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Gene's most embarrassing moments....

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Mar 18, 2010, 2:10:30 PM3/18/10
....included his always saying "like a rum line" instead of "plumb
line" when describing how straight something was. The ignorant puss
had never worked a hard day in his life and didn't know his
construction terms.....

It was also beyond embarrassing to watch when Pastor Fuckler would
come from Tennessee. How often do you get to watch a grown man
(Fuckler) act like a whimpy, horny school kid on Satellite TV. It was
all Fuckler could do to not say "Dr. Scott you are my God"......

And it was sure telling that the 'greatest Bible Preacher since Paul'
could only get a dimwitted, country hickster as a supported. Everyone
else knew Scott was a fraud.

Burn in Hell Gene!
PMS, get back in the kitchen Bitch!


Mar 19, 2010, 12:07:40 AM3/19/10

Seems like Pastor Fulcher (Pastor Fuckler, LOL!!) was probably Gene
Scott's hardest core supporter among the clergy, but there were
others. For a while there was a guy from Texas named Jim Reynolds,
whom Doc never could get the guy's address down. I guess Doc wanted
the guy to give his address every time he called in so he could tell
people where his church was. I'm sure the guy eventually got sick of
Gene because we didn't hear from him after a while. Then of course
there was surfkrow's Pastor, Leslie Hale, who also appeared at the
LAUC to kiss Doc's ass, and that Lutheran pastor who used to post in
here for a while (I don't know to what degree he was supportive of
Gene Scott, but Doc read from one of his books) and Pastor Barkocy,
and also Dr. Kenton Beshore who was present at at least one of the
"miracle" services. Can anyone think of any others?


Mar 19, 2010, 3:35:24 AM3/19/10
On Mar 18, 9:07 pm, matt2442 <> wrote:

> Matt2442;
> Seems like Pastor Fulcher (Pastor Fuckler, LOL!!) was probably Gene
> Scott's hardest core supporter among the clergy, but there were
> others. For a while there was a guy from Texas named Jim Reynolds,
> whom Doc never could get the guy's address down. I guess Doc wanted
> the guy to give his address every time he called in so he could tell
> people where his church was. I'm sure the guy eventually got sick of
> Gene because we didn't hear from him after a while. Then of course
> there was surfkrow's Pastor, Leslie Hale, who also appeared at the
> LAUC to kiss Doc's ass, and that Lutheran pastor who used to post in
> here for a while (I don't know to what degree he was supportive of
> Gene Scott, but Doc read from one of his books) and Pastor Barkocy,
> and also Dr. Kenton Beshore who was present at at least one of the

> "miracle" services. Can anyone think of any others?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Obituary: Canon Bryan Green


Bryan Stuart Westmacott Green, priest: born 14 January 1901; Curate,
New Malden 1924-28; Chaplain, Oxford Pastorate 1931-34; Vicar, Christ
Church, Crouch End 1934-38; Holy Trinity, Brompton 1938-48; Rector of
Birmingham 1948-70; Honorary Canon, Birmingham Cathedral 1950-70
(Emeritus 1970-93); married 1926 Winifred Bevan (one son, one
daughter); died Thame 6 March 1993.

BRYAN GREEN was one of the most effective evangelists in the Church of

A conversion experience in his teens led Green to have a passionate
concern to share the Gospel. In the early Thirties he became one of
the youngest speakers to address the evangelical Keswick Convention.
In the late Thirties and early Forties he moved from a conservative
stance to being a much more open evangelical. By the end of the
Forties he had started visiting the United States, and after a
preaching mission in 1949 at St John the Divine Cathedral in New York
he became an internationally known evangelist who was always at his
best preaching to large numbers.

Throughout the Second World War Green was Vicar of Holy Trinity,
Brompton, where he drew great crowds and in particular helped many
young couples; he had a special interest in those whose marriages had
gone wrong and was one of the early advocates of remarriage in church.

Green's greatest period of ministry was as Rector of Birmingham from
1949 to 1970. He drew enormous congregations to St Martin's,
Birmingham, with his preaching. He was instrumental in restoring the
church, and building St Martin's Hall and its adjunct buildings. Both
have served not only the church, but the city as a whole.

At the heart of his ministry Bryan Green was a parish priest. During
his time in Birmingham he would spend three months a year on missions
but he always felt that the credibility of all he did was based on his
work in the parish. He was also a superb team leader: I was his curate
for five years and was always amazed at his ability to draw out the
best from his colleagues and affirm them. He was the kind of man who
had a hundred good ideas each day and worked himself to the bone. At
the height of his ministry he would work right through the night once
a fortnight, dictating replies to the many letters he received from
those who read his articles on everyday ethics and morals in the
Women's Illustrated and in the Birmingham Post.

Green was impatient of church structures and his short period in
Convocation was a reflection of this. Anything which impeded the
progress of the Gospel in his eyes had to be side-stepped.

Bryan Green had a wonderful partnership with his wife, Win. Their home
was always open, with a flow of guests both staying and coming to
meals. Right to the end he never stopped thinkingof new ideas and new
ways of interpreting and sharing the Christian Gospel. There are many
hundreds of people who owe their commitment to Jesus Christ to Bryan's

The late Bishop Christopher Chevasse of Rochester wrote in 1951 about
Green's book The Practice of Evangelism: 'The Rector of Birmingham
knows more about evangelism than anyone else in the Church of England,
and anything he writes is well worth the careful attention of the


Mar 19, 2010, 3:46:43 AM3/19/10
On Mar 18, 11:10 am, wrote:

Pastor Fuckler..... LOL


Mar 19, 2010, 3:57:31 AM3/19/10
On Mar 18, 9:07 pm, matt2442 <> wrote:

> Matt2442;
> Seems like Pastor Fulcher (Pastor Fuckler, LOL!!) was probably Gene
> Scott's hardest core supporter among the clergy, but there were
> others. For a while there was a guy from Texas named Jim Reynolds,
> whom Doc never could get the guy's address down. I guess Doc wanted
> the guy to give his address every time he called in so he could tell
> people where his church was. I'm sure the guy eventually got sick of
> Gene because we didn't hear from him after a while. Then of course
> there was surfkrow's Pastor, Leslie Hale, who also appeared at the
> LAUC to kiss Doc's ass, and that Lutheran pastor who used to post in
> here for a while (I don't know to what degree he was supportive of
> Gene Scott, but Doc read from one of his books) and Pastor Barkocy,
> and also Dr. Kenton Beshore who was present at at least one of the

> "miracle" services. Can anyone think of any others?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

studio: Ken Connolly
(you got to check out the photos! KHOF TV!!!

Over more than 50 years of ministry, Dr. Kenneth Connolly has pastored
churches, taught in schools and on television, and scripted and hosted
biblical videotapes. One of his best known works is The Indestructible
Book , the story of how we received our English Bible.

Ken was born on June 19, 1927 in Sunderland, England, but was born
again on October 26, 1944 in Maybole, Scotland. Ken came to the United
States in 1950 under the auspices of the Billy Graham Association, and
became a naturalized citizen in May of 1966.

Ken pastored Grace Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas from 1953 to
1955, and Berean Baptist Church in Houston, Texas from 1964 to 1965.
He was the founding pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Orange,
California in 1966, and pastored there until 1976.

Ken taught Bible at Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri
from 1959 to 1964, and at Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College in San
Dimas, California from 1988 to 1993, where he was the chairman of the
Bible department.

Ken was an early pioneer in Christian television broadcasting, and
operated Christian television station channel 46 in Los Angeles from
1973 to 1975. He is the host and author of a number of Christian
documentaries, and has lectured extensively on the life of Christ and
on the Reformation.

Ken was a frequent guest speaker at Bible conferences worldwide,
including the U.S., Great Britain, Singapore, Hong Kong, India and

Dr. Ken went home to be with the Lord he so faithfully loved and
served on Friday, October 28th, 2005.


Mar 19, 2010, 1:18:21 PM3/19/10
On Mar 18, 9:07 pm, matt2442 <> wrote:
> "miracle" services. Can anyone think of any others?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Hey matt2442,
Remember when Barcozy used to post here on AFGS?
Gypsie and a few others bitch slapped him around for a while
and then he picked up his toys and left, never to return.
What a pussy pastor....but of a different kind.


Mar 19, 2010, 2:06:18 PM3/19/10
> What a pussy pastor....but of a different kind.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I remember taking Barcozy's calls. He seemed a nice enough fellow and
totally wrapped up in Scott with a Lone Star State flair. He used to
tell me about his stepping out to become Pastor of his own church and
how daunting a task it was.... being perfectly honest about it in the
telling. He did it too, found himself on stage addressing the
congregation and his own back home through the broadcast.

Surf... yes indeed, I was supportive of his ambitions and found words
and spirit to encourage him, for which he always thanked me as a


Mar 19, 2010, 2:54:21 PM3/19/10

> Matt2442;
> Seems like Pastor Fulcher (Pastor Fuckler, LOL!!) was probably Gene
> Scott's hardest core supporter among the clergy, but there were
> others. For a while there was a guy from Texas named Jim Reynolds,
> whom Doc never could get the guy's address down. I guess Doc wanted
> the guy to give his address every time he called in so he could tell
> people where his church was. I'm sure the guy eventually got sick of
> Gene because we didn't hear from him after a while. Then of course
> there was surfkrow's Pastor, Leslie Hale, who also appeared at the
> LAUC to kiss Doc's ass, and that Lutheran pastor who used to post in
> here for a while (I don't know to what degree he was supportive of
> Gene Scott, but Doc read from one of his books) and Pastor Barkocy,
> and also Dr. Kenton Beshore who was present at at least one of the
> "miracle" services. Can anyone think of any others?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Rumor has it that Beshore went to doc's funeral to pay tribute but
to let Melissa know that if a replacement was need for the teaching
position, that he would highly recommend Dr. Robert Morey.
When someone leaves a Christian congregation, they usually do it
quietly. Not so those who leave Faith Community Church, the Irvine
place of worship led by "Dr." Robert Morey, the resume-stretching
"expert" on Islam and emerging cult-of-personality preacher with a
fabulous hairdo and fanatical teachings. There are at least three
people I know who openly blog about Morey, much to his irritation.
Now, add a fourth: Glenn Hendrickson. Now, I usually don't cover
church member comings-and-goings, but Hendrickson's ordeal is telling
of Morey's bellicosity and my monitoring of FCC. To quote from Glenn's
Saturday post:

On Thursday of this week I resigned my membership from Faith Community
Church. Without sharing all of the details of how exactly I came to
take this action I think it would be good for me to clearly state why
I did what I did. In the process of an email conversation with Robert
Morey I was accused of sins which I had not committed. Morey said a
lot of hurtful things, and even stooped so low as to accuse me of
sending an email to other members of the church that I had never sent
or heard of. I asked him to forward me this email and *surprise
surprise* I have not heard from him in two days.

WTF? Accusing someone of sinning, but not saying which? Any good
Christian who heard their pastor treat a member of the flock like this
would leave their church. Let's hope more follow Glenn's lead. And, as
always, Morey bashers and his defenders are welcome to wail away

Joel Hughes has reported that Morey is threatening to sue him.
Larry Wessels has asked me to post his comments from an email to Joel.

"Dear Brother Joel,

Greetings in Christ. Keep calm and collected with strength from your
love & faith in the Lord God Almighty. This life has many seemingly
overwhelming tribulations & troubles but staying close to Jesus is the
key to overcoming them all; I for one can certainly testify to that.

You should obviously know by now what type of individual you are
dealing with in Morey and if not, please go back and review the posted
audios on or the pdf
reports about Morey on or
all the internet links at or all the
videos posted on Youtube (search truthseekerbobmorey) or the long
version Morey expose videos on Google Video or Yahoo Video (search
Robert Morey).

As documented in the above references, you are dealing with an
individual who is not restricted to dealing with issues in the typical
Biblical Christian way (meaning fair and truthful exchange of
information with a sincere and honest intent) but rather with someone
who will use every device that a saint or a devil would use. In other
words, Morey is not restricted to handling situations in a strictly
Christian manner, but rather he will use any and every gimmick,
threat, slander, fraud, deceit, con, etc. imaginable to attain his
desired goal if he deems it necessary. If he needs to lie he will lie
or if the truth works out better for him in some instances he will
tell the truth, or as other circumstances prevail he may feel that a
half-truth may better serve his purposes. This is the way Morey has
always operated yea these many years (which is one reason why he has
been involved in so many church splits over those same years, going
back to the 1980s).

Keep in mind that you are dealing with a person who sensationalizes
the claims he makes about himself being this great Bible "scholar" as
he sensationalizes the "value" of his "scholarly" books. He does this
because in the end the bottom line for him is that he needs somebody
to actually believe his "sensationalized" claims so they will support
his "ministry" with cash. Cash, and plenty of it, is what energizes
Morey's efforts in all he does when it comes to Christian ministry
(find out more on this at the lieutenantcolumbo site from Morey
himself on the audio file entitled "Morey Condemns Himself.").

The late Police investigator Hank Kitchen (see lieutenantcolumbo) said
it best about Morey when he described Morey as being like a plumber
who picks up his box of tools each day to go out and fix plumbing, to
the plumber it's just a job to make money. At the end of the day the
plumber does whatever he pleases. Hank said Morey uses Christianity
like a plumber's tool box to go out and make money, it's just a job.
One wonders where the love of Christ is in such a ministry as this.

As for myself I have said it since I discovered the "real" Robert
Morey in 1994 and have stated it again and again over the last 14
years in print, video and now the internet (although Morey has
threatened to sue me numerous times, he still has not done so, what is
taking him so long?) that Christians should be aware that Morey is a
"Proverbs 6" man. Proverbs 6 declares the six "yea seven" things "doth
the Lord hate" and I can testify that Morey does all seven! Look up
these verses in your Bible and prove me wrong. I say that Morey does
what he does against Christians not out of love for Christ but so he
can protect his own "filthy lucre" (1 Timothy 3:3,8) attained through
his "tool box" ministry.

Anyway, brother Joel, be strong and steadfast in Christ our Saviour
(Colossians 2: 2-15).

Because of the cross,

Larry Wessels
1 Peter 3:15"

Just as an update, the yahoo and google videos Larry mentioned have
since been added to the lieutenantcolumbo site "Dr. Robert A. Morey

Posted On: Monday, Jul. 21 2008 @ 11:19PM

Bob Squalonero says:
When I was a Psych major in college, one of the most interesting
personality disorders I studied, was that of "Anti-Social Personality
Disorder" (aka "psychopath" or "sociopath").

One of the trademark of these types of individuals is they like to use
any/every means necessary, in order to manipulate others to do their

Interestingly, one of the big "career fields" (if you will) where
these people "thrive" is religious ministry--more specifically, being
religious con artists.

Given what I've read thus far about Robert Morey, I can't help but
wonder if he's one of these types of people.

Posted On: Tuesday, Jul. 22 2008 @ 7:20AM

EXXXX-FCCmember says:
Above Bob S. referred to the possibility that Morey's behavior is
characterized by a personality disorder known as "Anti-Social
Personality Disorder" (aka "psychopath" or "sociopath").

For anyone wanting more information on this, here's something my
sister-in-law sent me on the topic that can be helpful in spotting con
artists. I leave it to you who've been burned by Morey and
subsequently investigated his past behavior patterns as to how well he
matches up against this. As always, those involved in this matter
should consider praying for people on both sides - Morey, his alleged
victims and people on both sides. A couple of well-known people who
have been deemed to have sociopathic tendency by some experts are O.J.
Simpson and President William Clinton.

Again, the information below on the sociopaths can be useful for
spotting con artists. I have a friend who is a retired pastor/
psychologist and he cautioned that people who are pathological liars/
sociopaths can be very difficult to fix, if that’s even possible. He
said many times you really can’t help them until they get to point
they want help, and until they have an internal heart change. It's
similar to when dealing with drug addicts and people attempting
suicide. If they don’t want to be helped it is a difficult situation.
You can only help the person if they’re willing to be changed. Change
can be scary for many people because it is scary to change out of our
comfort zone.


Profile of a Sociopath

A number of mind-manipulating cult leaders may exhibit many of the
behavioral characteristics of a sociopath--an outstanding ability to
charm and seduce followers. Since they appear apparently normal, they
are not easily recognizable as deviant or disturbed. Although only a
trained professional can make a diagnosis, it is important to be able
to recognize the personality type in order to avoid further abuse.
These traits also apply to a one-on-one cultic relationship.

- Glibness/Superficial Charm

Language can be used without effort by them to confuse and convince
their audience. Captivating storytellers that exude self-confidence,
they can spin a web that intrigues others. Since they are persuasive,
they have the capacity to destroy their critics verbally or

- Manipulative and Conning

They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving
behaviors permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly
hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument
to be used. They dominate and humiliate their victims.

- Grandiose Sense of Self

Feels entitled to certain things as "their right." Craves adulation
and attendance. Must be the center of attention with their own
fantasies as the "spokesman for God," "enlightened,"
"leader of humankind," etc. Creates an us-versus-them mentality

- Pathological Lying

Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for
them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught
in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely
convincing and able to pass lie detector tests.

- Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt

A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their
core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets
opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices
who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let
nothing stand in their way.

- Shallow Emotions

When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is
more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged
by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would
upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their

- Incapacity for Love

While they talks about "God's love" they are unable to give or receive
it. Since they do not believe in the geniuses of their followers'
they are very harsh in testing it from their devotees and expect them
to feel guilt for their failings. Expects unconditional surrender.

- Need for Stimulation

Living on the edge, yet testing the beliefs of their followers with
bizarre rules, punishments and behaviors. Verbal outbursts and
punishments are normal.

- Callousness/Lack of Empathy

Unable to emphasize with the pain of their victims, having only
contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage
of them. Their skills are used to exploit, abuse and exert power.
Since the follower cannot believe their leader would callously hurt
them, they rationalize the behavior as necessary for their (or the
group's) own "good" and deny the abuse. When devotees become aware of
the exploitation it feels like a "spiritual rape" to them.

- Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature

Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and
approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as
creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful,
all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries,
no concern for their impact on others. The followers only see them as
near perfect.

- Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency

Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet
"gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends;
behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.

- Irresponsibility/Unreliability

Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or
indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame
themselves, but blame their followers or others outside their group.
Blame reinforces passivity and obedience and produces guilt, shame,
terror and conformity in the followers.

- Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity

Totalist leaders frequently practice promiscuity, child sexual abuse,
rape and sexual acting out of all sorts. This is usually kept hidden
from all but the inner circle. Stringent sexual control of their
followers, such as forced breakups and divorces, removal of children
from parents, rules for dating, etc.

- Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle

Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the
future. Many groups claim as their goal world-domination or other
utopian promises. Great contrast between the leader's opulent
lifestyle and the followers' impoverishment. Support by gifts and
donations from the followers who are pressured to give through fear
and guilt. Highly sensitive to their own pain and health.

- Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility

Changes their image and that of the group as needed to avoid
prosecution and to increase income and to recruit a range of members.
Is able to adapt or relocate as needed to preserve the group. Can
resurface later with a new name, a new front group and a new twist on
the scam.


Other Related Qualities:

1. Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
2. Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
3. Authoritarian
4. Secretive
5. Paranoid
6. Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations
where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or
7. Conventional appearance
8. Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
9. Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
10. Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs
their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
11. Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
12. Incapable of real human attachment to another
13. Unable to feel remorse or guilt
14. Extreme narcissism and grandiose
15. May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

The above traits are based on the psychopathy checklists of H.
Cleckley and R. Hare.

NOTE: In the 1830's this disorder was called "moral insanity." By 1900
it was changed to "psychopathic personality." More recently it has
been termed "antisocial personality disorder."

-------------------------------------------------- The Sociopath (link

Letter which covers sociopathic behavior at headquarters

Without Conscience: The disturbing world of the psychopaths among us
by Robert D. Hare

(book) Books exposing Herbert W. Armstrong (includes where to order)

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Mar 19, 2010, 5:22:23 PM3/19/10
On Mar 19, 10:18 am, studio <> wrote:

> Hey matt2442,
> Remember when Barcozy used to post here on AFGS?
> Gypsie and a few others bitch slapped him around for a while
> and then he picked up his toys and left, never to return.
> What a pussy pastor....but of a different kind.

Hmm...I do recall him posting here once in response to a posting about
a young girl with an extaordinary gift of painting. I don't recall
anything particularly negative from him at the time. He just popped in
and out that one time. I did ask him how long it was since he attended
LAUC, and he responded. What did he say that required being bitch


Mar 19, 2010, 5:25:24 PM3/19/10
> rpbc:
> I remember taking Barcozy's calls.  He seemed a nice enough fellow and
> totally wrapped up in Scott with a Lone Star State flair.  He used to
> tell me about his stepping out to become Pastor of his own church and
> how daunting a task it was.... being perfectly honest about it in the
> telling.   He did it too, found himself on stage addressing the
> congregation and his own back home through the broadcast.
> Surf... yes indeed, I was supportive of his ambitions and found words
> and spirit to encourage him, for which he always thanked me as a
> brother.

I found a couple of his messages on Sermonaudio and downloaded them.
Scott's influence is definitely there. The subjects were the Book of
Enoch and the Pyramid as I recall. I still have them somewhere.


Mar 19, 2010, 6:01:02 PM3/19/10


I don't recall. It was long ago and I don't know if this google AFGS
is as good as TALKABOUT used to be. Heck, on TALKABOUT you could
look up anything, even minute words and that database would crunch
the archives and give you what you were looking for.

Did barcozy post his real name or did we figure it out? His first name
was Paul
was it not? Now that you jarred my memory, I believe one of us
figured out
it was him posting. I could be's been known to happen.
( ; {p


Mar 19, 2010, 8:44:56 PM3/19/10

If the above describes Morey accurately, he just might have been the
guy for LAUC, as he would have been just like the guy who died.


Mar 19, 2010, 8:47:40 PM3/19/10
> served on Friday, October 28th, 2005.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

These two guys, Green and Connolly were around in the early days,
right? I wonder whether they continued to be supportive of Gene Scott
of the mid 80's to 2005?


Mar 19, 2010, 9:59:45 PM3/19/10
> of the mid 80's to 2005?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I don't know about Connolly but the about the last time I saw Green he
was taping a message on what used to be the bandstand just right of
the little mixing board in Studio 2, would be Doc's left, had the city
view painted behind it. He had an appendicitis attack right in the
middle and had to be hurried to the hospital, Doc explained and asked
for prayer on his behalf that night on festival. I saw him one other
time after that practically running out of Studio 2 looking behind him
as if he'd seen a ghost.... and I'm not kidding. Don't know what
happened, Doc wasn't on the premisis as far as I know, but he was
actually frightened of something and leaving as one who'd just
discovered a ticking bomb with seconds to go, or who just had their
senses overwhelmed in a most horrifying way. I never forgot it.
Never heard his name mentioned again either.


Mar 19, 2010, 10:24:31 PM3/19/10
> rpbc:
> I don't know about Connolly but the about the last time I saw Green he
> was taping a message on what used to be the bandstand just right of
> the little mixing board in Studio 2, would be Doc's left, had the city
> view painted behind it.   He had an appendicitis attack right in the
> middle and had to be hurried to the hospital, Doc explained and asked
> for prayer on his behalf that night on festival.  I saw him one other
> time after that practically running out of Studio 2 looking behind him
> as if he'd seen a ghost.... and I'm not kidding.  Don't know what
> happened, Doc wasn't on the premisis as far as I know, but he was
> actually frightened of something and leaving as one who'd just
> discovered a ticking bomb with seconds to go, or who just had their
> senses overwhelmed in a most horrifying way.  I never forgot it.
> Never heard his name mentioned again either.

That's interesting. Someone out there must know what that was about.
Who else was in the studio at the time?


Mar 19, 2010, 10:49:03 PM3/19/10

Matt.... that was a long time ago and early enough before festival
many hadn't yet arrived. Mike Rod was there almost sure, a few others
I might remember but one thing I do remember is that few seemed aware
of Green's personal drama. I spoke to a girl next to me I knew kind
of well from being in the studio and she shared sort of as an after
thought that.... he did seem to be in a hurry... but not much more
than that. I know what I saw though, a look of being terrified is
unmistakable if one is paying attention... and he caught my direct
attention first by his body language as he hurried to the door looking
behind him a couple of times before concentrating on not tripping obrt
the chairs of the upper row of vof seats on his way out. I don't know
what set it off and didn't notice him till he was already in the


Mar 22, 2010, 12:38:28 PM3/22/10
> moment.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I also know from old tape lists that about 6 of Bryan Green's messages
were once available
from Dolores Press under the "M" series of miscellaneous messages.
They all had
recording dates in 1980 and 81.

Other pastors who were friends of Doc's in the 70's and 80's included:

Rev. Gary Lakey, Oakland, CA (on the board of Full Gospel Fellowship)

Rev. M.M. Merriweather, Newmount Pleasant Baptist Church, LA
(he and his choir appeared at a KH-1 evening service on 6/29/80 -
related to Glendale Police incident at KH2 on 6/7/80)

Dr. Jess Moody, 1st Baptist Church, Van Nuys, CA (had programs on the
old FBN)

Rev. Fred Hall, People's Church, Washington, D.C. (made famous or
infamous on video replay as "Fallin' Fred")

Rev. E. V. Hill, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, LA

Dr. Jack Chinn (did missions work for Wescott Christian Center,

Chaz Lambrusco

Mar 22, 2010, 12:58:19 PM3/22/10
It is amazing that Doc would be friends with Baptist ministers, when he
railed against legalism and altar calls so much.


Mar 22, 2010, 1:35:17 PM3/22/10

> - Manipulative and Conning
> They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving
> behaviors permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly
> hostile and domineering, seeing their victim ...
> read more »- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Well... with a resume like that he would have been a shoe in as Doc's


Mar 22, 2010, 1:48:45 PM3/22/10


> It is amazing that Doc would be friends with Baptist ministers, when he

> railed against legalism and altar calls so much.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Gene Scott was quite well known and was one of the most sought after
guest speakers at churches around the country. He knew most of the
people of the church world going back years and years... evidence the
long term friendship between Pop and Jake Hess, others who at one time
had been near household names. Scott had intimated that one of the
reasons he decided to 'put his own oars in the water' was because he
became tired of being the guest who filled the offering bags for
others while he was treated as hired help, having to tailor his
messages with respect for the local pastor.... a noble and classy
thing to do actually, explaining that he always respected the house of
another. Of course his oars became a mighty self righteous engine
that ran him right over the falls which is the sad and tragic
observation of those who valued and knew him as teacher/professor.


Mar 22, 2010, 3:38:18 PM3/22/10
> Oroville)- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

According to some reports, Jack Chinn denied having
any ties to Gene Scott or his schemes.


Mar 22, 2010, 4:56:22 PM3/22/10
> any ties to Gene Scott or his schemes.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

That's interesting because I remember Doc reading a phone message
from Jack Chinn on the air during a Festival one time. I also remember
Jack Chinn on a Sunday service broadcast from KH1, but anything is
on planet Scott.

Another pastor whom I forgot to mention in the earlier list was Dr.
Ralph Wilkerson
of Melodyland. I think his name has come up a number of times in this



Mar 22, 2010, 5:38:39 PM3/22/10
On Mar 18, 9:07 pm, matt2442 <> wrote:
> "miracle" services. Can anyone think of any others?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Beshore is doc's source for PO BOX 1


Mar 22, 2010, 10:19:11 PM3/22/10
> -DP- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Wilkerson is the one Scott said he saw going out the back door of his
house as he came in the front, home early from some trip. Something
going on there with Betty. I heard Scott say this one time during a
tirade back in the early years and I believe the camera was on but not
as sure of the camera as I am of hearing him say it. As Wilkerson
spoke at Pop's service there was a moment of tension between them as
Wilkerson made a remark meant to assuage without giving any ground to
unfinished business between the two of them. It wasn't in the VHS
made available after the service to those who went with the children
that day and I'm still amazed how it was edited so quickly. A friend
of mine who received a VHS of the service gave it to me years later
because it wouldn't play, turned out the machine that made it had an
issue with tape alignment and a correctly adjusted machine would not
track it. I modified a machine and it played back correctly with its
hi fi sound track intact.... just a bit of trivia.


Mar 23, 2010, 12:46:22 AM3/23/10
> hi fi sound track intact.... just a bit of trivia.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Pope: Doc did say no man could keep up with a woman. Sounds like first
hand experience here.


Mar 23, 2010, 1:06:51 AM3/23/10
On Mar 22, 9:46 pm, PopeChumpo <> wrote:
> Pope: Doc did say no man could keep up with a woman. Sounds like first
> hand experience here.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Well, if all your women are porn actresses and such.......maybe.


Mar 23, 2010, 1:33:09 AM3/23/10
On Mar 22, 9:46 pm, PopeChumpo <> wrote:
> hand experience here.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Sounds like an excuse too.


Mar 23, 2010, 1:38:58 AM3/23/10

Pope: But his first and second wife were not the whore types that he
gravitated to later. Even they were not getting enough. If he couldn't
satisfy them, why didn't he settle for someone his own age and stop
worring about it? what was the attraction at the pornstar level? To
make the former wives feel he actually did have what it took?


Mar 23, 2010, 1:50:27 AM3/23/10

Well.... when he left festival one evening after throwing his lapel
mike aside and saying under his breathe for those close by to
hear..... to hell with you Christine Shaw... it was right after that
the pony girls started. Guess he really showed Christine, huh. What
he couldn't do in bed he did in spite, sure showed her. He found a
woman that didn't need that stuff, found one that got it, only person
in thirty five years that got it, and we know from her own words that
he never consummated the marriage. That's proof... proof of

Yes, he really said that as he stomped off the set. It was after the
cameras were off.


Mar 23, 2010, 2:06:40 AM3/23/10
> cameras were off.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Pope: Maybe Christine was suppose to come back. Maybe his planned
failed and she wasn't suppose to say, to hell with you also, Gene


Mar 23, 2010, 4:56:32 AM3/23/10
> cameras were off.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I think Pastor Barbie got more pussy than he ever did!


Mar 23, 2010, 1:21:07 PM3/23/10
> cameras were off.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Reminds me of the time on Valentines Day 1985 when he had a Festival
with only men VOF's in the studio and dubbed it "All Men's Night." It
a Thursday night and he had a bad cold, so his voice sounded very
but he was still able to rail on about the pecking order between men
and women.

At one point he bellowed, "Ain't no woman gonna git on top o' me! I
stay in command!"


Mar 23, 2010, 1:48:05 PM3/23/10
> stay in command!"- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

gypsie: I remember at a Sundae service that doc decided that no one
would stand taller than him (esp women) so he had Toni and all other
females bow or get lower than his head while on stage et al. It was
comical but really embarrasing. Anyone else remember this?


Mar 23, 2010, 1:52:50 PM3/23/10
> stay in command!"- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

WM-Yep, Ol Gene was a strait missionary man. And just a tad insane.


Mar 23, 2010, 7:06:41 PM3/23/10
> comical but really embarrasing. Anyone else remember this?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Oh s##t Gypsie... I remember that, and it was embarrassing. He meant
it too, was seriously into the moment. DP.... I remember the all
men's festival too, I was there for it.... skoal, skoal, skoal, drink
from the skull of the defeated.... it was full of such bravado and
macho foolishness.

PC.... I think Christine had already said to hell with you and all he
had was foolish pride attempting to hurt her enough to put himself
back one up in the relationship. Looking back on all this he really
was quite immature in that department, and remained so... if you still
don't love me I'll blacken your other eye.... had to be for Melissa to
work her trade on him and because of a late phone hang up with a
certain staff person it was overheard that he tried it on Melissa too
but she knew enough by then to threaten to leave him, which she did
for a short period, and it worked... after that it was if she says
it's raining outside and there's not a cloud in the sky as far as your
concerned it's raining.


Mar 23, 2010, 8:11:03 PM3/23/10
On Mar 23, 4:06 pm, rpbc <> wrote:

> rpbc:
> Oh s##t Gypsie... I remember that, and it was embarrassing.  He meant
> it too, was seriously into the moment.   DP.... I remember the all
> men's festival too, I was there for it.... skoal, skoal, skoal, drink
> from the skull of the defeated.... it was full of such bravado and
> macho foolishness.
> PC.... I think Christine had already said to hell with you and all he
> had was foolish pride attempting to hurt her enough to put himself
> back one up in the relationship.  Looking back on all this he really
> was quite immature in that department, and remained so... if you still
> don't love me I'll blacken your other eye.... had to be for Melissa to
> work her trade on him and because of a late phone hang up with a
> certain staff person it was overheard that he tried it on Melissa too
> but she knew enough by then to threaten to leave him, which she did
> for a short period, and it worked... after that it was if she says
> it's raining outside and there's not a cloud in the sky as far as your

> concerned it's raining.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

It might not be raining but Melissa pissed on his parade and she
made him call it rain.

I can just hear her say, "If I piss on your crusty white head I better
you say it's beautiful rain".........and he did.


Mar 23, 2010, 8:52:48 PM3/23/10
WM-Gene reminded me of a bitch many times. A male bitch not a bastard.
He seemd to have an equal problem with certain male things as he
demonstrated with women in his never ending bitching about it.

His problem with women seemed to be that he had to have sex with them.
lol har!


Mar 23, 2010, 10:15:47 PM3/23/10
> rpbc:
> Well.... when he left festival one evening after throwing his lapel
> mike aside and saying under his breathe for those close by to
> hear..... to hell with you Christine Shaw... it was right after that
> the pony girls started.  Guess he really showed Christine, huh.  What
> he couldn't do in bed he did in spite, sure showed her.  He found a
> woman that didn't need that stuff, found one that got it, only person
> in thirty five years that got it, and we know from her own words that
> he never consummated the marriage.  That's proof... proof of
> something.
> Yes, he really said that as he stomped off the set.  It was after the
> cameras were off.

I thought the whole pony girl phase was Doc's vindictiveness toward
Christine. That's bad enough, but when you add the fact that he had
people removed from the church if they didn't applaud the girls when
the entered the auditorium, it's even worse. He dragged the
congregation through his personal issues and made it an issue of their


Mar 23, 2010, 10:18:47 PM3/23/10

> gypsie: I remember at a Sundae service that doc decided that no one
> would stand taller than him (esp women) so he had Toni and all other
> females bow or get lower than his head while on stage et al. It was
> comical but really embarrasing. Anyone else remember this?

That's classic! I wish I had a recording of that one. A true
narcissist moment. What an asshole.


Mar 24, 2010, 4:30:23 AM3/24/10
> comical but really embarrasing. Anyone else remember this?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -


Mar 25, 2010, 4:30:23 AM3/25/10

do you believe her..


Mar 25, 2010, 3:46:38 PM3/25/10
> do you believe her..- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I do believe her.


Mar 27, 2010, 1:38:37 PM3/27/10
On Mar 23, 7:15 pm, matt2442 <> wrote:

Pope: Your're right. He used the congregation to rub it in to
Christine even further. He wanted to show her, how she missed out, and
it could have been her instead getting the red carpet treatment from
the congregation. But as you point out, at what cost? The cost of your

And what an odd view of people Gene had of those coming to hear him
preach. For him to believe that whatever he came up with, the
congregation was to follow and God was good with it, manifests his
belief he was Pope.

Yes, he used an entire congregation of christians, even intruding in
upon their personal relationship with God, to fulfill his anger toward


Mar 27, 2010, 4:44:25 PM3/27/10
> > Matt2442:
> > I thought the whole pony girl phase was Doc's vindictiveness toward
> > Christine. That's bad enough, but when you add the fact that he had
> > people removed from the church if they didn't applaud the girls when
> > the entered the auditorium, it's even worse. He dragged the
> > congregation through his personal issues and made it an issue of their
> > salvation.
> Pope: Your're right. He used the congregation to rub it in to
> Christine even further. He wanted to show her, how she missed out, and
> it could have been her instead getting the red carpet treatment from
> the congregation. But as you point out, at what cost? The cost of your
> salvation?
> And what an odd view of people Gene had of those coming to hear him
> preach. For him to believe that whatever he came up with, the
> congregation was to follow and God was good with it, manifests his
> belief he was Pope.
> Yes, he used an entire congregation of christians, even intruding in
> upon their personal relationship with God, to fulfill his anger toward
> Christine.

I think that mostly he wanted Christine to see him surrounded by these
beautiful women and make her jealous. Recently,on an old VHS tape I
found a festival where he was talking about the girls, apparently
right at the beginning of that phase. He mentioned "I was told that no
woman would ever want to look at me. NOT TRUE!" I don't think I ever
recorded it, but I do recall some months later tuning in and he was
making an issue of people not applauding as the girls came in. "I will
not tolerate any pockets of dissention in this church" was what he
said regarding those who refused to stand and applaud.
Further example of Doc's "popery" was, on that same tape, but from a
few years earlier, Doc in his clerical collar on a day when too few
people showed up, him saying "I used to say that you don't have to go
to church to be saved. I still believe that. BUT, if you are assigned
to this church as evidenced by the fact that you get your spiritual
food here, and I as the God ordained Domata draw a line around the
Cathedral and say that is our testimony...and you don't make that
commitment, you ain't goin to heaven!" That of course is paraphrased
from memory, but the gis is there. He is basically saying without
realizing it that people outside his church have more freedom than
those inside, because once you become part of Scott's congregation, no
longer is it what Jesus already did for you, but some arbitrary "line
in the sand" as Scott would call it (the cathedral, the 300,000 a
month budget, etc) and your living up to his (not God's) expectation
of your performance, including 100% agreement with all of his antics
(horses, pony girls) that is what determines your entrance into
heaven. I really think Scott crossed a major line with God when he
made that declaration and others like it. This was from the man who at
other times put on the Luther hat and claimed to be preaching the
message of salvation by grace alone through faith alone. No wonder
there is so much confusion on planet Scott.


Mar 27, 2010, 6:49:39 PM3/27/10
WM-And he really believed that Matt. He could control the way and
means of others in and out. I thought at one time he said things like
this tongue in cheek but came to learn. He may have been truly but
operationally spiritually mad. And worse he liked to rub it in which
should have been the clue.


Mar 27, 2010, 6:54:54 PM3/27/10

The message of grace, that he so often proclaimed as the message of
his church, saying that a new reformation was needed, should have sent
him as far in the opposite direction of anything like that as he could


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