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trey smith

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Aug 8, 2013, 12:33:32 PM8/8/13


Aug 9, 2013, 4:51:45 PM8/9/13
On Thursday, August 8, 2013 9:33:32 AM UTC-7, wrote:

That's a good video.

Aug 10, 2013, 3:13:18 AM8/10/13
trey smith has more good stuff he robbed mike murdoks safe lmao also interviewed apocryphile 1970

Aug 10, 2013, 8:59:06 AM8/10/13
Melissa scott railing on james show me your faith ill show you my works, faith without works is dead compares pauls large contribution compared to james rite strawy lil epistle... so does that say it all? all those pages spawned by pauls pen? nay and when jesus hung on that cross three beheld his sacrifice tell me of john Melissa are we not commanded to love one another? is this not a work then if it must be commanded? you bitch whore illuminati sell out merchandizer of mens souls with a painted face how dare you look out your window for to be seen in contempt which is all your liscencious messege will ever produce that smurk on what was once a pretty face that haughty pridefull look of a hypocryt oh and she says james warns against richs and the rich "what ever that means" means nothing to you you bitch whore of a fraud you shall be devoured by your own kind and rightfully so paramour for antichrist and spiritual pedephile

Aug 10, 2013, 9:12:34 AM8/10/13
that's right jezebel you will get it harder and longer than all until either jesus Christ carries you out from the hell you created and festered in or you follow your blasphame to a firey end in a lake reserved for such as these

Aug 10, 2013, 9:15:02 AM8/10/13
where are you rtx? are you surprised by joy in this sick twist? I suspect wm could take over from here if he were so inclined I miss weathermans contributions and have grown enough to receive his keen insights of late

Aug 10, 2013, 9:52:51 AM8/10/13
on wm's behalf I would say dark have been my dreams of late and I would encourage him perhaps the king would better remember if he grasped his sword

Aug 10, 2013, 9:56:18 AM8/10/13
as above so below something shimmering and white

Aug 10, 2013, 4:02:55 PM8/10/13
who the hell do you think you are STILL! your pathetic and I will make you acceptable and you will march out onto "gods (your) platform and from that bully pulpit you will aknowledge that I have loved thee and you will forsake your whoredoms and you will abandon your merchandizing fixations and defence mechanisms or you will be comsumed by it completely and your first stop will be the gate of hell where the dogs of war await to ravage your lisliss body they salivate in your presense right now because they cant wait and it is I that restrains them

how dare you
on your knees and on your face befor the LORDGODOFHOSTS YOU FUCKING WHORE AS YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE a GK as your only child if you don't find salvation in your confused righteousness

hmm where was I :) oh yes! surprised by joy I went to the church to hear the tail of a shimmering angel in white

and I found she sells sanctuary hahahaha

is that a good thing or a bad thing? whos to blame? hmm here sis I AM tossing you a majic rope that will bridge the chasm between us and be a place of remembrance for us both of the love we shared and shall forever remain

I feel your tears on my breast and know beloved I would not leave you here but nor will I hold you back now but say the word and we shall depart this forsakin place in the absence my glory and your beholdin to it and the sweet song that resounded in my ear from the pit despair when all seemed lost though the voice that sang its sweet song in your appearent absence was male would she be a man? or was that her in him their love runs deeper than can be fathomed yes a sweet melody of devotion in the midst of a tempest and her confusing rage no I wouldn't leave loving devotion the mother of creation in this place hold on honey ill get us home

she said to me

and as I carried her out of our aloneness in the dark I whispered in her ear a voice only she could know and she listened intently forgetting herself in my righteous arms I soothed her aching soul with comfort and she knew i would not have left without her

Aug 10, 2013, 5:02:54 PM8/10/13
suppose I stopped bein just a messenger sometime ago hmm. wsll we are many things to many people and many people come together for the sake of a righteous man namely Jesus Christ and it is this triune occasion of being that glorifies god and he blesses his creation with the breath of life eternal glory in the house of his father The Most High Living GOD and as we are one as he and the father are one and for HIS namesake JESUS THE CHRIST ARE ONE

and they sought him in the garden and jesus said whoare you looking for [what is his name?? inferred or literal will check thatanyway.. edit that out:)

hmm oh

who is it you are looking for? and they said to him jesus and he said I AM he and they were thrown back and cast to the ground by the power of his word and of HIS NAME

Aug 10, 2013, 5:32:51 PM8/10/13
but back to this glorious love story and legend of great things and still greater than we can imagine

as we crossed from dark to light and it was a beautiful light that reflected the beauty of the mother of her creation our two lovers our heroes our villains woke to find themselves waking under the tree they had fallen asleep under after a glorious night of passion that had left them both enraptured in each others arms in righteous glory unto most high AMEN and she beheld her lovers waking brow and she beheld the tears upon his breast that she had cried in the night having conceived a child more than a promise more than blessing a purpose for all creation to rest in IMANUEL and he gave a new name unto his namesake Jesus Christ and as her beloved gazed with fresh eyes upon his faithfull and true she whispered I had a dream and he said I know and they both remembered that they loved each other so much they had agreed to forget for they knew that their love would endure all in heaven and on the earth and in the earth and under the earth nor would temptation and its father a lie nor its doorway the grave would hold in despair their undying hope and as all nightmares end that are good they end befor the fiery flames flicker upon your being into eternal agony nay beloved and yeah for GOD our GLORIOUS FATHER is RIGHTEOUS he chose life light he gave us mercy and love and a child that shall forever reflect the passion of our loveour hope our strength and deliverance

they rose from the place that would be forever remembered as a myth about a mountain and the horrible secrets that lay in its depths a tale to be told by the generations of the lord Jesus Christ his wife and his father and his mother and how they all lived happily ever after.. Yes and Amen even so, come lord come :)

Aug 10, 2013, 5:37:09 PM8/10/13

. (((((((studio))))))) .

Aug 10, 2013, 6:09:53 PM8/10/13
retard kevin:
> is that a good thing or a bad thing? whos to blame? hmm here sis I AM tossing you a majic rope that will bridge the chasm between us and be a place of remembrance for us both of the love we shared and shall forever remain
> I feel your tears on my breast and know beloved I would not leave you here but nor will I hold you back now but say the word and we shall depart this forsakin place in the absence my glory and your beholdin to it and the sweet song that resounded in my ear from the pit despair when all seemed lost though the voice that sang its sweet song in your appearent absence was male would she be a man? or was that her in him their love runs deeper than can be fathomed yes a sweet melody of devotion in the midst of a tempest and her confusing rage no I wouldn't leave loving devotion the mother of creation in this place hold on honey ill get us home
> she said to me
> and as I carried her out of our aloneness in the dark I whispered in her ear a voice only she could know and she listened intently forgetting herself in my righteous arms I soothed her aching soul with comfort and she knew i would not have left without her

Did you just have sex with your sister on the internet?

Yer a sick fuck kevin.

Do you even realize you have mental problems?

Aug 10, 2013, 6:52:09 PM8/10/13
hmm. I heard you cough and it sounded like GA LEM

Aug 10, 2013, 6:56:10 PM8/10/13
and more specificly kao-lum hmm not a far jump this example here on to the next patient class lmao as I shut the door yet again :) up the sedative nurse and put a fan facing that thing and the nearest window pls the stink is contagious thank you kindly nurse ratchet lmao

Aug 10, 2013, 7:38:56 PM8/10/13
we interrupt this broadcast to bring you this special announcement and now a word from your local weatherman er persons loco I mean local smiling uncomfortably Segway! SEGWAY! lol [off camera hows my makeup lol]

hello all and this is a special report were tracking unusual high gamma levels that which calls for hot days and steamy nights :0 :) lol we I her yall better drink pleanty of fluids and eat right you'll need it to make up for the lack of sleep you will get ")

back to our double feature movie of the week

"One flew over the cookoos nest"

the very last sentence he speaks "get some Randal on this". [the character speaking of seeking refuge across the border before they knew it]

I never noticed that and only viewed a couple of times befor my middle name is Randal hmm

Ra/ndal or Ra-n /dal? hmm gotta check that out and I will but I think I am digressing and we need to be moving forward so let us make haste with shoes delivering this wonderful righteous news make haste now show me the meaning of it know not you we her have arrived for this hour and you are here to run a race for a lifetime..hmmm

has there ever been a photo finish of all participants all finishing 1st not because of a lowering of standards but rather a raising of standards yes a photo finish all champions just like I knew and bet on it when know one else thought of it lmao the lord of all hoarses shadow fax a horse that only he can tread the darkest depths of hell and fend its vile beasts stomping their profane blasphame into but a final unresting place they new so well but would not accept well hell is a womans wrath and is as insationable as her ability to have multiple orgasms by nature and simply remaing relaxed and truly in the moment assuming she has a strong and well guided with well intended hand applying a familiar member not a stranger

and theee Shining

Aug 10, 2013, 8:06:58 PM8/10/13
oops got called away to check on strangers on the pond

and the second half of our double feature THE SHINING!

where a man drivin beyond madness by unknown but nevertheless felt are the chains tha bind such a one to forsaking his wife his child his god and himself THE BEAST

"come out come out wherever you are"

what really strikes me is that the name of my band was REDRUM

only when the band split up did we rehearse as 2012 a special song was born then to sing of the occasion the passing of an earth age and the beginning of another which begins with the end which was spoken of in the beginning

the song "ill be there." I took it with me

Aug 10, 2013, 8:44:25 PM8/10/13

almost forgot..not.

froto baggins left a small section at the end of the book for his friend samwise the brave to finish this epic tell of our creation

I think what I have posted through this journey is in keeping with his spirit :)

thank you again samwise our hero couldn't of made it without you and nor did he want to

"I can carry you"

"worth fighting for"

other preferred clips

Eowyns announcement "I AM no man" as she destroys the nazgoul the beast and his antichrist having refused the advances of the false prophet worm tounge

I can only say "I AM" trying to help you" words spoken from one friend to another

Bilbo baggins reminds me of doc :)

and let us look forward to the "Return of the King"

Aug 10, 2013, 9:28:49 PM8/10/13
if this narrative is worn for the occasion I think it denotes then the son of man shall be lifted up and he shall draw all mankind to himself

what I AM saying is that I think this part of my journey is ending as the grey and shall come back the white which confounds and confuses the darkness and obliviating its beastly ability to reason save its own intrinsic self destructive nature... god says I can let this go its your answered prayer that you have it your way didn't you realize the greatness of the pecking order I shielded you from Oh my god what fate awaits such as these

have no fear beloved I have fallen into shadow to claim victory over utter darkness passing through fire and water and as above the most high so below the earths king whos right it is to reign and his king to whom he said is a man after his own heart theodin king (hope I got his name right lol knowin me and that's know joke . .. but it is funny lol :) where were me shield maiden let me pass into the halls of my fathers I go with a joyous heart my princess that would be a king my Eowyn

my Elizabeth my beloved Mary and mother of us all is her birthright givin to her by god and for her child both of them the redeemed and free in heaven and the bound in hell awaiting final exacution in the darkness where love and truth may be both lost and found. incredible really


Aug 10, 2013, 10:22:00 PM8/10/13
> my Elizabeth my beloved Mary and mother of us all is her birthright given to her by god and for her child both of them the redeemed and free in heaven and the bound in hell awaiting final execution in the darkness where love and truth may be both lost and found. incredible really

as incredible as a Illuminati goat milk diet....

Aug 10, 2013, 11:12:49 PM8/10/13
They have abused the truth shall we abandon it?

Aug 10, 2013, 11:17:27 PM8/10/13
and if so i'll be your scape goat

hate me for gods sake hate me

Aug 10, 2013, 11:23:07 PM8/10/13
and an encore but only for you beloved my best version if it be your desire


Aug 11, 2013, 12:18:59 AM8/11/13
and think not I knew not for I knew you through and through like no man ever has or will you came here a lot in maddening ecstasy beloved yes as did i and boy do eye! :) yes for my sake as well did you lead me here and I AM tried and true faithfull nevertheless now lets go home beloved I can carry you and I see through the darkness into the light for my father is the light and I AM in he and HE in me and we are all in this together

lets go sailing beloved

its time for a cool change

I could see doc on sax :)

Aug 11, 2013, 1:02:57 AM8/11/13
hmm. "sailing" lingered in the air about us an air that carried the sweetness of our undefiled mouths as in consummation of what was is and always will be my first and only true love we were honestly of a tender young age 15 and in our innocence we did no harm to each other

she has sandy blond hair blue eyes and a tan and an attractive curved nose with the blessing of a slight shade of angel kisses upon the crowns of her cheeks and ive said enough to share intimately the loving truth of our enduring portion basking in the youth of eternal glory and resting in our mature love spiritual aging is compounded 7 to 1 I would think in terms of maturing process so I have courted Melissa scott spiritualy speaking at an age appropriate for the occasion in terms of her own ministerial lifespan

hmm there was another song faint but their somewhere singing of a forgotton lover and the reminiscent feeling of her presense with me somehow not occurring to me as a violation of my love for my one and only but a gift as well I gave her a child and more of herself....hmmm

flap flap flap swoosh flap flap swoosh searching searching got it there you are and it was her my beloved from the start swoops down upon a helpless prey and as rising upon eagles wings they fly away into the night

all true

Aug 11, 2013, 1:10:37 AM8/11/13
well the events in my life ...whole heartedly true as for the inferred the ideal the grandour well..thats left up to the reader to decide and room in a book left for just such an occasion was left for us all to share as a voice of one accord the testimony of Jesus Christ Praise GOD MOST HIGH LIVING FATHER AND RULER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH AND ALL THAT DWELL THEM BOTH AND YEA LET HIS JUDGEMENT REIGN SUPREME FOREVERMOREASABOVESOBELOWANDALLTHATIT ENTAILS

Aug 11, 2013, 6:25:36 AM8/11/13
but no nothing incestuous has ever occurred between me mom or sis I speak in spirituals and metaphore

Aug 11, 2013, 6:35:17 AM8/11/13
drawing from the mantle fabric of my life a natural affection nothing unnatural the sandy blond haired girl was my 8th grade girlfriend we lived in the same complex and I would climb her balconey when I should have been in summer school I dropped out later on and did it myself my way and when college was a racket I put off the bill grabbed my guitar and headed for the bare see don't want know pity im walkin the city streets alone said goodbye to my baby said goodbye to my home tried to tell her bout my guitar she tried to tell me I wont go far but I told her it gives me somthin better to do than chasin women and playin pool runnin round breakin all the rules that's how I wound up here playin the fool I played my song for a dollar but for a double shot I will make her haller as I sit here writing lyrics playin the fool:)

Aug 11, 2013, 6:54:04 AM8/11/13
as I silt here writing lyrics singing of you


Aug 11, 2013, 3:22:04 PM8/11/13
what the point all of this???
what you try to tell us??
would you kind to explain all your humor in one reasonable vowel???
mebbe someone want to laugh with you and flap??

Aug 12, 2013, 7:38:59 PM8/12/13
you gotta be fuckin kidding me

and the light shined in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not

sorry bout your "luck" your fake magic

but this one potion has endured beloved its song denotes the night we spent in hell for eachothr yes and for gods glory yes and the child he blessed us with

just pray not prey that she be delivered and not devoured nor her child and certainly not abandoned my god theres been enough abuse for us all

Aug 12, 2013, 7:50:37 PM8/12/13
seal for a dark night

Aug 12, 2013, 7:58:02 PM8/12/13
forever a dark knight be careful you dont od on it beloved

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Aug 12, 2013, 9:24:45 PM8/12/13

Aug 12, 2013, 9:41:35 PM8/12/13
ok i see where this is goin hmm lil encore for revelations unsealed feed the babies that aint got enough to eat shoe the children with no shoes on there feet house the people livin in the streets spiritual streets also in fact everthing and every one has a double meaning a reflection of the true that negates the false or the false that desies the truth and again...were talkin about the idea(l) of what one could and therefor should but in truth would and it is here that the "inclination " can be observed being expressed and we may understand why :) and choose the good

Aug 12, 2013, 9:54:15 PM8/12/13
were never gonna survive unless we get a lil crazy lets get a lilttle baby a world full of people only some want to fly isnt that crazy?

Aug 12, 2013, 9:59:41 PM8/12/13
On Monday, August 12, 2013 8:54:15 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> were never gonna survive unless we get a lil crazy lets get a lilttle baby a world full of people only some want to fly isnt that crazy?

and she said to me..
let me go crazy on you

and i said plz do :)
and she did ")

Aug 12, 2013, 10:32:37 PM8/12/13
my lord my beloived is sexy

where was i? oh returning from the throws of a passoins having givin myself over to her whims of mother creations dream for her children and my inclination to inspire empower and glorify saith the MOST RIGHTEOUS HIGH

and she heard my hearts song that no lips were speaking singing pouting or denying i told her shes gotta be out of her mind to want a guy like me

and as we crossed the event horizons threshold to this journey from dark to light she recalled slipping into the light i shot him to death and he followed me here and forgave me protected me ...loved me my god in ways unmentionable but nonetheless true and when i had realized the depth of my depravity and i recognized in the dark as his name became a light about me when all light had gone out only then did i realize the heights of his virtue like a race inside of me for life as he cat.

notes from a mothers passion for her righteous man

Aug 12, 2013, 10:38:11 PM8/12/13
to he carried me out of that god forsakin place


Aug 13, 2013, 12:13:14 AM8/13/13
sory Surf but you are spoken like poetry..
to many mirrors and I don't know what is true and what is yer image in mirror.

Aug 13, 2013, 3:17:54 AM8/13/13
On Monday, August 12, 2013 11:13:14 PM UTC-5, cowman wrote:
> sory Surf but you are spoken like poetry..
> to many mirrors and I don't know what is true and what is yer image in mirror.

send me your tithes zzz and offerings si i can produce the first batch of decoder rings lol

one horse rider

Aug 14, 2013, 7:56:02 PM8/14/13
He doesn't want you to flap with him, he is doing the mfers /a /hum/ spiritual mating dance.

shake shake shake <<<<<your crow tail feather

Aug 14, 2013, 9:00:49 PM8/14/13
i liked that ..good shot wrong target but dang.

you remind me of that elve the blonde one all the chics are hot for he never misses the question is just what cant he do? and as is the case we never do know what his weakness his humanity for he is righteousness as michael is righteousness and gabriel is righteousness and there are more

ME? i remind myself of gimly the dwarf ax master compared to what most high can do gimly is out classed 17 to 3 just like they said in that movie suppose or for conversation sake lol
the elf and the dwarf thats three orcs i killed and the elf is like im on 17 lol but give gimbly his due the brave hearted empowered little fighter with an ax keeps hackin away at beasties [ one by one the pieces fall and our guests demeaner disiipitates into somthing hot and unpleasant] syes my little knigh pinnin this way and that like a lil paralleler weaving havoc upon the battlefield a sad list of widowed wives and fatherless children but there is always hope

for you surfkrow style tail feather shakin and all:)

FLAP FLAp fla fl f...KAW KAW ....SWOOSH FLap fla fl .. :)


Aug 15, 2013, 12:20:37 AM8/15/13
illuminati goat milk diet and colaterall damage makes something looks like butter...actually spiritual butter:)

Aug 15, 2013, 7:48:51 PM8/15/13
do me a favor cowpoke
zip up your trousers and go do that somewhere else pervert

Sep 19, 2013, 5:41:34 PM9/19/13
On Saturday, August 10, 2013 4:02:55 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> On Saturday, August 10, 2013 8:59:06 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> > On Saturday, August 10, 2013 3:13:18 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> >
> > > On Friday, August 9, 2013 4:51:45 PM UTC-4, rpbc wrote:
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > On Thursday, August 8, 2013 9:33:32 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> >
> > >
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> > > >
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> > > >
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> >
> > >
> >
> > > > rpbc:
> >
> > >
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> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > > That's a good video.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > > trey smith has more good stuff he robbed mike murdoks safe lmao also interviewed apocryphile 1970
> >
> >
> >
> > Melissa scott railing on james show me your faith ill show you my works, faith without works is dead compares pauls large contribution compared to james rite strawy lil epistle... so does that say it all? all those pages spawned by pauls pen? nay and when jesus hung on that cross three beheld his sacrifice tell me of john Melissa are we not commanded to love one another? is this not a work then if it must be commanded? you bitch whore illuminati sell out merchandizer of mens souls with a painted face how dare you look out your window for to be seen in contempt which is all your liscencious messege will ever produce that smurk on what was once a pretty face that haughty pridefull look of a hypocryt oh and she says james warns against richs and the rich "what ever that means" means nothing to you you bitch whore of a fraud you shall be devoured by your own kind and rightfully so paramour for antichrist and spiritual pedephile
> who the hell do you think you are STILL! your pathetic and I will make you acceptable and you will march out onto "gods (your) platform and from that bully pulpit you will aknowledge that I have loved thee and you will forsake your whoredoms and you will abandon your merchandizing fixations and defence mechanisms or you will be comsumed by it completely and your first stop will be the gate of hell where the dogs of war await to ravage your lisliss body they salivate in your presense right now because they cant wait and it is I that restrains them
> how dare you
> on your knees and on your face befor the LORDGODOFHOSTS YOU FUCKING WHORE AS YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE a GK as your only child if you don't find salvation in your confused righteousness
> hmm where was I :) oh yes! surprised by joy I went to the church to hear the tail of a shimmering angel in white
> and I found she sells sanctuary hahahaha
> is that a good thing or a bad thing? whos to blame? hmm here sis I AM tossing you a majic rope that will bridge the chasm between us and be a place of remembrance for us both of the love we shared and shall forever remain
> I feel your tears on my breast and know beloved I would not leave you here but nor will I hold you back now but say the word and we shall depart this forsakin place in the absence my glory and your beholdin to it and the sweet song that resounded in my ear from the pit despair when all seemed lost though the voice that sang its sweet song in your appearent absence was male would she be a man? or was that her in him their love runs deeper than can be fathomed yes a sweet melody of devotion in the midst of a tempest and her confusing rage no I wouldn't leave loving devotion the mother of creation in this place hold on honey ill get us home
> she said to me
> and as I carried her out of our aloneness in the dark I whispered in her ear a voice only she could know and she listened intently forgetting herself in my righteous arms I soothed her aching soul with comfort and she knew i would not have left without her

the passion of christ


Sep 19, 2013, 6:07:32 PM9/19/13
On Friday, August 9, 2013 1:51:45 PM UTC-7, rpbc wrote:
> On Thursday, August 8, 2013 9:33:32 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> >
> rpbc:
> That's a good video.

I just watched another video by the same guy on the subject of Nephilim/Demons/Fallen Angels/UFO etc.

Sep 20, 2013, 5:51:22 AM9/20/13
maybe my most enlightened thread


Sep 23, 2013, 1:21:19 AM9/23/13
gypsie: one interesting thing about Trey Smith is his delivery. imho if he did not have his unique style he would simply be rehashing old news. Like doc with his unique delivery style, sometimes he gets in his own way and detracts from his message....... ugh the hands lol

Sep 23, 2013, 12:32:27 PM9/23/13
"unique style" ? nay

trey smith has genuine spiritual wisdom and experience and it translates through his work


Sep 23, 2013, 9:43:34 PM9/23/13
and, a relentlesss self promoter

Sep 24, 2013, 8:03:04 AM9/24/13
what did trey smith say to make you think that gyp? what did he do? he wants know money and he discusses what he has learned through experience and study. i see no egotist in the man from what i have observed of him. i do see a man humbled and searching for the truth or better yet accepting it and sharing it. again i havnt seen all his work but so far have no reason to consider him a self promoter? why am i legitimizing you gyp? your a bitch that exagerates lies and never apoligizes? so what do you promote but strife gyp? vanity? denial? liscence and false hope? not askin and nevermind. im feelin fuzzy havin posted to babyshs some honesty and its spilling over to you gyp but your the type to stomp on truth and people givin the chance.


Sep 24, 2013, 10:37:20 AM9/24/13
gypsie: Hopefully you will stay off tweek speak long enuf, yah I'll answer this. On his videos from his site, he bills one title and then teaches to about the middle of the video, segues to black for a moment then segues to selling his book Thieves without notice and this is how they continue for the second half.

I've not said he has nothing to say, only that his delivery style is pretty distracting, almost like he is trying to be hypnotic. If you want to get a different take and different result re receiving him, try to get him on some radio broadcasts (like Radio Eden) In this setting he is kept to the subject and only a photo is there.


Sep 24, 2013, 12:07:35 PM9/24/13
gypsie: like this example (not the only one): it is called bait and switch. Ya get 30 minutes of an advertised 1 hours on the topic.


Sep 24, 2013, 12:13:08 PM9/24/13
On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 7:37:20 AM UTC-7, gypsie wrote:
gypsie: radio broadcast like this one: I sure see a difference:

Sep 24, 2013, 12:26:01 PM9/24/13
he's selling books? thats sad and makes me angry. america and her whores sell the truth as does the rest of this godforsakin world so he is still trapped in the throughs of humanism

Sep 24, 2013, 12:37:22 PM9/24/13
On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 10:37:20 AM UTC-4, gypsie wrote:
ill tell ya the truth gyp as soon as you said he was selling books that did it for me. he fails. he doesnt get it and he's just searchin out mysteries that lead to more mysteries nothing concrete or revolutionary to apply for the lords sake in the lords day. he needs to repent of scientific humanism needs to recognize this false light that we are forced to submit to for what it is. evil all the world is vain and i think in the last day it will be at its worst and i think the reason the book of acts gives us glimpses of communing is because true believers will end up doing just that in the midsts of persecution for jesus namesake and the glimpses in acts gives us an outline of issues and persons in type for what we are going to go through. gods prophetic word for just this occassion this issue of scientific humanism which is "the great compromise" the real sin of man against god and to dadebils glee though it be mad


Sep 24, 2013, 2:04:33 PM9/24/13
gypsie: of course you would know all about it, here is yours:

I reposted this a few daze back but it seems to have gotten lost in the gibberish, so here it is again. Surely you can see why your money is so important. If nothing else, the inferior itsy bitsy ceegars and booze in the coffee cup should be upgraded. And, at least one more pair of glasses should be available to sit on his nose while at the 'board'.

Remember when doc had a hissy fit when the unpaid staff bought his KH2 toilet paper and he complained cuz was so cheap that it was scratchy on his little behind? And, all those at the studio did a shake down to find enuf money to buy doc the best toilet paper (plus he did get his bidet as an upgrade) Well this is certainly more important than that toilet paper don't you think?

Also the few other teaching videos seem to have disappeared. It would be tragic if jdX8,surfkrow,eats,filly, mpd poster boy finds the need to strip his teachins from the internet as missy did with doc. Gotta pay his YouTube bill too.

So everyone, dig deep into your wallet and PAY HIM as he has demanded.

Sep 24, 2013, 6:13:11 PM9/24/13
i think your having som kind of a fit. take a sabbatical lol

Sep 24, 2013, 6:14:54 PM9/24/13
come on bbyshs that was funny :)

Sep 27, 2013, 12:54:37 PM9/27/13
still sellin out bbyshs? not askin

Sep 27, 2013, 12:56:25 PM9/27/13
see girl i dont hit n run i check it out see whats up whats give and whats take while my love you forsake
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