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An IMPORTANT message from Daphne Lage

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Daphne Lage

Feb 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/12/99
Hi everyone...

Well, it was only a matter of time before this happened so I'm really not

Situations have come forward that has forced me to re-evaluate the type of
artwork that I supply and allow to be posted on the internet. It is because
of this that I must request that anyone, be it an archive or personal
webpage, remove any and all ADULT oriented artwork that I have done -
including removing any REFERENCES to my name to any adult art pieces or
products including but not limited to prints, portfolios, commissions,
fanzines, etc.

Basically any artwork that contains simple nudity to anything hardcore is
covered by the above request (yes, I need to be that strict). My homepage is
down for repairs until I can figure out if even the "cheesecake" needs to be
taken care of. Also, if you run a fanzine or APA or anything like one and
you publish artwork that falls under the above criteria, I must ask that any
mention of my name be removed from any advertising and websites. I am NOT
going to ask that my adult artwork be removed from previous issues of any
fanzines since I do feel that is an unfair and unreasonable request. But, if
it is possible to do so, the effort will be greatly appreciated. BUT, if my
adult artwork is about to be added in future issues, I ask that my artwork
be removed immediately.

I am really sorry about having to make such a request but I hope that you
will all understand. Please do not ask me what exactly is forcing me to do
this since even when everything settles itself out, I am not at liberty to
discuss my circumstances.

As a side note, the TALL TAILS site is unaffected as well as a majority of
my artwork since the problem only lies with the erotica. I hope to have my
main website back up soon but from the way things look, you will have to
request a catalog to receive my COMPLETE listing of prints and other items.

Now, I am absolutely serious about my request and I know this will affect
people who purchased erotic/nude pinups of their characters and are using
them on their websites as descriptive images. Those images will have to be
removed and you are going to have to settle showing them off from your
private collection. I will be contacting people individually just in case
they do not read AFF, but I will not tolerate any blantant disregard of my
request. From this moment on, ALL of my nude/erotic images are UNAUTHORIZED
to be uploaded REGARDLESS of whether the character belongs to the owner of
the piece. And my name is not to be used in conjunction with any adult
oriented products (including my own) fanzines, websites or archives. Anyone
who I warn and then continue to upload my adult images regardless (or refuse
to remove them) will be placed on a blacklist until they comply. Again,
sorry for being so harsh but this is *important*.

This is not a prelude to me leaving furry or me listening to the more
intolerant individuals of the fandom. This is a choice I had to make due to
outside and more mundane influences. I am not sure if this will affect my
ability to draw ANY erotica and I may have to cancel any commissions that
are in my queue that contain such requests but it is too early to make any
final decisions on that note. This also does NOT affect my furry oriented
artwork in general so I don't want anyone to think that I am being targeted
because of it.

I am able to check email to my advanix server (egoraven at advanix dot net)
so if you have any questions or need some clarification, please do not
hesitate to contact me and I'll try to get back to you as quickly as

Thank you again for your cooperation.

--Daphne Lage
The EgoWorks - Free catalog available -
TALL TAILS - The Official Homepage
"The only thing you can change is yourself,
but sometimes that changes everything." - Anonymous
"Whose side are you on?"
"The side I'm always on... mine." - Madonna in "Dick Tracy"

Charles Groark

Feb 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/12/99

Meglique wrote:

> Daphne, I applaud you taking such a strong stance. While I have no quarrel
> with nudes or cheesecake, I admire you standing up for your right to artistic
> self-expression, no matter what other furs say
> meg

Meglique, Daphne said in her request:

> This is not a prelude to me leaving furry or me listening to the more
> intolerant individuals of the fandom. This is a choice I had to make due to
> outside and more mundane influences. I am not sure if this will affect my
> ability to draw ANY erotica and I may have to cancel any commissions that
> are in my queue that contain such requests but it is too early to make any
> final decisions on that note. This also does NOT affect my furry oriented
> artwork in general so I don't want anyone to think that I am being targeted
> because of it.

Please note that second sentence. If Daphne feels that she "had to make [this
decision] due to outside and more mundane influences," I'm willing to take her at
her word. She is usually *quite* precise in her writing, stating exactly what
she means.

Daphne, if you read this, I hope that I didn't misinterpret or misrepresent what
you wrote. I will say that, whatever the problems are (and I'm *not* asking),
they are quickly and permanently resolved. (I would have added a remark
concerning results to non-compliers, but sarcastic exaggeration is no longer
recognized here as such...)



Feb 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/13/99


Feb 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/13/99
"Daphne Lage" wrote in

> Hi everyone...
> Well, it was only a matter of time before this happened so I'm really
> surprised.
> Situations have come forward that has forced me to re-evaluate the type
> artwork that I supply and allow to be posted on the internet.

I wish you the best of luck in this task -
hope "whatever it is" works out!

- Farlo


Feb 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/13/99
to (Meglique) wrote:

Hmm ... I'm not so sure that that's what she did. There was more than
one reference in her post to having been forced to this decision. It
doesn't have the smell of a free decision to stop doing erotic
artwork, from the forcefulness of it.

_However_, and may that be as it may be: That does not change the fact
that she has the right to make the requests for removal she made, and
the right to expect that people follow these requests.


Keith Wood

Feb 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/16/99
In article <m%w2.180$>,
"Daphne Lage" <> wrote:
[Hi everyone...

[Well, it was only a matter of time before this happened so I'm really not
[Situations have come forward that has forced me to re-evaluate the type of
[artwork that I supply and allow to be posted on the internet.

Whatever it was that happened, I'm sorry you got bit.

Susan Parkin

Feb 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/17/99
In article <>, says...

Sounds like it's called Real Life, as in, she's looking for employment, wants to
give her web site addresses as references and doesn't want them to see things that will
cause her to not get the job. There are plenty of reasnos I can think of to not have certain
forms of artwork online. Being able to eat and pay bills are amoung them. I'm removing
even the mild nudes from my site.

That's just the way it is.

Good luck, Daphne!


Amy 'Amara' Pronovost

Feb 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/17/99
On 17 Feb 1999 13:46:29 GMT, (Susan Parkin) was chased
around by rabid Ewoks for posting this drivel!

> Sounds like it's called Real Life, as in, she's looking for employment, wants to
>give her web site addresses as references and doesn't want them to see things that will
>cause her to not get the job. There are plenty of reasnos I can think of to not have certain
>forms of artwork online. Being able to eat and pay bills are amoung them. I'm removing
>even the mild nudes from my site.


I know that has a really igh RSACI (Or whaterver) rating
yet when I did a search for my first name in alta vista, all of those
pages have been spidered. I politely asked for my pages not to be
indexed (To the orlando furry guy) and he understands. :)

Why did I go through the trouble to actually hide people from my art?

1) There is no link to my home page or email from orlando
2) There is alot of tasteless art in the archive.
3) MOST IMPORTANTLY : I am doing some artwork for Star Wars Kids
magazine and the last thing I want is someone being stopped by their
net nanny program because they see that something associated with my
name is rated 'Woah mama!' even though my art is mostly G rated :)

WHo knows? I may just yank my art from orlando sooner or later.. keep
all my art in fewer places.

Later :)


Brian W. Antoine

Feb 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/17/99
Amy 'Amara' Pronovost ( wrote:
> WHo knows? I may just yank my art from orlando sooner or later.. keep
> all my art in fewer places.

Let me know also, as orlando and I both carry your artwork.

(UniKyrn on IM, ICQ#27068798)
Brian W. Antoine briana @ iea|dogear|circuit|cet .com

Mar 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/30/99
In article <>, (Amy 'Amara' Pronovost) writes:
> On 17 Feb 1999 13:46:29 GMT, (Susan Parkin) was chased
> around by rabid Ewoks for posting this drivel!
>> Sounds like it's called Real Life, as in, she's looking for employment, wants to
>>give her web site addresses as references and doesn't want them to see things that will
>>cause her to not get the job. There are plenty of reasnos I can think of to not have certain
>>forms of artwork online. Being able to eat and pay bills are amoung them. I'm removing
>>even the mild nudes from my site.
> YupYup
> I know that has a really igh RSACI (Or whaterver) rating
> yet when I did a search for my first name in alta vista, all of those
> pages have been spidered. I politely asked for my pages not to be
> indexed (To the orlando furry guy) and he understands. :)

*nod* Yup. They _SHOULD_ be updated by now. At least,
+Amara dosn't return any links.

Also, 4 is the highest RSAC rating. 5 is "Unknown". It's actually
higher then 4 (for obvious reasons) but the connotation is that
this page is not rated, but the site is listed. A page with no
RSAC tag gets the same rating.

> Why did I go through the trouble to actually hide people from my art?
> 1) There is no link to my home page or email from orlando

Being fixed. Should be up within 2 weeks in beta form.

> 2) There is alot of tasteless art in the archive.

And badly drawn art, too. Try
for a list of the best artists. And while there's still nudity
there, it's all well done.

> 3) MOST IMPORTANTLY : I am doing some artwork for Star Wars Kids
> magazine and the last thing I want is someone being stopped by their
> net nanny program because they see that something associated with my
> name is rated 'Woah mama!' even though my art is mostly G rated :)

*nod* The reason it's RSAC 5 is I don't want any of those kids
clicking back to /Artists and picking someone else...

> WHo knows? I may just yank my art from orlando sooner or later.. keep
> all my art in fewer places.

Actually, I'm running a (currently pre-BETA) setup where the art is
originally set '5555' (unrated every catagory) and can be modified
by the artist to whatever they desire. As a user specifies a lower
then 5555 rating, the site becomes filtered. (Similar to what yiffco
had if I remember correctly.

The only question is how to list artists with a rating set... and
I'm open to suggestions here.

My current take is to only list artists who have art that fits below
the rating. Since the fileviewer only will list images that are
below said rating, it should all be happy and clean if it's set
to '0000'.

Anyway, keep an eye on the main page of for updates...
theres a lot of changes going in.


Donald E. Sanders

Mar 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/30/99
In article <7dpjve$t2s$>, says...

> In article <>,
> (Amy 'Amara' Pronovost) writes:
> > On 17 Feb 1999 13:46:29 GMT, (Susan Parkin) was chased
> > around by rabid Ewoks for posting this drivel!
*** Snipped ***
> > 2) There is alot of tasteless art in the archive.

Hmm, don't really know, I tried licking the screen several times, and it
still tastes like dusty monitor. :)

> And badly drawn art, too. Try
> for a list of the best artists. And while there's still nudity
> there, it's all well done.

I was going to comment on that, but I figure it is best left alone for

Don Sanders

Dsan Tsan on #furry of Yiffnet
RoadKill Fur (Sun baked sorta but not burned!)
Amateur Artist at Roll Yer Own Graphics
(my furry page) Email

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