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Best of the Best in furry/anthropomorphics

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Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
to wrote:

> Every official fandaom, be it Star Trek, X-Files, whatever has it's list of
> favorites and those they love to hate. So, in keeping in the spirit of what
> this news group is about (and I can count your post now people), I propose a
> vote.
> 1. How's the best anthro villian? Scar? Jenner? Rattigian? Wing? Who's
> the worst of the worst that represents the most evil (and keep it fictional
> people, I don't want any real people in this) that would rank with Kahn from
> Star Trek?

Sher Kahn, from Disney's _Jungle Book_: Scar's style with Mufasa's voice.

> 2. Who's the most heroic? Mrs. Brisby? Barnard (Rescuers Down Under)?
> Timmy? He's the anthro that makes everyone go, hey, he/she's the bravest of
> them all.

Pongo, from _101 Dalmations_: an everyman forced by circumstances to
do heroic things.


Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
Every official fandaom, be it Star Trek, X-Files, whatever has it's list of
favorites and those they love to hate. So, in keeping in the spirit of what
this news group is about (and I can count your post now people), I propose a

1. How's the best anthro villian? Scar? Jenner? Rattigian? Wing? Who's
the worst of the worst that represents the most evil (and keep it fictional
people, I don't want any real people in this) that would rank with Kahn from
Star Trek?

2. Who's the most heroic? Mrs. Brisby? Barnard (Rescuers Down Under)?

Timmy? He's the anthro that makes everyone go, hey, he/she's the bravest of
them all.

I think for the moment I'll leave the list at that, don't want to overload
anyone. So, cast your votes. Who's the best of the best in furry. We gotta
have some favorites for this to be a legitamate fandom after all.

Ebony Leopard

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Michael Thompson

Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
>2. Who's the most heroic? Mrs. Brisby? Barnard (Rescuers Down Under)?
>Timmy? He's the anthro that makes everyone go, hey, he/she's the bravest of
>them all.

I don't know about most hated, (though I could name a few personally) but
for heroics, Artica Lapogos* can rescue me ANYDAY. ;)

(* Read Extinctioners by Shawntae Howard from Shanda Fantasy Arts.)

Meow fur now,
TPF-The People's Furry
Michael =^.,.^= Thompson

Gabriel Gentile

Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
> 1. How's the best anthro villian?

One word... Salem.

> 2. Who's the most heroic?

I dunno, but it sure as hell ain't Timmy Brisby!

Gabriel Gentile
Easily Papoosed - "Look! A baby indian!"

Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
SKORCH, the semi-official 'zine of the Burned Fur movement, is now accepting
submissions! The goal is to produce the kind of magazine that a reader can't
go through without saying "Gee, I never thought about it like THAT" at least

WRITING Unlike most furry 'zines, SKORCH is not afraid of the written word.
If you have some commentary on the furry scene, we want to hear it. Reviews
of new comics, you're read, event reports, even related films are good for
wordage. Let'see 'em!

Text pieces will fall into one of three categories:

FEATURE ARTICLES are extended articles about some facet of the
anthropomorphic scene, be it art, the fans themselves, the furry 'business'
or something similar. Out goal with these is to cause the reader to actually
THINK about the topic being discussed...

REGULAR COLUMNS are something no magazine would be complete without. Each of
these revolves around a certain topic or theme, such as reviews, 'industry'
news, and so on. One of these regular columns that I wuld like to see
personally I lifted from another magazine: "Basic Training" from WIZARD,
where an experienced artist gives an insight into certain aspects of their
art style for those rookie art-folks out there who want to improve their

"SOAPBOX" pieces. These are basically a piece where a writer takes about 500
or so words and rants about something that they feel like ranting about.
Simple, eh?

ADVERTISERS Do I REALLY need to explain how much we love advertisers? Nope,
didn't think so.

Art is a good thing, and no furry 'zine would be complete without it, so here
are the art guidelines for issue #1:

*Art is more or less limited to Black & White, due to the limitations of the
media that the first issue is being printed in ('crappy xerox.') The first
issue will be 'digest sized' (5.5"x8.5") so please be careful to adjust your
images accordingly. To the people who asked, please note that this may limit
the size of the comic strips you were thinking of contributing.

CONTENT GUIDELINES 1. No 'adult' art. Period. I say this because, quite
simply, there's way too much of it to go around in this scene as it is. This
won't stop us from putting out a swimsuit issue at one point or another,
however ^_^

2. Try to avoid flaming. I know that it's tempting, and occasionally more
than a little satisfying at times, to simply open up and rag on a person. But
SKORCH is not the net, where flemes fade away after a few weeks. Once you say
it in print, it's there forever.

DEADLINES The first issue will be formally going to press on the last day of
may, with a special second, hopefully full-sized issue hitting the bricks for
Anthrocon. After that, it should revert to a semi-regular quarterly schedule.
I can accept submissions either by email or groundmail (please email me for
my snailmail addy)

Any other questions? Just ask.

Michael "GothTiger" Campbell, designated editor.

Robert Alley

Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99

Gabriel Gentile wrote:
> > 1. How's the best anthro villian?
> One word... Salem.
> > 2. Who's the most heroic?
> I dunno, but it sure as hell ain't Timmy Brisby!

How about Walter Kitty? Or Gunther & Stewart from "Mighty Tiny"?


Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
Sure, I have a question.

How do you expect to "make people think" when your position is
declared up front? I don't suspect there are many liberals who pick up
a copy of the New Republic and read it expecting to be enlightened. I
doubt a paranormalist has ever bought the Skeptical Inquirer with the
aim of allowing an article to change his mind. The only function of a
one-party publication is "preaching to the choir."

___vvz /( Cerulean *
<__,` Z / ( DC.D/? fs+h++ Gm CB^P a$m++d+++l*g-e!i
`~~~) )Z) ( FDDmp4adwsA+++$C+D+HM+P-RT+++WZSm#
/ (7 ( aueJ) Ja!seJj 'Jp - ,,'a!>oo) e a^eH,,

Bev Clark/Steve Gallacci

Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
In article <>,

Robert Alley <> wrote:
>Gabriel Gentile wrote:
>> > 1. How's the best anthro villian?
>> One word... Salem.

Well, he is one evil sociopath. But I can't think of a more interesting
villian right off. I've written some obnoxious charaters, but none to
really root for. (the ILR guys I regard more as simply the oppotition,
rather than villians per se)

>> > 2. Who's the most heroic?
>> I dunno, but it sure as hell ain't Timmy Brisby!
>How about Walter Kitty? Or Gunther & Stewart from "Mighty Tiny"?

Maybe Jenna from Birthright? Thought the young prince is very much the
archtype, very deliberatly "Disney-esque" in his background.

David Gonterman

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
On Thu, 15 Apr 1999 22:28:17 GMT,
(Cerulean) wrote:

>Sure, I have a question.
>How do you expect to "make people think" when your position is
>declared up front? I don't suspect there are many liberals who pick up
>a copy of the New Republic and read it expecting to be enlightened. I
>doubt a paranormalist has ever bought the Skeptical Inquirer with the
>aim of allowing an article to change his mind. The only function of a
>one-party publication is "preaching to the choir."

Not so. It may be of a shock to some that there are Burned Furs are
*not* as extremist as you might paint all of them by with the widest
brush since the ones I've seen after the OJ Trial. In fact, some of
them are even <gasp> tolerant of the factions in question (Rule of
thumb when Tolerance is concerned: Find the one who demands it the
most. That's the one who has it the least.) . These people do not
want to get rid of the so-called 'bad element' in Furry Fandom, mainly
because it's as impossible as Liberman's gestapo trying to censor the
Internet. All they want is a 'closer to G-Rating' Fandom that is more
like the Fandom of old, without these so-called 'furverts' getting in
front of the camera and making the rest of said Fandom get colored in
the same light as the few.

Just as not all Furry Fans fuck their pets and stuffies and wish to
become a warewolf, not all Burned Furs are extremist Bible-thumpers
sent out to hate and rage.


FoxFire Studios--------
FoxFire Comic Strip----

If this Sig File is not included in the E-Letter, then this may
not have come from David himself, please inform your Server's sysadmin.

Roz Gibson

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
In article <>, says...

>> 1. How's the best anthro villian?
>One word... Salem.

If you thought he was wicked before, wait until you see the story I'm working
on with him *now* (hopefully out for Anthrocon) (cue insane artist laughter)

>> 2. Who's the most heroic?
>I dunno, but it sure as hell ain't Timmy Brisby!

Liska from Katmandu?

Never thought much about the hero types...

Working hard
Roz G.

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
In article <7f68h2$me4$>,

Alright! this is going great so far. Note: I'm going to let post messages 4,
5, and 6 slide as being mistakes (now that's me being polite, don't push me).

Okay, It's great the suggestions so far, hey creators don't be afraid to
include your own characters, though I'll reframe for the moment until I get
them publicly established, though TPF is enough for a one man cheering squad

Okay to through some more wood on the fire for heros how about Robin Hood
(disney), Justin (SON), Basil of Baker Street, Simba, Balto, Darkwing Duck,
Baloo, Ural/Chris, Sonic the Hedgehog, or Knuckles the Echidna.

My personal favorite villian rank as follows: Scar( for being willing to off
his family member in cold blood, and even worse, having someone else do it
for him.) Jenner (cold blood plotter willing to take the dirty work into his
own paws), Shere Khan (smoove and devonere, just commands respect, but is
still a killer), Professor Ratigan (super genius that not only defeats his
opponet physically, but mentally as well. Think how terrible it would be to
be caught in a trap waiting for your death while in the background a song is
being played discribing how you were beat and constantly reminding you that
you weren't as smart as he was.) Jack Salem, while I haven't read many
stories with him in it yet (okay so I'm still a green thumb) he still gives
me the impression that he just doesn't give a damn. Those are the worst
types of villians. Trixie (Shanda) everything a mother shouldn't be, the
most evil you can do, psychological and physical child abuse (ya gotta hate
her). Wing (shanda) everything a father shouldn't be, and the furry world's
gift to all females. Finally Steel, (stuck up pretty boy who hates being
showed up. He's the bully you had to see everyday in grade school.)

Okay new topics to add on (told ya it was comin').

Lamest furry hero: (my first vote goes for Timmy (SON 2)
Lamest furry villian: (1st vote goes for Martin (SON 2)

Honorable mentions: (1st vote hero: Fievel, Little Foot (LBT 1), Bagheera
(JB), Nala, Dr. Dawson (Great Mouse Detective), Kimba) (1st vote villians:
Zera (LK2), Demona (not totally furry, but anthropomorphic), Knife (Havok

Cutest furry couple: (First vote goes for Bernard and Miss Bianca (Rescuers

Best furry team:

Hunkiest furry male:

Sexist furry female:

"It's never hopeless as long as we can think." (Basil of Baker Street)

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------

Nick "Singe" Bousman

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
> most. That's the one who has it the least.) . These people do not
> want to get rid of the so-called 'bad element' in Furry Fandom, mainly
> because it's as impossible as Liberman's gestapo trying to censor the

The problem is that many of them can't seem to agree exactly on just what
the "bad element" is. "Where does the line stop?" (to drag the metaphor
even further to it's death in this ongoing conflict)

> Internet. All they want is a 'closer to G-Rating' Fandom that is more
> like the Fandom of old, without these so-called 'furverts' getting in
> front of the camera and making the rest of said Fandom get colored in
> the same light as the few.

Was there a "Fandom of old" like this? I've heard there never really was,
but seeing as how I've only been "here" for about 4 years, I wouldn't
really know.

-Nick "Singe" Bousman


Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
Roz Gibson wrote:
> In article <>, says...
> > > 1. Who's the best anthro villian?

> >One word... Salem.
> If you thought he was wicked before, wait until you see the story I'm working
> on with him *now* (hopefully out for Anthrocon) (cue insane artist laughter)

*Now* I'm really worried about you :o)

I'd like to add Reginald Plume (Xanadu). He didn't start out that
bad and circumstances drove him to become worse. A tragic villain
in my view, and it's debatable if the final evil guy was really him.


Bev Clark/Steve Gallacci

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
>> Internet. All they want is a 'closer to G-Rating' Fandom that is more
>> like the Fandom of old, without these so-called 'furverts' getting in
>> front of the camera and making the rest of said Fandom get colored in
>> the same light as the few.
>Was there a "Fandom of old" like this? I've heard there never really was,
>but seeing as how I've only been "here" for about 4 years, I wouldn't
>really know.

The "fandom of old" did have its spoogehounds, and in fact, the early
days were of the underground/and early anlternate/small press crowd, and
sex and drugs were a not uncommon element.

My impression of the rise of the sexual freakshow on the part of the
fandom comes from CF activily soliciting itself as such, inclusive of
anyone doing anything. The sex in art part comes form the discovery that
sex sells, and sells very well, in the post B&W comic market crash, and
CF became the perfect venue for it.

But it was not all CFs fault. Sex in the art market was happening anyway.
And there is a convention fandom outside of any particular genre, with a
high percent of hard partiers and favorite perversions (though much of it
had been traditionally shock the mundains as much as anything else, like
the Rocky Horror).

The tarnished image started in furry spooge appearing in SF cons, Baycons
of the early '90s is a good example, where "skunkfuckers" was born.

Bev Clark/Steve Gallacci

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
>Cutest furry couple: (First vote goes for Bernard and Miss Bianca (Rescuers
> Downunder)

Jenna and the Prince from Birthright.

Filbert and Paula from Rocko.


Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
Quoth David Gonterman:

>On Thu, 15 Apr 1999 22:28:17 GMT,
>(Cerulean) wrote:
>>Sure, I have a question.
>>How do you expect to "make people think" when your position is
>>declared up front? I don't suspect there are many liberals who pick up
>>a copy of the New Republic and read it expecting to be enlightened. I
>>doubt a paranormalist has ever bought the Skeptical Inquirer with the
>>aim of allowing an article to change his mind. The only function of a
>>one-party publication is "preaching to the choir."
>Not so. It may be of a shock to some that there are Burned Furs are
>*not* as extremist as you might paint all of them by with the widest
>brush since the ones I've seen after the OJ Trial.


It seems you have missed my point. I said nothing about extremity.

If someone started "Moderate Magazine" it would be just as unlikely to
change anyone's mind. Everybody would know from the beginning that it
contains _only_ articles of a moderate viewpoint, and extreme opinions
wouldn't be allowed in, even if they might be right. It would have no
chance of making non-moderates take any of it seriously, because they
know before they read it that it's all "wishy-washy fence-sitting

The point I am making is that an open mind requires an open forum,
where the next opinion you read could come from anywhere.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with preaching to the choir. I'm
sure the Burned Fur Movement will have a lot of fun with "SKORCH" and
I wouldn't deny them it (as long as the fun doesn't involve spreading
misinformation). But the pretense of hoping to make someone seriously
reconsider the issues is unrealistic.

Timothy Fay

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
Bev Clark/Steve Gallacci wrote:
> The "fandom of old" did have its spoogehounds, and in fact, the early
> days were of the underground/and early anlternate/small press crowd, and
> sex and drugs were a not uncommon element.
> My impression of the rise of the sexual freakshow on the part of the
> fandom comes from CF activily soliciting itself as such, inclusive of
> anyone doing anything. The sex in art part comes form the discovery that
> sex sells, and sells very well, in the post B&W comic market crash, and
> CF became the perfect venue for it.

That's as good an explanation of the current situation as I've ever
read. My first APA experience was VOOTIE, where I saw works by folks
like Reed Waller and Larry Becker, and their stuff could get pretty
explicit at times. But the difference, as you say, is the lack of the
freakshow aspect. (Keep in mind that the "fandom of old" is barely 20
years ago; prehistoric in terms of pop culture, but hardly a blip in
Real Time.)

As for the so-called "burned furs," let 'em do their 'zine. Maybe it
will keep them off the nets. :) Their high-schoolish antics have not
won them many supporters (after months on-line, the BF web ring barely
has 50 members) and, worse, they only seem to inspire equally childish
backlashes (e.g., the "soaked furs" buttons I saw at CF10). I doubt
that a BF publication will have a more positive effect on things.

It is at times like these I really do long for the early days of
ROWRBRAZZLE and VOOTIE. *sheesh!* Now _I'm_ starting to sound like
a BOF. :)


"Hey, ho -- let's go!" -Ramones

Kyle Webb

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
Timothy Fay wrote:

> As for the so-called "burned furs," let 'em do their 'zine. Maybe it
> will keep them off the nets. :)

My viewpoint, exactly. I doubt it'll keep them off the net, but
putting together a zine, with all that goes with it will, IMHO, be a
good thing for GothTiger. I wish him well in it. Hopefully the writing
will of quality rather than just political flaming and preaching to
the choir. There's always room on my reading list for well thought out
pieces no matter if I agree with them or not.
(Actually, this is a time honored way of dealing with the radical
young turks in any group. Get them involved with the day to day
details and drudgery, and soon they mellow out a bit. :)

> I doubt that a BF publication will have a more positive effect on > things.

True, but that's at least partly because most things have at best a
neutral impact on the larger scale.

> "Hey, ho -- let's go!" -Ramones

The Ramones were a welcome relief after the long drought that was the
disco era. I still haul out Rocket To Russia every now and then.

Kyle L. Webb
Hartree Fox on yiffnet

Dr. Cat

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
David Gonterman ( wrote:
: Just as not all Furry Fans fuck their pets and stuffies and wish to

: become a warewolf, not all Burned Furs are extremist Bible-thumpers
: sent out to hate and rage.

The great mystery to me is why the moderate Burned Furs choose to be a
part of a movement that's associated in the minds of so many people with
the few members that DO engage in a bunch of hate and rage. Especially
when it seems like the movement was started by some of those people.
Last time I looked the web page, the very first link still leads to a
document that contains language like "should be mercilessly ostracized
and laughed at with maximum cruelty".

If I had the same goals the moderate BFs do, (which admittedly, I don't),
the first thing I'd do would be to resign BF and join or start a movement
which tried to improve the fandom's reputation WITHOUT resorting to any
flaming, hatred, or nasty statements about people who engage in various
perversions. Actually I wouldn't be resigning BF first, as I'd never
have joined it in the first place. And if one of the few ranting,
hate-filled extremists offered to come join my new movement I'd say "No
thanks, your kind of help I don't need."

I'd much rather be involved with something like, say, Lynx's Pawprints zine.
It doesn't have any association with manifestos about mercilessly
ostracizing people and mocking them with maximum cruelty. He's been
quietly doing his part to promote what he likes within the fandom, and
while I know he doesn't care for spooge art, I don't hear him going
around insulting people over it. He doesn't get the kind of attention,
big long threads, etc. that people spouting flames attract around here,
but he does fine work and I'd be happy to support it any time. I also
think he deserves a scritch behind the ears and a chocolate truffle for
all the work he's put in over the years helping support and maintain
FurryMUCK, too. And he draws real nice artwork.

Why the "moderate BFs" choose to be part of a movement with a hate-filled
manifesto and a handful of members who are racking up their "frequent
flamer miles", when they could be emulating Lynx's approach instead...
Well that's totally beyond me, I have no clue.

Maybe it's cause the BFs have a bigger bandwagon than Pawprints does
right now. Everybody likes to ride a big ol' bandwagon, specially if it
has nice comfy hay in the back.

Sure would be nice to see a big large popular "improve our reputation"
bandwagon start that had NO attacks, flames, or hatred involved tho.

Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions || Free alpha test:
Furcadia - a new graphic mud for PCs! || Let your imagination soar!

(Disclaimer: Actually it's the SECOND link on the page, the first link
goes to the mirror page in Russia. So shoot me.)

David Gonterman

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
On Fri, 16 Apr 1999 14:58:05 GMT,
(Cerulean) wrote:

>If someone started "Moderate Magazine" it would be just as unlikely to
>change anyone's mind. Everybody would know from the beginning that it
>contains _only_ articles of a moderate viewpoint, and extreme opinions
>wouldn't be allowed in, even if they might be right. It would have no
>chance of making non-moderates take any of it seriously, because they
>know before they read it that it's all "wishy-washy fence-sitting
>The point I am making is that an open mind requires an open forum,
>where the next opinion you read could come from anywhere.
>I'm not saying there's anything wrong with preaching to the choir. I'm
>sure the Burned Fur Movement will have a lot of fun with "SKORCH" and
>I wouldn't deny them it (as long as the fun doesn't involve spreading
>misinformation). But the pretense of hoping to make someone seriously
>reconsider the issues is unrealistic.

My aplogies. You misunderstand what I meant by 'Moderate'. It's not
about neutrality, but it has to do with the way you project your
views. My polition is definitely pro-Burned, but I'm not going to
scream and shout about it, and I'm not going onto any 'hate'-based
actions. I'm going to state the facts in a realistic manner, tell you
that I think about it without going into hyperboylic hystronics, and
provide some suggestions which are you are free to use or not.

"Cooler Heads Will Prevail," as the saying goes; that's what I'm
trying to do here. Think not of position, but volume. (Drat, the Dan
Quale Spelling Checker strikes again!!)


If this Sig File is not included in the E-Letter, then this may
not have come from David himself, please inform your Server's sysadmin.

"He who demands for Tolerance the most, may in fact have it the least."

David Gonterman

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
Dr. Cats' long essay has been skipped over for expiediency, but is
responded to nontheless.

Trust me on this, there are a lot more Moderates (which I use to
describe 'volume,' not 'position') than just me. The Mission
Statement can attest to that. As for Scree Rat, if you know her,
she's prone to get this way. I should know, I get that way myself.

And as for the other page, which resembles the Communist Party of
America. It's been designed that way . . . . as a joke. It's
*irony*. Can one not tell *good* jokes anymore, or is every member of
the Politicaly Correct crowd *this* tight under the tail?

Richard Chandler - WA Resident

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
In article <>, (Dr. Cat) writes:
> I'd also put Usagi Yojimbo in the "best hero" category, the
> writing, layout, pacing and art of those comics is magnificent.
> There's been some great villains in there too - so many that no one
> of them immediately stands out in my mind.

Jei. Or his continuing spirit.

The greatest tragedy is that the same species that achieved space flight,
a cure for polio, and the transistor, is also featured nightly on COPS.
-- Richard Chandler
Spammer Warning: Washington State Law now provides civil penalties for UCE.

C. James Winston

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
Actually your refrence to the "Ramones" dates you more than anything

Robert Alley

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99

Bev Clark/Steve Gallacci wrote:
> In article <>,
> Robert Alley <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >Gabriel Gentile wrote:
> >>

> >> > 1. How's the best anthro villian?
> >>
> >> One word... Salem.

> Well, he is one evil sociopath. But I can't think of a more interesting
> villian right off. I've written some obnoxious charaters, but none to
> really root for. (the ILR guys I regard more as simply the oppotition,
> rather than villians per se)
> >>

> >> > 2. Who's the most heroic?
> >>
> >> I dunno, but it sure as hell ain't Timmy Brisby!
> >>

> >How about Walter Kitty? Or Gunther & Stewart from "Mighty Tiny"?
> >
> Maybe Jenna from Birthright? Thought the young prince is very much the
> archtype, very deliberatly "Disney-esque" in his background.

Haven't read or seen this. Where can I get it, especially now that
Mailbox Books is in its terminal stages?


Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
>Okay new topics to add on (told ya it was comin').

>Lamest furry hero:

I haven't seen SON2 (and i never will) But the lamest at the moment would
definitely be...
the captain from Star Run. The lack of facial expressions in this character
is... lame.

>Lamest furry villian: (1st vote goes for Martin (SON 2)

Nothing in mind...

>Cutest furry couple: (First vote goes for Bernard and Miss Bianca
> Downunder)

Bruce & Deni from video grab and the art lesson

>Best furry team:

Chris & Chester from Havoc Inc.

>Hunkiest furry male:


>Sexist furry female:

Fraulein (J.Bernal)

Dr. Cat

Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
Arved ( wrote:
: I'd like to add Reginald Plume (Xanadu). He didn't start out that

: bad and circumstances drove him to become worse. A tragic villain
: in my view, and it's debatable if the final evil guy was really him.

I was thinking that too. But then any category you want "best of", my
instinct is going to be "well which character in Xanadu falls into that

I would certainly consider Tabbe Le Fauve my choice for "best hero", and
also the only character I've come to identify with as strongly as Samurai
Cat (who got me started in this genre in 1980, and who I'd also nominate
for "best hero"). Fatima, Octavius, Alicia and Jonathon from Xanadu
should also be best something-or-others.

I'd also put Usagi Yojimbo in the "best hero" category, the writing,
layout, pacing and art of those comics is magnificent. There's been some
great villains in there too - so many that no one of them immediately
stands out in my mind.

Honorable mention to Fission Chicken as a great furry hero too, for being
genuinely funny and for never taking itself too seriously (unlike, say,
furry fandom!)

Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions || Free alpha test:
Furcadia - a new graphic mud for PCs! || Let your imagination soar!

(Disclaimer: I like Tabbe Le Fauve even more now than I did ten minutes ago.)

Dr. Cat

Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
David Gonterman ( wrote:
: Trust me on this, there are a lot more Moderates (which I use to

: describe 'volume,' not 'position') than just me. The Mission
: Statement can attest to that. As for Scree Rat, if you know her,
: she's prone to get this way. I should know, I get that way myself.

Then why do they stay in a movement that's already earned itself a really
awful reptutation, instead of hauling their superior numbers out of there
and starting a fresh one? And why do they keep the language "should be
mercilessly ostracized and laughed at with maximum cruelty" on the
group's web page, labelled as the group's "Manifesto", without the
slightest disclaimer anywhere saying "Our actual views aren't as extreme
as this but since this rant got us started we have it posted here"?

Even putting it further down, so people would be more likely to read the
more moderate Mission Statement or FAQ would be an improvement. But it's
right up top, no disclaimer on it, labelled as "Manifesto", and full of
fine language like "the ones you refuse to kill", "buttock-chafing", and
plenty of other fine turns of language that are likely to be a turn-off
to potential supporters.

: And as for the other page, which resembles the Communist Party of

: America. It's been designed that way . . . . as a joke. It's
: *irony*. Can one not tell *good* jokes anymore, or is every member of
: the Politicaly Correct crowd *this* tight under the tail?

You can deny the reality that jokes like that and flames like the
Manifesto are the reasons I've heard more than one person say they like
the Burned Fur's goals but hate their methods, and won't join because of
those methods. You can say "they should feel differently", or you can
consider changing your methods. I'm all for the more pragmatic approach
in life, generally, rather than the idealistic-yet-unrealistic approach.

There's a tacit assumption in saying "as for the other page", too, which
is that SqueeRat and Blumrich have flamed people and given the BFs a bad
reputation, and that's it, nobody else, end of story. But the fact is,
I've seen at least half a dozen BFs post really rude and insulting things
about their opponents on various forums, not just two. Can you come up
with excuses for the rest of them too? Maybe you could. But why not
just face up to the fact that the Burned Furs have got a reputation
problem from all the flaming, and think about doing something about it?
One of them even said to me in private email that one of the reasons BFs
say some of the kinds of things he'd said recently was "to piss people
like you off". And it wasn't SqueeRat or Blumrich that said it to me,

I don't think you REALLY want BFs to be going around giving people that
kind of bad impression of the movement, do you? I know you can't stop
members of the movement from doing so, whenever they choose. But you
could always put a big, bold statement on your web page that says "We as
a movement have decided that being angry and insulting towards those we
oppose is a bad idea. We apologize for having done so in the past, and
while some of our members will doubtless lose their temper and do so in
the future, please know that such actions on their part to not reflect
our intended goals and methods as a movement."

Unless the Burned Furs, as a movement, don't feel they could agree with a
statement like that. In which case, you certainly shouldn't put such a
statement on your web page. And also, in which case, I suppose purrhaps
the reputation the group has of being one that uses flaming as a means
towards its ends is at least partially deserved.

And really, do something about that Manifesto. It's stinking up your web
page. Do you really want newcomers to the genre to hear about your zine,
think "Gee maybe I'll contribute to it, let me check out this group",
click on the first link on your page, and see "polish your rod to autopsy
photos" right up at the beginning of that delightful essay? (Does that
qualify as a "*good* joke" too? Am I being "politically correct" as you
say if I suggest that jokes like that are a poor way to win supporters?)

I think saying "that's not a good introduction to your group" is putting
it way too mildly. Something more on the order of "Jeepers, what a
hideous introduction to a group of mostly moderate and constructively
minded folks THAT thing is!"

Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions || Free alpha test:
Furcadia - a new graphic mud for PCs! || Let your imagination soar!

(Disclaimer: On the other paw, the tactics of public arguing and insults
towards each other have been used a great deal by the politicians in my
home country in recent years. So purrhaps both the Burned Furs and their
opponents should continue using such tactics, and can thereby earn a
level of respect from the general public comparable to the the respect
that politicians enjoy from the US public these days.)

(Disclaimer disclaimer: If one can actually measure levels of respect
that small without sensitive scientific instruments like vernier calipers
and tunneling electron microscopes and other stuff with really cool
science-type names.)

(Bonus disclaimer: There's a third positive-activism alternative to
"staying in the Burned Fur movement" or "leaving to start a new movement".
It's entirely possible to work for positive change without being a member
of ANY movement, as many furry fans have quietly done for years. I do so
myself, though you won't find me getting on and ranting
about what I do or arguing about whether it's the best way or asking
other people to join me in doing it. I just do it.)

(P.S. Dr. Cat has never polished his rod to an autopsy photo.)


Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
In article <>, (Dr. Cat) writes:

>Honorable mention to Fission Chicken as a great furry hero too,

Good answer! While we're on superheroes, I nominate the
other one that's fit to be on the list: Beatrix Farmer.

Acag, Treesong
Acag, Treesong (


Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99

<> :

> 2. Who's the most heroic?

Howard the Duck (regardless of what Gerber says otherwise).

David Formosa (aka ? the Platypus)

Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
On Fri, 16 Apr 1999 00:54:20 GMT, David Gonterman <>


> These people do not want to get rid of the so-called 'bad element'
> in Furry Fandom,

Then should these people not be members of BF as thats what BF is
about, to quote your mission stament.

]2) WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE the support of acts such as bestiality,
]plushophilia, fursuit sex and other things seen as "wrong" by
]non-fandom individuals


> All they want is a 'closer to G-Rating' Fandom

But there are outher BF who are saying that its not what BF is about.
The Mission stament also says "4) WE ENCOURAGE aesthetic, cultural and
philosophical diversity." which seems to go against your closer to the

> that is more like the Fandom of old, without these so-called
> 'furverts'

From all accounts Furverts have always been with us.


>FoxFire Studios--------
>FoxFire Comic Strip----
>If this Sig File is not included in the E-Letter, then this may
>not have come from David himself, please inform your Server's sysadmin.

This is no protection form forgery, and most sysadmin's woudn't have
the time to deal with such trivia.

Please excuse my spelling as I suffer from agraphia. See to find out more.

David Formosa (aka ? the Platypus)

Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99


Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
On Fri, 16 Apr 1999 00:54:20 GMT, (David Gonterman)

>Not so. It may be of a shock to some that there are Burned Furs are
>*not* as extremist as you might paint all of them by with the widest
>brush since the ones I've seen after the OJ Trial. In fact, some of
>them are even <gasp> tolerant of the factions in question (Rule of
>thumb when Tolerance is concerned: Find the one who demands it the
>most. That's the one who has it the least.) . These people do not
>want to get rid of the so-called 'bad element' in Furry Fandom, mainly
>because it's as impossible as Liberman's gestapo trying to censor the
>Internet. All they want is a 'closer to G-Rating' Fandom that is more
>like the Fandom of old, without these so-called 'furverts' getting in
>front of the camera and making the rest of said Fandom get colored in
>the same light as the few.
>Just as not all Furry Fans fuck their pets and stuffies and wish to
>become a warewolf, not all Burned Furs are extremist Bible-thumpers
>sent out to hate and rage.

*sigh* and now we are at the beginning again.
The Group, that shouts the loudest, is getting noted the most.
Because Zoophiles, Plushophiles, Weres and others stood out, they got
too much notice (and of course bad press, good press doesn't sell).
Because the extrimist Burned Furs shout the loudest, the whole Burned
Fur movement is going to get (if they haven't already) a reputation
like some other famos people (Attila, Hitler and others).

Just one question, is that the fault of the people shouting or the
people that let them shout?

Another question, if Hitler (I know he is dead) comes along and says:
'I'm a Furry.' How do you keep him out of the Fandom?
The Fandome is not an official Clup or closed society.

Sweet dreams and never give up hope


P.S. Peace, Fur

David Formosa (aka ? the Platypus)

Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
On 17 Apr 99 01:30:36 GMT, Dr. Cat <> wrote:


>I don't think you REALLY want BFs to be going around giving people that
>kind of bad impression of the movement, do you?

If the BF can't create a good impression of there movement, how are
they going to mannige to create a good impression about the fandom.

You can't even say "Its not our fault, its all these anty-burned furs
who are lieing about us." If your reputation manigment was even close
to what is required to improve the fandom, then you would be able to
deal with this.

The truth seems to be that currently you don't have to tools neccery
to carry out your goal. Make shaw our own house is in order before
you work on mine.

David Formosa (aka ? the Platypus)

Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
On Sat, 17 Apr 1999 08:17:56 GMT, Dreamfox <> wrote:


>*sigh* and now we are at the beginning again.
>The Group, that shouts the loudest, is getting noted the most.
>Because Zoophiles, Plushophiles, Weres and others stood out, they got
>too much notice

But the Zoophiles and the Plushophiles realy made a sound. Nor have
the Wares been that vocal.

Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
In article <7f929n$hca$>,

thanks everyone for continuing to play along. I'm sort of spliting the
decussion into part two to more easily recognize the continuing discussion on
the topic so that those viruses that sort of screwed up the original post can
be better identified.

Okay so, thus far we've gotten a lot of suggestions for heros and villians.
I'm breaking it down to a easier vote later. Right now though for villians
we have and I think most of you would agree.

Jack Salem ( use this space to vote )
Scar ( " )
Jenner ( )
*write in* ( )

Others will come to a vote as soon as I double check and see who got the most

Next categories.

Best story in a comic.
Best story in a novel.
Best story in animation.
(you didn't think I'd forget about you writer types did you?)

Funniest furry character, solo, and team.

The "What the fuzz was that award" (oddest furry character).

That's all for now, still continue voting on the other topics though, soon we
could have a winner. Wouldn't it be cool if cons did this sort of stuff and
every year. Hmmm, IDEA CON RUNNING FOLKS! ;)

David Gonterman

Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
On 17 Apr 1999 16:21:04 GMT, (David Formosa (aka
? the Platypus)) wrote:

>On Sat, 17 Apr 1999 08:17:56 GMT, Dreamfox <> wrote:
>>*sigh* and now we are at the beginning again.
>>The Group, that shouts the loudest, is getting noted the most.
>>Because Zoophiles, Plushophiles, Weres and others stood out, they got
>>too much notice
>But the Zoophiles and the Plushophiles realy made a sound. Nor have
>the Wares been that vocal.

That is, until more recent Furry Cons where they got the press they
got, which in turn painted *all* Furry Fans in the way I described

Which in turn caused Burned Fur to be created (*after* the press,
people, *AFTER*) which given rise to those who . . . help the cause in
reverse, may I say it that way?

Add to the fact that those in the opposite end do a knee-jerk reaction
from the other end, and you end up with an environment that is
detrimental to the actions needed to address this problem with Furry
Fandom's reputation on a whole, and may in fact destroy it like a
similar problem is doing to central Europe, and I severely doubt that
anyone except for the very Elitist, want that.

(And I'm not talking about Scree and Bumrich. If you get offended by
what these two are saying or designing, leave the internet now becuase
you'll be offended every fifteen minutes here online. This ain't my
problem, I find myself offending people just by logging on, so I
stopped caring about it.)

If the people who really want to use any movement--including Burned
Fur--to better a bigger hole just break off into a diffrent group, I'd
doubt anybody would be going anyfar, and with any speed. We'd only be
jumping groups faster than I jump in and out of underwear, staying
only as long until some idiot spoils it. Do you think that a society
on a whole would last long if people jump ship at the slightest
contamination. I don't think so. The US or A wouldn't be here today
playing SuperCop to the planet if the Americans left the country
because parts of the country had a bad rep.


If this Sig File is not included in the E-Letter, then this may
not have come from David himself, please inform your Server's sysadmin.


Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99

>How do you expect to "make people think" when your position is
>declared up front? I don't suspect there are many liberals who pick up
>a copy of the New Republic and read it expecting to be enlightened. I
>doubt a paranormalist has ever bought the Skeptical Inquirer with the
>aim of allowing an article to change his mind. The only function of a
>one-party publication is "preaching to the choir."

Not to mention informing oneof what the 'opposition' is doing, or teaching
readers about the newest issues that concern people involved, or the latest
arguments against whatever the article may be, and how to refute them, or to
boost morale, or to give people of a like mind a safe place to air there
views, etc etc etc...



Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
to wrote:

> Next categories.
> Best story in a comic.

Shawntae Howard, "Exticnctioners": anthropomorphs used as
an extended metaphor for--well, I'll let y'all discover it for yourselves.
Very affecting, disturbing, and engaging

> Best story in a novel.

The original Felix Salkind novel _Bambi_. A melancholy,
reflective, philosophical exploration of life, death, faith,
and the relationships between parents and children. Rather
stark and unsentimental compared to the Disney version.
Again, anthropomorphics used to explore elements of
human nature.

> Best story in animation.

_Cats Don't Dance_ That metaphor thing again: deals
with discrimination, pride, abuse of power, and false
fronts, as well as with the sorrow, pain, humiliation,
ciynicism, despair and fear these things engender. Yet
it manages to affirm the worth of hope, courage, talent,
hard work, honesty, and good will. Happy ending, too.

> Funniest furry character, solo, and team.

solo: Bugs Bunny. Classic. Just classic.
team: Timon & Puumba.

> The "What the fuzz was that award" (oddest furry character).

That headless, hairy monster in tennis shoes from
a coupla classic Bugs Bunny cartoons. Reminds me
of those mediaval European legends of savage men
in lands "far away to the east," who supposedly
had no heads, having their eyes, noses and mouths
in the center of their chests (cf. "Sir John Mandeville's



Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99

Hangdog <> wrote in message

> > The "What the fuzz was that award" (oddest furry character).
> That headless, hairy monster in tennis shoes from
> a coupla classic Bugs Bunny cartoons.

Gossamer is its name. I've always liked the on where Bugs is distracted by
the mechanical fembunnybot to the evil scientist's mansion and he meets up
with Gossamer. ^_^

"And so...having disposed of the monster...exit our hero stage right...none
the worse for his harrowing ordeal..."

o/~Ooooh, I'm headin' for my bedin' where I'll lay down for the night...Oh
I'm headin' for my bedin' where I'll lay down sleep me tight..o/~

--Tygger L. Graf, who's next fave is Bully for Bugs...^_^


Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
Dude, I'm interested! Please drop me a line. Danke.

-- "Happiness is a deaf wolf".

Kyle L. Webb

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
Graf wrote:
> Gossamer is its name. I've always liked the on where Bugs is distracted by
> the mechanical fembunnybot to the evil scientist's mansion and he meets up
> with Gossamer. ^_^

I loved the fembunnybot.
Bugs: "Don't knock it till you've tried it!"

> "And so...having disposed of the monster...exit our hero stage right...none
> the worse for his harrowing ordeal..."

Bugs charging in the suit of armor with the train sound effects is just
about my all time favorite Looneytunes scene.

Gabriel Gentile

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
Graf wrote:

> "And so...having disposed of the monster...exit our hero stage
> right...none the worse for his harrowing ordeal..."

Harrowing EXPERIENCE, actually, but why be anal?

"And don't think it hasn't been a little slice of heaven.... 'cuz it

Gabriel Gentile
Easily.... Ah, forget it!

Gabriel Gentile

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
> Next categories.

> Best story in a comic.

Can't name a specific one, but it would definately have to be from
"Usagi Yojimbo"

> Best story in a novel.

Mrs. Frisbee and the Rats of N.I.M.H. Because.

> Best story in animation.

Rock & Rule. While Salem may be the absolute tip-top best villain, Mok
is definately a close second. Get those two in a room together and see
who DOESN'T shiver.

> Funniest furry character solo, and team.

Captain Jack <solo> Sam & Max <team>

> The "What the fuzz was that award" (oddest furry character).

Snarf from "Thundercats"

Gabriel Gentile


Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99

Kyle L. Webb <> wrote in message

> I loved the fembunnybot.
> Bugs: "Don't knock it till you've tried it!"

Heh, when she kisses him..."So it's mechanical!" Did you ever notice that
his tail is slowly rotating as he walks off in a robot like fashion after

> Bugs charging in the suit of armor with the train sound effects is >just
about my all time favorite Looneytunes scene.

*grins* In Bully for Bugs it has to be that Goldbergian way he gets the
bull...Bugs, my hero! ^_^

--Tygger L. Graf


Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99

Gabriel Gentile <> wrote in message

> Harrowing EXPERIENCE, actually, but why be anal?

Aha! I always got those two interchanged. ^_^ Thanks!

--Tygger L. Graf

Gabriel Gentile

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
Roz Gibson wrote:

> Never thought much about the hero types...

Oh, so us anthro-fans only focus on the negative?

Gee... THERE'S an upset!

Gabriel Gentile

Don't take life too seriously... you'll never get out of it alive.

Gabriel Gentile

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
to wrote:

> Okay new topics to add on (told ya it was comin').

> Lamest furry hero:

Oh, why be argumentative? It's Timmy Brisby, hands down.

> Lamest furry villian:

The Brain, because he keeps failing

> Cutest furry couple:

Scudder and Jean Kidwell

> Best furry team:

Sam & Max: Freelance Police

> Hunkiest furry male:

Why do I have this sudden sense of dread that characters from
"Associated Student Bodies" will be saturating this subject?

> Sexist furry female:

Okay, everybody, on three... One... Two... Three!


Gabriel Gentile

Gabriel Gentile

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
Graf wrote:

> *grins* In Bully for Bugs it has to be that Goldbergian way he gets > the bull...Bugs, my hero!


I don't recall Bugs running into the arena in a pair of black underpants
screaming maniacally and striking himself...

Oh! You mean RUBE Goldberg! I get it now.

Gabriel Gentile

Kyle L. Webb

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
Gabriel Gentile wrote:
> Graf wrote:
> > *grins* In Bully for Bugs it has to be that Goldbergian way he gets > the bull...Bugs, my hero!
> Goldbergian?
> I don't recall Bugs running into the arena in a pair of black underpants
> screaming maniacally and striking himself...

That picture is...


But I think I like it. ;)

Kyle L. Webb

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
Graf wrote:
> Kyle L. Webb <> wrote in message
> Heh, when she kisses him..."So it's mechanical!" Did you ever notice that
> his tail is slowly rotating as he walks off in a robot like fashion after
> her?

Thanks for pointing that out. Gotta watch for it next time I see it.

The Saprophyte

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
Graf wrote:
> Hangdog <> wrote in message
> > > The "What the fuzz was that award" (oddest furry character).
> >
> > That headless, hairy monster in tennis shoes from
> > a coupla classic Bugs Bunny cartoons.
> Gossamer is its name. I've always liked the on where Bugs is distracted by
> the mechanical fembunnybot to the evil scientist's mansion and he meets up
> with Gossamer. ^_^
> "And so...having disposed of the monster...exit our hero stage right...none
> the worse for his harrowing ordeal..."
> o/~Ooooh, I'm headin' for my bedin' where I'll lay down for the night...Oh
> I'm headin' for my bedin' where I'll lay down sleep me tight..o/~
> --Tygger L. Graf, who's next fave is Bully for Bugs...^_^

In the similar (and _way_ better) episode with vincent price as the
evil scientist instead of peter Lori, the monster's name was...
Rudolph, IIRC.
"Bring him to me, Rudolph, and I will reward you with a spider Goulash."

The Saprophyte
this address contains no spam,
artificial preservatives
or added fillers.

The Saprophyte

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
big dumbass wrote:
> In the similar (and _way_ better) episode with vincent price as the
> evil scientist instead of peter Lori, the monster's name was...
> Rudolph, IIRC.

I meant instead of the Peter lori(sp?)-like _character_.
'Twer'nt the real Peter's voice, unlike mr. price.

Kay Shapero

Apr 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/19/99
On <Apr 17 20:14>, "Graf" <> wrote;

">Gossamer is its name. I've always liked the on where Bugs is
">distracted by the mechanical fembunnybot to the evil scientist's
">mansion and he meets up with Gossamer. ^_^

Was that the time that he gave Gossamer a haircut... and there was nothing
left? :->


Apr 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/20/99

Kay Shapero <> wrote in message

> On <Apr 17 20:14>, "Graf" <> wrote;

*BLINKS* Primenet?? Ack...*wonders why it's not from her new email
instead* O_o

> Was that the time that he gave Gossamer a haircut... and there >was
nothing left? :->

I think that was one with Daffy Duck and Porky Pig trying to claim a planet
but had to deal with Marvin Martian. Gossamer was chasing Daffy, Porky had
had enough and took clippers to Gossamer off scene. He comes back with the
shoes in hand saying "These are all that was left!" or something to that

But it runs in my mind that there is another cartoon out there with Bugs
doing similar...erf...I could be wrong.

--Tygger L. Graf

Paul R. Bennett

Apr 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/20/99
Lets see if Paul's news is back up.

Graf wrote:

Tygger, the one that comes to mind is where Bugs is in the mad scientist's
castle and Bugs is trying to escape. He stops Gossamer by pretending to be a
hair stylist and sets dynamite in it's hair in lieu of the hair curlers. Don't
know if that is the one you are thinking of.


John F. Martin

Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99
Graf <> wrote in article

> Kay Shapero <> wrote in message
> > On <Apr 17 20:14>, "Graf" <> wrote;
> *BLINKS* Primenet?? Ack...*wonders why it's not from her new email
> instead* O_o

Did you physically change you email addy info in Outlook?

> --Tygger L. Graf


Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99

> Jack Salem (#4)
> Scar (#2)
> Jenner (#3)
> Shere Khan (#1)

(Lord Hearteater, from "Tailchaser's Song," and Cluny the Scourge, from
"Redwall" should fit somewhere in there, but I'm not really sure where...)

> Next categories.
> Best story in a comic.

Probably the one in Furrlough with Joe Rosales's Lemurian Amazons and the

> Best story in a novel.

A three-way tie. "Tailchaser's Song" (Tad Williams)/"Forests of the Night"
(S. Andrew Swann)/"The Gandalara Cycle"(Randall Garret/Vicky
Heydron-Garrett). "Redwall" (the BOOK, not the whole dang series) takes

> Best story in animation.
> (you didn't think I'd forget about you writer types did you?)

Probably "Cats Don't Dance," because of the social allegory.

> Funniest furry character, solo, and team.

A tie fro solo: Chicken Boo (thoroughly *hapless*)/I.M. Weasel (imagine
Michael Dorn saying "Sometimes this little weasel doesn't know when to shut
his pie hole," and you'll see why...) Bugs Bunny takes second (Superbadguy
and Superhorse saluting Bugs Bunny in uniform at the end of "Super Rabbit"
comes to mind.)

Two-way tie for team: Space Monkeys/Road Rovers.

> The "What the fuzz was that award" (oddest furry character).

Gossamer. That critter which plays Bigfoot/a Martian cat/etc. etc. etc. in
various cartoons. Big fuzzball with eyes.


"Hatred is born of fear; fear, of ignorance."


Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99

Cutest furry couple: Sawyer and Danny ("Cats Don't Dance")

Best furry team: Road Rovers/Swat Kats tie

Hunkiest furry male: Chance from "Swat Kats"/Talon from "Guardians of the
Galaxy" (obscure, mainly non-furry Marvel comic series).

Sexiest furry female: Sawyer from "Cats Don't Dance."


Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99

John F. Martin <> wrote in message

> Did you physically change you email addy info in Outlook?

Yeah, silly should be showing the new email now.

--Tygger L. Graf, knowing just enough about this stuff to be dangerous to
her computer...

Richard Chandler - WA Resident

Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99
In article <7flbvn$ogq$>, FeralKatt <kitaya_feral@my-> writes:
> Sexiest furry female: Sawyer from "Cats Don't Dance."

Hmmm, I'd vote for Dr. Abby Sinian. (Swat Kats). Brains and Bod. What a

Now if only she wore more leather.... :-)

The greatest tragedy is that the same species that achieved space flight,
a cure for polio, and the transistor, is also featured nightly on COPS.
-- Richard Chandler
Spammer Warning: Washington State Law now provides civil penalties for UCE.


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
Paul R. Bennett wrote in message <>...

>Lets see if Paul's news is back up.
>Graf wrote:
>> Kay Shapero <> wrote in message
>> > On <Apr 17 20:14>, "Graf" <> wrote;
>> *BLINKS* Primenet?? Ack...*wonders why it's not from her new email
>> instead* O_o
>> > Was that the time that he gave Gossamer a haircut... and there >was
>> nothing left? :->
>> I think that was one with Daffy Duck and Porky Pig trying to claim a
>> but had to deal with Marvin Martian. Gossamer was chasing Daffy, Porky
>> had enough and took clippers to Gossamer off scene. He comes back with
>> shoes in hand saying "These are all that was left!" or something to that
>> effect.
>> But it runs in my mind that there is another cartoon out there with Bugs
>> doing similar...erf...I could be wrong.
>> --Tygger L. Graf
>Tygger, the one that comes to mind is where Bugs is in the mad scientist's
>castle and Bugs is trying to escape. He stops Gossamer by pretending to be
>hair stylist and sets dynamite in it's hair in lieu of the hair curlers.
>know if that is the one you are thinking of.

I believe the one she's thinking of was one of the later "Marvin the
Martian/Bugs Bunny" cartoons, where, once again, Bugs is kidnapped by Marvin
and brought back to Mars. Bugs refuses ...

"Oh, dear. Gossamer will be *so* disappointed."
"Well, I ... Gossamer?"

Lured in by the name, Bugs opens the door ... and finds the monster
(Gossamer being the name for it in this cartoon only).

Later in the cartoon, Bugs is chased through a door by Gossamer ... and
emerges holding a pair of electric clippers. With a strangled cry of
"C-clippers!", Gossamer runs offscreen, followed by Bugs. Wild snarls of
hair fly back onscreen, followed by silence. Silence broken by ...

"Well, I'll be ... "

Bugs peers onscreen and looks at the viewer.

"Would you believe it? There was nothin' left! Just hair and sneakers!"

Of course, Marvin still hits him with the evolvo ray, turning him into a
neanderthal rabbit ...

"When I get back to Oith, Elmer Fudd and da rest o' dose hunters are in for
a big surprise!"

Yours with an odd memory,

The reasonably-sure,

Where am I going?I don't quite know.
What does it matter where people go?
Down to the woods where the bluebells grow.
Anywhere! Anywhere! *I*don't know!


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
FeralKatt wrote in message <7flbvn$ogq$>...

>Cutest furry couple: Sawyer and Danny ("Cats Don't Dance")

Hmmm ... do Belle and Beast count, or do both members have to be furry?:)

>Best furry team: Road Rovers/Swat Kats tie

I lean toward SK for plot, but RR for dialogue.:)

>Hunkiest furry male: Chance from "Swat Kats"/Talon from "Guardians of the
>Galaxy" (obscure, mainly non-furry Marvel comic series).

Talon: Member of the species known as Inhumans. Student of Doctor
Strange.:) (Miscast the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak while trying to hold
Galactus and almost captured his whole team.)

And doesn't Wilfred Wolf (wolf/werewolf who once dated Minerva Mink) get a
write-in vote?:>

>Sexiest furry female: Sawyer from "Cats Don't Dance."

Hmmm ...

Hard to argue with that.:)

Yours wolfishly,

The ev-fur-loving,

Studio Flashcat

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99

Wanderer wrote:
> >> *BLINKS* Primenet?? Ack...*wonders why it's not from her new email
> >> instead* O_o
> >>
> >> > Was that the time that he gave Gossamer a haircut... and there >was
> >> nothing left? :->
> >>
> >> I think that was one with Daffy Duck and Porky Pig trying to claim a
> planet
> >> but had to deal with Marvin Martian. Gossamer was chasing Daffy, Porky
> had
> >> had enough and took clippers to Gossamer off scene. He comes back with
> the
> >> shoes in hand saying "These are all that was left!" or something to that
> >> effect.

This was the much touted RETURN OF DUCK DODGERS IN THE 24TH. & 1/2
CENTURY, which was one of the new Warner-character cartoons released
theatrically a while back.

Studio Flashcat

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99

Studio Flashcat

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
Studio Flashcat wrote in message <>...

(snip ... all of my stuff was removed, anyway ... )

> This was the much touted RETURN OF DUCK DODGERS IN THE 24TH. & 1/2
>CENTURY, which was one of the new Warner-character cartoons released
>theatrically a while back.

True. However, they also (re)used the gag for a Bugs Bunny cartoon as well.
For a while there, WB was getting positively ridiculous with the number of
gags they reused fur dif-fur-ent characters ...

Yours with a smile,

The cartoon-watching,

Paul R. Bennett

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
My apologies for not responding sooner, news is back up, but now my Netscape has
decided to hiccup. I don't recall seeing that one, but then, it has been many
long years since I watched saturday morning cartoons. The only clear memory of
Gossamer and hair that I have left was the old mad scientist one. Which
reminds me, I wonder when they are going to do the "Marvin the Martian" stamp,
if they haven't already.


Wanderer wrote:

> Paul R. Bennett wrote in message <>...
> >Lets see if Paul's news is back up.
> >
> >Graf wrote:
> >
> >> Kay Shapero <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>

> >> > On <Apr 17 20:14>, "Graf" <> wrote;

> >>
> >> *BLINKS* Primenet?? Ack...*wonders why it's not from her new email
> >> instead* O_o
> >>

> >> > Was that the time that he gave Gossamer a haircut... and there >was
> >> nothing left? :->
> >>
> >> I think that was one with Daffy Duck and Porky Pig trying to claim a
> planet
> >> but had to deal with Marvin Martian. Gossamer was chasing Daffy, Porky
> had
> >> had enough and took clippers to Gossamer off scene. He comes back with
> the
> >> shoes in hand saying "These are all that was left!" or something to that
> >> effect.
> >>

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