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On Humility in the Sight of God [II]

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Sep 3, 2023, 4:13:31 AM9/3/23
On Humility in the Sight of God [II]

It is Thy love that achieves this, freely guiding and supporting me in
my many needs, guarding me from grievous perils, and, as I may
truthfully confess, rescuing me from evils without number. And whereas
by perverse self-love I had lost myself, (John 12:25) now by lovingly
seeking Thee alone, I have found both myself and Thee; for by that
love I have humbled myself to utter nothingness. Dearest Lord, You
deal with me above my deserts, and above all I dare hope or pray for.
--Thomas à Kempis --Imitation of Christ Bk 3, Ch 8

September 3rd - Blessed Guala of Brescia, Bishop, Visionary
(also known as Walter or William of Bergamo)

Born in Bergamo, Italy; died in San Sepolcro d'Astino, Italy, in 1244;
cultus approved in 1868 by Pope Pius IX. Guala was one of the first
disciples of Saint Dominic, attracted by the Dominican ideal in 1219,
when he heard the founder preach. He received the habit from Dominic
at the time the friary opened in Bergamo. After a short novitiate, he
was appointed prior there. Guala proved to be an able superior and a
practical administrator and builder. He was on the committee that
planed the convent of Saint Agnes in Bologna. During a delay in the
construction of the convent because of the opposition of the family of
Blessed Diana d'Andalò, who was financing the project, Guala was sent
to Brescia to assume the position of its first prior.

During this period Guala had the revelation of Saint Dominic's
greatness that became the subject of many early legends. Although they
were good friends, Guala did not know that Dominic was dying on their
return from a chapter. Guala had fallen asleep with his head leaning
against the belltower of the conventual church at Brescia when he had
a vision of two ladders coming down from heaven. Our Lord was visible
at the top of one ladder, and Our Lady at the top of the other. Angels
were ascending and descending on them. As Guala watched, a friar, who
sat at the foot of one ladder with his face covered was drawn up to
heaven and great glory surrounded him. Guala awoke, deeply affected by
the vision, and went immediately to Bologna, where he found that Saint
Dominic had died at the time of his vision.

In 1226, Guala was named the prior of Bologna's Saint Nicholas abbey,
famous for its regularity and fervor. While there, Pope Honorius III
appointed him arbiter between Bologna and Modena. Guala worked hard to
forge a treaty that lasted 10 years. The following year Pope Gregory
IX asked him to negotiate between Emperor Frederick II and the Lombard
confederacy--an even more daunting diplomatic task. Guala was also
commissioned to convince Frederick to keep his vow to lead a crusade.
He was unable to resolve matters between the parties, but at least
they maintained the status quo of an uneasy peace.

In 1228, Guala was consecrated bishop of Brescia. As such, he
negotiated a number of treaties between warring cities. Frederick
broke all the promises he had made and attacked the cities that had
remained loyal to the pope. In 1238, Frederick's army besieged
Brescia, but the attackers had to withdraw within 3 months, which is
credited to Guala.

Guala's contemporaries described him as "a man of great prudence, well
acquainted with the world, and of accomplished manners," and said that
"he governed the diocese entrusted to his care with such holiness
that, both during his life and after his death, he wrought many
wonders through God."

The years of labor and civil strife wore him down. He resigned his see
in 1242 in order to enter complete seclusion and pray without
interruption in preparation for death. Therefore, he retired to the
Vallumbrosan monastery of San Sepolcro d'Astino, where he lived as a
hermit until his death. He was buried in the Benedictine church, and
after many miracles at his tomb, his cause was promoted (Benedictines,
Dorcy, Encyclopedia).

Saint Quote:
We cultivate a very small field for Christ, but we love it, knowing
that God does not require great achievements but a heart that holds
back nothing for self.
--Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne

Bible Quote:
"If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it
away. It is better for you to enter into life maimed or crippled than
with two hands or two feet to be thrown into eternal fire. And if your
eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for
you to enter into life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown
into fiery Gehenna" (Matthew 18:8-9).

Prayer Of Trust In the Immaculate Heart

To the refuge of thine Immaculate Heart, O Heavenly Mother Mary, I
come to be enclosed as in a most choice garden of sweetness and
delight. I am the [son/daughter] of thine Immaculate Heart, O Mother
of God. Thou, O Spouse of the Holy Ghost, Daughter of God the Father,
Mother of the Son, in thy loving relationship to the Most Blessed
Trinity, serve as Mediatrix of all grace that comes to me from the
Heavenly throne, flowing forth from the Sacred Heart of thy Son,
passing through the Immaculate Heart of thy Heavenly intercession.The
love of thine Immaculate Heart showing forth in tender care gives me
confidence in thee, O Heavenly Mother Mary. In thee I trust. Thine
intercession, united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, is powerful to tend
to every need of body and soul upon earth and to lead me lovingly home
to thine eternal embrace, where thou wilt introduce me to thy Divine
Son, with the Holy Ghost dwelling always in my soul, and the Heavenly
Father forever providing for my every temporal and spiritual need as
all three Persons in the one Godhead see in thee, O Mary , the Mother
of this thy [son/daughter] upon earth.
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