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Jim Norton on Janeane after Colin's show:

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Dec 11, 2002, 12:50:17 PM12/11/02
Here is a quote from that jerk who did the Rosie O'Donnell tirade:

"I want to thank those of you that tuned in at had to sit through looking at
my fat neck. I looked like a fucking bullfrog and would love to have shot
myself in temple and blown my brains all over that unfunny twat's homeless
man sweat suit. I don't mind someone being unfunny or being a self-righteous
cunt, but by golly don't be both. They edited a story I told about banging a
Chinese prostitute while she closed her eyes and looked away in shame, and
then in after Colin mentioned flashing tits at Mardi Gras I blurted out that
it's only wrong if you ask Olivia Newton John to do it. "A non-violent
Fatwa". Awwww, how compassionate and alternative of you. She has the humor
value of a cancer patient's bedpan. Stupid pseudo-hipster jizz bag with no
comedic talent and fat girl sensibilites. That is why I detest the liberal.
It's not about political views or opinions, but that self important, PHONY
cowering behind the hair to protect her image. She didn't mind collecting a
check from Copland which had some nice violence and murder in it, but mean
comedy was just a bit too much. I am tired of her "I'm a genius who just
popped in with a notepad full of fresh ideas" approach to comedy. You're not
too hip to memorize it stupid, you just STINK."


Dec 11, 2002, 7:10:47 PM12/11/02
I wouldn't worry about these jerks. They're fakes and posers. Their show
is about ranting against anything or anyone that's currently popular to rant

Right now, it's celebrities, and you know why they're doing it?'s right in front of all of our faces...they're attacking celebrities
so that they, too, can become celebrities, and more importantly, they're on
the attack so that they can line their pockets with as much of our money as
they can before they get found out.

It's like those guys with that Fame tracking website. Who give a flying
f--k about a person's fame!? All that matters is that -- inside -- they're
a good person. If this act of theirs is all they have to show for
themselves, then they're not good people inside, and good people will tire
of listening to them. I think, so too, will the bad ones!<g>

Janeane Garofalo is out contributing to society, and these two clowns are
out trying to take that contribution and others away, just so that they can
look "hip" in the eyes of others, and so that they can profit from it. They
ain't about nothing...just whatever's a fad.

They're a flash in the pan and won't last, because they're bullies and
they're liars. The're also bottom feeders, just feeding on other people's

Add to that, there's no intellect behind what they say...just spouting big
words and grotesque comments. And the funny thing is, if it weren't for
comedians like Janeane Garofalo or Denis Leary, they wouldn't have been able
to come up with an act of their own.

All they're essentially doing is taking the acerbic and the cynical,
stripping it from the act, dropping the intellectual humor from it, and
spouting worthless words of hate because hate is popular right now...and
"enraged people" who speak out like they're speaking the truth, not that
they are, but "like" they're speaking the truth...are popular.

By the time their careers are through, Disco will have had a longer life
span than these two...

...and women still won't want to go out with them...

My .02 cents.

" Jess " <> wrote in message

Casey Bogert

Dec 11, 2002, 7:38:03 PM12/11/02
First of all, I saw this show and who the hell is this guy? To me that
proves who the funny one is. Janeane sells out shows all over the
country and I've never even heard of him because he is probably the
least funny person I have ever seen. I can't remember a time where
making fun of a person was considered funny since I was in 8th grade.
His idea of comedy is saying the rudest and most disgusting thing you
can say, which is not funny. Notice how only a few audience members
were laughing? As for her hiding behind her hair, well yeah, I was too
because I was so embarrassed at how much of an idiot he was making of
himself, sitting in my room at home, i don't think I was trying to
protect MY "image" and I don't think she was either. Being in a movie
with murderers in it and wishing direct harm on a person are
completely different things. I love Colin Quinn but he needs a better
set of guests, all three of those men just told crude, mean, and
sexist jokes the whole time, it's okay to have a few of those guys I
guess (even though i hate them) but even them out with some decent
people. Janeane looked extremely uncomfortable out there because she
was outnumbered by people that obviously didn't respect her opinion.
This note he wrote just proves me right. It isn't written like an 8th
grader. "....stupid, you STINK." give me a break. He called her a
"jizz bag" "twat" "cunt" and "stupid" a few times, sounds like Junior
High humor to me (or frat guy humor, but there isn't much difference).
That's about all I have to say about that.

On a bit of a side note: You notice how on both shows (the View and
Colin Quinn) Janeane doesn't talk much and looks like she feels very
out of place? (i'm with you Janeane.) She only starts talking when
it's about the government. Nothing really that great to say on that
but I just find it interesting that she's been so quiet all the
sudden. ( Jess ) wrote in message news:<>...


Dec 11, 2002, 8:36:11 PM12/11/02

"Casey Bogert" <> wrote in message

First -- Yeah, the juvenile behavior is what's passing for comedy these days
by wannabes who lack the talent for it. Now, what you said here:

> On a bit of a side note: You notice how on both shows (the View and Colin
Quinn) Janeane doesn't talk much and looks like she feels very out of place?
(i'm with you Janeane.) She only starts talking when it's about the
government. Nothing really that great to say on that but I just find it
interesting that she's been so quiet all the sudden.

I didn't catch either show...been buried up to my ears in websites and have
to get caught up. However, on The View, Susan Sarandon blasted them
recently for their chatty gossip, instead of them being concerned with and
using their show for the major issues of the day, like the effects of War on
children. I think Janeane isn't the type for chatty gossip, but do get her
started on politics, and you have someone who has found a subject that
interests her so much she'll talk about it for hours. I'd be surprised if
she doesn't run for political office within this decade.

As for Colin Quinn, he reminds me of Dean Martin when he portrayed a
"sexist" and a "drunk" during his TV show of the late 1960s. He falls into
that Norm MacDonald, Adam Sandler grouping, whom I like and think are
funny -- except when they're banal -- but they're not exactly the type of
people I would expect to see Janeane hanging with for that very reason, the
sexist jokes and banality.

Janeane's on a higher intellectual level -- not one of superiority -- just a
level that thinks differently and thinks intensely about what they're going
to say and how they're going to say it. These guys would try to do an
intellectual monologue...stop to yell "TITS!" in the middle, then continue
on to see what the laugh effect was, with the only word they understood of
what they were saying, being the one they yelled so loudly. A mix of
"Brooklyn Bums," over-aged College Boys, mixing John Belushi with Jerry
Lewis slapstick, and whatever they had to eat that morning.

Now, she's worked with Quinn at the clubs, so I can see her being asked by
him to appear on his show. As for The View, that's an ABC program as I
recall, and that's smacks of something those promoting her new TV should
would have her do -- likely against her will -- to see if she'll play ball
and be a team player. Once her show starts, they're going to want her to go
out there and promote it, so they might also be watching her to see how she
does with the chatty, the gossipy and the banal, to see how well she's going
to perform on their behalves in the most outrageous of arenas.

In other words, I can see her hanging with Quinn, and I know that Barbara
WaWa interviewed her once, but I just don't see her doing tea parties and
yak yak yak...I see stuff like that shutting her down and depressing her.

I think that there's going to come a time when she gets tired of Hollywierd
and switches into political discussion, and we'll see her hosting a show --
either television or radio -- much like Charles Grodin, Chris Matthews, et
al...she's going to go where she feels she can make a real contribution.
The View ain't it; Colin Quinn would be a blast if he had nothing but women
on, and tried that Brooklyn Bum act on them, ala Dean Martin, to get them to
debate and banter with him...sexist versus feminist, with laughs attached --
all would not be taking themselves too seriously, or each other -- and it
would be warm, funny, educational. Getting a bunch of guys on and leaving
the one woman on the program -- a genius, in her own right -- absolutely
uncomfortable and silent, is just not good business, good television, good
entertainment, or simply put, hospitable of the host.

Let's keep our fingers crossed. For me, I just want to see her on stage
live and in the movies more...have had too many blown opportunities this
past year for both. I couldn't make her shows, and I'm lucky if her movies
get put on video or DVD...I still haven't seen The Search For John Gissing,
nor The Independent. Great stuff out there, and I can't locate any of it...

Her best work sits on the shelf. And now she sits on the shelf, condemned
to shows like The View when she belongs hosting provocative and thoughtful
shows on Oxygen, or dare I say it -- ABC, NBC, CBS...

Hell, I loved her style when she did Letterman, using the school desks while
his personal desk was taped off with Police Do Not Cross tape...

Anyhow, they're so worried about their ratings there (Oxygen), that I'm
surprised they haven't approached her. I don't think most women would
choose The View over an Oxygen show if given the choice...too much
pabulum...and then to pass on Janeane for "The View," the thought makes me
ill and I'm a man! I'll take Janeane Garofalo anyday. If she had a show in
competition with Letterman, goodbye Dave! And I love Letterman.

In fact, I think she's a mix of about three or four different comedians,
including Letterman, Steve Allen, Groucho Marx, and dare I say -- she's the
Will Rogers of women -- especially when he wasn't quick with a joke, but
spoke oh so seriously!

Well, that's my .04 cents worth...keep the change, and don't spend it all in
one place! See ya!


Casey Bogert

Dec 11, 2002, 9:06:39 PM12/11/02
>-- but they're not exactly the type of
>people I would expect to see Janeane hanging with for that very reason, the
>sexist jokes and banality.

Actually, I saw Janeane on a show once saying that she had a crush for years on
Colin Quinn and I have never heard him say anything sexist.... but I could be
wrong. I like Colin, it's the other guests I have a problem with.


Dec 12, 2002, 12:17:50 AM12/12/02
to ( Jess ) wrote in message news:<>...

What was the source of this quote? Was he being interviewed?


Dec 12, 2002, 1:54:40 PM12/12/02
The guy's an asshole. 'Nuff said. Didja notice how Janeane was
getting really, really pissed off at everything that guy said? I'm
under the impression she was thinking something along the lines of
"Must ... control ... fist ... of ... death..." I must admit, though,
that I'm not too fond of Rosie myself. I can <i>tolerate</i> her,
but, I dunno, she just doesn't float my boat, so to speak.

I now officially HATE Jim Norton, though, for dissing Neaney. And I'd
never even heard of him before Colin's show.


Dec 12, 2002, 9:31:25 PM12/12/02

"DA BEAR" <> wrote in message

> I never heard of him either...but I'm going to have a little fun over at
da website with what he had to say...I'll let you know when the new page is

<Bear departs Stage Right, hell bent on evil...>

What's needed is a translation of this man's comments, so go to this page at

read the "Bad Review (Understatement!), follow the instructions below it,
copy your choice of URLs, click on the link to The Dialectizer, paste a URL
in the address box, choose from "Redneck, Swedish Chef, Moron, etc." (My
personal favorite is Elmer Fudd), and see how REALLY stupid this "Jim
Norton" is for what he has to say...

He won't last long...

Jan 3, 2015, 6:36:55 AM1/3/15
Hahaha. 2014, still selling out shows, still a fixture on radio. Fuckwit.
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