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Sep 21, 2003, 1:06:24 PM9/21/03
AP: Terrorist Says 9/11 Plot Began in '96

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Sep 21, 12:43 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, mastermind of the Sept. 11
attacks, has told American interrogators that he first discussed the plot
with Osama bin Laden in 1996 and that the original plan called for hijacking
five commercial jets on each U.S. coast before it was modified several
times, according to interrogation reports reviewed by The Associated Press.

Mohammed also divulged that, in its final stages, the hijacking plan
called for as many as 22 terrorists and four planes in a first wave,
followed by a second wave of suicide hijackings that were to be aided
possibly by al-Qaida allies in southeast Asia, according to the reports.

Over time, bin Laden scrapped various parts of the Sept. 11 plan,
including attacks on both coasts and hijacking or bombing some planes in
East Asia, Mohammed is quoted as saying in reports that shed new light on
the origins and evolution of the plot of Sept. 11, 2001.

Addressing one of the questions raised by congressional investigators
in their Sept. 11 review, Mohammed said he never heard of a Saudi man named
Omar al-Bayoumi who provided some rent money and assistance to two hijackers
when they arrived in California.

Congressional investigators have suggested Bayoumi could have aided
the hijackers or been a Saudi intelligence agent, charges the Saudi
government vehemently deny. The FBI has also cast doubt on the congressional
theory after extensive investigation and several interviews with al-Bayoumi.

In fact, Mohammed claims he did not arrange for anyone on U.S. soil to
assist hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi when they arrived in
California. Mohammed said there "were no al-Qaida operatives or facilitators
in the United States to help al-Mihdhar or al-Hazmi settle in the United
States," one of the reports state.

Mohammed portrays those two hijackers as central to the plot, and even
more important than Mohammed Atta, initially identified by Americans as the
likely hijacking ringleader. Mohammed said he communicated with al-Hazmi and
al-Mihdhar while they were in the United States by using Internet chat
software, the reports states.

Mohammed said al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar were among the four original
operatives bin Laden assigned to him for the plot, a significant revelation
because those were the only two hijackers whom U.S. authorities were
frantically seeking for terrorist ties in the final days before Sept. 11.

U.S. authorities continue to investigate the many statements that
Mohammed has made in interrogations, seeking to eliminate deliberate
misinformation. But they have been able to corroborate with other captives
and evidence much of his account of the Sept. 11 planning.

Mohammed told his interrogators the hijacking teams were originally
made up of members from different countries where al-Qaida had recruited,
but that in the final stages bin Laden chose instead to use a large group of
young Saudi men to populate the hijacking teams.

As the plot came closer to fruition, Mohammed learned "there was a
large group of Saudi operatives that would be available to participate as
the muscle in the plot to hijack planes in the United States," one report
says Mohammed told his captors.

Saudi Arabia was bin Laden's home, though it revoked his citizenship
in the 1990s, and he reviled its alliance with the United States during the
Gulf War and beyond. Saudis have suggested for months that bin Laden has
been trying to drive a wedge between the United States and their kingdom,
hoping to fracture the alliance.

U.S. intelligence has suggested that Saudis were chosen, instead,
because there were large numbers willing to follow bin Laden and they could
more easily get into the United States because of the countries' friendly

Mohammed's interrogation report states he told Americans some of the
original operatives assigned to the plot did not make it because they had
trouble getting into the United States.

Mohammed was captured in a March 1 raid by Pakistani forces and CIA
operatives in Rawalpindi. He is being interrogated by the CIA at an
undisclosed location.

He told interrogators about other terror plots that were in various
stages of planning or had been temporarily disrupted when he was captured,
including one planned for Singapore.

The sources who allowed AP to review the reports insisted that
specific details not be divulged about those operations because U.S.
intelligence continues to investigate some of the methods and search for
some of the operatives.

The interrogation reports make dramatically clear that Mohammed and
al-Qaida were still actively looking to strike U.S., Western and Israeli
targets across the world as of this year.

Mohammed told his interrogators he had worked in 1994 and 1995 in the
Philippines with Ramzi Yousef, Abdul Hakim Murad and Wali Khan Amin Shah on
the foiled Bojinka plot to blow up 12 Western airliners simultaneously in

After Yousef and Murad were captured, foiling the plot in its final
stages, Mohammed began to devise a new plot that focused on hijackings on
U.S. soil.

In 1996, he went to meet bin Laden to persuade the al-Qaida leader "to
give him money and operatives so he could hijack 10 planes in the United
States and fly them into targets," one of the interrogation reports state.

Mohammed told interrogators his initial thought was to pick five
targets on each coast, but bin Laden was not convinced such a plan was
practical, the reports stated.

Mohammed said bin Laden offered him four operatives to begin with -
al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi as well as two Yemenis, Walid Muhammed bin Attash
and Abu Bara al-Yemeni.

"All four operatives only knew that they had volunteered for a
martyrdom operation involving planes," one report stated.

Mohammed said the first major change to the plans occurred in 1999
when the two Yemeni operatives could not get U.S. visas. Bin Laden then
offered him additional operatives, including a member of his personal
security detail. The original two Yemenis were instructed to focus on
hijacking planes in East Asia.

Mohammed said through the various iterations of the plot, he
considered using a scaled-down version of the Bojinka plan that would have
bombed commercial airliners, and that he even "contemplated attempting to
down the planes using shoes bombs," one report said.

The plot, he said, eventually evolved into hijacking a small number of
planes in the United States and East Asia and either having them explode or
crash into targets simultaneously, the reports stated.

By 1999, the four original operatives picked for the plot traveled to
Afghanistan to train at one of bin Laden's camps. The focus, Mohammed said,
was on specialized commando training, not piloting jets.

Mohammed's interrogations have revealed the planning and training of
operatives was extraordinarily meticulous, including how to blend into
American society, read telephone yellow pages, and research airline

A key event in the plot, Mohammed told his interrogators, was a
meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in January 2000, that included
al-Mihdhar, al-Hazmi and other al-Qaida operatives. The CIA learned of the
meeting beforehand and had it monitored by Malaysian security, but it did
not realize the significance of the two eventual hijackers until just before
the attacks.

The interrogation reports state bin Laden further trimmed Mohammed's
plans in spring 2000 when he canceled the idea for hijackings in East Asia,
thus narrowing it to the United States. Bin Laden thought "it would be too
difficult to synchronize" attacks in the United States and Asia, one
interrogation report quotes Mohammed as saying.

Mohammed said around that time he reached out to an al-Qaida linked
group in southeast Asia known as Jemaah Islamiyah. He began "recruiting JI
operatives for inclusion in the hijacking plot as part of his second wave of
hijacking attacks to occur after Sept. 11," one summary said.

Jemaah Islamiyah's operations chief, Riduan Isamuddin Hambali, had
attended part of the January 2000 meeting in Kuala Lumpur but Mohammed said
he was there at that time only because "as a rule had had to be informed" of
events in his region. Later, Hambali's operative began training possible
recruits for the second wave, according to the interrogation report.

One of those who received training in Malaysia before coming to the
United States was Zacarias Moussaoui, the Frenchman accused of conspiring
with the Sept. 11 attacks. Moussaoui has denied being part of the Sept. 11
plot, and U.S. and foreign intelligence officials have said he could have
been set for hijacking a plane in a later wave of attacks.

Articles From AP

ernie logman

Sep 21, 2003, 7:11:39 PM9/21/03
Clinton did not have any anti terror program in place

"CosmicDawg" <> wrote in message
> One big problem with this story. It leaves out the part about how
> Clinton had an ACTIVE anti-terror program in place and that as soon as
> Bush took office he shelved it. It was not until AFTER 9/11 that Bush
> decided that maybe fighting terrorism might be a good idea. If anyone
> is at fault in not stopping 9/11, it is Bush.

> --
> Axis of Evil: Bush, Cheney, Rummy


Sep 21, 2003, 8:01:52 PM9/21/03
The only anti-terrorism program was James Carville.

"Guns have their uses, idiots with guns make me nervous"
Paul Kersey

"CosmicDawg" <> wrote in message
> One big problem with this story. It leaves out the part about how
> Clinton had an ACTIVE anti-terror program in place and that as soon as
> Bush took office he shelved it. It was not until AFTER 9/11 that Bush
> decided that maybe fighting terrorism might be a good idea. If anyone
> is at fault in not stopping 9/11, it is Bush.
> On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 17:06:24 GMT, "eyeball" <> wrote:


Sep 21, 2003, 8:05:40 PM9/21/03
Clinton stuck 9/11 to us up our ass and broke it off, then said, "want
seconds, assholes?!"

"HEY LEON!!!!!!! HAPPY BOIFDAY!!!!!!!!!!"


Sep 21, 2003, 8:48:58 PM9/21/03
CosmicDawg wrote:

> One big problem with this story. It leaves out the part about how
> Clinton had an ACTIVE anti-terror program in place and that as soon as
> Bush took office he shelved it. It was not until AFTER 9/11 that Bush
> decided that maybe fighting terrorism might be a good idea. If anyone
> is at fault in not stopping 9/11, it is Bush.

As soon as Bush took office, he did away with everything Clinton had
done including protecting the American environment, ignoring North Korea
after Allbright had made considerable headway, ignoring the Kyoto treaty
but more important not even tweaking it, ignoring the justice system and
installing his own justice system, ignoring the United Nations....this
sonofabitch Bush is the most arrogant bastard ever to occupy the White
House. This country won't survive another four years with that asswipe
in office.

Bush's economics is going to turn this country into Mexico: Five
billionaires and 250 million peons and no middle class.


Sep 21, 2003, 9:23:15 PM9/21/03
His biggest worry was keeping cum stains off of the drapes of the White House.

ernie logman

Sep 21, 2003, 9:55:22 PM9/21/03
Your ignorance is showing - The US Senate must approve all treaties and
foreign policies alliances

The flawed Kyoto treaty was negotiated during the Clinton administration.
It was not ratified by the Senate and Clinton did not do anything to ensure
its ratification, he let it die. His successor is smart and doing away
with a treaty that harms American interests.

Clinton with the help of Jimmy Carter negotiated an agreement that paid off
North Korea after they engaged in Nuclear blackmail. Under this agreement
they "promised" not to have Nuclear arms program. That "promise was not
kept. Basically Clinton negotiated an agreement where the credit was front
loaded and enforcement was all on the back end.

Installed his own justice system - substaniate your claim

Ignored the UN - The US is a sovreign country and we answer to no one. The
UN does not have a say in US domestic of Foreign policy

how Bill Clinton fought terrorism
After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed six and injured
1,000, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted
down and punished. They Were Not

After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military
personnel, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted
down and punished. They Were Not

After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and
injured 200 U.S. military personnel, President Clinton promised that those
responsible would be hunted down and punished. They Were Not

After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and
injured 5,000, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be
hunted down and punished. They Were Not

After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 3 U.S.
sailors, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted
down and punished. They Were Not

Maybe if William Clinton had kept one of his promises, an estimated 3,300
people would be alive today.

Is it any surprise that 9-11-01 happened given the green light the
terrorists were presented

The bill for Clinton's malfeasance was delivered postage due on 9-11

"soñando" <sanm...@celaya.comonfort> wrote in message


Sep 22, 2003, 8:40:04 AM9/22/03
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 19:11:39 -0400, ernie logman wrote
(in message <Leqbb.50209$>):

> Clinton did not have any anti terror program in place

Follow this link and see...


Sep 22, 2003, 12:44:56 PM9/22/03
Am I supposed to be surprised that...

1) The planning for 9/11 started prior to 1/20/01
2) And that immediately makes it Clinton's fault & the Bush admin has no
responsibility for what happened?

On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 13:06:24 -0400, eyeball wrote
(in message <kUkbb.18321$>):


Sep 22, 2003, 8:32:07 PM9/22/03
And I hope your sister or niece marries a Mexicoon.


Sep 22, 2003, 8:39:44 PM9/22/03
That guy is just sore because his loser candidate Gore lost the election that
was his to win or lose.
His own state went against him. Clinton was a buffoon whose only worry in life
was and is how and where his next piece of ass was coming from. He had no time
to deal with such frivolous issues as terrorism or Bin Laden. Hiding things from
Hillary was number one on his list.
The Democrats are just jealous that Bush could do all these things and get
credit for what they should have started.


Sep 24, 2003, 7:04:01 PM9/24/03
P.K. wrote:

> And I hope your sister or niece marries a Mexicoon.

Bush's daughters are gonna.

Justice Cow

Sep 24, 2003, 11:26:08 PM9/24/03
In article
sonando <sanm...@celaya.comonfort> wrote:

dollars to donuts they've already had their burritos stuffed.


Sep 25, 2003, 7:32:19 AM9/25/03
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 23:04:01 GMT, soñando <sanm...@celaya.comonfort>

>P.K. wrote:
>> And I hope your sister or niece marries a Mexicoon.
> Bush's daughters are gonna.

Jessica Alba's Mexican. Just thought I'd throw that in there...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?


Sep 25, 2003, 7:08:34 PM9/25/03
lab~rat wrote:

> Jessica Alba's Mexican. Just thought I'd throw that in there...

He's talking Mexicoon, which is a male Mexican that a girl meets in Cancun.

I thought for sure you'd bring up SMG.


Sep 25, 2003, 7:09:18 PM9/25/03
Justice Cow wrote:

> dollars to donuts they've already had their burritos stuffed.

By some red hot chili peppers.


Sep 26, 2003, 12:45:09 AM9/26/03
Half Mex. and half Swedish or Danish I believe.


Sep 26, 2003, 12:46:16 AM9/26/03
No a Mexicoon is half Mexican and half Black. A guy at work was this mixture and he
called himself a Mexicoon.

lab~rat >:-)

Sep 26, 2003, 6:03:43 AM9/26/03
On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 23:08:34 GMT, soñando <sanm...@celaya.comonfort>

Call me when we are discussing Puerto Ricans.


Sep 26, 2003, 5:37:04 PM9/26/03
P.K. wrote:

> No a Mexicoon is half Mexican and half Black.

No shit.

Someone once said they wished they had smell-a-vision on a cooking show
but I thought to myself that telly-smelly was more appropriate.

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