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Furry General Store no. 1 - Yarf!

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Feb 23, 1992, 8:16:48 PM2/23/92
1. Yarf! (The Journal of Applied Anthropomorphics) various

NOTE: Information based on seeing the first 16 issues ONLY.

Presently the leading anthropomorphics fanzine, 8 1/2" x 11", ranging
in size from 44-103 pages (usu. around 48 pages). A general fanzine,
with stories (both art and text) from a wide range of subjects, with
a PG to PG13 rating. Editors are: Jeff Ferris, Kris Kreutzman,
Bill Fitts, Lance Rund, and Tom McDaniel.
Regular features are: Flaming Hairballs (introduction) and Last Bits
(closing) by the staff, Patten's Pontifications - reviews of furry
books by Fred Patten, Freefall - a strip by Mark Stanley, Robert and
Katrina - shameless plugs for Newt Athletics and a 'thing' for dead-
lines, and back cover by Lance Rund (except for #1 and #16).

Preview issue - 6p (free) cover by Monika Livingston, back by Bill Fitts.
Contributions by Chris Grant, Lance Rund, Ken Sample, Kris Kreutzman.

Issue 1 - 45p ($4) cover by Chris Grant, back by Mark Stanley.
Empires, Ace of Spades 1 - Chris Grant
Melanie - (text: Pete Glaskowsky illus: Brian O'Connell)
Swimming Lesson - (text: Doug Durbrow illus: Monika Livingston)
Varcel's Vixens - Susan Van Camp
Also: Bryce Nakagawa, Maggie de Alarcon, Eric Cavanaugh-Elliot,
Ken Sample, Ruben Avila, Bill Fitts, Shon Howell, Craig Hilton.

Issue 2 - 44p ($3) cover by Monika Livingston
Empires, Ace of Spades 2 - Chris Grant
Learning the Craft - text: David White
Varcel's Vixens - Susan Van Camp
Also: Lisa Iennaco, Melody Rondeau, Scott Alston, Tom Verre', Monika
Livingston, Bill Fitts, Roy Pounds, Eric Blumrich, Maggie de Alarcon,
Craig Hilton

Issue 3 - 45p ($3) cover by Kris Kreutzman
Double Helixers: Essay on the First Semihumans (text/illo: Dave Bryant)
Empires, Ace of Spades 3 - Chris Grant
...But can you do this? - (text: Waverly Pierre illo: Ken Pick)
Also: Perry Okerstrom, Monika Livingston, Joy Riddle, Mark Bode',
Bill Fitts, Ken Sample, Melody Rondeau, Jack Cavanaugh, Roy Pounds,
Tom Verre'

Issue 4 - 50p ($3) cover by Monika Livingston
Empires, Ace of Spades 4 - Chris Grant, Dan Flahive
The Star - text: David White
Images - Maggie de Alarcon
Also: Dave Cannon, Mark Stanley, Bryce Nakagawa, Zjonni Perchalski,
Edd Vick, Scott Alston, Tom Verre', Monika Livingston, Eric Nelson,
Roy Pounds, Tax (reviews), Ruben Avila

Issue 5 - 45p ($4) cover by Dave Bryant
A Gift of Fire, a Gift of Blood 1 - (text: Watts Martin, illo: Zjonni
Empires, Ace of Spades 5 - Chris Grant, Dan Flahive
Also: Eric Blumrich, Paul Defenbaugh, Bryce Nakagawa, Tom Verre',
Dave Bryant, Roy Pounds, Monika Livingston, Jack Cavanaugh, Tax (rev),
Eric Nelson, Bill Fitts, Scott Alston, K.C., Anthony Waters.

Issue 6 - 75p ($5) cover by Bryce Nakagawa
Buffalo Wings - John Nunnemacher
A Gift of Fire, a Gift of Blood 2 - (text: Watts Martin, illo: Zjonni
Coyote Contraption - Roy Pounds
Home Cookin' - (text: Waverly Pierre illo: Ken Pick)
Satisfaction Guaranteed - text: David White
Empires, Behind the Scenes - Chris Grant
Also: Bill Fitts, Monika Livingston, Tom Verre', Kris Kreutzman,
Lisa Iennaco.

Issue 7 - 53p ($3) cover by Chris Grant/Dan Flahive
Empires, Ace of Spades 6 - Chris Grant, Eric Blumrich
A Gift of Fire, a Gift of Blood 3 - (text: Watts Martin illo: Zjonni
Webfed: Anatomy of a Universe - (text: Ken Pick illo: Pick, Dave Kuhn)
Also: Dave Kuhn, Tom Verre', Bill Fitts, Monika Livingston

Issue 8 - 47p ($3) cover by Chuck Melville, Monika Livingston
A Gift of Fire, a Gift of Blood 4 - (text: Watts Martin illo: Zjonni
Buffalo Wings - John Nunnemacher
Birthday Girl - (text: Lance Rund illo: Eric Blumrich)
Empires, Ace of Spades - Chris Grant, Eric Blumrich
Also: Bryce Nakagawa, Adam van Wick, Bill Fitts

Issue 9 - 47p ($4) cover by Dave Kuhn
Buffalo Wings - John Nunnemacher
Happy Families - (text: Mark Parker illo: Dave Bryant)
Doppelganger - (text: Mark Stanley illo: Eric Blumrich)
Empires, Ace of Spades 8 - Chris Grant, Eric Blumrich
Also: Maggie de Alarcon, Dave Kuhn/Adam van Wyk (Cyborg Kangaroo),
Bryce Nakagawa, Mark Stanley

Issue 10 - 103p ($5) cover by Eric Blumrich
Escape to New York - Roz Gibson
Feasts and Famines - (text: Waverly Pierre illo: Zjonni Perchalski)
Empires - Chris Grant, Eric Blumrich
Buffalo Wings - John Nunnemacher
Coyote Contraption - Roy Pounds
Oh What a Night - Jim Groat
Two Lessons - Eric Elliot
Death Wears a Friendly Face - Mark Stanley, Andy Watts
Also: Monika Livingston, Dave Kuhn/Adam van Wyk (Cyborg Kangaroo),
Bryce Nakagawa, Tom Verre', Jim Hayden, Adam van Wyk, Lisa Iennaco,
Anthony Waters, Susan van Camp, Zjonni Perchalski, Roy Pounds,
Bill Fitts, Eric Nelson.

Issue 11 - 54p ($4) cover by Bryce Nakagawa
Empires - Chris Grant, Eric Blumrich
Escape to New York - Roz Gibson
Evening of the Lepus - Ken Pick
Cyborg Kangaroo - Dave Kuhn, Adam Van Wyk
Also: Jim Hayden, Monika Livingston, Eric Elliot, and Bill Fitts

Issue 12 - 58p ($4) cover by Bill Fitts
Escape to New York - Roz Gibson
Opening Moves - Mark Stanley
Empires - Chris Grant, Eric Elliot, Lance Rund
Buffalo Wings: the Con - John Nunnemacher
Also: Roy Pounds, Dave Kuhn, Adam Van Wyk, Carl Gafford, Jack
Kavanaugh, Jim Groat, Summer Jackson, and Jimmy Chin.

Issue 13 - 56p ($4) cover by Monika Livingston
Empires - Chris Grant, Bryce Nakagawa
Buffalo Wings - John Nunnemacher
Escape to New York - Roz Gibson
Also: Roy Pounds, Monika Livingston, Chris Grant, Bryce Nakagawa,
Jack Cavanaugh, Dave Kuhn, Adam Van Wyk, Ken Sample, Ken Pick,
Roger Colton, Eric Nelson, Ken Fletcher, Tom Foster.

Issue 14 - 93p ($5) cover by Roz Gibson
Escape to New York, conclusion - Roz Gibson
Empires - Chris Grant, Lance Rund
How George Miles Almost Saved the World - text: Watts Martin, illos:
Bryce Nakagawa
Buffalo Wings - John Nunnemacher
Cul-de-Sac - David White
Kill 23 - Ken Pick
Also: Bryce Nagagawa, David Bliss, Ken Sample, Maggie de Alarcon,
Tom Verre', Roy Pounds, Edd Vick, Susan Van Camp, Jim Groat, Jack

Issue 15 - 45p ($4) cover by Monika Livingston
Rufus the Red: Maiden Voyage - Doug Durbrow, Monika Livingston
Empires - Chris Grant, Lance Rund
Buffalo Wings - John Nunnemacher
The Horse - Summer Jackson
Critters of the WebFed: Skreeln - Ken Pick
Also: Jimmy Chin, Bryce Nakagawa

Issue 16 - 45p ($4) cover by Zjonni Perchalski, back by Kris Kreutzman
Lighthous, part 1 - text: Watts Martin, illos: Zjonni Perchalski
Ladycat - text: Gerald Perkins, illos: Bryce Nakagawa
Empires - Chris Grant, Lance Rund
Buffalo Wings - John Nunnemacher
Also: Maggie de Alarcon, David White, Jimmy Chin

Issue 17 - ($4) November 1991.

Issue 18/19 ($10) January 1992.

P.O. Box 1200, Cupertino, CA 95015-1200
Messages: (408) 736-9653, or Jeff Ferris (503) 230-0589
Net: Kris Kreutzman (, Lance Rund (

Subscription: $40 for 8 issues (1 year, US surface mail), $56 overseas
What's available: 19 issues to date, the most recent from Jan. 1992.
Comes out about once every 8-9 weeks. The next one is due out March
1992. All are available. cost is between $3 and $5 each, depending
upon size (see above), plus postage ($1 US, $3 overseas - each issue)

Review: Yarf! 13 in Occasional Northern Reviews,
mentioned in Amazing Heroes #184

Survey: Yarf! was voted favorite fanzine in the last net survey.
Revar (from Gift of Fire, Gift of Blood) received 3 votes for favorite
character, as did Jack Salem (Escape from New York), and Morrigan
(Empires). Contributing artists: Monika Livingston was voted third
favorite pro artist; Jimmy Chin was voted favorite fan artist, Tom
Verre' was second, Ken Sample was third, Dave
Kuhn and John Nunnemacher received 3 votes, Chris Grant, Eric
Blumrich and Shon Howell received 2 votes each. Watts Martin was
voted favorite writer.

Last Updated: Feb. 22, 1992.

Aleph Null, net.spy! Personal: (@trinity.bitnet)
aka Matthew High Alternate:
last semester - ugh. Also:
(512) 737-4890 FurNet: NUL BBS 1:387/255 (512) 615-6851
--------"Where love fails, high explosives succeed" - Major Matt Mason--------

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