Rejoice, people-who-don't-touch-a-comic-before-its-last-page-is-done.
(That is, except the chapter 12 cover)
The sixth and final paperback volume is announced for later this year.
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Sebastian F. Mix, Irenenstrasse 21a, D-10317 Berlin, Tel: ++4930 521 1034 /(a\ <-no NeXTmail GCode3.12 GCS/S d?- s+:- a E--- C+(+) \p)/
USX+ P- L- W++ N+++ w--- M- !V PS+++ Y+ PGP+ 5+ X++ R-- b++(+) e+ h+ r-- y*
Yeah, a long wonderful time it has been.
More discussion on her blog and on the last Digger page.
>Commiseration with fellow fen.
>Rejoice, people-who-don't-touch-a-comic-before-its-last-page-is-done.
>(That is, except the chapter 12 cover)
>The sixth and final paperback volume is announced for later this year.
Sorry that had to come to an end. One of the better webcomics. Have to
keep an eye out for further work by the artist.