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The proof that camp Feral is encouraging animal sexual abusers to attend

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Jul 11, 2003, 4:13:35 PM7/11/03
The proof that camp Feral is encouraging animal sexual abusers to

From it:
"Heyas all, It's Farley the Lynx, official mascot of Camp Feral!. In
response to numerous requests for information, and growing attendance
of people from the zoo community at Feral!....
....environment for furry and zoo alike...

....If you would like to attend...
....Feral! 2003, or would like more information, please visit us at"


Alas for the day when animal sexual abusers infiltrate even the very
organisations of the furry fandom and seek to subvert it.

It has also been noted that "Miami" who is appointed "camper
relations" (And probably made that very post) has alledgedly in the
past been an alledged sexual abuser of animals.

Even the Adminstration of Camp Feral has been infiltrated by animail
abusers, That is the extent to which the rot has penetrated.

For the sake of their soul and the good name of the furry fandom and
conventions everywhere that even consider themselves furry friendly or
allow some furry friendly programming or anything like that, rapid
action should be taken in order to prevent this infiltration.

I could well imagine some (media?) elements who wish to smear furry
fandom or anything even remotely connected with it, and useing this
encourageing of animal sexual abusers to attend as a weapon for this

I urge you to think of the damage this could do the good name of the
furry fandom and anything connected with it, and make appropriate
protestations to camp feral management to have the animal abusers who
have infiltrated that Camp convention and any other convention,
removed with all haste.

I beg you to e-mail the people in charge of camp feral, should you
chose to, to raise the grave concearns that people have over allowing
animal sexual abusers to perhaps run the convention camp and even
encourageing them to attend.

The E-mail adress of the "chairfur" is avaible at the website:

Thankyou for your time.

The innocent have nothing to fear


Jul 11, 2003, 6:07:15 PM7/11/03
On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 20:13:35 GMT, A.S.D wrote:

> The proof that camp Feral is encouraging animal sexual abusers to
> attend:

What the hell is this link too? Takes forever to load while showing
nothing. Seems like one of those bloody traps to me.

Michael Hirtes

Jul 11, 2003, 8:45:34 PM7/11/03
In article <>, (A.S.D) wrote:

> The proof that camp Feral is encouraging animal sexual abusers to
> attend:
> =1009&dis=1015&range=1&name=&pass=&goto=1
> From it:
> ---
> "Heyas all, It's Farley the Lynx, official mascot of Camp Feral!. In
> response to numerous requests for information, and growing attendance
> of people from the zoo community at Feral!....
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> ....environment for furry and zoo alike...
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> ....If you would like to attend...
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> ....Feral! 2003, or would like more information, please visit us at
> ---
> Alas for the day when animal sexual abusers infiltrate even the very
> organisations of the furry fandom and seek to subvert it.
> It has also been noted that "Miami" who is appointed "camper
> relations" (And probably made that very post) has alledgedly in the
> past been an alledged sexual abuser of animals.

"Miami"? As in "Miami Pony"? As in the butt ugly, FLAMINGLY gay bald gy
from the Mtv Plushies & Furries" program?

Why not invite Michael Savage to do a segment on the thing while they're
at it? Couldn't do any more damage.

> Even the Adminstration of Camp Feral has been infiltrated by animail
> abusers, That is the extent to which the rot has penetrated.

I am not the least surprised.

> For the sake of their soul and the good name of the furry fandom and
> conventions everywhere that even consider themselves furry friendly or
> allow some furry friendly programming or anything like that, rapid
> action should be taken in order to prevent this infiltration.

That's what you get for tolerating the freaks.

> I could well imagine some (media?) elements who wish to smear furry
> fandom or anything even remotely connected with it, and useing this
> encourageing of animal sexual abusers to attend as a weapon for this
> purpose.

Hell, even a media show that WANTED to show furrydom in a good light
(extremely unlikely that is), would be converted into the anti-fur camp
the moment they saw Miami Pony and the pony-pokers.


Jul 12, 2003, 7:56:05 AM7/12/03
Ka`haku <> shall never vanquished be until
great Birnam wood to high hill shall come against him.

um... nope. It's still up and working.

Can we put a price on peace?
Yes, it is the opportunity cost of all those weapons you will not sell.


Jul 13, 2003, 1:42:35 AM7/13/03

> Alas for the day when animal sexual abusers infiltrate even the very
> organisations of the furry fandom and seek to subvert it.

Why you evil puritanical prudish bigoted sexaphobic Southern Baptist
Televangelist Ninja Turtle. How can you be so filled with HATE for people
who are just pursuing their alternative sexuality? What two consenting
mammals do in the privacy of their own house or kennel or livestock pen
should be *none of your business.*
You're probably secretly lusting after the neighbor's shnauzer and are just
in denial about it-- that's why you're so vocal about it.

> action should be taken in order to prevent this infiltration.

It's called 'closing the barn door after the horse ran out.....'

the only thing that'll pop this particular pustule is

1)If every anthro organization and convention head that wishes to remain
unstained immediately and vocally denounces Camp Feral-- repeatedly-- as
what it is... a bestiality get-togethor, and refuses to have anything to do
with it or its administration or staff.

2)If everyone else stays away from Camp Feral and associated get-togethors.

3)If the fandom as a whole basically throws them all to the wolves---
turning them over to the animal rights activists and the legal authorities
and the various civic-minded groups to be run through the wringer for a few
months. Once they find the PTA and the SPCA and the local Vice Squads
gnawing on their leg like a spastic rottweiler, that'll put a DAMNED swift
end to it.

Of course, I expect this to happen about as much as I expect the average
Fanboy to bathe. It's "too much trouble" for anyone with even a scratch of
authority or respectability in this fandom to take a hardline stand on

Matt Harpold

Jul 13, 2003, 10:07:26 PM7/13/03

"RHJunior" <> wrote in message

> > Alas for the day when animal sexual abusers infiltrate even the very
> > organisations of the furry fandom and seek to subvert it.
> Why you evil puritanical prudish bigoted sexaphobic Southern Baptist
> Televangelist Ninja Turtle. How can you be so filled with HATE for people
> who are just pursuing their alternative sexuality? What two consenting
> mammals do in the privacy of their own house or kennel or livestock pen
> should be *none of your business.*
> You're probably secretly lusting after the neighbor's shnauzer and are
> in denial about it-- that's why you're so vocal about it.

Is there, like, any actual evidence that this goes on at feral, or is this
urban-myths-ville? Or maybe it's guilt-by-associations-ville? I mean, we all
know zoo people exist, this is old news. It's tired news, it's been beaten
way WAY past death in the great tradition of internet discourse. And some of
these people attend furry cons. Big deal. I heard somewhere that convicted
child molestors may shop at the VERY SAME SAFEWAY as you or I! They may EVEN

Sometimes, Ralph, I wonder if you're conservative because you believe it, or
if you're just like the idea of being conservative because it's fun to be
contrary to the overwhelmingly accepting (overly so, sure) furry fandom.
Everyone knows being contrary is fun, just ask your average furry about who
won the last Mets game.



Jul 14, 2003, 2:05:36 PM7/14/03
"Matt Harpold" <> shall never vanquished be until

great Birnam wood to high hill shall come against him.

>Is there, like, any actual evidence that this goes on at feral, or is this

>urban-myths-ville? Or maybe it's guilt-by-associations-ville? I mean, we all
>know zoo people exist, this is old news. It's tired news, it's been beaten
>way WAY past death in the great tradition of internet discourse.

Ethnic cleansing, Genocide, persecution, it's all accepted as
legitimate tools of statecraft.

The furry fandom is statecraft in miniture for those who weild power
in it.
Power is exlcusionary and we must weild it against someone, Thus,
Peopel who rape animals are an easy target.

By whipping up hatred against people who RAPE ANIMALS I shall unleash
the EVIL FORCE OF TEH MOB and then I shall ride that to becomeing the
grand inquistor of the furry fandom.

Then I shall begin a reign of terror and not even Dostoevsky himself
shall stop me.

>these people attend furry cons. Big deal.

Animal rapists, need to be cought and punished for rapeing animals.
When people commit crimes, we MUST PUNISH THEM.

etc etc.

Any other people who wish to leap on the bandwagon to push their
ideology, may now do so.


Jul 15, 2003, 8:52:30 PM7/15/03
to (D.S) wrote in message news:<>...



-Ostrich! <")


Jul 15, 2003, 9:11:32 PM7/15/03
On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 17:52:30 -0700, Ostrich wrote:

> Exude?

Do you really want to know?

-Barry Hughes
I think animal testing is a terrible idea; they get all nervous and give the wrong answers

Chris Johnson

Jul 15, 2003, 10:20:51 PM7/15/03
In article <>, (D.S) wrote:
> >these people attend furry cons. Big deal.
> Animal rapists, need to be cought and punished for rapeing animals.
> When people commit crimes, we MUST PUNISH THEM.


Um, dooood, I think you enjoy this a little TOO much ;) get a
kleenex, will you? Geez ;)

Chris Johnson

no one in particular

Jul 17, 2003, 1:24:52 PM7/17/03

"RHJunior" <> wrote in message


> It's "too much trouble" for anyone with even a scratch of
> authority or respectability in this fandom to take a hardline stand on
> anything.

That's because the only people who get the aura of authority and
respectability in furry are those who are so non-judgemental that they'd smile
and nod at people making baby oil out of real babies, and so vociferous about
it, you'd swear they were active participants despite their claims to the
contrary. Taking a hardline stand for anything remotely normal is a sure-fire
way of drawing fire and opprobrium from the furry masses. What else can you
expect from a fandom so overloaded with self-centered arrogant putzes who live
in their own little world of paranoid delusions that the whole world was
designed and manufactured solely to persecute them?

I've come to the conclusion that the happiest and best adjusted furs are
those farthest removed from it. Every person in furry I know and would stand
behind as totally trustworthy spends only a thousandth of the time around furry
that the problem children do. Illustrative of the fact that furry is a
co-dependent enabler festival of the worst sort.

Anyone with any social or personal problems they need to work on and rid
themselves of that are hobbling their forward momentum in life, should stay the
fuck away from most of furry and keep it no greater than in the back of their
mind, immersing themselves in the outer world. If they are one tenth as
intelligent as they like to think they are, furs would be in charge of the
outer world and furry would be considered normal. They aren't and it isn't.
-Wayd Wolf


Jul 18, 2003, 5:38:49 AM7/18/03
Ralph, and others...

Since this thread is about Camp Feral, I'll mention that I was
at the very first one at Camp Arrowhon several years ago, and
it was _very_ family oriented. Certainly a number of zoophiles
and plushophiles I know were present, but it was by no means
a "bestiality camp". Some people brought their kids, there was
no public display of sex or spooge. It was pretty darn squeaky
clean, compared to the furry cons I had been to. If there was
any kinky stuff going on, people were properly discreet about it.

I say this because you seem to have gone off on Feral based on
a posting by a certain "David Saunders" or whoever the hell he
is today. I've been lurking on this group for quite some time,
and the guy seems to be an expert "one hand typist", in the
troll/one-hand-under-table sense. I rechecked the
web site and as I expected, no mention of zoophilia, bestiality,
or frankly any sex or "adults only" activities at all. In fact,
IIRC, pets are banned, as is alcohol.

Honestly, anyone going to Feral for wild orgies of non-G-rated
behavior is in for a disappointment. Hope you like such kinky
things as campfires, nature hikes, kids' "camp" games, swimming,
canoeing, art and fursuiting workshops, and the like. I would've
gone the last few years, except that I have the most perverse
sex life of all... I'm married to a job. :( (At least I'm employed)

(Sarcastic snippet...)

> who are just pursuing their alternative sexuality? What two consenting
> mammals do in the privacy of their own house or kennel or livestock pen
> should be *none of your business.*

As long as it doesn't involve an unwilling victim or young'uns,
it IS none of your business or anyone else's for that matter.
On the other hand, people who show the poor manners and judgement
to perform their bodily functions out in public in front of
an unwilling and uninterested audience shouldn't be surprised
if they're called "FREAK" or worse, or are arrested for indecent
and fuck-tardly behavior. No different really than walking
through the streets of Compton, CA wearing a KKK hood. Certainly
people have a right to wear a KKK robe, but the folks in that area
might find it just a wee bit offensive and provide a painful and/or
fatal lesson in basic manners to the wearer.

> 1)If every anthro organization and convention head that wishes to remain
> unstained immediately and vocally denounces Camp Feral-- repeatedly-- as
> what it is... a bestiality get-togethor, and refuses to have anything to do
> with it or its administration or staff.

Except it's not a "bestiality get-together", and never was. Like I
mentioned above, there's actually less sex and/or "adult stuff"
at Feral than at the other furry cons I went to.

> Of course, I expect this to happen about as much as I expect the average
> Fanboy to bathe. It's "too much trouble" for anyone with even a scratch of
> authority or respectability in this fandom to take a hardline stand on
> anything.

Or because it's a non-issue drummed up by a habitual troll on a
flamey Usenet group, and the people working hard to run
conventions and events like Feral have better things to do than
respond to such spoutings.

ScritchWuff /
When replying, manually remove "SPAM" from my email address.


Jul 18, 2003, 6:09:29 AM7/18/03
Scritch <> shall never vanquished be

until great Birnam wood to high hill shall come against

>web site and as I expected, no mention of zoophilia, bestiality,

>or frankly any sex or "adults only" activities at all. In fact,
>IIRC, pets are banned, as is alcohol.

And did you check the link I provided?

See that proof.

You do realise that one person on the staff, the "miami" one, is
probably the very same one who is a sexual abuser of animals yeah?

allowing a con to have animal abusers on the staff, for shame.


>Except it's not a "bestiality get-together", and never was. Like I
>mentioned above, there's actually less sex and/or "adult stuff"
>at Feral than at the other furry cons I went to.

Umm.. .the link I provided proves that they are going out of their way
to enoucourage Animal abusers to attend.


Jul 18, 2003, 6:54:06 AM7/18/03
D.S wrote:
> And did you check the link I provided?
Yes. So what? Zoophiles are going to Feral. They're also
going to Anthrocon, Furcon, and you-name-it. That doesn't
make any of these cons a "bestiality get-together". If
they think they'll be "yiffing in the woods", they're gonna
be disappointed. :) If they're going there to hike, canoe,
and sit around a campfire singing kum-bay-yah with each
other, what's there to complain about?

> Umm.. .the link I provided proves that they are going out of their way
> to enoucourage Animal abusers to attend.

One guy on the fringes of the "con staff" (not actually listed
as staff on the web site) inviting his "zoo" buddies does not
make Feral a "zoo con", despite what he says. Where on the
Feral webpage ( do you see the con described
as having anything remotely to do with zoophilia?

Nothing to see here... Just keep moving along.

(And if you're planning on going to Feral! I wouldn't worry
about any "icky" stuff going on there. I mean, they don't
even allow pets there fer chrissake! How can you commit
bestiality if there's only humans around?)

Paul Johnson

Jul 18, 2003, 8:59:28 AM7/18/03
Hash: SHA1

The Fri, 18 Jul 2003 10:54:06 GMT, Scritch <> wrote:
>> And did you check the link I provided?
> Yes. So what? Zoophiles are going to Feral. They're also
> going to Anthrocon, Furcon, and you-name-it.

They may even be in our movie theaters!

> (And if you're planning on going to Feral! I wouldn't worry
> about any "icky" stuff going on there. I mean, they don't
> even allow pets there fer chrissake! How can you commit
> bestiality if there's only humans around?)

Wait...I figured it out: Saunders, just because you managed to score
with the local wildlife while you were at Feral doesn't mean anybody
else even tried.

- --
.''`. Paul Johnson <>
: :' : proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
`- Debian - when you have better things to do than fix a system
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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