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JG Right Again. 911 Was Probably An Inside Job.

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Christopher Helms

May 17, 2006, 1:46:38 PM5/17/06

May 17, 2006 -- Add Cuba and Venezuela to the list of countries that
knew of and informed the Bush administration about a "major terrorist
attack" prior to 911. In addition to Russia, Jordan, France, Germany,
and other nations, Venezuelan and Cuban intelligence picked up chatter
about a "major terrorist attack" on the United States prior to 911.
Cuban intelligence, which has an extensive network in Florida -- a home
base of the hijackers and their handlers -- initially picked up reports
about the attack and passed the information to both the United States
and Venezuela. However, the Bush administration failed to react to this
and other foreign warnings. Venezuelan intelligence, likely from its
own sources in Florida and elsewhere, confirmed that something major
would occur in the United States. The failure of the Bush
administration to heed these warnings coupled with subsequent
intelligence picked up by the Cuban and Venezuelan security services
have led them to conclude that 9-11 was carried out as a result of an
"inside job" within the Bush administration. Venezuelan President Hugo
Chavez has announced plans to hold an international 9-11 commission of
inquiry in Caracas that will bring together a host of international
government, security, and political leaders. Already, preliminary
meetings in Caracas for the conference have attracted the attention of
the FBI. Recently, an FBI agent asked for the guest list of a hotel on
Margarita island to check on names of guests, including Americans,
associated with the preliminary planning meetings for the conference.

lab~rat >:-)

May 18, 2006, 8:07:31 AM5/18/06
On 17 May 2006 10:46:38 -0700, "Christopher Helms"
<> puked:

>May 17, 2006 -- Add Cuba and Venezuela to the list of countries that
>knew of and informed the Bush administration about a "major terrorist
>attack" prior to 911. In addition to Russia, Jordan, France, Germany,
>and other nations, Venezuelan and Cuban intelligence picked up chatter
>about a "major terrorist attack" on the United States prior to 911.
>Cuban intelligence, which has an extensive network in Florida -- a home
>base of the hijackers and their handlers -- initially picked up reports
>about the attack and passed the information to both the United States
>and Venezuela.

Do you think it was the same attack that happened on 9/11? I'm
guessing that there is information about terrorist attacks ALL THE

Aren't you part of the goofy party that criticizes the color coded
warning levels and whatnot and feels that if there's a threat that
it's just for political reasons?

You dummies can't have it both ways.

Yeah, Bush planned the attacks. And no plane flew into the Pentagon.

lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?

Chris Morton

May 21, 2006, 1:27:45 PM5/21/06
Nah, it's a load of horse shit, but Janeane's still cute as a button!


Gun control, the theory that 110lb. women should have to fistfight with 210lb.

Christopher Helms

Jun 19, 2006, 1:14:27 PM6/19/06
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