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Transcripts of police interview

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Mar 7, 2001, 10:38:58 AM3/7/01
A bit old, but interesting all the same....

Transcripts of police interview give insight into killer's character
Cheryl Stepan, Standard Staff
The Standard

Staff Photo / Standard reporter Cheryl Stepan leaves court with transcripts of
police interviews with Karla Homolka.

Karla Homolka

At the end of an interview with police describing the violent attacks on
Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy, Karla Homolka asked if she could keep the
pen she'd been using to make notes.

And at one point, the killer cringed about giving a blood sample because she
didn't want to have her finger pricked.

The transcripts of the police interviews with Homolka, done in May and June
1993 after the Crown had arranged a plea bargain with her, were released
Tuesday during Ken Murray's trial on charges of obstruction of justice over his
handling of the notorious Bernardo torture tapes.

While they closely mirror the testimony Homolka provided at Paul Bernardo's
1995 murder trial, the interviews provide further insight into her character
because they were conducted in a relaxed, informal setting with several
non-confrontational police officers.

In the hundreds of pages of transcripts, Homolka describes in chilling detail,
yet in a conversational tone, the final hours of French, Mahaffy and her own
sister, Tammy. Much, if not all, of this information came out during

Bernardo's trial and The Standard has chosen not to repeat it. The following
excerpts were selected to provide more revelations into the woman who portrayed
herself as a victim of her husband's sexual sadism and received a 12-year
manslaughter conviction in exchange for testifying against him.

- Homolka's reaction to Bernardo telling her he is the Scarborough rapist on
their wedding night:

"Well, I was a little bit shocked, well, not really shocked because he had been
teasing me about it for so long, but I was thinking, like, what a great thing
to find out on your wedding night, that your husband is a rapist."

- Homolka on going to live with her aunt and uncle in Brampton after she left

"I forgot about Tammy, I forgot about Leslie and Kristen. I forgot about
everything and, like, I made myself forget and I went out and I had a great

- Homolka on giving blood samples to police:

"One question. Are you going to take blood from the vein or do I have to prick
my finger ... I would rather you take it from the vein. I hate pricking my

- Homolka on her reaction to arranging for Bernardo to have sex with Tammy:

"So I agreed. Biggest mistake of my life."

- Homolka on Bernardo:

"I don't know if I should say it on tape, but I want to do everything I can for
you to put that bastard away forever ... He doesn't even deserve to live. But I
want him to rot in jail because dying is too good for him."

- Homolka on Bernardo's suicide attempt after Tammy Homolka's death:

"... After all this happened, Paul tried to kill himself. And the way he did
that, it was in my bedroom -- thanks a lot, Paul ... And I wish that he died
but he didn't."

- Homolka's reaction when she first found Leslie Mahaffy in their house, after
Bernardo had abducted and sexually assaulted her:

"I was really mad too because um ..., when I took Buddy (the dog) out, there
were two champagne glasses on the dining room table and we had these really
expensive champagne glasses from France which we never used. He had those out.
The two of them had been drinking champagne from those glasses and I was really

- Homolka on finding a date book in order to assist police with their
investigation, and getting her own clothes back in the process:

"I'm going to be getting my lawyer, my divorce lawyer, to ask for everything of
mine that was taken from the house because I know now my clothing was taken out
by Paul's lawyers. If it is among those items, I will give it to you."

- Homolka when asked by police what she would like for lunch:

"I would like a chef salad ... That's it. I'm not a big eater. Well, sometimes
I am ... Those things are pretty big, usually. It's got ham and turkey and
everything, cheese ... No

Canadian Winter

Mar 7, 2001, 11:54:58 PM3/7/01

"SS GUITARS" <> wrote in message

Doesn't this just portray her well? Her main concern is the damn glasses,
not the kidnapped and raped teen imprisoned in her house. Classic Karla.
Wrapped up in herself and her posessions. These are her words in a police
report, NOT Paul's. Is it any wonder we don't feel compassion for her as a
victim? Her victims never received any compassion! Her really expensive
champagne glasses from France which she never used did though!


Mar 9, 2001, 3:48:17 PM3/9/01
>Subject: Re: Transcripts of police interview
>From: "Canadian Winter"

> Her victims never received any compassion! Her really expensive
>champagne glasses from France which she never used did though!

Where are those glasses anyway? Did they get ruined durring the house search???


Mar 12, 2001, 4:49:23 PM3/12/01
>Her really expensive
>>champagne glasses from France which she never used did though!

And the police got a kick out of that one. They are champagne FLUTES, not
GLASSES, this was brought up in a report about the police interview with
Karla. They found it amusing that she called them glasses. Showing what true
class she has!!!


Mar 12, 2001, 5:09:26 PM3/12/01
>They found it amusing that she called them glasses. Showing what true
>class she has!!!

I liked when Karla ask about her perfume samples


Mar 12, 2001, 5:21:09 PM3/12/01
>Where are those glasses anyway? Did they get ruined durring the house

I can't help but meanly hope her precious glasses were broken. Hit her where
she feels SOMETHING...



Mar 12, 2001, 6:09:21 PM3/12/01

I still see nothing wrong with asking about your belongings when walking
through your own house and seeing they weren't there. I'd have done the
same thing if, say, my coin collection were missing.



Mar 12, 2001, 7:02:06 PM3/12/01
>I'd have done the
>same thing if, say, my coin collection were missing.

Come on Art, your smart enough to know the difference between a coin
collection, and perfume samples

Canadian Winter

Mar 12, 2001, 8:54:32 PM3/12/01

"Bruno41560" <> wrote in message

Would Art still be concerned if he toured his house and his prize collection
of little hotel soaps were gone? That's a fairer analogy I think.


Mar 12, 2001, 8:58:55 PM3/12/01

Sure, but I'm not superficial. Karla probably is.
The difference to her is not the same as it would be to me.

But that just makes her materialistic. Being materialistic might not be
the classiest thing, but it doesn't mean she deserves to be beaten,
tortured, and raped.



Mar 12, 2001, 9:42:36 PM3/12/01
>But that just makes her materialistic. Being materialistic might not be
>the classiest thing, but it doesn't mean she deserves to be beaten,
>tortured, and raped.
>Art. I believe Karla was beaten, and tortured, but what I don't understand, is
why she won't get better, you have to agree, that she has alot to talk out, but
she won't, why is that? If I was beaten and kept the way she was, I would want
to talk, you never get over your problems, until you talk them out, Kevin

Canadian Winter

Mar 12, 2001, 9:44:52 PM3/12/01

"Art" <> wrote in message

I haven't read any posts indicating ANYONE thinks she deserved to be beaten
tortured or raped by Paul. You keep using that to make a point though
therby infering that people who disagree with you think that. That isn't
fair or right. It is in her timing for showing her materialistic side that
does herself a disservice. She is touring the scene of horrific crimes and
that doesn't faze her. She had a hand in the deaths of two young women and
she describes the scene of her crimes s she would the location of where her
dog drank water. But when it comes to her posessions, her PERFUME
SAMPLES?!?!?! Then she shows concern?!? Doesn't really portray her as a
sensitive, kind, caring human being, does it? Again, her cold hearted
attitude doesn't mean she deserved to have any of those horrible things done
to her that Paul did. Though I'm sure you will continue to infer that all
of us who disagree with you do say that. After all, that serves YOUR
purpose, doesn't it?


David Pearce

Mar 13, 2001, 6:38:01 AM3/13/01

"SS GUITARS" <> wrote in message

> And the police got a kick out of that one. They are champagne FLUTES, not
> GLASSES, this was brought up in a report about the police interview with
> Karla. They found it amusing that she called them glasses. Showing what
> class she has!!!

Some of the kids in my 6th grade band class had flutes and I would never
try to drink anything from them. Glasses would work just fine. Or even
better,just chug from the bottle. Anyone ever played quarters with a bottle
of Night Train?

David (who has no class,evidently!)

David Pearce

Mar 13, 2001, 6:39:55 AM3/13/01

"Art" <> wrote in message

> I still see nothing wrong with asking about your belongings when walking
> through your own house and seeing they weren't there. I'd have done the
> same thing if, say, my coin collection were missing.

Perfume samples are one thing but you go messing with the coin
collection and you've got problems,Mister!! :-)



Mar 13, 2001, 12:28:17 PM3/13/01

But from the comments of the PDocs, she HAS talked about herself being
beaten, tortured and raped. The PDocs then claimed she wasn't "getting
better" because she continued to present herself as a victim and wouldn't
take responsibility for her role as an aggressor.

It's much like Harry put it... They keep saying to her the equivalent of
"Admit you're an Alcoholic"... She says "But I don't drink, I'm NOT an
alcoholic"... So they say "Denial... She won't admit she's an alcoholic
so she's not getting better" when the truth is, she was NEVER the aggressor
so SHOULDNT admit to her role as an aggressor and SHOULD present herself as
a victim.

How can you get "better" when all people want you to do is say it's your
fault you were raped beaten and tortured?

It's like trying to treat a rape victim by saying she wont' get better
until she admits it was her own fault for wearing a short dress. It's
disgusting the way they're trying to 'treat' her and, IMO, untrained and
unprofessional, tantamount to malpractice.



Mar 13, 2001, 12:29:30 PM3/13/01
On Tue, 13 Mar 2001 11:39:55 GMT, "David Pearce" <>

But if she really is the little miss priss they make her out to be, it's
certainly possible she valued her perfume samples as much as you and I
might value our coin collections.

I mean, there ARE some very expensive perfumes out there, and who KNOWS how
many she actually had, right?



Mar 13, 2001, 12:31:42 PM3/13/01
On Tue, 13 Mar 2001 11:38:01 GMT, "David Pearce" <>


Actually, the more appropriate word would be no "sophistication." The best
definition for "class" I've ever seen said, basically, class was the
ability to make everyone around you, from the richest to the poorest, feel

Given that definition Dave, I would certainly say you have class.

You just lack sophistication. :)


David Pearce

Mar 13, 2001, 1:21:02 PM3/13/01

"Art" <> wrote in message

> > Some of the kids in my 6th grade band class had flutes and I would
> >try to drink anything from them. Glasses would work just fine. Or even
> >better,just chug from the bottle. Anyone ever played quarters with a
> >of Night Train?
> >
> > David (who has no
> Actually, the more appropriate word would be no "sophistication." The
> definition for "class" I've ever seen said, basically, class was the
> ability to make everyone around you, from the richest to the poorest, feel
> comfortable.
> Given that definition Dave, I would certainly say you have class.
> You just lack sophistication. :)

Thanks and right again about my sophistication! The bad thing is that I
kind of revel in my lack of sophisication. Beats the hell out of actually
having to pick some up.



Mar 13, 2001, 3:30:41 PM3/13/01
>I liked when Karla ask about her perfume samples

I know, she is so lame and strange...


Mar 13, 2001, 3:32:50 PM3/13/01
>I still see nothing wrong with asking about your belongings when walking
>through your own house and seeing they weren't there. I'd have done the
>same thing if, say, my coin collection were missing.

She didn't ask for the champagne GLASSES back, she said she was angry that paul
used the GLASSES with Leslie. In the police videotaped interview.

And considering that the house was a crime scene, I think that made it's
contents property of the RCMP and Crown til after the trial????

Joe Here

Mar 13, 2001, 4:13:35 PM3/13/01

Hey! I have some cool Champagne mugs too, ....but I preffer using my
beer flutes!

Joe Here

Mar 13, 2001, 4:16:44 PM3/13/01
On Tue, 13 Mar 2001 12:31:42 -0500, Art <>

How about culture? I have lots of culture, just stocked up on Youghurt
yesterday! :-)

David Pearce

Mar 13, 2001, 6:26:22 PM3/13/01

"Joe Here" <> wrote in message

> >
> >
> How about culture? I have lots of culture, just stocked up on Youghurt
> yesterday! :-)

Arrghhh!!!! Not only are we "fans" of serial killers,we are some of the
lousiest comedians on the planet. Keep it up,gang!


Canadian Winter

Mar 14, 2001, 1:47:48 AM3/14/01

"Art" <> wrote in message

Twisting things again Art? Isn't it more accurate to say they are trying to
get her to admit that she played a role in the rapes, beatings and tortures
of the other girls? That she participated and aided in these crimes and
must take responsibilty for them?

> It's like trying to treat a rape victim by saying she wont' get better
> until she admits it was her own fault for wearing a short dress. It's
> disgusting the way they're trying to 'treat' her and, IMO, untrained and
> unprofessional, tantamount to malpractice.

No Art, it's nothing like this. It's more like saying to the rape victim
that she should take responsibilty for joining up with her rapist to abduct,
rape and murder other girls.


Canadian Winter

Mar 14, 2001, 1:51:43 AM3/14/01

"SS GUITARS" <> wrote in message

> >I still see nothing wrong with asking about your belongings when walking
> >through your own house and seeing they weren't there. I'd have done the
> >same thing if, say, my coin collection were missing.
> >
> >ART
> She didn't ask for the champagne GLASSES back, she said she was angry that
> used the GLASSES with Leslie. In the police videotaped interview.

And you don't find it odd that her main concern was that Paul used her
glasses with his abducted sex slave? No problem that he went and got one,
just his poor judgement in using her good crystal. No concern for an
innocent victim, just her material possesions. You wonder why people want
her locked up forever?


Mar 14, 2001, 4:37:44 AM3/14/01
>She didn't ask for the champagne GLASSES back, she said she was angry that
>used the GLASSES with Leslie. In the police videotaped interview.



Murray Anderson

Mar 14, 2001, 7:04:34 AM3/14/01

"Canadian Winter" <> wrote in message
No, they're not. She's already admitted that. In fact they're just following
orders to keep her in, so they have to say something that follows the

> > It's like trying to treat a rape victim by saying she wont' get better
> > until she admits it was her own fault for wearing a short dress. It's
> > disgusting the way they're trying to 'treat' her and, IMO, untrained and
> > unprofessional, tantamount to malpractice.
> >
> > ART
> >
> No Art, it's nothing like this. It's more like saying to the rape victim
> that she should take responsibilty for joining up with her rapist to
> rape and murder other girls.
> CW

Murray Anderson


Mar 15, 2001, 12:06:16 AM3/15/01
On 13 Mar 2001 20:32:50 GMT, (SS GUITARS) wrote:

>>I still see nothing wrong with asking about your belongings when walking
>>through your own house and seeing they weren't there. I'd have done the
>>same thing if, say, my coin collection were missing.
>She didn't ask for the champagne GLASSES back, she said she was angry that paul
>used the GLASSES with Leslie. In the police videotaped interview.

Right... I wasn't talking about them. I was talking about the carpet her
sister wanted, and the perfume samples which were missing.

>And considering that the house was a crime scene, I think that made it's
>contents property of the RCMP and Crown til after the trial????

could be... I don't know... and she probably didn't know... hence her
asking questions about where things are.


Murray Anderson

Mar 15, 2001, 10:00:54 PM3/15/01

"Art" <> wrote in message

The RCMP is the federal police force. They had no jurisdiction in this case,
it was the responsibility of the Niagara Regional Police, the Metro Toronto
Police, and probably the OPP. In spite of their fame, the RCMP don't police
Ontario, as they do some of the smaller provinces.

Murray Anderson


Mar 22, 2001, 3:14:29 PM3/22/01
>Hey! I have some cool Champagne mugs too, ....but I preffer using my
>beer flutes!

Joe, I would absolutely LOVE to drink champagne with you out of mugs!


Mar 22, 2001, 3:17:02 PM3/22/01
>And you don't find it odd that her main concern was that Paul used her
>glasses with his abducted sex slave?

Very odd, CW. This was mentioned on the Crime Stories show, how she was more
upset about the "glasses" (or mugs, if you will, according to Joe!) than she
was that Paul brought home a "looove slave". It's okay, honey, you can fuck
others, just don't use my good glasses on them. Oh and if you rape them with
the champagne bottle after you drink it from the mugs, just make sure it's not
the Dom Perignon. ok, sweets?


Mar 22, 2001, 4:29:36 PM3/22/01
>The RCMP is the federal police force. They had no jurisdiction in this case,
>it was the responsibility of the Niagara Regional Police, the Metro Toronto
>Police, and probably the OPP. In spite of their fame, the RCMP don't police
>Ontario, as they do some of the smaller provinces.
>Murray Anderson

MY BAD!! Thanks Murray, for the Canadian law enforcement lesson! I thought
they were all called RCMP! Shows how much this "Yankee" knows!

Murray Anderson

Mar 22, 2001, 9:25:52 PM3/22/01

"SS GUITARS" <> wrote in message

Actually, there were a couple more regional police forces involved, the
Hamilton area force, and the Halton-Peel, I think. They didn't get along
with each other.

Murray Anderson

Joe Here

Mar 23, 2001, 12:40:18 AM3/23/01

You're on!

Glass or plastic dear?

Joe Here

Mar 23, 2001, 12:43:48 AM3/23/01

Once you understand the mechanics of policing in Canada, we'll move on
to Government....... could take a while....bring mugs!


Mar 23, 2001, 9:55:27 AM3/23/01
Oh, glass of course! Nice heavy mugs for champagne, nothin like it!


Mar 23, 2001, 10:00:09 AM3/23/01
Murray, I've been wondering what the initials QC mean after peoples names in
Canada? Like George Walker, Q.C. Is this Quebec, Canada, or a title for
lawyers and judges?
Thanks, Tracy.


Mar 23, 2001, 10:00:35 AM3/23/01
>Once you understand the mechanics of policing in Canada, we'll move on
>to Government....... could take a while....bring mugs!

hahahahah! :)

David Pearce

Mar 23, 2001, 11:37:58 AM3/23/01

"SS GUITARS" <> wrote in message

> Oh, glass of course! Nice heavy mugs for champagne, nothin like it!

just drink 'dat shit out 'da bottle,man!!



Mar 24, 2001, 4:05:12 AM3/24/01
> just drink 'dat shit out 'da bottle,man!!
> David

You could get like a double deuce of champagne, yo...


Murray Anderson

Mar 24, 2001, 4:05:14 PM3/24/01

"SS GUITARS" <> wrote in message

Queen's Counsel

Murray Anderson

Joe Here

Mar 24, 2001, 4:53:30 PM3/24/01

We figure the best way to run a country, is to have our leader living
in another country!

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