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Is there a God?

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May 23, 2005, 12:45:10 PM5/23/05
Does God Exist - Six Reasons to Believe that God is Really There -
Existence of God - Proof of God This former
atheist thinks so.


May 23, 2005, 1:22:08 PM5/23/05
Welcome to my killfilter idiot. PLONK!

On 23 May 2005 09:45:10 -0700, "ScottIsOutstanding"


May 23, 2005, 1:30:45 PM5/23/05

Good Ridance!!!

May 23, 2005, 1:57:18 PM5/23/05
Andrew, don't you find it interesting that these ambassadors of the
scotts do not understand that when they are 'killfiled' they take it as
a compliment and something that 'they' are doing?

Here at afgs, we used to refer to them as 'dim bulbs' Can you see why?


May 23, 2005, 3:17:12 PM5/23/05
He can't take the truth just like you Quitter!!


May 23, 2005, 3:49:24 PM5/23/05

He can't take the truth just like you Quitter!!

FYI, Scotty. This was posted by prettykitty and rpbc in another thread,
which you and BFS seem to be completely ignoring for some reason. So here
it is again. Read this, and then tell me why Gypsie, or anyone else,
including yourself, should NOT quit supporting these assholes.

I have been a witness to, at the command of Dr.Scott, people put in a
line up..then we'd be interrogated as to our loyalty to the Scotts...There
would always be one person singled out,and at the command of the Scotts,
everyone would take turns yelling obscenities at their target victim...Why
they even had a husband reduce his wife to tears one time. Most of this
kind of shit I've tryed to push way in the back of my mind...after all,
doc had to be humiliated to become humble. So maybe it was
just me. That was my thinking for years and I'm not alone.

When Scott died, he passed the symbolic whip down to his baby,the only
one who didn't need the treatment. Shit, she enjoyed giving the treatment
as much as he did. She'd have that smug look on her face, as much as to
say,you,you scum, don't you know how much better I am then the likes you.
Oh yes, in my opinion,it's all about power. She loves the taste of it and
the feel of it. Look at her face in those cunt shoots ... that was the
look she gave to us little people...I've got all this power...get use to
it ,like it, or get the hell out of here! ...

pretty... I know about the episode to which you speak. Since you
identified yourself as being there, I'll ask if you mind me filling in
some of the details of that 'up against the wall' scene... with Melissa
walking back in front of the six with their backs to the wall, adding
comments to the disembodies voice of Scott, coming through a loudspeaker
from his video monitering station. A room with no furniture, six people,
backs to the wall, video cameras, Scott's disembodied voice yelling
obscenities at all, focusing on one... demanding the husband call his wife
a piece of shit, and much worst, that he would leave her in a second
unless she agrees, and she had to enthusiastically agree, scream it out
(yes, I am a piece of shit, you should leave me, I'm lower than dog
shit..YES YOU ARE, YOU FUCKING BITCH... YES I AM... etc.)... Melissa, the
physical presense for the disembodied voice strutting back and forth,
demeaning the group, focusing her attention on one, or the other, taking
lead from the voice. And this lasts for a while... it is a session, a
journey into madness.

May 23, 2005, 3:52:12 PM5/23/05
OK ScottsOuthouse, you have apparently achieved some cheap thrill by
trying to dog my posts accusing me of being a quitter. Is this the only
way you can achieve orgasm? Some men(?) use nudie pix to jack off to,
but you must need to hear your domata's cruel voice to even get a hard

Apparently, you think this word resonates with the same venom when doc
used it against anyone who left him. I just want you to know this does
not bother me in the least, it did not bother me when I left and
certainly has no impact 5 years later.

But, in fact, I wish you would use all of the epithets doc taught you
in addressing me (and others who left him). It would be most
educational. Please expand your vocabulary with the small piece of your
mind that is left. I look forward to it.



May 23, 2005, 9:33:06 PM5/23/05
Matt....Thanks for forwarding those two posts, forward them everytime it
seems revelant. They don't respond to posts like that for us to see, but
they don't ignore them, anymore than a child can ignore being raped by a
father. For them it has that personal dynamic. At this point, how could
they respond... except with denial, accusations of deceit, outrage and
anger... all from frustration. There has to be integration or they will
experience a break every time.


May 23, 2005, 10:04:25 PM5/23/05

Matt....Thanks for forwarding those two posts, forward them everytime it
seems revelant.

You're welcome, and I will do that. And I will add what jackieth witnessed
a while back too.


May 23, 2005, 10:09:52 PM5/23/05
Good night all.


May 23, 2005, 10:22:22 PM5/23/05
coolcat... checking out right on time, behind Matt's last post.


May 23, 2005, 10:23:05 PM5/23/05
Good night all.

Good night Coolcat1.

May 23, 2005, 10:35:46 PM5/23/05
matt, may I add Joe Shack's experience too?


May 23, 2005, 10:41:35 PM5/23/05

coolcat... checking out right on time, behind Matt's last post

At least he must have read the posts in this thread.
Let him sleep on it.

May 23, 2005, 10:48:43 PM5/23/05
cool, leaving so soon? Why?


May 23, 2005, 11:03:46 PM5/23/05

matt, may I add Joe Shack's experience too?

Yes, of course, Gypsie. That one too.
That's the toilet seat incident, where Joe was made to wear a toilet seat
around his neck, and a sign that said "kick me I'm an asshole" taped to
his back, for those who don't know what Gypsie is referring to.


May 24, 2005, 12:11:20 AM5/24/05
Shit man, who were tha six? VOFs, staffers?


May 24, 2005, 12:15:26 AM5/24/05
Saint Mel did that crap? The arrogant
cuntfaced bitchwitch! Wha happened to
tha loveydovey marriage goo she's
been pourin' out? Luv yer man's body
hairs & shine his shoes! How's that
jive with demean & tear down yer


May 24, 2005, 1:34:26 AM5/24/05

What do you think they do to you in BOOT camp is the boot camp sargent
nice and sweet and loving to you? like hell he is!! My brother is in a
air force captain they treated him like sh* sister made it thru
the navy boot camp think that was fun? my other brother was in the army
and went to korea. You think he had a fun time in the army? Becoming a
staff member is like going thru boot camp if the U.S.military can do it
why cannot Dr.Scott?


May 24, 2005, 2:02:41 AM5/24/05

This is old news to me!


May 24, 2005, 2:17:43 AM5/24/05
SO.... boot camp had a higher purpose. Boot camp was all you made it. It
did not have those psycho-sexual overtones that we part of Scott and
Melissa's discipline and pleasure act.... yes, that's right, they enjoyed
being that way. And she especially enjoys it. I'll go all the way with
you over this one, SO. I'm telling you, you don't need all that..... at
least not at church, from the pastor who is looking out for your soul...
You'd do better to keep your soul, and take that kind of thing to other
professionals, if you have to have it. But not at church.


May 24, 2005, 2:19:45 AM5/24/05

This is old news to me!

So what. And you think it is OK? It shows that your pastor was a powermad,
abusive prick. This is not how people should be treated in God's house. If
you believe it is OK, you are as dangerous as Gene Scott was.


May 24, 2005, 2:20:34 AM5/24/05
for starters SIO,
1. It's a church dammit not tha military!
2. It ain't Christlike! Jesus didn't do that.
3. A church ain't ta kill people over politicks
& not go cuckoo overit!
4. Jesus said ta love thy neighbor!
5. Maybe ole doc shouldda been military man &
let someone else do tha pastorin', eh wot?
6. Church is about faith, worshippin' God &
hearin' tha word, fellowship not about
slavery to an abusive mortal tyrant!
7. Military workers get benefits, like, uh
benefits --- ya know, food, housing,health
insurance, paid vacation, sick leave &


May 24, 2005, 2:37:38 AM5/24/05

ScottIsOutstanding wrote:


> What do you think they do to you in BOOT camp is the boot camp sargent
> nice and sweet and loving to you? like hell he is!! My brother is in a
> air force captain they treated him like sh* sister made it thru
> the navy boot camp think that was fun? my other brother was in the army
> and went to korea. You think he had a fun time in the army? Becoming a
> staff member is like going thru boot camp if the U.S.military can do it
> why cannot Dr.Scott?

Emmett writes:
You just don't get it. I went to boot camp and I was never
made to cuss out a family member.
The more I read about the abusive Dr. jean the more I am glad his
final days were in misery and discomfort. The great Dr. jean lived
like a king but died alone and in great torment like a wino on skid
row. How fitting for a man on his way to hell.


May 24, 2005, 2:57:57 AM5/24/05

What do you think they do to you in BOOT camp is the boot camp sargent
nice and sweet and loving to you? like hell he is!! My brother is in a
air force captain they treated him like sh* sister made it thru the
navy boot camp think that was fun? my other brother was in the army
and went to korea. You think he had a fun time in the army? Becoming a
staff member is like going thru boot camp if the U.S.military can do it
why cannot Dr.Scott?

I read this a while ago. I had to sit backl for a moment and see if
someone else would answer you. I'm glad rpbc and monica did, because I am
just amazed at you who support Doc and now support Melissa, that you could
be presented with something like this, which anybody can see illustrates
the twisted , evil, abusive character of Gene Scott, and you would try to
rationalixze it. And in doing that, you make an analogy to boot camp? Are
you frickin' serious? How does that explain the way a pastor and his wife
are treating people? Read it again man! This is more like the actions of
an evil dictator in a totalitarian regime, than anything Jesus Christ
would have any part of. This is NOT representative of Him in the least,
and surely does not square with any message of grace and peace.


May 24, 2005, 3:01:07 AM5/24/05
gypsie you hold a grudge aganst me because of that adware/virus that
some how was sent with those 2 posts to monica. me and monica said
sorry in posts in the past about what transpired after that and she has
asked me to drop it but YOU have to dig up the dead horse and smear its
sh*t in my face and thus I am p.o.ed about it.I have allready talked
about this in past posts but you don't read them! and do I use your
username to put you down? I can like gypsieDhoe or gypsieAb*tch and I
can dream up others but I do not! and that may be in part why
MrDarkness does not do it to me.
I don't want you in case you think that and after all you want
MrDarkness in part because his username sounds sexy to you!!


May 24, 2005, 5:19:22 AM5/24/05

What about the staffmembers major f*ck-ups all you people conveniently
leave them out. think I do not know about them? well lets try a
few...There was the DMV renewals of church automoble's that was not
done and the staffmember responsible for it traded the license plates
on them to cover it up and then there was the unsigned checks that was
dropped at the bank parking lot and the staffmember tryed to cover it
up while trying to find them and then there was Pat while she was
running delores press. When they first introduced the CDs Dr.Scott
asked Pat what the price during a live sunday afternoon festival and
she told him $10.00 and Dr.Scott told the T.V.watchers that the CDs
will be sold for $10.00 I was present at that festival when he asked
this to pat.The sunday after that festival Pat had them selling for
$15.00 and she had no labeling on any of them telling what was on the
continued to replay that sunday afternoon festival with Dr.Scott saying
the CDs are $10.00 while she is selling them for $15.00 without the
decency of at least telling the pastor of the price change. This was
not the only game she was playing she was cashing the checks for tapes
and books that came in the mail before they were ready to be shipped
and when someone sent a letter complaining about it she intercepted it
in the mailroom!!! that is a blatantly criminal act!! You got
something to say about this stuff? Monica are you reading this?

Maximo Lachman

May 24, 2005, 8:02:19 AM5/24/05

"rpbc" (spicer_17@protected .com) writes:
> There has to be integration or they will
> experience a break every time.
The reason you & bfs speak in vague generalisations is that you have no
factual basis w/regard to specifics? Note that I've already discounted
the possibility that you have some credentials to make such a statement,
because otherwise you'd have left out the phrase "every time". Do you
have any personal experience or observations on which to justify the
"every time" statement? Bfs also waxes remarkably eloquent on this
subject matter, so you're just the right person to engage him in such
! tHe Habs sHall raHse agHin !

Maximo Lachman

May 24, 2005, 8:19:24 AM5/24/05

"ScottIsOutstanding" ( writes:
> My brother is an air force captain they treated him like sh*t...

> my sister made it thru the navy boot camp think that was fun?
> my other brother was in the army and went to korea.
And your mother wears army boots.

Maximo Lachman

May 24, 2005, 9:42:33 AM5/24/05

Emmett ( writes:
> You just don't get it. I went to boot camp and I was never
> made to cuss out a family member.
It is old news that Yankistan's boot camps intend to break a person
psychologically via a process of dehumanisation and then to remould
them into cold-blooded killers on command acting w/disregard for the
value of human life:
I heard this 2nd hand in the 80s from a First Nations' man who was
thereby entitled to dual citizenship, and so enlisted in both the
Canadian & U.S. military. He was able to see what was going on there
w/little formal education. Makes me wonder about you that you didn't.
Otherwise, this was confirmed in an interview
with a graduate from some Officer Cadet School there, who
told of being indoctrinated that their family members are like
any other civilians: "expendable pukes." Ever wonder why the
U.S. military has the highest rate of homicide against family
members of all NATO countries?

In any case, you don't need to have any experience w/those boot camps
to see how it is obvious that they are training those kids to be
psychopaths, which is why most of your domestic political violence &
mass killings from Oswald to McVey has been committed by products
of such training. For further info consult the "Aid & Abet" police &
military newsletter from or his exposee
"Operation Vampire Killer 2000."

Maximo Lachman

May 24, 2005, 9:54:23 AM5/24/05

"monica1rain" ( writes:
> for starters SIO,
> 1. It's a church dammit not tha military!
Actually by that time it wasn't a church but "Doc's Herry-Kerry Farm"
a theme park devoted to Hitler's revival of emperor worship at
the Nuremberg rally, to the point of human sacrifice of those
who had dishonored themselves by failing the system.


May 24, 2005, 12:00:40 PM5/24/05
di540 Is that Jack Mclamb, retired policeman who wrote that magizine?
"Aid and Abet right? Is he still around? Has he updated "Operation Vimpire
Killer 200"? Thanks for reminding me.I use to read his news letters all
the time.


May 24, 2005, 3:31:11 PM5/24/05
SO... switching ground are you. Look, nothing can justify the behavior of
Scott, and Scott and Melissa.... particularly those sessions, which went
on all the time, but justify it is the ground to which you switched.
However, there are answers to each of those situations you bring
address... and it is obvious you have it sunny side up. Major fuckups we
conveniently leave out? Are you sure you want to get into this......?
I'm letting you know, it will make the sessions more naked. Maybe it's
time for you to hold up the blanket and back away from the old man in
this, for his sake.... cause this is only going to expose him ugly. It is
why, he, himself, controlled all manner of horizonal communication.


May 24, 2005, 3:37:51 PM5/24/05
di450... about the everytime, yes, I have personal eperiences to justify
it's use, but those aren't facts. I'll drop the everytime from the text.
And there are specifics all over this board from previous posts, and I'm
generalzing from them. I also speak that way to protect certain members.


May 24, 2005, 3:40:39 PM5/24/05
pretty... only one Jack McLamb out there like that. Of course it's him.


May 24, 2005, 4:13:44 PM5/24/05
Yes...of course..only one Jack McLamb

May 24, 2005, 5:19:50 PM5/24/05

Wouldn't it have been nice if someone could make an honest mistake,
like forgetting to renew DMV license or losing a check and be able to
go to your boss and tell him, without fear of "great" reprisal? (So
fear that you'd go to any lengths to cover it up?) To err
is human, to forgive is beyond certain tyrannt's abilities.

Regarding Pat, would you have gone to Gene Scott and confessed?
Me? I'd probably just have sold them at $10.00. Pat obviously had
issues and a very strong, dishonest survial instinct. It's one thing
to deal with
a boss in this way, and quite another to deal with your church and
in such a manor.

What a tangled web, Dr. euGene Scott, Phd Stanford did weave when he
practiced and deceived.


May 24, 2005, 5:39:36 PM5/24/05
Were you Scotty, put in charge of D.P. after Pat got fired? and If you are
who I think you are....You got fired too...not as easy as you thought
Huh...Say what you want about Pat..ya she fucked up those cds...but not
for dishonest gain..If she was afraid to go to Scott about her
fuck-ups...will what does that say about you???


May 24, 2005, 9:20:45 PM5/24/05

What about the staffmembers major f*ck-ups all you people conveniently
leave them out. think I do not know about them?

What about them? These people did things that were worthy of being
reprimanded, or fired if necessary, but it doesn't not justify the kind of
abuse Doc and Melissa engaged in. Just consideer for a second if this was
not Dr. Scott we are talking about ,but someone else out there in the
corporate business world, or egven another pastor of another church. Would
you still condone this kind of thing?


May 24, 2005, 10:23:37 PM5/24/05
SO -

You mis-understand the purpose of bootcamp, and the nature of what is
supposed to take place there. I graduated from an OCS class in the
mid-80's, and yes there was some (mild) and ritualized hummiliation, lots
of running to and fro and being yelled at, but the "abuse" was not
directed at an individual per se, it was always at the group (company in
my case) and designed to foster teamwork, cooperation and a sense of
looking out for and reliance on your fellows. One guy didn't make his
rack right? The comapny got dressed down. The next day the whole company
was checking each other's racks to make sure things were squared away.
Off for a company run? You run at the pace of the slowest runner - in
formation, you leave no one behind. Last company to the chow hall because
your slow guy is the slowest of all? Too bad, the whole company is last.
Want the extra night of liberty? Better make sure EVERYONE passes the
basic navigation exam tomorrow, because if one guy flunks, you all lose,
so you smart folks better plan on providing some extra instruction after
taps to the guys who aren't quite getting it.

The testimonies I am reading here point to the exact opposite of the
boot-camp philosophy. The actions taken were against the weakest minded
in the group (the strong willed would rebel - and without the power of
physical coercion a rebel could break free and tyrants wont risk that) and
designed to instill fear and mistrust among the participants. The focus
in sessions like this is to foster a belief that only loyalty to the
leader matters, all else is without worth. The message is that you have
no friends, no "company" to watch your back, you have only those who turn
on you on command and who are kept at bay only by the leader.

At boot camp a knob is NEVER put in a position to abuse another knob,
everything in the program is designed to foster teamwork and mutual
respect and reliance. What I have read here reminds me of the stories of
nazi and communist cadre indoctrination sessions I learned about, or some
of the standard tactics used by the more notorious cults in our own

I am shocked and deeply saddened by what I have read here. I never made
it to LA, I was a surfer - watching via the web (or on cable/satellite
before the web), so I never saw any of this. Occasionally there would be
a rant about this or that infraction by some staff member but beyond
wondering why the hell Doc couldn't manage to put together a staff that
would "work" after 20 years as a pastor, I really never thought much about
what was going on on the "inside". While I still respect and am grateful
for the teaching I got - on the rest, all I can say to those of you who
went through it is that I didn't know, I'm sorry and I am glad you found
the strength to walk away.


May 24, 2005, 10:27:24 PM5/24/05

> fuck-ups...will what does that say about you??? sorry I was not hired to run it!

May 24, 2005, 10:46:44 PM5/24/05
pretty, it sounds like s/he is implying that Pat jacked up the price of
CD by $5.00?? And her criminal act was keeping the difference? Am I
reading this right?

Anyone knows that the receipts are totalled when the money is banked
out and then it is turned over to doc at the end of the service. Unless
this procedure changed since I left? if this true, doc already 'knew'
about the price chance thru the written receipts.


May 24, 2005, 11:06:21 PM5/24/05

> about the price chance thru the written receipts. No no gypsie it is deshonest of her to let them be advertized by pastor as $10.00 when they are being sold at $15.00 what about the tv watchers out there sending in $10.00 because Dr.Scott stated that price?


May 24, 2005, 11:11:05 PM5/24/05

> about the price chance thru the written receipts. well you maybe surprised to hear me say this but I am glaid you changed your mind about comeing here. NOW what about my complaint about you smearing sh*t on me! anything to say about that!


May 25, 2005, 4:13:04 AM5/25/05
Gypsie... "Doc really knew about the price change through written
receipts." That, in kind, is the unpacking of most of these stories about
'staff fuck ups'. Doc really knew all along about whatever it was, he
loved to manage by crisis... then blame the crisis on someone. It's what
he did.

May 25, 2005, 4:58:58 AM5/25/05
rpbc, doc did not need a reason, if he abused someone in error, he'd
just say that was for the one that I didn't catch you doing.

Sure staff fucked up, who doesn't? But, are abuse and on-air
humiliation justified? I think not.

I am hoping that Mrs. doc continues to do this on-air crap against the
crew, it really reveals who she is and who doc was. She is too
transparent with her immaturity.

Ya know what else? That angelic man that Mrs. doc was glowing over
(remember?) I couldn't believe that this man's WIFE called in and
handed him over to her on a platter. Let's see how she feels in about 6

And, no Chaz, I will not take this to a chat room. I know that you have
been hawking this throughout others' posts, so I'm just getting ahead
of you here..... don't bother asking.


May 25, 2005, 10:36:31 AM5/25/05
Unfortunately this is the way things were run...

Oh yes, rpbc..Any excuse to make staff fall on their faces crying out for
another chance...I'm an ass hole sir.

This was not a sometime thing...there was always some can anyone keep track of each and every reason doc
gave to ream someone out...during my years on staff, I confess, I was
traumatized. I am only now pulling up those bad memories.I need to heal.

Chaz Lambrusco

May 25, 2005, 12:30:03 PM5/25/05
At least your messages are about Doc. Their messages overnight were
just "Hi so and so, how are you? I'm fine. How are you?" No value
there. -Chaz

May 25, 2005, 12:40:27 PM5/25/05
Chaz, I understand (do we take 'this' to a chat room?) <wink>

May 25, 2005, 12:53:15 PM5/25/05
SIO: This was not the only game she was playing she was cashing the

checks for tapes and books that came in the mail before they were ready
to be shipped and when someone sent a letter complaining about it she
intercepted it in the mailroom!!!

Gypsie: OK wait a minute here. Receiving and cashing DP checks was SOP
(standard operating procedure) for as long as I can remember. Pat,
being on the mail run and at Dolores Press, was in a position to
receive Dolores Press mail including complaints. ALL MONIES were sent
to doc. Pat had no ability to cash DP checks. And, ALL orders were
aged so that the oldest ones were processed first (to avoid mail fraud
issues). DP complaints were the squeaky wheels that got attention
immediately. Dolores Press was chronically underfunded and basically
ignored until complaints were received or an order had reached 45-60
days (most times OLDER). The staff person at DP had absolutely no
control over any of this.

I am no fan of Pat but, I do know how things worked.

May 25, 2005, 1:00:56 PM5/25/05
Beach Bum, I remember when General Kelley (from Desert Storm) was a
guest at a festival and he and doc had a conversation about training
the 'troops'. doc seemed to be looking for some kind of support for his
methods but, Gen. Kelley said just the opposite about how the modern
military handles new recruits.

Many of us VOFs felt that the General was a gift from heaven and that
doc would actually hear what he was saying (perhaps because of his
standing in the military).

doc never replayed this tape.


May 25, 2005, 1:46:40 PM5/25/05
Gypsie.... You're right, Doc did need a reason. I heard him 'that was for
the one I didn't see' more times than I want to remember. I also heard
him (years before) make an analogy between his blowtorching to a cancer
operation.... sometimes healthy tissue is removed to get out the cancer.
Nice, huh. I thought he was looking out for their souls. The good
shepard looks for that one lost sheep. Smoking flax shall he not quench.
God's man talks about rifle shots while using a shotgun.


May 25, 2005, 1:49:54 PM5/25/05
Gypsie... I don't even want to comment about the 'angelic' man she was
gloating over. It's too painful to think about.


May 25, 2005, 2:05:12 PM5/25/05
Gypsie... I remember that festival with General Kelly. I was there. My
father was a career Army man, he served in Europe during the war, landed
at Normandy Beach on the day of the assualt. I knew men like that
personally, they were the type of men who were the adults figures from my
childhood and teen years. What you say is fixed in my mind. The General
actually bristled away from Doc when Scott suggested a manner in which a
soldier might be commanded during combat.... Doc sensed it too and let it
be. Doc never did replay that festival.


May 25, 2005, 2:06:18 PM5/25/05
Gypsie... I left out a key word in my previous post... Doc did NOT need a


May 25, 2005, 2:16:55 PM5/25/05

I was there when General Kelly was in the studio as well. Doc used to like
the analogy of Louis Gossett Jr. (I think that's who it was)as the drill
Sargent in "an Officer and a Gentleman", and compare himself to that
character, and how he treated soldiers. General Kelly also referred to "an
officer and a Gentleman" as an example of what not to be, and say he would
have had that drill Sargent court marshalled. Doc was embarrased for sure,
and later that evening, he tried to cover by saying that General Kelly was
a PR man for the military, and had to say what he did to keep up a good

Maximo Lachman

May 26, 2005, 7:34:21 PM5/26/05

"matt2442" ( writes:
> I was there when General Kelly was in the studio as well. Doc used to like
> the analogy of Louis Gossett Jr. (I think that's who it was)as the drill
> Sargent in "an Officer and a Gentleman", and compare himself to that
> character, and how he treated soldiers. General Kelly also referred to "an
> officer and a Gentleman" as an example of what not to be, and say he would
> have had that drill Sargent court marshalled. Doc was embarrased for sure,
> and later that evening, he tried to cover by saying that General Kelly was
> a PR man for the military, and had to say what he did to keep up a good
> image.
Doc was right. Kelly was a liar, not just a PR man. The same may be said
for the PR man for the School of the Americas that trains Latin American
solidiers to emulate yours. Ever wonder why the U.S. military has the
highest rate of homicide against family members of any in NATO? Or why
most your political violence or mass killings from Oswald to McVey has
been perpetrated by such graduates? Did it ever occur to you that others
have experienced much more distressing problems than yours?
! tHe Habs sHall raHse agHin !

Maximo Lachman

May 26, 2005, 8:34:41 PM5/26/05
You were less interested in protecting persons unbeknownst to you who
may have been victims of sexual abuse, otherwise you'd not have been
so graphic w/your analogy. While I knew that you were generalising
when you said

>There has to be integration or they will experience a break
>every time...
I was pointing out a self-contradiction: you obviously didn't think
that others going to this board, might have been such victims. With
or without integration, they might be put off for thinking that you
are talking about their experiences, or about perpetrators that you
want to protect, as afgs posting style lends to your posts being
interpreted in a variety of fashions: namely, by not quoting what
one is referring to, and by not citing facts w/specificity. Thus,
you made your post the exception to your own rule of 'every time'
by not expecting unknown victims to continue relying on defensive
mechanisms working for them to avoid such a break, such as the
use of a mask.

But at least you don't advocate that afgs posters
won't benefit from participating if they resort to such mechanisms.


Feb 20, 2024, 9:43:15 PMFeb 20
Probably the most classic AFGS thread... Up against the wall.
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