it was, maybe
some of the complainers can check out KUCI. They play some funky shit on
that station. I almost became a DJ for them, but I was too mainstream.
Imagine that.


Mar 12, 2014, 12:31:06 AM3/12/14
Wow! How time flies! I wrote this in 1996 Fast forward to 2014 and KROQ is now redundant. How sad! I haven't listened to this station I about a decade. Internet radio is the best source for new music - as I figured it would be. KROQ, you have sucked for years. RIP!
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