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TURMEL: Rene Ouellet gets 90 days, appeals MedPot conviction, not sentence

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Jan 31, 2018, 1:34:55 PM1/31/18
TURMEL: Rene Ouellet gets 90 days, appeals MedPot conviction, not sentence

JCT: Rene Ouellet was in court over the past few weeks:
Here's the press:

Production de marijuana: apres une croisade pour changer
les lois, il plaide coupable
Production of Marijuana, after marijuana crusade to change
the laws, pleads guilty

Kathleen Frenette
Mardi, 23 janvier 2018 16:47
En janvier 2014, le Montrealais Rene Ouellet etait
accuse de production de marijuana en vue d'en faire le
trafic. Apres plus de 40 passages a la cour dans le but
avoue < de faire changer rien de moins que les lois
canadiennes >, l'homme de 44 ans a finalement plaide
In Jan 2014, Montrealer Rene Ouellet was charge diwth
production of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking.
After more than 40 court hearings "trying to change the
canadian laws" the 44-year-old man finally pleaded guilty.

C'est en avril 2016 que Ouellet s'est fait remarquer une
premiere fois au palais de justice de Quebec. L'homme
etait alors accompagne du militant procannabis Raymond
Turmel qui s'etait allume un joint aux portes du palais
en brandissant son sac de pot < therapeutique >.
It was in April 2016 that Rene Ouellet was first noticed at
the Quebec courthouse. He was accompanied by the pr-cannabis
militant Raymond Turmel who lit himself a joint at the doors
of the courthouse while brandishing a baggie of
"therapeutic" pot.

Les deux hommes s'etaient alors presentes avec, en main,
une decision de la Cour supreme rendue en 2015 et qui,
selon eux, < autorisait la transformation de marijuana
medicale en huile et en produits comestibles >.
The two men showed up with a 2015 decision of the Supreme
Court and that, according to them, "authorizes the
transformation of marijuana into juice and oil and edible

Or, c'est justement ce que Ouellet alleguait vouloir
faire avec les plants de marijuana qu'il cultivait, aux
dires de Turmel, < en plein milieu de nulle part >.
And it's exactly what Ouellet alleged he wanted to do with
the marijuana plants he was growring, as says Turmel, "in
the middle of nowhere."

Le but de ces plants etait < d'etre transformes sous
forme de muffins ou de tisane pour calmer > le stress et
l'anxiete de Ouellet.
The purpose of the plants was "to be tranformed into muffins
and tea" to calm Ouellet's stress and anxiety.

Un peu moins de deux ans plus tard, c'est en se disant
un peu < sous le choc > que le Montrealais a finalement
plaide coupable aux accusations portees contre lui.
A little less than 2 yars later, saying it was a little
under shock that the Montrealer finally pleaded guilty tothe
accusations against him.

Il a donc reconnu qu'en mai 2013, les policiers ont recu
de l'information selon laquelle une serre de production
de cannabis se trouvait dans un hangar dans la
municipalite de Sainte-Francoise et que ce dernier
appartenait a Ouellet.
He thus admitted that in May 2013, the police received
information that a cannabis grow-op was in a greenhouse in
the town of Staine-Francoise owned by Ouellet.

< Les fenetres etaient obstruees et chez Hydro-Quebec,
des verifications ont revele qu'il y avait une grande
consommation d'electricite sur les lieux >, a brievement
resume la procureure aux poursuites criminelles et
penales, Me Caroline Munger.
"The windows were obstructed and at Hydro-Quebec,
investigations revaled that the site made use of large
amounts of electricity" recapped the Crown prosecutor
Caroline Munger.

En tout, 238 plants de marijuana ont ete trouves lors de
la perquisition policiere et le Service d'identite
judiciaire a ete en mesure de relever les empreintes de
l'accuse a de multiples endroits.
In all, 238 marijuana plants were found in a police raid
where they lifted his fingerprints in several places.

Rene Ouellet sera de retour en cour, jeudi, pour les
representations sur la peine.
Rene Ouellet willbe back in court for his arguments with
respect to sentencing.

25 janvier 2018
Le Soleil
Producteur de pot <therapeutique> dans l'eau chaude
Therapeutic Pot Producer in hot water

Rene Ouellet a fait pousser 238 plants de marijuana
pour, dit-il, soigner un ami atteint du cancer et
traiter sa propre anxiete. Jamais pour faire le trafic,
assure-t-il en reclamant la clemence de la cour.
Rene Ouellet says he grew 238 marijuana plants to treat a
friend with cancer and his own anxiety. Not to traffick, he
reassured in asking for clemency from the court.

L'entrepreneur en renovation de 44 ans a plaide coupable
la semaine derniere a des accusations de production de
cannabis. + coups de requetes diverses, l'accuse aura
tente durant quatre ans de faire tomber les accusations
en invoquant l'aspect therapeutique de ses cultures.
Last week, the 44-year-old renovation contractor pleaded
guilty to charges of production of cannabis.

JCT: Wrong. Production for the purpose of trafficking with a
mandatory minimum was dropped, only Possesion for the
Purpose was pleaded to with no mandatory minimum.

Vetu d'un complet sombre, sans avocat a ses cotes, Rene
Ouellet repete que s'il est devenu producteur de
marijuana, c'est pour <sauver la vie> de son ami dont le
cancer venait de recidiver. <+ force de lire les
bienfaits du cannabis sur Internet, je me disais que ca
n'avait pas de bon sens qu'on ne puisse pas se soigner
autrement qu'avec de la radiotherapie et de la
chimiotherapie>, plaide-t-il.
Dressed in a dark suit, his lawyer at his side,

JCT: ??? Must have thought Ray was his lawyer.

Rene Ouellet that he became a producer of marijuana to save
the life of his friend whose cancer had returned. After
having read of the benefits of marijuana on the internet, I
thought it didn't make sense that one couldn't treat oneself
other than with radiation and chemotherapy, he pleaded.

Constatant que l'ami n'avait pas l'espace necessaire
chez lui pour faire pousser des plants, Ouellet accepte
de l'aider en ouvrant une petite serre dans sa residence
secondaire a Sainte-Francoise, aux limites de Lotbiniere
et du Centre-du-Quebec. Il jure avoir mis le minimum de
plants pour produire du cannabis medical.
Figuring the friend didn't have the area necessary to grow,
Ouellet accepted to help him by opening small greenhouse in
his secondary residence at Sainte-Francoise, at the
outskirts of Lotbiniere and Center-Quebec. He swears it was
the minimum number of plants necessary to produce medical

L'huile de cannabis aurait fait regresser la tumeur de
son ami, assure Ouellet. L'homme est toutefois decede
durant les procedures judiciaires, ajoute l'accuse.
Cannabis oil did shrink his friend's tumore but he died
nevertheless after the bust and prosecution.

Rene Ouellet utilisait le cannabis pour lui-meme afin de
mieux gerer son stress et acceptait d'en donner a
quelques amis proches.
Rene Ouellet used cannabis for himself to better cope with
stress and avowed having given some to close friends.

Il a ete denonce par des voisins en 2013.
He was informed on in 2013 by neighbors.

Prison ferme reclamee
La procureure de la Couronne Me Caroline Munger demande
une peine de 9 a 12 mois de prison. Reconnaissant que
Ouellet n'etait pas pousse par l'appat du gain, la
poursuite a choisi de ne pas reclamer la peine minimale
prevue pour cette accusation, soit 12 mois de prison. La
prison dans la collectivite n'est plus prevue au Code
criminel pour ce type d'infraction depuis 2012.
Prison time sought
The Crown Attorney Caroline Munger asked for a sentence of
9-12 months of prison.

JCT: Rene made a mistake accepting this plea deal without
consulting with me. I'd have made him cop to simple
possession since there was no evidence at all of
trafficking and pushed for no jail. My last report actually
stated he had gotten "no jail" and now I find out sey's
asking for more than the 8 months he was going to serve when
he used my self-defence kits.

Rene Ouellet a multiplie les arguments pour tenter de
convaincre le juge Guy De Blois de lui imposer une peine
autre que l'emprisonnement ferme. L'accuse se demande ce
qu'il va advenir des deux equipes de hockey mineur dont
il est l'entraineur et de ses activites de benevolat a
l'eglise. Il craint aussi de perdre de nombreux clients.
Rene Ouellet multiplied the arguments hoping to convince the
judge Guy De Blois to impose something other than straight
prison. He's not sure of the effect on the two minor hockey
teams he trains and his volunteer efforts at his church. He
also fears losing a lot of clients.

+ la fin des annees 90, Rene Ouellet a ete condamne a
deux reprises pour de la possession de cannabis.
At the end of the 1990s, Rene Ouellet was twice convicted of
Possesion of cannabis.

JCT: In 1993, Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking of 2
ounces and in 1995, Simple Possession of 1/2 gram. Quite the
Drug Kingpin.

Le juge rendra sa decision sur la peine mardi.
The judge will render his decision on sentence on Tuesday.



Kathleen Frenette | Agence QMI
31 janvier 2018
90 jours de prison pour un Montrealais qui produisait du
90 Days Prison for Montreal Pot Producer

JCT: With Parole after 1/3, 30 days, and prison release
after 1/6, 15 days.

Apres avoir plaide coupable a des accusations de
production de marijuana en vue d'en faire le trafic, le
Montrealais Rene Ouellet a ete condamne a 90 jours de
detention qu'il pourra purger de facon discontinue. Une
peine qu'il a ete possible de rendre pour le juge Serge
Francoeur <considerant la renonciation par le Ministere
public au preavis de la peine minimale> qui est de un
After having pleaded guilty to charges of marijuana
production for the purpose of trafficking

JCT: Sad they'd get the charge wrong. Different section.

Montrealer Rene Ouellet was sentenced to 90 days which he
can serve discontinuously. One sentence that could have been
rendered by Judge Serge Francoeur "considering the
renunciation by the Crown of a minimum sentence of a year.

JCT: Wrong judge.

Pour rendre sa sentence, le magistrat a retenu, comme
facteur attenuant, le plaidoyer de culpabilite de
l'accuse, mais aussi le fait qu'il n'ait <jamais eu
l'intention de faire la production de cannabis autrement
que pour aider son ami atteint du cancer et pour sa
consommation personnelle>.
In sentencing, the judge cited, as a mitigating factor, his
guilty plea

JCT: It saved the Court and the Crown the slated jury trial!
Figured it would make them happy.

but also that he "never had the intention of producing
marijuana other than to help his cancer-striken friend and
for his own personal consumption.

Le juge a egalement retenu que Ouellet est implique dans
sa communaute <notamment comme entraineur de deux
equipes de hockey et l'aide qu'il apporte dans
l'organisation des ceremonies religieuses>.
The judge also noted that Ouellet is involved in his
community notably as the coach of two hockey teams and the
support for his church's religious functions.

Comme facteur aggravant, le president du Tribunal a
considere que <la production et le trafic de drogue
constituent un fleau social>, mais, selon lui, <les
circonstances attenuantes l'emportent ici grandement sur
les circonstances attenuantes>.
The judge deemed the aggravating factor is that drug
production and traffic constitute a social plague but that
the extenuating circumstances here largely win the issue on
those circumstances.

En plus de la detention, Ouellet devra respecter une
periode de probation de deux ans et effectuer cent
heures de travaux communautaires.
As well as detention, Ouellet will be on probation for 2
years and perform 100 hours of community service.

JCT: What the press did not report is that
1) when came time to discuss the Surcharge fine usually
imposed, Ms. Munger noted that there was a provision for the
convictee to ask to waive it. So the judge asked him if he
wanted to ask to have it waived. He asked. The judge waived
it! I told you the Crown was breathing a sigh of relief to
have avoided a long and painful Quash, Charter challenge and
jury trial and it was nice of her to give Rene a break.
2) "discontinuous prison" means the judge offered him the
chance to serve his sentence 1 day a week, or 2 days a week.
He chose 2. So he gives himself up on Friday evening and is
released Saturday afternoon, 2 dates in prison at a time. So
there's a good chance his prison could be over in 8 weeks.
But not quite right now.

Pursuant to "Winning Through Intimidation," I had to
maximize his chance of not spending much time in jail. So in
case the judge had not imposed such a lenient discontinuous
sentence, I had prepared a Notice of Appeal of the
conviction, the sentence could be appealed later, and a
motion for Release Pending Appeal.

DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Criminal Chamber)
NO: 200-01-180625-141 Between
NO: 200-10-003480-188 Applicant
Rene Ouellet
Attorney General for Quebec


TAKE NOTICE that the Appellant appeals against the Sep 16 2016
dismissal by Cour du Quebec Judge Roy of the Accused's pre-
plea motion to Quash the indictment pursuant to S.601 of the
Criminal Code as no longer known to law because the Accused
had not established medical need.


1. Applicant's trial was based on an Agreed Statement of

2. Place of judgment: Quebec.

3. Name of Judge: Cour du Quebec Judge Roy

4. Charge: S.5(2) the CDSA.

5. Plea at trial: Guilty.

6. The Appellant appeals against the decision of Judge Roy
to dismiss the motion to Quash, not the decision of trial
court to convict.


a) a S.601 motion to Quash a count in an indictment is a
question of law and the medical need of the Accused is
irrelevant to whether the indictment is defective.

b) In 2003, J.P. had his Possession charge quashed because
the Parker declaration that the prohibition was invalid
absent a viable exemption had taken effect when the Hitzig
Court declared the MMAR exemption dysfunctional for the
medically needy since Aug 1 2001 and J.P. was not sick! the
Accused herein also does not have to be sick to invoke the
dysfunction of the exemption regime that invalidates the

c) After J.P.'s charge was quashed, the Crown dropped 4,000
charges across Canada with no reference to medical need of
any of the accuseds.


A) declaring the prohibitions in the CDSA remain of no force
and effect;

B) Quashing the indictment as unknown to law;

C) striking the word "marijuana" from CDSA Schedule II;

D) expunging convictions registered since Aug 1 2001;

E) returning the seized Controlled Substance to Appellant
pursuant to S.24 of the CDSA.

GRANT the present appeal to overturn the dismissal of the
Applicant's S.601 Motion to Quash.
Quebec Jan 30 2018
For the Appellant:
TO: Ministry of Justice
TO: The Registrar of the Court

[On Appeal from the Sep 16 2016
judgment of Cour du Quebec Judge Roy]


CHAMBER) SITTING IN QUEBEC, the Appellant states:


1. On Sep 16 2016, Appellant's Motion to Quash his marijuana
charges as no longer known to law was dismissed by Cour du
Quebec Judge Roy. Appellant appeals this decision.

2. On Jan 15 2018, Applellant pleaded guilty and does not
appeal the conviction under CDSA S.5(2) for Possession of
marijuana for the purpose of trafficking.

3. Applicant was sentenced by Superior Court Justice Deblois
to _____________________________________________.

4. I have full-time renovation contractor 20 years.

5. In 1994 I was convicted for possession of 2 ounces for the
purpose of trafficking and in 1994 for simple possession of
half a gram.

6. I have no other outstanding charges.

7. I hold a Canadian passport.

8. Given I support a family with 2 small children, there is no
risk of flight.
Dated at Quebec on Jan 30 2018
For the Appellant:


TAKE NOTICE that at 9:30 on Friday Feb 2 2018 or as soon
thereafter as may be heard a motion (on short notice if
necessary) seeking an Order releasing the Appellant pending
his appeal.
Appellant asks that the motion be heard by telephone under
Rule 40.
Dated at Quebec on Jan 30 2018.
Rene Ouellet

JCT: So he did file his Notice of Appeal of the refusal to
Quash, the big issue, did not have to file the Motion for
Release pending appeal though he will have to file a motion
to stay the sentence pending appeal. He can do his 8 weeks
later. And no need to appeal a reasonable sentence.

So a nice clean appeal against the refusal to quash the
charge because the law was still dead from Parker/Krieger
killings taking when Hitzig said the exemption was
dyscuntionsl or was recently dead when Allard said the MMPR
was dysfunctional when he was busted.

Stay tuned, a few more than 40 hearings coming up.
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