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Bring back Alex Trevelyan!!

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Paul O'Neill

Dec 8, 2000, 8:55:15 AM12/8/00
Bond needs a recurring villain. Blofeld was easily the best villain, and the
series really needs to recapture some of that early magic.

Trevelyan would be perfect because:
1. He's english
2. He's Bond's equal in most things
3. We know his character and he has ligitimate motives for revenge.
4. We never saw his body, so he could still be alive (maybe in a
5. Sean Bean is a kick-ass actor.

If not Trevelyan, then they could at least resurrect SPECTRE. I miss it.


Dec 8, 2000, 9:09:21 AM12/8/00

"Paul O'Neill" <> wrote in message

Trevelyan survived a long fall..... for maybe thirty seconds.

SPECTRE has been tarnished by Dr Evil. Nobody will take it seriously from
now on.

Paul O'Neill

Dec 8, 2000, 9:22:39 AM12/8/00

> SPECTRE has been tarnished by Dr Evil. Nobody will take it seriously from
> now on.

I don't know, If you've ever played "spycraft" you'd have heard of "Procat"
a similar group that was knida scary, and completely believable.

Ed Griffith

Dec 8, 2000, 9:47:55 AM12/8/00
I am a Sean Bean obsessor, and therefore I agree with you.

"Paul O'Neill" <> wrote in message

Raibu Robo

Dec 8, 2000, 10:09:52 AM12/8/00
>SPECTRE has been tarnished by Dr Evil. Nobody will take it seriously from
>now on.

That's shit. Bond was spoofed numerous times before the lame Austin Powers
serious came along, and it still got by. I think Blofeld can be brought back,
but changed with the times --- that means no volcano base, 7 clones, etc.

I want Blofeld back for maybe a one shot deal. A serious, dark, sinister,
psychotic Blofeld, who wants to put Bond through hell for turning him into a
veggie. Make it a huge one last time battle. I want to see him come back, but
maybe just once, and not for every single movie.

Levi Ramsey

Dec 8, 2000, 11:10:44 AM12/8/00
Paul O'Neill wrote:

> 4. We never saw his body, so he could still be alive (maybe in a
> wheelchair?)

Please don't turn Trevelyan into a version of Mustafa from the Austin
Powers movies.... please!

> If not Trevelyan, then they could at least resurrect SPECTRE. I miss it.

A certain Irishman by the name of McClory may have issues with that...

Levi Ramsey
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Pen Cap Chew

Dec 8, 2000, 4:30:22 PM12/8/00
isn't it alec?

Paul O'Neill <> wrote in message


Dec 8, 2000, 4:54:37 PM12/8/00
Am Fri, 08 Dec 2000 21:30:22 GMT schrieb "Pen Cap Chew"
<> :

>isn't it alec?

Look at his tombstone <g>.


"The pen is mightier than the sword!" - James Bond, GoldenEye

God bless Q.


Dec 8, 2000, 5:31:17 PM12/8/00

"Raibu Robo" <> wrote in message

I would keep imagining Blofeld putting his little finger to the corner of
his mouth and saying Aah, Mr Bond, we meet again. Allow me to introduce you
to Mr Bigglesworth.

I can't take Blofeld as a serious villain now unless they went back to the
FRWL type where he is only seen from various angles. Blofeld became a parody
of himself through, like you say clones, volcanoes, and stainless steel

Damn that Austin Powers. Couldn't Mike Myers have spoofed Mission Impossible

Michael Feeney

Dec 8, 2000, 5:44:55 PM12/8/00

Paul O'Neill wrote:

> Bond needs a recurring villain. Blofeld was easily the best villain, and the
> series really needs to recapture some of that early magic.
> Trevelyan would be perfect because:

> 4. We never saw his body, so he could still be alive (maybe in a
> wheelchair?)

We never saw his body because the antenna dish equipment fell
on top of him. Sorry Paul, but 006 was squashed like a bug.
There wasn't enough of him left to suck through a straw.

Continuing your original suggestion of a recurring villain, however,
may I humbly suggest: Jaws! Not having found suitable employement
elsewhere, he might have returned to his old profession of being a
hit-man-for-hire. I say MGM should give this idea serious consideration.
It would also inject some very needed continuity into the series.
I would love to see Brosnan face Kiel in Bond 20.

Where all other Bonds end... Moonraker begins!

Message has been deleted


Dec 8, 2000, 8:06:07 PM12/8/00
>Damn that Austin Powers. Couldn't Mike Myers have spoofed Mission

Tom Cruise beat him to it. Arf arf.

And as for Trevelyan, unless he has Coyote genes (as in Wile E.), I can't
see him getting up after half of the Arecibo antenna fell on him.

How about bringing back Sheriff JW Pepper? (ducks behind bulletproof


Dec 8, 2000, 11:15:22 PM12/8/00
In article <OpcY5.21834$>, "Pen
Cap Chew" <> writes:

>isn't it alec?

no it is Alec!
Check out the Super-Hard Show Biz Quiz (Special James Bond Section) at...


Dec 8, 2000, 11:15:22 PM12/8/00
In article <5O5Y5.4268$>, "Paul O'Neill"
<> writes:

>4. We never saw his body, so he could still be alive (maybe in a

HERE we go again, the man fell a long, long way, this BIGGG THINGYY fell on him

hes DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, besides wheelchair baddies are getting very old,

he wasn't that great a villian anyhow IMHO.


Dec 8, 2000, 11:15:22 PM12/8/00
In article <hHdY5.412205$>, (Just Luke) writes:

>No they can't, actually. They don't own the rights to it.

Where have you good people been, EON won the case over a year ago, they got the
rights BACK, but they say, they don't want to use SPECTRE because they feel its
old hat, or so many words to that effect.

Justin Whitaker

Dec 9, 2000, 2:26:07 PM12/9/00
Dai wrote:
>Damn that Austin Powers. Couldn't Mike Myers have spoofed Mission Impossible

Why should Myers spoof Mission:Impossible? Tom Cruise did a fine job this past
summer. :)

"You've had your eight, now I'll have my eighty!"

JD Wiseman (John Moore)

Dec 9, 2000, 2:54:58 PM12/9/00
Michael Feeney wrote:

> Continuing your original suggestion of a recurring villain, however,
> may I humbly suggest: Jaws! Not having found suitable employement
> elsewhere, he might have returned to his old profession of being a
> hit-man-for-hire. I say MGM should give this idea serious consideration.
> It would also inject some very needed continuity into the series.
> I would love to see Brosnan face Kiel in Bond 20.

If this happens, I will actually take a high powered rifle, find the nearest clock
tower, and show the world what I feel about that. The worst part of the idea
(besides Jaws being a Roger Moore henchman and thus would bring too much attention
to the Brosnan movies), Richard Keil is nearly 25 years OLDER than he was back
then. It would be too much.



Dec 9, 2000, 2:32:39 PM12/9/00
Regarding the return of Jaws:

Richard Kiel lives nearby, and he does commercials for a local used
car salesman. He takes an axe and smashes into cars to somehow
demonstrate their low prices.
Anyways, from the way he looks, I doubt if he could return as an
effective hitman. He's getting up in years.

Raibu Robo

Dec 10, 2000, 5:20:22 AM12/10/00
>And as for Trevelyan, unless he has Coyote genes (as in Wile E.), I can't
>see him getting up after half of the Arecibo antenna fell on him.

Hey, I actually think Trevelyan could have made an interesting recurring
villain. Maybe in one or two more films after GoldenEye, but not seven. Have
the Janus group be the new SPECTRE...If they wanted to go back old Bond ways,
Trevelyan would survive. It would be cheesy, yes, but I'd take a paralyzed
Trevelyan over Elliot Carver. Hell, he doesn't even have to acknowledge this
accident, he can pretend it didn't happen, like Blofeld did all those years! "I
uh...moved over a couple of inches when I saw that satellite come down. You
thought I was dead again, didn't you Bond!!?!?"

>How about bringing back Sheriff JW Pepper? (ducks behind bulletproof

Why not? Brosnan wants to be Moore, so I wouldn't be surprised if he pops
up. And if Joe Don Baker plays him.

Raibu Robo

Dec 10, 2000, 5:25:19 AM12/10/00
>he wasn't that great a villian anyhow IMHO.

But Carver, Renard, or Elektra were? Carver was a wimp. Could have been an
interesting character, but they threw it away. Renard...again, could have been
good, but they don't put too much time into developing these characters.

Brosnan's just had a line of stinky main villains. I feel the lineup in
GoldenEye's been his best (and most Bond-ish). Trevelyan could have been
excellent if they made the role larger and/or got a better actor than Sean
Bean, we all know Xenia's great, and Ourumov provides some laughs without
acting like Curly Howard ("Use the bumper, that's what it's for!!!!")

I think the main problem with GoldenEye is that they were afraid to take
too much of a chance. Bond just came back from a hiatus. New guy, new times.
That's probably why the bad guys weren't the real center, and also why probably
they offed Trevelyan rather than keep him and/or Janus as future villains. I
think they sort of wanted to see how GoldenEye went over. Once it was
huge...the villains were all kind of dead.

Robert J Lynn Jr

Dec 10, 2000, 3:42:26 PM12/10/00

"JMO" <> wrote in message

> And as for Trevelyan, unless he has Coyote genes (as in Wile E.), I can't
> see him getting up after half of the Arecibo antenna fell on him.
He falls, looks around, and the antenna falls. He screams. Then, camera pans
and we see the antenna fall. For all we know, the wrong half of the antenna
could have fallen, and he could of gotten into the drain pit at the center
of the antenna, where he could have been saved by guards immediatley. Hey,
its the big screen anything can be done.

Levi Ramsey

Dec 10, 2000, 7:45:06 PM12/10/00
Michael Feeney wrote:

> Continuing your original suggestion of a recurring villain, however,
> may I humbly suggest: Jaws! Not having found suitable employement
> elsewhere, he might have returned to his old profession of being a
> hit-man-for-hire. I say MGM should give this idea serious consideration.
> It would also inject some very needed continuity into the series.
> I would love to see Brosnan face Kiel in Bond 20.

Does he appear in the script you're writing for #20?

Peter Morris

Dec 11, 2000, 10:24:22 AM12/11/00

"Paul O'Neill" <> wrote in message

I think they should invent a new organisation. How about :

Cartel Of Narcotic Runners And Dealers (C.O.N.R.A.D.)

| ______________ email to
| | |___________(_) Peter_Morris_1
| |/_____________ at Hotmail dot com

Peter Morris

Dec 11, 2000, 10:28:34 AM12/11/00

"RMS-MarionS" <> wrote in message

> Am Fri, 08 Dec 2000 21:30:22 GMT schrieb "Pen Cap Chew"
> <> :
> >isn't it alec?
> Look at his tombstone <g>.

"Names is for Tombstones, baby" (LALD)

Paul O'Neill

Dec 12, 2000, 5:48:22 AM12/12/00
> Cartel Of Narcotic Runners And Dealers (C.O.N.R.A.D.)

Drug runners are boring. Besides, Megalomaniacs are what Bond are all about.
Goldfinger and Trevelyan were the only villains with properm"evil plans" in
fact Goldfingers' plan was pure genius. (Apart from the several hundred ways
it could have gone wrong)

Dec 12, 2000, 3:06:28 PM12/12/00
General Koskov is the only villain in recent years to be alive at the
end of the film maybe he could escape the Russian Prison he has been
held in for the last 13 years. Or maybe TeeHee fell on the same soft
patch of ground Jaws did when he went out the train window and could
return played by Samuel L Jackson.

In article <5O5Y5.4268$>,

Sent via

Raibu Robo

Dec 12, 2000, 5:30:14 PM12/12/00
> Or maybe TeeHee fell on the same soft
>patch of ground Jaws did when he went out the train window and could
>return played by Samuel L Jackson.

They could bring back everyone from LALD. We know Baron Samedi lived.
Whisper probably ate his way out of that expanded couch. And maybe when he got
out, he inflated Kananga.

But, to whoever said "drug dealers are boring", maybe so --- in most movies
--- but I still think Sanchez was a great villain and a definite fresh change
apart from the endless lame villains that plagued the Moore movies like
Stromberg, Drax, and Kamal Khan....

Paul O'Neill

Dec 14, 2000, 7:01:39 AM12/14/00
Re: Drug dealers.

The thing is is that Bond should only be killing people who pose a threat to
National Security.

People who just break the law should be left for Interpol or Sctland Yard to

Karl Elshoff

Dec 14, 2000, 9:41:40 PM12/14/00
Robert J Lynn don't worry I am sure Alec will come back as another
character. The Bond movies have been known to recast actors in a different

Raibu Robo

Dec 15, 2000, 4:26:25 AM12/15/00

It wasn't Bond's actual MISSION. It was DEA agent Felix Leiter's mission!
Bond was most likely on a short leave to visit Felix, and made it his business
when Felix and his wife were attacked by this drug dealer. MI6 didn't want Bond
to have anything to do with it, but Bond gave them the finger, and went out to
fight for Felix, a man whom fought for Bond numerous times in the past. So, it
wasn't MI6 saying "Bond, here's a drug dealer you must stop", it was Bond
saying "Shove your far-fetched geezers with lasers on moons, I'm going after
this bastard who nearly killed Felix".

Paul O'Neill

Dec 15, 2000, 4:34:20 AM12/15/00
"Raibu Robo" <> wrote in message

That was my point. In that case it was justified, but to put Bond up against
a cartel of drug runners would be completely out of his Jurisdiction.

And wasn't Leiter CIA originally?

Levi Ramsey

Dec 15, 2000, 11:53:20 AM12/15/00
Paul O'Neill wrote:

> And wasn't Leiter CIA originally?

That he was, but I believe he had retired and joined the DEA. Of
course, it's been a while since I last saw LTK...


Dec 16, 2000, 6:02:14 PM12/16/00
In article <SBl_5.5959$>, "Paul O'Neill"
<> writes:

>And wasn't Leiter CIA originally?

That part is up in the air.. in the book from the movie, they said he was NOW
working for DEA, this was not made clear in the film.

Paul O'Neill

Dec 18, 2000, 5:54:04 AM12/18/00
> That he was, but I believe he had retired and joined the DEA.

An nice easy retirement, eh?

M Kfivethousand

Dec 1, 2020, 4:46:12 PM12/1/20
On Monday, December 11, 2000 at 9:24:22 AM UTC-6, Peter Morris wrote:
> "Paul O'Neill" <> wrote in message
> news:5O5Y5.4268$
> > Bond needs a recurring villain. Blofeld was easily the best villain, and
> the
> > series really needs to recapture some of that early magic.
> >
> > Trevelyan would be perfect because:
> > 1. He's english
> > 2. He's Bond's equal in most things
> > 3. We know his character and he has ligitimate motives for revenge.
> > 4. We never saw his body, so he could still be alive (maybe in a
> > wheelchair?)
> > 5. Sean Bean is a kick-ass actor.
> >
> > If not Trevelyan, then they could at least resurrect SPECTRE. I miss it.
> >
> I think they should invent a new organisation. How about :
> Cartel Of Narcotic Runners And Dealers (C.O.N.R.A.D.)
> --
> ___

Ooh wow! I need to find that group.

I will! I am so excited.


didn't they get convicted last week, Purdue Pharma, paid a big fine?

Just call them P.U.R.D.U.E


If you're makin' me wait, if you're leadin' me on
I need to know
I need to know, I need to know
If you think you're gonna leave--
"I Need To Know"
Originally by Tom Petty
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