Xydexx Squeakypony [ICQ: 7569393]
Squeakyponyland: http://www.smart.net/~xydexx/lifestyle/homepage.htm
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"Farenheit 451"
Or the Sarah Conners dream sequence from Terminator 2.
: StukaFox wrote in message <372f6da5$0$2...@nntp1.ba.best.com>...
The Day After / Threads
"This is Lawrence, Kansas, is there anybody there?"
>StukaFox wrote in message <372f6da5$0$2...@nntp1.ba.best.com>...
>>Xydexx Squeakypony <xyd...@my-dejanews.com> wrote:
>>> I still wanna see a movie based on this newsgroup. It can be a
>>> horror-comedy like Scream -- or Cabin Boy, depending on
>>> your perspective.
>>"Farenheit 451"
>Or the Sarah Conners dream sequence from Terminator 2.
Oh, thanks a bloody lot, Cougar!!. The first image to pop
up on my mind after reading your paragraph was one of
a Furry Fox version of Arnold Schwartzeneger going:
..."Come vith me if you vant to Yiff"...
Ack!, ack!. Aaaaieee!!.
Manos: Hands of Fate
If there is an alt.fan.furry movie, I want to be played by Soupy Sales.
Or maybe Red Green. Or possibly Brandy. Any of these could portray the
real me. Too bad Henny Youngman isn't with us anymore.
"You know, there's a lesson here. Four-legged chicks
are nothing but trouble." -- Johnny Bravo
regal at negia dot net
Teflon Cougar wrote:
> StukaFox wrote in message <372f6da5$0$2...@nntp1.ba.best.com>...
> >Xydexx Squeakypony <xyd...@my-dejanews.com> wrote:
> >: I still wanna see a movie based on this newsgroup. It can be a
> horror-comedy
> >: like Scream -- or Cabin Boy, depending on your perspective.
> >
> >
> > "Farenheit 451"
> >
> >
> >StukaFox
> Or the Sarah Conners dream sequence from Terminator 2.
Or maybe like 'The Matrix'. Y'know; WE'RE all just characters
in a USENET group, and don't even know it!
John Urie
>Xydexx Squeakypony <xyd...@my-dejanews.com> wrote:
>I still wanna see a movie based on this newsgroup. It can be a
>horror-comedy like Scream -- or Cabin Boy, depending on your perspective.
How 'bout a sequel based on the classic movie - The Italian Job -. With spooge
instead of well....y'know ;)
*cough* *cough* Hahahaha! Oh now I'll NEVER be able to watch my favorite
movie again! Come to think of it, T2 is a lot like AFF. One of the main
characters is insane, the other 13 and the third a bizzare non-living
lifeform who travels through time and is obsessed with the past. There's your
furry fandom profile right there, including all the innocent bistanders that
get wasted. Combine that with the ever threatening presence of something
liquid-like, I think the similarities are obvious. Now, if only I could get
that neato gun... (Warning: the following was a joke, and any refferences are
to no one specific, so don't flatter yourself) -- --melskunk-- !FurCode !Cute
Lyrics !Webpage URLS @set me apathy:newsgroups=yes @chown A Life
Shon Howell shon...@hotmail.com Burned Fur ^_^
"Y'know...you don't have to be an idiot ALL the time.
Its okay to take a break every now & again..."
> *cough* *cough* Hahahaha! Oh now I'll NEVER be able to watch my favorite
> movie again! Come to think of it, T2 is a lot like AFF. One of the main
> characters is insane, the other 13 and the third a bizzare non-living
> lifeform who travels through time and is obsessed with the past. There's your
> furry fandom profile right there, including all the innocent bistanders that
> get wasted. Combine that with the ever threatening presence of something
> liquid-like, I think the similarities are obvious. <snip>
"Now I know vhy it is zat you yiff--but it is somesink zat I can neffer do."
--Arnold Hangenhunden
with special gueststar
"C>StukaFox wrote in message <372f6da5$0$2...@nntp1.ba.best.com>...
>Xydexx Squeakypony <xyd...@my-dejanews.com> wrote:
>: I still wanna see a movie based on this newsgroup. It can be a
>: like Scream -- or Cabin Boy, depending on your perspective.
> "Farenheit 451"
"C> Or the Sarah Conners dream sequence from Terminator 2.
Night of the Living Dead?
Omega Man?
Dracula remake entitled Alt.Fang.Furry? :->
Furplay and Random would be the masked guys with the
...but the motive still remains unknown
I'd like "GAS" more. It has much to do with fire, and it
stinks too.
I want to be played by the guy, who played the bad guy in
Or Michael Madsen...
Hangdog wrote:
> "Now I know vhy it is zat you yiff--but it is somesink zat I can neffer do."
> --Arnold Hangenhunden
The sound effects wolf turns up the noise of a leaf blower at just the
wrong time, then runs from his deck as the producer comes after him with
a cleaver!
allen Kitchen (timing is everything)
Six words and a question mark.......... "Who the hell is Dave Kuhn?" (IMNSHO)
>I still wanna see a movie based on this newsgroup. It can be a horror-comedy
>like Scream -- or Cabin Boy, depending on your perspective.
I suppose it would be titled "I'm Still Telling People What You Did
Ten Summers Ago."
___vvz /( Cerulean * http://www.cerulean.st/
<__,` Z / ( DC.D/? fs+h++ Gm CB^P a$m++d+++l*g-e!i
`~~~) )Z) ( FDDmp4adwsA+++$C+D+HM+P-RT+++WZSm#
/ (7 ( ma7aq-,,sa6e) Ja6uoJ+S pue s77eM Ja77eL,,
<No response for several minutes from sand cat who is laughing hard enough to
"Hatred is born of fear; fear, of ignorance."
Mier' Tam
The hardest lesson to learn is that your neighbor cares less about what you do,
than you care about how much he cares.
from the bleachers I would have thought that this area would be better
called.. Romper Room of big egos
{} {} Moondragon
< > the curry luvin Dragon.
May the moon hit your eye like a big pizza pie thaaaaaaaaaats GRoss
"A clown can get a way with anything including murder" J.W.Gacy
e-mail Moondragon...@iname.com
icq# moondragon 35386584
battlenet id Lazerdragon
Team Internet Paintball #115
I'd say like Jurassic Park... but here the trolls eat the tourst!
> Oh, thanks a bloody lot, Cougar!!. The first image to pop
> up on my mind after reading your paragraph was one of
> a Furry Fox version of Arnold Schwartzeneger going:
> ..."Come vith me if you vant to Yiff"...
A furry version of Schwarzenegger? Wouldn't that be more likely some
variant on Blitz from "Road Rovers" than a fox?
Voiced by Jeff Bennett?
"Hatred is born of fear; fear, of ignorance."
--== Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/ ==--
---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---
> *cough* *cough* Hahahaha! Oh now I'll NEVER be able to watch my
> movie again! Come to think of it, T2 is a lot like AFF. One of the
> characters is insane, the other 13 and the third a bizzare non-living
> lifeform who travels through time and is obsessed with the past.
There's your
> furry fandom profile right there, including all the innocent
bistanders that
> get wasted. Combine that with the ever threatening presence of
> liquid-like, I think the similarities are obvious. Now, if only I
could get
> that neato gun...
*sand cat laughs like a maniac again...*
Where would the scorchies and freezies fit in?