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Re: Stupid Americans! -- Stupid... Stupid... STUPID!!! _____________ hetbih

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Frank McCoy

Nov 7, 2004, 2:19:43 PM11/7/04

>You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as your President.
>He? a complete moron and so are most of you!

Believe me: *I* didn't vote for him.
Nor did most people who browse the newsgroups.
Look at where Bush won: Mostly rural areas where you either toe the
line to the local religious zealots ... Or you move to the city.

Most people with any intelligence voted *against* Bush (Most, not all.
Some people figured Bush was good for their wallet.) Still, it's a
recognized phenomenon that the "average" consumer, voter, etc., in the
USA *is* pretty dumb.

So, mostly, you're preaching to the choir, not castigating the proper
idiots who wouldn't listen anyway.

/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_

John Savard

Nov 7, 2004, 8:29:30 PM11/7/04
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 13:19:43 -0600, Frank McCoy <>
wrote, in part:

Ah, yes. America is not to be trusted with solanite in its arsenal!

John Savard


Nov 8, 2004, 12:53:12 AM11/8/04
to wrote in

> You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as

> your President. He’s a complete moron and so are most of you!

Temper, temper, temper! Your post is not only extremely rude to all
Americans, it is quite unnecessary as only a handful of people on the
usenet support the Shrub.

BTW, what country are you posting from. I'm Canadian, I hate Bush, but I
hate bad manners more.


Faith is a vice, not a virtue.


Nov 9, 2004, 3:31:56 PM11/9/04

"Frank McCoy" <> wrote in message

> In
> wrote:
>>You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as your
>>He? a complete moron and so are most of you!
> Most people with any intelligence voted *against* Bush (Most, not all.
> Some people figured Bush was good for their wallet.) Still, it's a
> recognized phenomenon that the "average" consumer, voter, etc., in the
> USA *is* pretty dumb.

Hmmm..... I didn't have a financial stake in this election and
since my IQ has been measured at about 135 I don't think it's
lack of intelligence that made me vote for Bush. Maybe
Bush was just a better choice. :)

Jon Q. Pubic

Nov 10, 2004, 7:40:36 AM11/10/04
In article <0P9kd.1139$4U1.354@trndny05>,
"NYC-4953424" <noe...@null.null> wrote:

Why are Americans only given the choice of the least stinky of two
pieces of shit?

But at least Ashcroft is out. You'll get Ridge as a replacement.

Good Luck... BTW I've got a spare room and Baltica in the frig.
JQP Himself, the wiseass dumbass.
I was here when Tat was a teen
Tattooed © is my Hero
LLL (long live liaka), SWMBA
Watch out for The Humidor, It'll get you.
See You At The PUb!

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Frank McCoy

Dec 2, 2007, 11:01:01 PM12/2/07
In "Tarl Cabot" <> wrote:

>I'd vote for Clinton again in a heartbeat over Bush.

Hell, I'd vote for Nixon over Bush, without even pausing to think about

Still, I'd take even Bush over Ted Kennedy.
There *are* worse choices; much as I despise Bush.
Kennedy should have been hanged for murder years ago.
I don't care *what* a man's politics is; having a president who thinks
he can get away with murder because of his position is ....

My Full Name

Oct 4, 2011, 2:25:59 PM10/4/11
I voted for him. He did better at Yale than his democratic opponent.
Just what is Obama doing right now? Has he improved anything?

And for the non-American... For such a terrible country, why is
everyone trying to get in, legally or illegally?

If you aren't an American, you should be. If you don't speak english,
you should.

In article <>, Frank McCoy

My Full Name

Oct 4, 2011, 2:31:11 PM10/4/11
Listen, idiot... EVERYONE knows that there were WMD's in Iraq. Do you
mean that when we said, "Ok, we are coming in to see if there are any
WMD's in your arsenals." to which Sadam said, "OK, wait a week or 2 and
I will let you in then." you don't think that he may have, oh, I don't
know, moved them???

All Clinton wanted was some whore to suck his cock. He is the real
enemy. Hey, he sold nuclear waspons and knowledge to China and North
Korea. What a great American!

In article <>, Tarl Cabot
<> wrote:

> Better choice you say... how could Bush be a better
> choice over anyone else???
> I'd vote for Clinton again in a heartbeat over Bush. At
> least the dollar would be worth something today and
> people wouldn't be dying over in Iraq over WMDs that
> never existed. Anyone who believes we went to war in
> Iraq to stop WMDs is a fool and has not done their
> homework on the entire Bush family going back to pre WW II.
> Tarl Cabot
> Has lots of his own money and
> does not care what others think

Frank McCoy

Oct 4, 2011, 2:44:27 PM10/4/11
My Full Name <> wrote:

>I voted for him. He did better at Yale than his democratic opponent.
>Just what is Obama doing right now? Has he improved anything?
With Republicans determined to block anything good he wants to pass;
with the idea that by doing-so they'll keep him from being re-elected,
what do you expect?

(Besides, even if Congress AND the president agreed on legislation,
there really isn't much either or both can do ... Sad to say. Well
... OK ... They CAN make things worse; and did-so by refusing to pass
anything at all until our credit-rating got downgrades.)

The funny thing is: The Republicans are *SO* intent on making sure
Obama doesn't get re-elected, that I suspect every one of THEM is
going to lose his/her re-election bid. Talk about cutting off your
own nose to spite your face!

They're *incredibly* happy that Obama's "approval rating" is down
around 42%; so they figure he won't make another term. However, with
the rating of about everybody in Congress down in the 12% to 18%
range, how do THEY expect to get re-upped next time?

>And for the non-American... For such a terrible country, why is
>everyone trying to get in, legally or illegally?
>If you aren't an American, you should be. If you don't speak english,
>you should.
>In article <>, Frank McCoy
><> wrote:
>> In
>> wrote:
>> >You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as your
>> >President.
>> >He? a complete moron and so are most of you!
>> Believe me: *I* didn't vote for him.
>> Nor did most people who browse the newsgroups.
>> Look at where Bush won: Mostly rural areas where you either toe the
>> line to the local religious zealots ... Or you move to the city.
>> Most people with any intelligence voted *against* Bush (Most, not all.
>> Some people figured Bush was good for their wallet.) Still, it's a
>> recognized phenomenon that the "average" consumer, voter, etc., in the
>> USA *is* pretty dumb.
>> So, mostly, you're preaching to the choir, not castigating the proper
>> idiots who wouldn't listen anyway.

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