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Jan 27, 2024, 11:12:41 PMJan 27
As a VOF volunteer in those days, there was a caller who would refer to Dr, Scott as Archie Bunker! It was hilarious and all, though I was there alone most of the time those lonely Saturday nights, Sunday mornings- and to Matt`s point- hung up but withheld laughter like a a 11 year old parochial school altar boy...

It seems like certain posters over the years have managed to dominate the theme of this board over the years. Although I haplessly uncovered this shithole merely in 2017, I can say that I co-managed this board along with my great and esteemed friend Kro, who by the way has had many alii over the years, but we all know them,

One of the better "managers" of this board, as my perusal has lead me to find, has been JJ. Yes, the old time and best Christian band sainger, yes sainger, in my opinion, to ever draw in fence sitters into the fold like me. He chided versus the tithe, for Christ called us brothers and for it, was "excommunicated" from FC- as if it were a thing

But to whom to tithe for every church is a cult ."El Culto", as they say in Mexico, is where they congregate on Sundays. If you are here you need not give money to any preacher. As Bluettes states and I surmise, one can go broke giving. As an old fart in church, or watching preachers online, everything is a re-run: watching commercials becomes my "tithe"!

In respect to my good friend Kevin, he brought up many valid historical and theological points regarding Johannine dissent. The Johannines were the the first to declare Christ as Messiah in synagogue, the dissenters further angered Pharisee establishment by introducing Platonic philosophy into readings as a Logos revealing. The Greeks were considered the `New Yorkers` of the time with Jews undergoing surgery to undo curcumcision. There was a true dissent if you care to look with the eschatology moving from Christ`s words forward. Kro contributes Christ`s words from the end... the beginning. So when did the church begin, did it begin with Abraham, with Christ or in Acts? Has any preacher other than Dr Scott addressed these finer points: what is the Gap Theory, after Christ returns, why will the Festival of Booths still be celebrated-what then Replacement Theory, wasn`t Doc a Dispensationalist. Didn`t he grovel 3 books together, or more, to elucidate upon the Great Pyramid?

Well then, Atlantis, Demonology, Pyramid, horses, the Unband were all things that attracted potential KH`s to participate. Steven Anderson, America`s current `hate preacher` says gays have 0 redemption. He says gays should commit suicide before they do any more wrong! Scott said that at least God`s word will remove that lust. But you know all sin is equal before the Lord. I felt that Scott appealed to the alcoholic. His cadence of speech is similar to that of Bill Williams`, the founder of AA as well as the type of tough it out messages-not to mention the smoking outside of Cathedral!
I don`t know why over the years nobody ever noticed this except me. There were some abusers calling in...

Well, in classic fashion, to end from the beginning, if that anonymous caller compared Doc to Archie Bunker, can we then compare M.Scott to Edith? I for one compare NOS to Meathead!!

In closing, I agree with Christ. He hated the Jews. Christ knew they were going to kill Him. From another perspective, Paul confirmed it after the fact. The Jews tried to kill him too. Paul its said to have died in 68 AD prior to the destruction of the 2nd Temple. Paul prophesied of the lack of necessity of the sin offering. Today, Paul would have been considered anti- semitic

You got my e-mail kro...
All In The Family-First Episode

No One Special

Jan 28, 2024, 1:31:52 AMJan 28
On Saturday, January 27, 2024 at 8:12:41 PM UTC-8, DFWJ wrote:

RE: "I for one compare NOS to Meathead!!"

Your right to do so; now run along and try to prove me wrong with scripture, pick any post of mine concerning Doc's teachings and prove me in error. You can do so, can you not?

Proverbs 18:13 - "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him."

No One Special

Jan 28, 2024, 11:21:20 PMJan 28
On Saturday, January 27, 2024 at 8:12:41 PM UTC-8, DFWJ wrote:
"> As a VOF volunteer in those days, there was a caller who would refer to Dr, Scott as Archie Bunker!"

So you have no frame of reference here, DFWJ. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know...

Ha ha! I couldn't resist. Check the movie; The Big Lebowski, classic quotes often employed by Dudeists.


Jan 29, 2024, 8:44:57 AMJan 29
Kro to Joe
Duely noted. I don't have your email reserved. Mine is omdahl Kevin 3 @ gmail . Com keep in touch.

Beyond the banter their are profound revelations yet to be understood in the body and mind of christ. A great awakening and sadly a falling away of beleivers is on the horizon of Christianity,

Our time here in dissent is comming to an end. For a truth afgs served a purpose in gods plan and I encountered great minds here. I have gone into seclusion having hammered out my beliefs here in the fires of dissent and refined truths to sustain a faith in Jesus christ through the times that lay ahead for us all. After months of meditation I am determined to concentrate my efforts on paralleling the revelation of Jesus christ through the lense of rev 1:2 and am open to sharing the study.

I will be posting here on February 21 a final message to Melissa scott.

John tarries
Rev 1:2
Even so lord come and amen.

Babyshoes Loveachother

Jan 30, 2024, 7:25:16 AMJan 30
I guess everyone is getting old and tired..and old habits die hard lol.. Eventually this site will be taken over with all sorts weird advertising I've seen happen to this site but mostly abandoned alt fan sites. I posted here not long ago with a free trials for a news readers most newsreaders were only 3 to 6 dollars a month at that time
this one has pretty good three month trial.. .

I have been seeing and understanding so much lately, strange dreams and some are virtual dreams , I trust some, but not all, and brings me to question some of NDE'S (near death experiences) Did anyone ever see the movie "Tomorrow Land" with George Clooney? fake like that..

So leading up up to February 22nd my posts might get a little strange..or I want to share a few things I normally wouldn't, since most of you will be most already are.

I know something (God forbid) ------------- is on the way..

I myself will be hanging out here at afgs a little longer as I am looking for a few important things to me in the archives and looking for a news reader that has archives that go far back.
I don't think all the news readers do. I hear google is keeping the archives up and maybe making it easier to access..but who knows if thats the case..
I'm glad that Google and Mark of the beast Zuckerberg will no longer be involved in groups.

interesting facts about google groups


Jan 30, 2024, 9:53:43 PMJan 30
I'll look forward to what you post in the time remaining. The archives will remains accesible from Google, but nothing new will be seen. I don't know if other newsreaders or providers allow you to search that far back

Babyshoes Loveachother

Feb 21, 2024, 11:29:43 PMFeb 21
C'est la vie to those leaving...have any interesting videos or conversation my e-mail
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