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Another Hall of Shame winner..........

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Ben Bruin

Oct 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/9/99

Two rules:
1)never stand behind a cow......

Sent via
Before you buy.


Oct 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/9/99
Ben Bruin wrote:


Ick. That page design is truly awful. =P
Is that your page, Ben?

Urban fey dragon
"Worship my magic space monkey or he'll napalm you."

"Yes, my e-mail address is valid. It just doesn't look valid."


Oct 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/9/99

Ben Bruin <> :


Did you forward it to law enforcement? They take a dim view of pedos, as do

(I still support the right to a jury trial.)

Todd Knarr

Oct 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/9/99
In <7tnupp$vvj$> Forrest <> wrote:
> Did you forward it to law enforcement? They take a dim view of pedos, as do
> I.

Doubtful it'd go anywhere. Aside from the fact that there's no actual
pedophilia on the page, it's for an area on Tapestries MUCK and every
one of the people listed there had to certify that they were over 18
years of age before being granted a character ( and anyone going looking
for the actual area will have to certify to the same before being
allowed on as well ). I'm afraid I can't myself get very worked up about
what adults do to/with other adults.

You might get somewhere complaining to Geocities themselves, but that's
probably about it.

If I employed software developers and they gave me something like this,
I'd shoot them.
-- Abby Franquemont


Oct 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/9/99

Todd Knarr <> wrote in message

Best bet is to complain to the sysop of geocities. They frown on such sites.

Dragonoix- Advocate for truth, justice and the pursuit of a good yiff.


Oct 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/9/99

And your point is? Taps is only available to those 18 years or older, so
obviously they're not doing anything illegal with real kids. How consenting
adults wish to RP is nobody's business but their own... not to mention I
really don't want to know what they RP (Gag!). >_<

TriGem Olandarinse

Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99
Forrest wrote:

> Did you forward it to law enforcement? They take a dim view of pedos, as do
> I.

> (I still support the right to a jury trial.)

I don't mean to be a beary of bad news here folks, but since both you are burned
furs, and you DIDN'T read the fine print, you would have noticed that Taps is
only available to 18+ year olds.

I don't know if it is a burned fur commonality to jump on the first 'evil'
looking intent, then to look like an ass, well, for ben it isn't that hard.


88888888\/--\/ moc.liamtoh@megirt \/--\/ Reverse to Get email.88888888

Alan \\TriGem\\ Kennedy ICQ #8781052
Local Mirror: Decode My Code.
FCWcs2amr A+ C+ D+ H+ M++ P+ R+++ T+ W Z Sm++ RLAT a23 cdn++++ d++ e+ f+ h iwf++
j++ p sm+

We should police ourselves, as we are our own best censors.

Exeperience and talent are NO excuse for blatent and utter

Those who ARE informed, are the ones with the power, and those with power are
always looked upon as something to be feared by those WHO are IGNORANT.


Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99

TriGem Olandarinse :

>I don't mean to be a beary of bad news here folks, but since both
>you are burned furs

I'm not. I resigned three weeks ago.

>I don't know if it is a burned fur commonality to jump on the first 'evil'
>looking intent, then to look like an ass, well, for ben it isn't that hard.

All I did was ask if he'd forwarded it to law enforcement. If there's
nothing actionable, I guess that's that.

The mere implication, though, is a PR disaster and all the more reason for
Ben et al to abandon "furry" in favor of a new word under a charter along
the lines of the one I've posted previously.


Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99
Quoth Forrest:

>TriGem Olandarinse :
>> but since both of you are burned furs

>I'm not. I resigned three weeks ago.


>all the more reason for
>Ben et al to abandon "furry" in favor of a new word under a charter along
>the lines of the one I've posted previously.

Many may recall that Dr. Cat has posited the idea that if Burned Furs
want to improve the image of the fandom, they should first see what
they can do to improve their own image. It is worth noting that this
method has, in fact, worked for Forrest. :=}

___vvz /( Absurd Notions is on! ->
<__,` Z / ( | Cerulean= | DC2.~D GmAL~W-R+++Ac~J+S+Fr++IH$M-V+++Cbl,spu
`~~~) )Z) ( | Kevin Pease | FDDmp4adwsA+++$C+D+HM+P-RT+++WZSm#
/ (7 ( h+a!)oS uo!+ewJojuI - ,,Japuom o+ j7asJnoh 77aL,,


Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99

Cerulean <> :

>Many may recall that Dr. Cat has posited the idea that if Burned Furs
>want to improve the image of the fandom, they should first see what
>they can do to improve their own image. It is worth noting that this
>method has, in fact, worked for Forrest. :=}

*puzzled look*

David Formosa (aka ? the Platypus)

Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99

In otherwords you have successfully improved your image.

Please excuse my spelling as I suffer from agraphia. See to find out more.


Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99

David Formosa (aka ? the Platypus) :

> >>Many may recall that Dr. Cat has posited the idea that if Burned Furs
> >>want to improve the image of the fandom, they should first see what
> >>they can do to improve their own image. It is worth noting that this
> >>method has, in fact, worked for Forrest. :=}
> >
> >*puzzled look*
> In otherwords you have successfully improved your image.

Although my actual behavior has not changed?


Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99
> > >
> > >*puzzled look*
> >
> > In otherwords you have successfully improved your image.
> Although my actual behavior has not changed?

In Society, It's not what's inside, but what you look like that people judge you by.


Oct 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/11/99
Forrest wrote:

>Although my actual behavior has not changed?

If your behavior hadn't changed,
I would still be flaming you. =)

Either I'm mellowing or you've been behaving civilly.


Oct 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/11/99
Quoth Forrest:

>Cerulean <> :

>>Many may recall that Dr. Cat has posited the idea that if Burned Furs
>>want to improve the image of the fandom, they should first see what
>>they can do to improve their own image. It is worth noting that this
>>method has, in fact, worked for Forrest. :=}
>*puzzled look*

I'll explain it myself. Instead of a solution to improve the "image of
furry fandom," you have a proposal wherein furry fans can abandon what
is called "furry fandom" and improve their own image by dissociating
themselves from the negative connotations of the label. It could be
said that, as per Dr. Cat's frequent urgings (though coincidentally),
you have tried this plan yourself first with Burned Fur. Get it?
Technically, it did nothing to improve the image of Burned Fur, but
you came out of it clean. The same can be expected to apply on the
larger scale.

And yes, you have changed your own image by making a change in your
position and behaviour. A subtle but important one: You are speaking
only for yourself, and not allowing your opinions to be misrepresented
by the opinions of others. This is actually a difference between the
small-scale and large-scale strategies; your solution to cleansing
your tainted image as a "Burned Fur" involved _leaving_ a
structured(?) organization, and your solution to cleansing your
tainted image as a "furry" involves _joining_ a structured
organization. It might not fare equally for this reason.

By the way, to clarify my own position for everyone: I feel just fine
participating in a fandom with freaks of any kind in it (as long as
they aren't making real trouble*), and I don't think it has been
"overrun" with anything (except a predominant love of accusatory
tactics). But I support the goal of those who feel sufficently
concerned for themselves to pursue a way of fulfilling their own need
to protect their personal image while leaving me to my own choices.

*(Insert whatever tired old phrase you can think of that includes the
words "in the hotel lobby")

Qit el-Remel

Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99
In article <7tmfu4$nsp$>,
Ben Bruin <> wrote:

A blank directory?

-Qit el'Remel

Michael Campbell

Oct 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/18/99
to (J. J. Novotny) wrote in

>Karl Xydexx Jorgensen wrote:
>> "Erma Felna with a crowbar trying to open a window... in the hotel
>> lobby?"
>I really don't have a "Clue" what this is about. ;)
>On that note, has anyone every tried to do a "furry" version of board
>games like Monopoly, Risk etc. Might be interesting.

I will say just two words:

Furry Illuminati


Oct 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/18/99
Quoth Michael Campbell:

>I will say just two words:
>Furry Illuminati

If Furries ever get a real INWO card, _that_ will tell us what the
fandom's image _really_ is, once and for all. Fear such a day.

But yes, furry fandom would lend itself well to an entire version of
INWO: The "weirds" and "straights" have problems working with each
other, cons would be places which could be hit with their own kind of
disasters, and there are lots of big names manipulating one another.

Speaking of SJ Games, I always thought that Knightmare Chess was
missing a card:
"Knight Mare" (not to be confused with "Knightmare!")
Promote a knight on the last rank to a Knight Mare, a piece with the
combined moves of a knight and a queen.
(Most players versed in chess variants would call this an Amazon, but
the game already has an Amazon card and it means something different
(i.e. weaker) there.)
The choice of illustration would be obvious. And will you look at
that, Outpost 32, that's 23 backwards, you know...

___vvz /( Cerulean = Kevin Pease
<__,` Z / ( DC2.~D GmAL~W-R+++Ac~J+S+Fr++IH$M-V+++Cbl,spu
`~~~) )Z) ( FDDmp4adwsA+++$C+D+HM+P-RT+++WZSm#
/ (7 ( ,,'umo+ s!y+ u! sa6e^es jo y)unq,,


Oct 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/18/99
In article <>, Karl Xydexx Jorgensen
<> writes:

>"Spree" by Cheap Ass Games has furry characters.

Only the 'Hong Kong Edition', yes? Nice illos by Toivo
'Dangerkitty' Roivainen.

Acag, Treesong (

Dr. Cat

Oct 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/18/99
J. J. Novotny ( wrote:
: On that note, has anyone every tried to do a "furry" version of board

: games like Monopoly, Risk etc. Might be interesting.

There's a Poke'mon edition of Monopoly out now. Also they have a Poke'mon
board game where you move around the board trying to catch critters.

Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions || Free alpha test:
Furcadia - a new graphic mud for PCs! || Let your imagination soar!

(Disclaimer: Some furry fans don't consider poke'mon to be actual furries,
but rather more of a manifestation of the anti-christ, to be brutally
slaughtered at every opportunity. To each their own.)

Michael Campbell

Oct 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/18/99
to (Cerulean) wrote in

>If Furries ever get a real INWO card, _that_ will tell us what the
>fandom's image _really_ is, once and for all. Fear such a day.

Yay verily. I saw the card for trekkies many moons ago, and it fit them to a T.

>But yes, furry fandom would lend itself well to an entire version of
>INWO: The "weirds" and "straights" have problems working with each
>other, cons would be places which could be hit with their own kind of
>disasters, and there are lots of big names manipulating one another.

I toyed with putting this together, even to the point of creating a few cards
for it. Here are some examples:

ERIC BLUMRICH (artist, 'conservative')
Power 3, resistance 4
ARROWS: 1 out

"Eric has the rep that he does for a simple reason: He dares to tell the truth
to an audience that prefers to believe the lies"

Eric has a distinctive gift for knowing just what buttons to push in his
opponents to incredible results. The Illuminati controlling Eric may expend his
action token to cancel the action of any WEIRD, YIFFY, or COMPUTER group
(they're too busy flaming him to do anything else!)

CONFURENCE (convention, huge, yiffy)
Power 6/4, Resistance 4
Arrows: Three out
The biggest con in the genre unfortunately has a reputation that bleeds over
onto it's regulars. Any group or individual that Confurence controls add 1 to
their resistance, but must add 'yiffy' to their list of alingments (wether its
incompatible or not) as long as CF is also YIFFY.

Other cards included 'locations' like Yerf and FurryMUCK, and cards like 'open
mouth,insert foot' 'phone call to hotel' and 'furry comics don't sell'

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99

Just out of curiosity- INWO? From what I read, it sounds much
like Steve Jackson Games' Illuminati- a game I played once or twice
during my high school days. It was a pretty cool game- considering the
allowed conspiratorial cheating that was allowed as part of the game's
official rules.

Why didn't anyone make a computer version of the game? Hell- Car
wars had an ill-fated release by origin back in the late 80's-
Illuminati would make a far better game, in my book...

-T'ieh Pi Pu Kai!


Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99

> Just out of curiosity- INWO? From what I read, it sounds much
>like Steve Jackson Games' Illuminati- a game I played once or twice
>during my high school days. It was a pretty cool game- considering the
>allowed conspiratorial cheating that was allowed as part of the game's
>official rules.

Illuminati: New World Order. Pretty much the same game except it's now
a collectible card game with lots and lots of interesting cards, all


Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99
Here are some more various examples. I'd bet it's possible to put
together enough for a whole game. The one problem I forsee is that if
it were played at furry conventions, overhearing the players talk
about the gameplay could start a lot of stupid rumours in the fandom.
("I heard ___ is under the control of ___, they've taken over ___ and
they're trying to destroy ___! Is this true?")

BURNED FUR (group, Conservative, Straight, Clean, Flaming)
Power 5, Resistance 3
Arrows: 3 out

"That's right. We _are_ in charge. This fandom belongs to us, and
that's why we need to take it back."

Burned Fur may use its action to achieve anything that would require
the action of an Illuminati. In fact, for any instruction that refers
to an Illuminati, Burned Fur may pose as one.

PLONQ (writer, Peaceful)
Power 2, Resistance 1
No arrows out

"Yay! Another Plonq story!"

Plonq may spend his action token to make any person or group Peaceful
for a turn.

VICKI WYMAN (artist)
Power 3, Resistance 3
Arrows: 1 out

"Does anybody know where I can find Vicki Wyman art on the net?"

No Computer group may initiate any attack of any kind upon Vicki Wyman
at all. Computer groups have -5 assisting or defending against an
attack to control or destroy her.

KAGEMUSHI GORO (personality, Weird, Peaceful)
Power 5, Resistance 4
Arrows: 1 out

"Tell us another story, Uncle Kage!"

Uncle Kage has +5 to control a Convention. He may spend his action
token to prevent any one person from taking action next turn (by
trapping him or her in a panel). An Illuminati controlling him may
spend its action token to prevent any two groups from taking action
next turn (with a mesmerizing anecdote).

Take one person in your structure that is not controlling anything
else, and return it to your hand. You may return it to its previous
position at the beginning of any future turn without having to take it
over again.

What do they put in that stuff?
Attach Nutella to any Weird group. That group gets two action tokens
per turn.

Jim Doolittle

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99
In article <>, (Cerulean) wrote:

> Here are some more various examples. I'd bet it's possible to put
> together enough for a whole game. The one problem I forsee is that if
> it were played at furry conventions, overhearing the players talk
> about the gameplay could start a lot of stupid rumours in the fandom.
> ("I heard ___ is under the control of ___, they've taken over ___ and
> they're trying to destroy ___! Is this true?")



-Jim, who likes it.

Jim Doolittle CornWuff Press
Art Show Director, Midwest FurFest

Dr. Cat

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
Cerulean ( wrote:

: Instant
: Take one person in your structure that is not controlling anything
: else, and return it to your hand. You may return it to its previous
: position at the beginning of any future turn without having to take it
: over again.

You almost have that card right. It should also read:

"After five turns out of the fandom, the card MUST be returned to its
previous position, no matter how loudly it swore it would never go back."

Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions || Free alpha test:
Furcadia - a new graphic mud for PCs! || Let your imagination soar!

(Disclaimer: This information is on a need to fnord basis only.)

Michael Campbell

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
to (Cerulean) wrote in

>> Just out of curiosity- INWO? From what I read, it sounds much
>>like Steve Jackson Games' Illuminati- a game I played once or twice
>>during my high school days. It was a pretty cool game- considering the
>>allowed conspiratorial cheating that was allowed as part of the game's
>>official rules.
>Illuminati: New World Order. Pretty much the same game except it's now
>a collectible card game with lots and lots of interesting cards, all

And to be honest it really wouldn't make a very good computer game, mainly
because you lose that sense of deviousness that you can only get from a fellow
mostly water-based life form...

Kay Shapero

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On <Oct 21 01:51>, (Dr. Cat) wrote;

DC>Cerulean ( wrote:
DC>: Instant
DC>: Take one person in your structure that is not controlling
DC>anything else, and return it to your hand. You may return it to its
DC>previous position at the beginning of any future turn without having to
DC>take it over again.

DC>You almost have that card right. It should also read:

DC> "After five turns out of the fandom, the card MUST be returned
DC>to its previous position, no matter how loudly it swore it would never
DC>go back."

Ah yes, the Harlan Ellison Hyperspace Award for number of times leaving
science fiction without any record of having left it. (I believe this was a
Hogu, though I can't swear to it.) Bonus points for the number of people
responding "You were gone?"... :->

Kay Shapero

Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
OH botheration

On <Oct 21 10:05>, Kay Shapero ( wrote to Dr. Cat:

KS>Ah yes, the Harlan Ellison Hyperspace Award for number of times
KS>leaving science fiction without any record of having left it. (I
That was supposed to be "returned", of course. Sigh...

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