Please. Feel free to call up Rush tomorrow and set him straight about
teh fandumb. I'm sure you'll be able to convince him that wearing a
fursuit with a big floppydong is just an innocent form of fun.
Other than a bit of mild humor regarding the "Furry Anatomy" workshop, Rush
kept it clean. He finds the whole thing ridiculous, yes. He broke down
laughing when discussing a 35-year-old man wanting to be a raccoon (Lee
Stromm(?), your 15 minutes of fame have begun), and then tried to claim that
a furcon was "too festive" and "too costly", what with the "war going on"
and the tsunami.
Note, however: Aside from his joke on "Furry Anatomy" ("Can you find it?
Can you find it?"), the worst thing he's accused us of is "prancing" in a
hotel lobby (Honorable mention to Shadow). No "big floppydong" on the
suits; where are you getting this from?
Welcome back to the Village, Number 6...
... but do you realize you've officially become crazier than Rush Limbaugh
with that remark?
Yours wolfishly,
The honest,
"Where am I going? I don't quite know.
What does it matter *where* people go?
Down to the woods where the bluebells grow!
Anywhere! Anywhere! *I* don't know!"
-- a. a. milne
Michael Hirtes taking the same side as Rush Limbaugh. What will the
talk.politics.* newsgroups say?
- Juan F. Lara
"MHirtes" <> wrote in message
Although, I think he missed the "well, yes, things suck right now, but the
world DOESN'T end when something bad happens" part of the deal.
Ah well.
And, Shadow? You have WAY too much fun.
"Wanderer" <> wrote in message
Hear hear! Get off the air, ya conservative hypocrite!
- LP
Is that really the best Rush can do - comparing a furcon to Bush & co's
inauguration wallow to 'expose' some more 'liberal hypocrisy'? Hey
Rush, one is a group of slightly wacky private citizens, the other is
the planet's ruling clique. I guess we should be flattered, being put
on equal footing with the kleptocracy.
Darn it -- looks like Homestar Hirtes' prescription has run out again.
(Maybe he could compare notes with his hero Limbaugh...)
(Ever notice that people who haven't laughed in years are the first
ones to use the weary 'LOL'?)
How about a real, standard format instead of some proprietary, unplayable
1.8MB of garbage?
Paul Johnson
> More specifically, he was satirizing the left's call for the inauguration
> of the president to be cancelled "because of the seriousness of the
> times."
Well, if Bush doesn't want to learn from the French Revolution, he's the one
doomed to repeat it.
I thought Jay Naylor was already a part of teh fandumb.
> Well, if Bush doesn't want to learn from the French Revolution, he's the
> one doomed to repeat it.
The New Napoleon.
> (Ever notice that people who haven't laughed in years are the first ones
> to use the weary 'LOL'?)
What do the people who laughed yesterday use?
> How about a real, standard format instead of some proprietary,
> unplayable 1.8MB of garbage?
Convert it to XML. :>
BOFH excuse #270:
Someone has messed up the kernel pointers
> MHirtes wrote:
> >
> /MU011905.asx
> How about a real, standard format instead of some proprietary, unplayable
> 1.8MB of garbage?
I can play it just fine on my Mac, Boo Boo.
> Let talk about the $40 million dollar Bush re-election party.
> compleate with it's $16 million dollars in protective services, to keep
> the general public out.
Did anyone besides me see the news footage of a B-2 Spirit doing
flyovers as part of the security in DC for Bush's inauguration? What in
the name of all that is holy is a bomber doing as part of this detail?
Bombers don't intercept airplanes - fighters do. What's the point, and
how much did he pay to put that thing up there, for what can't possibly
be any more useful than just flexing his muscle?
Bush is a moron and a jerk.
- LP
> kleptocracy.
I really, really love that word. Think I'm going to add that one to my
personal lexicon. Thanks!
- LP
Don Sanders.
That's what I like about Windoze Media Player being cross platform. I
meant the reply to be a jab at Boo Boo.
Wanderer, JP Morgan, Swipecat, et. al.: Blah blah blah blah. u R dubm!!!11
Repeat ad infinitum, adding semi-clever put-downs as necessary. Keep flame
low, but raise heat as necessary.
Makes dozens of servings of crap and waste, a furry fandom special. Serve
warm with white whiny douches; unsuitable for minors or anybody with a
fucking brain.
D, who is not a professional cook but plays one on TV.
> MHirtes: Blah blah blah blah. LOL wtf?
> Wanderer, JP Morgan, Swipecat, et. al.: Blah blah blah blah. u R
> dubm!!!11
Actually Swipecat hasnt made a post yet.
I read something about that before, I think they call it a false memory.
Where your brain automatically inserts things into your memory. Things
you'd expect to be there and you may even feel fairly sure about it, but in
actuality, weren't.
"L. Parker" wrote:
Sure it was for security... The security of the Air Force's portion of
the federal budget. Don't worry, if Kerry was being inaugurated, it would
still be up there. Next dumb question?
Read the replies made to MHirtes's first post under the topic "My big
From the headers:
From: Swipecat <swip...@see.replyto.header>
Subject: Re: My big question
D, who reads.
I only read this particular thread. Not the other one yet.
>More specifically, he was satirizing the left's call for the inauguration of
>the president to be cancelled "because of the seriousness of the times."
"The estimated $40 million tab for the four-day gala is almost three
times the initial amount proposed by the Bush administration for aid
to the tsunami victims."
PaInt iT rEd cuZ it go fAstUH!
>and then tried to claim that
>a furcon was "too festive" and "too costly", what with the "war going on"
>and the tsunami.
Given that the estimated $40 million tab for the four-day gala is
almost three times the initial amount proposed by the Bush
administration for aid to the tsunami victim, he needs a slap.
> Given that the estimated $40 million tab for the four-day gala is
> almost three times the initial amount proposed by the Bush
> administration for aid to the tsunami victim, he needs a slap.
> ---
> PaInt iT rEd cuZ it go fAstUH!
THANK YOU. Sorry, tsunami victims, we can't afford to help you because
we need the money to throw a party celebrating King George's second
stolen election.
But don't worry - Americans are generous people, and the 53% of the
population that didn't vote for Junior still have enough heart to help.
Unfortunately, they don't have jobs right now, so they can't send money,
In the mean time, those corporate CEOs who do happen to still have jobs
are spending their money on the new H2. Feel important yet?
- LP
> Sure it was for security... The security of the Air Force's portion of
> the federal budget.
Not a good thing.
> Don't worry, if Kerry was being inaugurated, it would
> still be up there.
Not necessarily. If King Dubya has shown us anything, it's that he has a
complete lack of tact when it comes to displaying his hardware to put
fear in the hearts of his enemies. I didn't get the impression from
Kerry that he felt the need for such locker-room mentality.
Putting an aircraft carrier off the coast of Korea for forward presence
is one thing. Flying a bomber over one of your own cities when you know
you would NEVER, EVER have reason to drop one is simply ridiculous.
> Next dumb question?
It wasn't a dumb question. Don't you think that was uncalled for?
- LP
Ummm, the initial amount was $35 million, as opposed to the final
amountof $20 million that Saudia Arabia, a muslim country, proposed.
And $40 million is nothing next to $350 million...
I didn't add to the long-running piss-fight between MHirtes and the world.
I was just poking fun at everyone that does.
I've been reading this newsgroups for a couple years, without ever posting
anything, but I've been itching to point out how pathetic it all is.
MHirtes is either the best troll ever or the people who respond to him are
too stupid to learn how not to reply.
I'm taking my own words to heart. I will not reply to any more discussions
regarding MHirtes v. The Fandom. I've got it out of my system.
Laters... :)
D, who will twerp no more.
RHJunior wrote:
> More specifically, he was satirizing the left's call for the inauguration of
> the president to be cancelled "because of the seriousness of the times."
I personaly don't care one way about the inaguration or the other, I
just wanna know WHY it has to cost so damn much.
"`Tis a beastly stench."
-Super Milk-Chan
H1n0arash1 wrote:
> I find it rather funny. Who would've thought that Rush, one of the biggest
> radio personalities in the States, had nothing better to comment on that day
> than a fur con?
> Although, I think he missed the "well, yes, things suck right now, but the
> world DOESN'T end when something bad happens" part of the deal.
> Ah well.
> And, Shadow? You have WAY too much fun.
> ~Tharivol
Years ago there was this 'Gush Limbarge' spoof of the Rush Limbaugh
personality and radio sow on something called 'Radio Lawn', and one of
the episodes had 'Gush' going to a Furrycon and getting exposed to
'spooge-art' and fursuits and yiffing and Gush jerking-it in his bear
costume looking for releif.
> I personaly don't care one way about the inaguration or the other, I
> just wanna know WHY it has to cost so damn much.
Security. He's a "popular" president.
> Putting an aircraft carrier off the coast of Korea for forward presence
> is one thing. Flying a bomber over one of your own cities when you know
> you would NEVER, EVER have reason to drop one is simply ridiculous.
The Flying Elvises were going to perform.
Just so you know, the B-2 is a weapons platform, not a WWII era B-17 only
capable of dropping dumb iron bombs. It can carry a dizzying array of
different munitions and deliver them instantly and accuratly. Instead of
ringing DC with anti aircraft missle batteries and dozens of F-15's buzzing
the capital, a B-2 loitering at altitute is as or more effective and a lot
quieter. Keep in mind too, that aircraft is going to cost just as much
sitting on the ground leaking fluids on the tarmack as it does flying around
actually being useful. It doesn't cost any more to fly that B-2 than not to
because the air crews still have to train and fly almost every day.
Oh, and fighters don't intercept airplanes in this day and age, missles do.
B-2's carry lots and lots of missles. They also have radar, ECM and very
sophisitcated communications systems.
I really don't think Bush threw a tantum in front of the Joint Chiefs
demanding a B-2 fly over DC. The DOD was charged with protecting the
proceedings and that was their decision to use that particular asset.
Besides, if Bush did say, "Big plane go zooom!" they would have used the B-2
> teh fandumb. I'm sure you'll be able to convince him that wearing a
> fursuit with a big floppydong is just an innocent form of fun.
> LOL!
So what? That didn't sound that bad at all bad as opposed to the
material about furs on CSI, Vanity Fair, or MTV. This is not something
to get all riled up over.
Rush may be onto something however as from what I've seen (especially
here on AFF), most furs are liberal or ultra-liberal.
Yep, I got a tape of it somewhere, gotta pull it out one of these
days and give it a good listen. I know the author well and it makes
me wonder if maybe he had a glimpse into the future or something. :)
Don Sanders.
Who still shivers at the thought of a Yiffy acting Julia Child in a
bunny fursuit. :)
More than that, it's amazingly ironic. Here he is saying that people
should be doing something else, attacking someone's holiday and yet he's
supposedly some kind of public oriface that could be doing something about
the important issues of the world but he choses to focus on something so
obscure? Sheesh. Talk about pots and kettles.
I thought he claimed he'd stopped smoking crack?
> Yep, I got a tape of it somewhere, gotta pull it out one of these
> days and give it a good listen. I know the author well and it makes
> me wonder if maybe he had a glimpse into the future or something. :)
Think you could digitize it so the rest of us could listen??? ;)
- LP
Part of the right wing's master plan was to spend 20-30 years turning
the word 'liberal' into something akin to 'child molester' - and
they've by & large succeeded. My own problem with traditional liberals
is that they're way too wimpy. (Just look at the way they run away from
being called liberals.) We need some serious kick-ass
liberals/Democrats (and there are SO MANY big fat asses out there just
begging to be kicked these days) to face down the Limbaughs, OReillys,
Tom DeLays, etc etc etc.
I'm not particularly riled up over Rush's attention; I'm kinda
flattered actually. His snide, put-downy reading of the item was just
more V.Fair-style condescension. But the point of his argument - if
liberals are so against a big blowout inauguration, why don't THESE
people cancel THEIR convention? - is a total non-sequitir. Then again,
Rush's audience isn't much interested in logical thinking.
And since regular liberals are so eeevil, just what is a (shudder!)
> Rush may be onto something however as from what I've seen (especially
> here on AFF), most furs are liberal or ultra-liberal.
Hey! Watch your language. :)
It would be up to the author of the tape. You can never be too
Don Sanders.
> That's what I like about Windoze Media Player being cross platform. I
> meant the reply to be a jab at Boo Boo.
Windows Media isn't cross-platform, though, or I'd be able to play it.
Paul Johnson