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Hey, God Slurpers: Is America Great Again, YET?

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Jan 23, 2017, 2:58:28 PM1/23/17
All the world has seen is Trump lying, tweeting lies, contradicting
himself, lying more, lying about lying, covering up one lie with
another, lying about that lie. Total greedy incompetence...the
conservative way. Putin has him a sockpuppet in Trump.

"Draining the Swamp" with rich CEOs, bankers, Wall Street Insiders put
in place BY Trump --- the same bastards that MADE America NOT Great.

"Alternative facts"


Gonna be a very DIFFICULT four years for you Christian simpletons
having to believe, justify, accept everything your Dorito colored
savior tweets out his blowhole.

But YOU wanted this Satan just to get power back, uh, for the people.
Right. The people meaning YOU.

YOU never had power, never will. The precious rich 1% are still in
power. Always will be as long as bulls like you charge when the flag
is waved at them.

America right or wrong? With fools like YOU, it will always be wrong.


Jan 23, 2017, 3:44:00 PM1/23/17
rpbc: I'm so glad you dropped by. Posts like yours become great examples for future reference.


Jan 23, 2017, 4:44:24 PM1/23/17
On Monday, January 23, 2017 at 11:58:28 AM UTC-8, euGene'...@yourface.nul wrote:
It must feel terrible to be you ...especially since you pussy heads lost the election. I guess all the people who believed Obama are disgusted with the Jackass party and voted for Trump. The people of all ethnicities and religions have rejected another 4-8 yrs of fascism and poverty. And we are encouraged and confident so far, seeing how President Trump has rolled up his sleeves and gotten to work on fulfilling his campaign promises even before he was sworn in. I am busting with pride and love for my President ...The Donald. :)

Trump's biggest campaign promises face 'Day 1' test

Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- As a candidate, Donald Trump made a slew of "Day One" promises that any president would find daunting.

He declared that repealing and replacing his predecessor's health care law would be "one of his first acts as president." He released an 18-point plan for actions that would push forward sweeping ethics reforms and potentially undo scores of regulations. And he promised to fundamentally change the nation's approach to immigration and begin work on an impenetrable wall along the southern border - all on his first day.

Some of Trump's proposals would be easy: They require executive action or simply announcing his intention to do something.

Others, however, require congressional approval and would likely draw numerous legal challenges.

The list is long and ambitious - and there's no indication from the White House that the president has any intention of taking them all up on Monday.

Nonetheless, here is a list of everything Trump promised to do on "Day One" of his administration:


-Stop all federal funding to "sanctuary cities" - places where local officials don't arrest or detain immigrants living in the country illegally for federal authorities.

-Begin deporting what Trump estimates to be more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants living in the country.

-Cancel visas for citizens of foreign countries that won't take those criminal illegal immigrants back.

-Immediately terminate former President Barack Obama's "two illegal executive amnesties." That presumably includes DACA, which protects people who were brought into the country illegally as children.

-Begin working on an "impenetrable physical wall" along the southern border.

-Ask Congress to pass "Kate's Law," which would increase penalties on people who unlawfully re-enter the United States after being removed.


-Immediately suspend the Syrian refugee program.

-Convene his generals and inform them that they have 30 days to submit a new plan for defeating the Islamic State group.

-Suspend immigration from "terror-prone regions" where he says vetting is too difficult.

-Implement new "extreme" immigration vetting techniques.


-Announce his intention to renegotiate or withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico.

-Formally withdraw from the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership.

-Direct his treasury secretary to label China a currency manipulator.


-Propose a Constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.

-Ban White House and congressional officials from becoming lobbyists for five years after they leave the government.

-Ban former White House officials from lobbying on behalf of foreign governments for the rest of their lives.

-Ban foreign lobbyists from raising money for U.S. elections.

-Impose a hiring freeze on federal employees, excluding military, public safety, and public health staff.

-Impose a requirement that for every new federal regulation imposed, two existing regulations be eliminated.


-Remove any Obama-era roadblocks to energy projects such as the Keystone XL pipeline.

-Lift restrictions on mining coal and drilling for oil and natural gas.

-Cancel payments to the U.N.'s climate change programs and use the money to fix America's water and environmental infrastructure.


-Cancel "every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama."

-Ask Congress to send him a bill to repeal and replace Obama's signature health care law.

-Begin the process of selecting a new Supreme Court justice.

-Get rid of gun-free zones in schools and on military bases.


Jan 23, 2017, 4:55:13 PM1/23/17
On Monday, January 23, 2017 at 11:58:28 AM UTC-8, euGene'...@yourface.nul wrote:
Here ya go stupididoo muzzie cum sucker, your dream come true. How great is this?


Jan 23, 2017, 4:59:24 PM1/23/17
On Monday, January 23, 2017 at 11:58:28 AM UTC-8, euGene'...@yourface.nul wrote:
Hey muzzie cum sucker, did you hear My President Trump say we are going to Wipe Out Radical Islam Worldwide? That's another reason he was elected, already making America Great Again! enjoy -


Jan 23, 2017, 6:02:24 PM1/23/17
Still, a "no" vote from Rubio would not doom Tillerson's confirmation, because the nomination could go directly to the Senate floor even without a positive committee recommendation. But it would be an embarrassing rebuke to Trump just as his presidency gets under way, with real investigations swirling about his ties to Russia

. (((((((studio))))))) .

Jan 26, 2017, 1:19:06 PM1/26/17
On Monday, January 23, 2017 at 11:58:28 AM UTC-8, euGene'...@yourface.nul wrote:
Please get back in line and march with the rest of the bleary eyed women.
Let the men handle the fucked up job left to them by the last 8 years.

Putin, like Trump is resisting the fucked up Globalists.
It's not the first time in history the USA has joined
forces with Russia to defeat a common enemy.

Please read history so you don't look like a giant
fucktard idiot, anti Christian shithead.


Jan 26, 2017, 1:28:47 PM1/26/17
Democrats introduce bill to take nuclear football out of Trump's hands

By Edmund DeMarche
Published January 25, 2017

Trump to take over the nuclear 'football'
Two Democratic lawmakers introduced legislation Tuesday that would prevent President Trump from launching a nuclear weapon without a obtaining a congressional declaration of war.


Jan 26, 2017, 1:31:58 PM1/26/17
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s job running the State Department just got considerably more difficult. The entire senior level of management officials resigned Wednesday, part of an ongoing mass exodus of senior foreign service officers who don’t want to stick around for the Trump era.

Gerald - push back and or last president standing, haha

. (((((((studio))))))) .

Jan 26, 2017, 1:52:15 PM1/26/17
On Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 10:31:58 AM UTC-8, geraldkrug wrote:
> Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s job running the State Department just got considerably more difficult. The entire senior level of management officials resigned Wednesday, part of an ongoing mass exodus of senior foreign service officers who don’t want to stick around for the Trump era.
> Gerald - push back and or last president standing, haha

Just between me and you gibberish breath, people don't
get "fired" in Washington, they are usually prompted to resign.

Besides, ata boys for them quiting, makes room for team players!

Good job reporting Gerald.


Jan 26, 2017, 2:11:59 PM1/26/17
Don't forget, 2 cabinet confirmations on hold indefinitely also.


Jan 26, 2017, 5:05:20 PM1/26/17
The Executive Orders signed today are harmful to immigrant children and families throughout our country," AAP President Fernando Stein said. "Many of the children who will be most affected are the victims of unspeakable violence and have been exposed to trauma.

“Children do not immigrate, they flee." Stein said. "They are coming to the U.S. seeking safe haven in our country and they need our compassion and assistance.
Gerald - assjail never thinks about root causes, tragically.


Jan 27, 2017, 12:41:39 AM1/27/17
rpbc: Again, Hi Studio. This is so revealing... It's been so very long since we've had an alfa male President 'they' think holding up cabinet positions is causing some type of interference for Donald Trump. Idiots, they've been neutered for so long they don't realize that a Commander in Chief will simply do the job himself until a suitable person is available to handle the logistics. Whom ever fills a position will do the will of leadership anyway...leadership, something that's been missing until Trump arrived.

. (((((((studio))))))) .

Jan 27, 2017, 1:58:59 AM1/27/17
On Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 9:41:39 PM UTC-8, rpbc wrote:
> rpbc: Again, Hi Studio. This is so revealing... It's been so very long since we've had an alfa male President 'they' think holding up cabinet positions is causing some type of interference for Donald Trump. Idiots, they've been neutered for so long they don't realize that a Commander in Chief will simply do the job himself until a suitable person is available to handle the logistics. Whom ever fills a position will do the will of leadership anyway...leadership, something that's been missing until Trump arrived.

Everyone who President Trump appoints is an Alpha Male or Female.

I love how he dangles the carrot of Twitter feeds and as the fake news guys go ape shit over what he posted, he does an end around and gets
things done on the real business at hand. Smart.

I can't believe they fall for it every time!


Jan 27, 2017, 3:05:18 AM1/27/17
On Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 10:58:59 PM UTC-8, . (((((((studio))))))) . wrote:
> On Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 9:41:39 PM UTC-8, rpbc wrote:
> > rpbc: Again, Hi Studio. This is so revealing... It's been so very long since we've had an alfa male President 'they' think holding up cabinet positions is causing some type of interference for Donald Trump. Idiots, they've been neutered for so long they don't realize that a Commander in Chief will simply do the job himself until a suitable person is available to handle the logistics. Whom ever fills a position will do the will of leadership anyway...leadership, something that's been missing until Trump arrived.
Studio: Everyone who President Trump appoints is an Alpha Male or Female.
> I love how he dangles the carrot of Twitter feeds and as the fake news guys go ape shit over what he posted, he does an end around and gets
> things done on the real business at hand. Smart.
> I can't believe they fall for it every time!

rpbc: Of course, obvious to us, that's who he appoints... alfa men and women. I have to laugh.. the sheer ignorance and stupidity, traits fashioned together, of those the globalists have hired as front men and women. I hate to make the reference but Trump is 'here bossying' them constantly while at the same time rendering them irrelevant... just like he did them, and the contenders... Yeah Jeb, everybody knows you're a tough guy... etc... during the primaries. They just can't believe someone in that position actually says what he means and does what he says. They think he's working some angle and as a result have no clue as to what is happening or what to do about it. In the mean time... those who do know, and applaud, are championing him, those bitter clingers to guns and religion, making it plain to see this can't be put back in the bottle. Before the magicians realized it the spell was broken and it is too late to reign it in least the audience rise up in terrible force.

I bet there aren't any terrorist attacks any time soon... no Benghazi stand downs, no Saudi safe exit after 911, no cartel boasting of killing the president or harming his family, no Castroites threatening escapees in Miami. If there are it will be Green berets in and out with headless snakes dead in the weeds. And they know it. He is doing for the United States what any of us would do for our families and the ones we love. This is our country and no one gets to fuck with it... not in the murderous, treacherous, treasonous way they've been doing it. Selah.. thank God.

. (((((((studio))))))) .

Jan 27, 2017, 2:29:31 PM1/27/17
He just had a press conference with Brit Prime Minister.

Looks like a good start.


Jan 27, 2017, 4:15:00 PM1/27/17
assjail has no substance until he fixes root cause which is inner city poverty.


Jan 27, 2017, 6:36:37 PM1/27/17
Republicans Have a Warning for President Trump: Don't Play Nice With Russia
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