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MU Press 1991 Catalog

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Aleph Null

Jul 26, 1991, 9:21:09 PM7/26/91
Stuff from the MU Press 1991 Catalog -
(all of it verbatim. My personal comments follow after ***'s)


Rhudiprrt, Prince of Fur (five issues out to date!)
On another planet, the souls of dead cats are reborn as intelligent
beings, watched over by a pantheon of gods led by Ilura, whom we know
as Bast. Their civilizations, their cities, and their political
intrigues are all nonhuman. Not too different, though, as war veteran
Warren Schafer learns when Ilura reincarnates him into the body of the
mute and mindless younger prince of the kingdom Thrallmar. He has
little time to acclimate, as he is dropped into a maelstrom of conspir-
acies and assassinations, culminating in an invasion by the Southern
Empire that Rhudi and his retinue manage to escape.
Rhudiprrt, Prince of Fur is a pulp adventure in the best tradition
of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Alexandre Dumas. Swordplay, necromacy, and
treachery burst from every page of writer Dwight R. Decker's script.
The first six issues comprise the initial storyline, wonderfully
illustrated by Teri S. Wood. Premiering with issue seven will be the
art of Tom Verre.

***IMO, one of the best furry series today. Good story, good art. Too
bad Terrie Smith is leaving next issue (to do a three-parter for
Brave New Words, called CHRONOS INC.). Issue 5 features a really good
cover by Phil Foglio.

The Furkindred -
"The Furkindred... legitimizes the use of funny animals."
- Phil Foglio
"I love it!... It's the first of its kind, and that's called a
collector's item!" - Andrew J. Offutt

The Furkindred is a shared-world anthology featuring the work of over
twenty-five leading anthropomorphic writers and artists. They lead you
into a world of fantasy and science, where Homo Sapiens never appeared,
and all other mammals gained varying degrees of intelligence.
It is a world of startling contrasts, of magic and technology, or
diplomacy and warfare, of love and hate.
Edited by Chuck Melville and Edd Vick, The Furkindred includes work
by Roberta Gregory, Adrian Kleinbergen, Phil Morrissey, Gerald Perkins,
Terrie Smith, John Spiedel, Jefferson Swycaffer, Susan Van Camp, Vicky
Wyman, and a host of others. The 240 page graphic album features a
wrap around cover by Dave Garcia.

***Others that come to mind - Colin Upton, Diana Vick, Edd Vick,
Zjonni Perchalski, Michael B. Kelly, Mark D. Ashworth, and Tom Verre.
I've been working my way through this all week (it's about 2/3 text),
and recommend it highly despite it's high price (fifteen bucks).
Very impressed by the artwork of Terrie Smith and Susan Van Camp.
Some good written stories, too (but their names do not stand out in
my mind as much as the artwork). I hope to see more of this in the

Mad Raccoons (one-shot)
Mad Raccoons is a new collection of stories by Cathy Hill, who
delighted thousands of fans in the pages of The Dreamery. Her raccoons
are the most demented gaggle of forest dwellers you'll ever meet.

***Actually, there was a fair amount in here that I've already seen
before - perhaps half.

Morty the Dog (two issues) -
The cynical canine, star of countless small press zines, returns in
two 72-page digests chock-full of philosophy, mazes, bon-mots, and
ooze. Dementia by Steve Willis.

***Don't know about this one - haven't had the urge to pick it up.


Menagerie (two issues) -
The anthology that brought you Donna Barr, Mike Raabe, Paula Shoudy,
and Cindy Murata, MU creators all. By special arrangement with Chrome
Tiger, these two issues are once more made available.

***IMHO, thoroughly mediocre, at best.

Snowbuni (one-shot) -
Jeff Wood's buxom secret agent, star of dozens of small press
stories, finally comes to comics! In tales by Wood, Kyle Miller,
Jose Montes, Tom Verre, and Mike Sagara, our heroine visits Antarctica,
Bermuda, London, and New York. Fighting all the way, of course!
48 pages.

***I thought the artwork was excellent (stories just okay). First and
only time I've seen Montes' work. Kudos to Tom Verre and Mike Sagara.

.357! (one-shot)
Police procedural meets anthropomorphic science fiction in Roz Gibson's
bleak but intriguing vision of the future. A serial killer is loose,
using an archaic weapon, and only a pair of traffic cops have the guts
and brains to find him.

***This was okay.. Roz Gibson's story from Rowrbrazzle, Jet 2350, has
been collected in a thick book, available from who-knows-where, for
ten bucks. A sequel to .357! was mentioned more than once at SDCC.


Champion of Katara -
A pacifist is reluctantly conscripted into the role of an archetypal
hero in this spoof by Chuck Melville. The first issue appeared in
1987, and MU's hilarious three-part series continues the tale.

Lesbian Foxes in Hovertanks -
Set wardrobe to stun! Tom Verre, Phil Morrissey, and Paul Kidd
present a satirical romp taking on funny animals, sex books, and the
entire furvert crowd. Watch! as scantily-clad vixens learn victory
through superior lung-power! Gasp! as the best pose prevails! Cringe!
as all your preconceptions about anthropomorphics crumble! Two issues;
the most fun you can have sitting down.

***This one looks like it'll be a surprise hit. Also, from Tom Verre's
price list:
Lesbian Foxes in Hovertanks Character Portfolio -
Oh, those voluptuous vulpines of the 101st heavy tank crushing
battalion! You get - Bio Sheets for all the characters - Lots of
sexy pinups! (crowbars not included) - Official L.F.I.H. fan club
membership card! - A euphoric state of well-being, not entirely
unlike being squiffy! - All prints on quality paper, age statement
required. As much fun as those nifty cheese-stick things for a mere
***Pretty steeply priced. Oh, and while I'm at it, let me just throw
in this as well:
Felicity - the Mysterious Disappearing Fanzine!
Mike Kazaleh, Bill Fitts, Garrett Ho, Kjartan Arnorsson, Tom Linehan,
and yours truly (Tom). It's a pretty funny 'zine. Oh, heck with
modesty! It's wicked funny and cheap, too. Heavy stock glossy 2-color
cover. Only $2.
***Recommended. Oh, and plans for Felicity #2 have been nixed, even
tho a number of stories were lined up.

Wild Kingdom
X-rated funny animals come into their own with the debut of Wild
Kingdom, an ongoing anthology. Each issue will present three or more
short stories by artists like Steve Gallacci, Diana Vick, Steve Martin,
and Mike Raabe. Watch for it!

***This looks really good, too. I await with antici...pation.

Zu -
MU Press is pleased to announce the creation of a new funny animal
anthology. Zu will feature the stars of anthropomorphic art with all-
new stories. The first issue will run 64 pages.

***Whaddaymean it's been done before?!?!! :)

HOw to get some of this nifty-neato stuff -

Subscriptions are available for Rhudiprrt (6 issues, $15) and Wild
Kingdom (6 issues, $15). Canadian orders add 25%, overseas 50%,
in US funds. Send your $$$ to MU Press subscriptions, 1565 Cliff
Road, Suite 3-450, St. Paul, MN 55122.

Rhudiprrt 1-3 are $2 each. 4 is $2.25. 5 is $2.50.
Furkindred Graphic Novel is $15.
Mad Raccoons is $2.50.
Morty the Dog 1 and 2 are $4 each.
Menagerie 1 and 2 are $2 each.
Snowbuni is $3.25.
.357! is $2.25.

MU Press, 5014-D Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle WA, 98105

Shipping and Handling: $.75 first item, $.50 each add'l item. Double
for overseas orders.

Tom Verre's stuff - LFIH Character Portfolio $25, Felicity $2.
(also original artwork and plates) No S&H fees listed.
#11 824 NE 45th, Seattle, WA 98105.

Aleph Null mhigh at trinity.bitnet

Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with Miscellaneous Unlimited or
Tom Verre, and this post in no way constitutes an advertisement for their
products. Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear. Keep out of
children. This side up. Why are you reading this, anyway?

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