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Geri is gorgeous

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Peter Richmond

Jan 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/24/00

Phooooarrrrr. Ive just seen those picture of Geri and WOW!!!

She looked fantastic and im sure she wont have a problem finding a man.
However, ive got a funny feeling that Geri is gonna get hurt and that she
may have a problem finding the "perfect" man.

Shes got an incredible voice and I predict that in 5 years she will be
selling millions of records. BTW: where is her album? has it dropped out the
top 75??

I cannot wait to turn round to people and say "I told you so!"

Peter Richmond, Sunderland branch of the Geri Halliwell Fan Club (not
Web :

Trevor Ashman

Jan 25, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/25/00

Peter Richmond wrote:

> Hi,
> Phooooarrrrr. Ive just seen those picture of Geri and WOW!!!
> She looked fantastic and im sure she wont have a problem finding a man.
> However, ive got a funny feeling that Geri is gonna get hurt and that she
> may have a problem finding the "perfect" man.

NOW, I could say something like that's because she has not been to New Zealand
yet, but of course, I won't say it.


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