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Re: Jesus Love Me LONG Time.. Pastor Melissa Scott And Pornstars 4 Jesus

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Jun 19, 2009, 10:31:16 PM6/19/09
On Jun 19, 6:13 pm, Freddie <> wrote:

best quote from article:

Same goes for pastors. In the end I may have Melissa Scott’s back in
the quest to shake up the doctrine of male-dominated pulpits, but I
have to take her seriously as someone capable of misusing her power in
the spiritual department (ie, the prosperity doctrine).

In the end I can’t turn a blind eye to her ability to not only lead a
congregation, but to mislead. The saddest part of this story being
that Scott feels as though she NEEDS to be forgiven for her sexually
explicit past.


Jun 19, 2009, 11:15:48 PM6/19/09
On Jun 19, 7:31 pm, studio <> wrote:

The saddest part of this story being
> that Scott feels as though she NEEDS to be forgiven for her sexually
> explicit past.

Reply: Looks like Christine hasn't or will ever figure out PMS if
she continues to think PMS has or would ever feel the NEED to be


Jun 20, 2009, 12:22:30 AM6/20/09

O, I don't claim to have PMS figured out. I'm just guessing that she
has "come to peace" or considers herself "forgiven" for her sexually
explicit past. Perhaps other people will never forgiver her for her
past. Maybe she will never forgive herself. Maybe she is entirely at
peace with what she has and has not done. Maybe she isn't. I'm
guessing, yes guessing, that somewhere between naked hoochy pics and
her leading ppl to christ, she has come to terms with her sexually
explicit past... and guessing she might have asked in her heart of
hearts for some type of forgiveness from her saviour. But we'll never
know. Point is, IF she sees her offcolor background as "sinful", I'm
guessing she thinks she needs to be forgiven for it. And that is what
I personally find as sad, the "sinfulness" of being a sexually
explicit female.

No, I'll never know. Have to admit, I'm not an expert on PMS.


Jun 20, 2009, 12:53:36 AM6/20/09

Wow.... now there's a woman full of hate... the one writing on the


Jun 20, 2009, 1:04:01 AM6/20/09

'O'... now there's an opening to identify yourself. Just recently I
read an astute summation of Melissa. You can take the porn star out
of the game but you can't take the game out of the porn star. Tea...
it's nothing about sex with her... it's all about power and the
ultimate satisfaction of that is being worshipped. Reducing sin to
anything simply sexual does not do the word justice. Indeed, the
reduction serves the need of sin for cover.


Jun 20, 2009, 1:15:05 AM6/20/09
Note to Diane di Prima: from H. S8n:

Some here refer to Pastor Barbie Bridges as:

It's Cenobite Barbie


Jun 20, 2009, 1:20:18 AM6/20/09


Jun 20, 2009, 1:25:37 AM6/20/09
On Jun 19, 10:20 pm, H8N S8N <> wrote:
> Diane di Prima on Leonard Cohen

I notice she didn't post Cohen's 'The Future' lyrics. For a fan
that's a hard one to overlook.


Jun 20, 2009, 1:38:07 AM6/20/09

> rpbc:
> 'O'... now there's an opening to identify yourself.  Just recently I
> read an astute summation of Melissa.   You can take the porn star out
> of the game but you can't take the game out of the porn star.   Tea...
> it's nothing about sex with her... it's all about power and the
> ultimate satisfaction of that is being worshipped.  Reducing sin to
> anything simply sexual does not do the word justice.  Indeed, the
> reduction serves the need of sin for cover.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

O is one way of introducing oneself. Especially in the midwest. One
of many ways.

True, sex and power are intertwined. I have no doubt she is very much
interested in the power of that pulpit. And in that sex is seen as a
power play by some ppl more than others, i don't doubt that ppl will
be upset about the power behind her former use of sex. I understand
that sin is a loaded word, and sex and power are complex "sins". I
don't really think she cares too much about her use of sex in the
past. I do think she cares about what kind of power she has behind
the pulpit. I'm only guessing she considers bits of her sexual past
as sinful, and in need of forgiveness... probably moreso than her
current use and abuse of power. Which is really too bad.

And ultimately, who cares if you can't take the game out of a porn
star? Lots of people out there who have never even watched porn who
are quite capable of messing around with "the game", messing with
ppl's lives. She was in a performance type of role, which is exactly
what makes for (one type of) a good pastor. You've got to know how to
keep a crowd in the palm of your hand. No need to hold that part of
her charisma against her. imo.


Jun 20, 2009, 1:46:02 AM6/20/09

when they said repent/i wonder what they meant?

so much internet space to waste, so little time.


Jun 20, 2009, 1:47:11 AM6/20/09

That's an amazing Barbie.


Jun 20, 2009, 3:01:28 AM6/20/09
On Jun 19, 9:22 pm, teandoranges <> wrote:

Reply: Sorry if I offended you. I did not write it as a insult to
I read your blog and it seems like you were trying to get a fix on
PMS. Is she real or is it an act? I enjoyed reading it. You seem
to be a fair person and was just giving your opinions.

Don't feel bad. No one is an expert on PMS.You don't have to explain
yourself to me. I think I understand where you were coming from.

But one thing you should know is that PMS has said many times
that she doesn't have to apologize to anyone for her past (not
to the porno stuff) as God has forgiven her.

What most casual viewers do not know is that is PMS lied to
everyone, including her supporters, tithers, congregations, and
the world and then tried (still is) to cover up her porno past and how
deeply she was
involved with it. She lied (and in a supposedly House of God....LAUC)
to everyone.
THAT is what shows her true colors. Her porno past isn't the big
The continued lying and cover ups is the issue for most people,
me. IMO, she shows no guilt because she has none....she's the domata!
PMS answers to no one.....(and that's a quote from her)


Jun 20, 2009, 3:45:21 AM6/20/09

O... well, I guess you missed the tongue in cheek on that line. There
won't be anything to measure anymore is pointed at the heart of it.
The biggest sin is to be conscious of none.... to take the tongue out
of the cheek. It's the poetry... the poetry, girl.


Jun 20, 2009, 3:47:10 AM6/20/09
Who here is qualified to argue with a pastor who?

Has an IQ 26 points higher than:

1. Albert Einstein

2. Stephen Hawking

3. Bill Gates


Jun 20, 2009, 3:53:17 AM6/20/09
> PMS answers to no one.....(and that's a quote from her)- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Well that's close Deara... about no guilt because she has none. She
has none because she's not capable of it. It's in the definition/
function of the sociopath.

Deara... are you familiar with the expression 'here Bossy' as used by
Gene Scott? Something about your post above makes me want to ask
that. Oh, on second thought, don't answer... I'm leaving the question


Jun 20, 2009, 4:12:40 AM6/20/09

I don't think sex and power have anything inherently to do with sin,
and if it is complex or not it doesn't need sex or power though it
certanly enables.... sins of lusting for power are the easiest to
discern, sex usually goes along for that ride. I don't think she
cares anything about anything that does not promote her interests in
power and being worshipped. If she could openly use porn to promote
herself in the pursuit of power in that pulpit she'd be doing it. I
honestly do not think the word sin in any of it's meanings ever
crosses her mind to apply it to herself. That's the area of checking
one's soul with the Almighty and doing otherwise... she doesn't check
her soul... how could she using the pulpit, playing with peoples
spiritual lives the way she does, it's not to be a performance. Some
things are absolute, this is one of them....


Jun 20, 2009, 9:20:48 AM6/20/09

> But one thing you should know is that PMS has said many times
> that she doesn't have to apologize to anyone for her past (not
> admitting
> to the porno stuff) as God has forgiven her.
> What most casual viewers do not know is that is PMS lied to
> everyone, including her supporters, tithers, congregations, and
> the world and then tried (still is) to cover up her porno past and how
> deeply she was
> involved with it.  She lied (and in a supposedly House of God....LAUC)
> to everyone.
> THAT is what shows her true colors.  Her porno past isn't the big
> issue.
> The continued lying and cover ups is the issue for most people,
> including
> me.  IMO, she shows no guilt because she has none....she's the domata!
> PMS answers to no one.....(and that's a quote from her)- Hide quoted text -

No harm done. Would actually like for more conversations like this on
the blog itself.

I understand that she is not extremely forthcoming with details about
her past, and ultimately she is right, that she doesn't have to
explain her past to anyone. If she is lying and covering up a
sexually explicit past, isn't that between PMS and her "god" and PMS
and her congregation? I suspect that as she gets more and more of the
spotlight on her, she will be much less willing to admit to her past,
or eventually give in to the pressure, lose some followers, gain

What I'm trying to understand, is to what degree there is a double
standard here? IF she were entirely "honest" about her past, that
would please one crowd and seriously tick off another that would claim
she is profitting off her sin/sex. If she refuses to talk about her
past, and to deny to some degree, she will piss off an entirely
different crowd claiming that she is not being totally honest. It
still comes down to people not being happy with the way she handles
her sexually explicit past.

Plenty of Powerful preachers out there who Profit from the schtick of
how sinful they used to be. Plenty of preachers out there who live
"sinful" lives and never admit to it (whether sins of the flesh or of
the heart). And the vast majority of those preachers are men.

This is not quite like Haggard caught in the act. PMS's followers get
to make that choice whether or not they care about her truth telling
right at the outset. They know what they are getting into... or they
should as free thinking adults. It is their decision of whether they
believe her or not, or whether they even care or not.

And honestly, I'm hammering out my understanding of her, and to what
degree there may or may not be a double standard, as we go along.
Pretty much every church I've been in has a pastor that to some degree
or another profits off sin/guilt. Once again, I'm not a fan of what I
know of what she preaches, but I have no problem with her not dwelling
on her past.


Jun 20, 2009, 9:28:15 AM6/20/09
On Jun 19, 9:22 pm, teandoranges <> wrote:

"...offcolor background as sinful?" Pastor Melissa Scott has such a
terribly "dark" past that she has to continue the cover-up because she
chose to lie about it. Avoid the trappings of ignorance and don't
defend Pastor Melissa Scott based solely on her gender.


Jun 20, 2009, 2:18:56 PM6/20/09
> defend Pastor Melissa Scott based solely on her gender.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Well said Obrien.

Gender Benders usually adhere to a stereotype
that depicts themselves as non stereotypical.

Case in pont, that guy on the internet who cried
over Britney Spears and said, "LEAVE HER ALONE"!

Pathetic and self indulgent. Melissa that is.

But it seems the core issue is nondisclosure
but it's not. It's in the way she cons people out of money
and how she portrays herself as a scholar when clearly
she isn't except to those who haven't a clue what she's
scribbling on that board.

Right now I'm having a discussion with that guy on
MY TAI CHI LIFE. He has similar affections for Melissa
so I'm asking him to put down the tea and do a little research
before he starts proclaiming Melissa is a linguistic godsend.

You might know it as work, to get down to the root of the matter.
It's just laziness to pass it off as a private matter of her history.

There are two types of people in this world, Artists and Con-Artists.
Melissa Scott is a con.



Jun 20, 2009, 2:43:56 PM6/20/09
WM-When Paul said he counted the glory and prestige of his former
greatness as a pharisee among the pharisees as dung, he in effect gets
in line behind the sinner that had no former religious life from which
to draw some justification or goodness he could bring to the table.

Paul also likens the former life to darkness and now we are light.
Paul really points out no prior sin of his own specifically save for
his former persecution of the body. This had to be answered because it
directly effected the body and he was a know persecutor of saints.
People had a right to question until such a time as others testified
in his behalf and the works of the Lord we clearly manifest in his

Christians, as it has been pointed out here many times, are instructed
in several methods to test and try, be on guard for various types that
can slip in and teach falsely, make merchandise of the saints, wolves
and so on. Certain behaviors are also noted as indicators of the
false. These directives and warnings just cant be avoided or ignored
in a healthy body they go with the life.

Now, past sins or sinful life, whatever, is often measured in degrees
but we were all "darkness" at some point. Personally I would
demonstrate remorse and shame for sinfulness undertaken during a
backsliden condition after having made a public profession in one way
or another for Christ. And as one matures in Christ the shame and
consequences of these things becomes clearer. And that is good in the
respect that it tends to keep your sin nature in check, as best it
can, and you understand thay you are no longer ignorant but
accountable. I say that with the understanding that sinning in
ignorance remains consequential and these consequences are real and
may remain afterwords. Hopefully then we all know the consequences of
continuing on in sin or falling back after having been enlightened by
admonition of Christ, Paul and the spirit bearing witness.

What most Christians fear however is not consequences but being
censured. They know they wont be able to hide behind years of church
service or whatever in a healthy body if they get found out. What is
pathetic is to watch someone try to defend themselves by various means
when it is discovered that they are in need of reprimand or worse.
Many dont believe they would ever have to stand down from a leadership
role or be asked to separate themselves from the congregation becouse
of their refusal to come to grips with their behavior. Today's battle
cry for these is "touch not Gods anointed" and the like. Their
interpretation of this freebird type special for me Christianity
belies itself in the half baked application of the texts used. Even
David had to take a scolding from Nathan and this tradition was
carried over with admonitions and directions on how to handle similar
problems, as David had with sin and thick headedness, in the church.
It just doesn't have to be tolerated and to do so is to jeopardize the
whole body as Davids sin of counting the people jeopardized many in
the congregation. How much more in a NT frame is it sin to measure
spirituality and worthiness according to a giving record? God keeps
the records. Something Christ admonished us to do secretly is to be
kept on record for the pastors evaluation as the only true and full
measure of a saints loyalty? How dare a man place a mental hook in an
area where God privately operates with a saint. Its none of the mans

The congregation was given warning on what to look out for and the
right and duty to act accordingly. There is no dictatorship as group
or single man. He who is greatest let him be your slave not you
dictator. His sheep know His voice.


Jun 20, 2009, 4:36:24 PM6/20/09

Just to make you aware, Studio, you know that Tai-Chi is an oriental
religion at its core, along the same order as most all of the martial

Melissa's choice for the nondisclosure of her seedy past was the
genesis of her bandini mountain dung ball that is still rolling
downhill today and getting increasingly larger. Although, Melissa
always was a piece of shiite and continues to attract and accumulate


Jun 20, 2009, 6:16:11 PM6/20/09
On Jun 20, 12:53 am, rpbc <> wrote:


Deara... are you familiar with the expression 'here Bossy' as used
> Gene Scott?  Something about your post above makes me want to ask
> that.  Oh, on second thought, don't answer... I'm leaving the question
> though

Reply: I'll answer it anyway. I remember the "here bossy" quote from
afgs. I don't remember what it was all about except maybe it was
often said by the Scotties or about the Scotties. I'm too lazy right
now to check
the archives, so what was it about?

(LOL, I remember the words "bulb boys" also but again I'd have to
look it up so
please don't bring that up too.)


Jun 20, 2009, 7:00:33 PM6/20/09
On Jun 20, 6:20 am, teandoranges <> wrote:

Re: No harm done. Would actually like for more conversations like this

> the blog itself.
> I understand that she is not extremely forthcoming with details about
> her past, and ultimately she is right, that she doesn't have to
> explain her past to anyone.  

Reply: I disagree. If I put my life in the hands of a Doctor I want
to know
about his medical background. If I put my spiritual life in the hands
Pastor, you better believe I want to know about his/her past and
current lifestyle.

Re: If she is lying and covering up a

> sexually explicit past, isn't that between PMS and her "god" and PMS
> and her congregation?  I suspect that as she gets more and more of the
> spotlight on her, she will be much less willing to admit to her past,
> or eventually give in to the pressure, lose some followers, gain
> others.

Reply: Anything regarding PMS is "none of Anyone's business"
or so she says. Regarding her congregation, did you know her
(ha ha) church has no members? They do, however, have numbers
such as tithers and Kings House #'s. They have no rights to question
anything she says or does....'cos PMS' (ha ha) church has no members.

Re: What I'm trying to understand, is to what degree there is a double

> standard here? IF she were entirely "honest" about her past, that
> would please one crowd and seriously tick off another that would claim
> she is profitting off her sin/sex.  If she refuses to talk about her
> past, and to deny to some degree, she will piss off an entirely
> different crowd claiming that she is not being totally honest.  It
> still comes down to people not being happy with the way she handles
> her sexually explicit past.

Reply: I've seen very little opposition as to her being a female.
She should
have just been honest and used her past as a testimony to the Grace of
As in I was there and now by the Grace of God I'm here....and then it
would have all been over.

Re: Plenty of Powerful preachers out there who Profit from the schtick

> how sinful they used to be.  Plenty of preachers out there who live
> "sinful" lives and never admit to it (whether sins of the flesh or of
> the heart).  And the vast majority of those preachers are men.

Reply: They're a dime a dozen. Again, you won't find fierce
against females having the right to least here at afgs.

Re: This is not quite like Haggard caught in the act.  PMS's followers

> to make that choice whether or not they care about her truth telling
> right at the outset.  They know what they are getting into... or they
> should as free thinking adults.  It is their decision of whether they
> believe her or not, or whether they even care or not.

Reply: If they don't know she's lying how can they make a choice?
One must care if their spiritual leader is a lying liar. A Pastor
be held up to a higher standard than the sheep. If a spiritual
is going to lead me they better be a hell of a lot "cleaner" than me.
(so to speak) They should lead by example. If I am holier than
them what are they gonna teach me? They should get their sorry ass
off the pulpit and put mine up there to teach them. PMS was and still
living a secret life. (no open book for her)

Re: And honestly, I'm hammering out my understanding of her, and to

> degree there may or may not be a double standard, as we go along.
> Pretty much every church I've been in has a pastor that to some degree
> or another profits off sin/guilt.  Once again, I'm not a fan of what I
> know of what she preaches, but I have no problem with her not dwelling
> on her past.

Reply: There is sooooooo much more 'bout PMS' current history (since
met Gene and and then inherited the pulpit) that has not been said.
Perhaps, you can search afgs archives and learn a bit more. One thing
search for is the phrase "Up against the wall".


Jun 20, 2009, 10:23:15 PM6/20/09

studio wrote:

very nice reply Dearadoe.

You have earned one brownie point.
Here, let me pull it out of my back pocket.......
there you go, just dust it off.


Jun 20, 2009, 11:08:45 PM6/20/09
On Jun 20, 7:23 pm, studio <> wrote:

> very nice reply Dearadoe.
Re: you have earned one brownie point.

> Here, let me pull it out of my back pocket.......
> there you go, just dust it off

Reply: Thanks, but if your back pocket has a hole in it that your hand
fit can keep your brownie


Jun 20, 2009, 11:22:47 PM6/20/09

oh wait, that wasn't a brownie point after all.... was a Milk Dud.


Jun 20, 2009, 11:34:55 PM6/20/09

Reply: That's what they all say!


Jun 21, 2009, 2:26:15 PM6/21/09

Bulb boys... is that something like 'egg head' or 'genuis', as in,
what have they cooked up now? O... sorry, I asked another
question.... no offense meant. O... it's okay, no offense taken.

Okay... the here Bossy was a term Scott acquired from his grandfather
describing a method of attracting a target withing striking
distance.... in the original example, to round house the cow with the
milk bucket for kicking it over during milking. It's important to
understand the importance of the blow being delivered with the bucket,
the object under 'discussion' in the example between the farmer and
the cow. That's what it was about.


Jun 21, 2009, 5:16:57 PM6/21/09
> the cow. That's what it was about.- Hide quoted text -

Reply: Thanks for the answer. Now it makes sense. I believe the
bulb boys were a couple of particular guys who weren't too bright or
something like that there. And then the term was extented to include
others. At least that's what I got from reading it. Gypsie would
know the actual meaning.


Jun 21, 2009, 8:47:17 PM6/21/09

WM=Gene came to understand "here bossy" very well. Poor bastard. Oh
know not Gene! He was the master of here bossy!

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