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Paul R Lester

Jun 5, 1994, 9:12:40 PM6/5/94
Duckon was a trip, even if I was only there one night. I got my first
commissioned piece of art (a 'fursona' by Jim Groat), and got to see a
number of people from AFF. The furry programming suite was a very nice
touch-- kind of an all day furry party where one could find and chat with
other fans.
Jim Groat and Dusty Rhodes gathered up a crowd of at least 25-30 people
for a game of 'Barneyball', basically softball using a stuffed Barney as
the ball. (and another one for second base) We played in the hotel
parking lot, so the game was periodically interrupted by cars passing
through. Most of the drivers obligingly ran over the Barneys left in
their path. The high point of the game was when a Lisle police car
showed up, and rather than break things up, the cop ran his cruiser over
the stuffed toy. I have some new respect for that town's finest.
All in all, a nifty time. Robert King (I think) showed his own taped
highlights of ConFurences past (if I suddenly find myself with lots 'o
money come January, I'm going to have to give that some serious thought),
and the furry party was filled with people drawing in each other's little
black sketchbooks, and nobody seemed to mind horribly. (It seems to me
that one really misses out on a lot being an anthropomorphic fan who
can't draw. Swapping sketches really was one of the major activities
where 'morph fans gathered. I'll have to try to get my own artistic
skills a little above their current Cynicalman level before my next furry
con, so I can maybe participate.) BTW, did anyone make it to the art
auction? I didn't get to see much of the art room, and wonder what the
furry showing was like.
It was great seeing everyone, and I'm looking forward to doing it again.

Steve Arlow

Jun 6, 1994, 11:08:53 AM6/6/94
In article <2stt68$>,

Paul R Lester <> wrote:
> (It seems to me
>that one really misses out on a lot being an anthropomorphic fan who
>can't draw. Swapping sketches really was one of the major activities
>where 'morph fans gathered.

I know the feeling. :/

> I'll have to try to get my own artistic
>skills a little above their current Cynicalman level before my next furry
>con, so I can maybe participate.)


If you can draw half as well as Matt Feazell can, you should certainly
have no problem "participating". Anyone can do stick-figures, but
Feazell makes them brilliant works of minimalism. Next you're maybe
going to tell us you can only paint rectangles as well as Mondrian?

"I've been writing and rehearsing new material, | Steve Arlow, Yorick Software
searching for the meaning of life, and | 39336 Polo Club Dr. #103
indulging my penchant for inter-species mob sex | Farmington Hills, MI 48335
and designer drugs" -- Mezzrow (Mike Baron) |

Tod Mughi Casasent

Jun 6, 1994, 4:03:07 PM6/6/94
In article <2sve65$> (Steve Arlow) writes:

[Text clawed out]

[BTW, Mughi knows at least one person who is scared because of his ability to
claw text out]

>If you can draw half as well as Matt Feazell can, you should certainly
>have no problem "participating". Anyone can do stick-figures, but
>Feazell makes them brilliant works of minimalism. Next you're maybe
>going to tell us you can only paint rectangles as well as Mondrian?

I had a box turtle named Mondrian. Only my artist friends ever got the pun. :[


| "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time |
| with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson |
| "Henna, genki na onna..." -about Noa, KidouKeisatsu PatLabor |
| Mughi on FurryMuck. Come by and visit! 8888 |
| Tod Casasent "Not the opinion of KBSI." |

Paul R Lester

Jun 7, 1994, 12:16:38 AM6/7/94
>In article <2sve65$> (Steve Arlow) writes:
>>If you can draw half as well as Matt Feazell can, you should certainly
>>have no problem "participating". Anyone can do stick-figures, but
>>Feazell makes them brilliant works of minimalism. Next you're maybe
>>going to tell us you can only paint rectangles as well as Mondrian?

Okay, okay, I know what you mean. I think Feazel's art lies largely in
framing, and storytelling with minimal elements. I'm just not sure stick
figures by themselves would be appreciated and sought after additions to
sketchbooks, even if they had pointy ears and tails on them :)

And call me a philistine, but even though I can get into Pollack and some
of the other abstact expressionists, I think Mondrian was a no-talent.

I have to admit, though, the man knew how to get a lot of use out of a
yardstick. :)


Jun 7, 1994, 12:49:47 PM6/7/94
In a previous article, (Paul R Lester) wrote:
>>In article <2sve65$> (Steve Arlow) writes:
>>>If you can draw half as well as Matt Feazell can, you should certainly
>>>have no problem "participating". Anyone can do stick-figures, but
>>>Feazell makes them brilliant works of minimalism. Next you're maybe
>>>going to tell us you can only paint rectangles as well as Mondrian?
>Okay, okay, I know what you mean. I think Feazel's art lies largely in
>framing, and storytelling with minimal elements. I'm just not sure stick
>figures by themselves would be appreciated and sought after additions to
>sketchbooks, even if they had pointy ears and tails on them :)

Okay, I know this is not the right newsgroup to talk about Cynicalman. But
having been a fan of it and small press comics since 1987 I thought I
should clear something up.

MATT FEAZELL CAN REALLY DRAW!! He knows all the elements of drawing (he
used to have a drawing tips column in COMICS F/X) and only does stick
figures to make a point--that a good story can run with any art. His
comic line "Not Available Comics" was an observation that the 'hot' comics
of the time were the ones nobody could find, hence Not Available.

I happen to own the original art to an entire Cynicalman story. Its
the "Cynicalman Goes to Washington" story laid out for use in the
Washington CITY PAPER. Got it for $15 at the Chicago con where I met
Matt in person--cool guy.

ObFurry: Anyone out there coing to Philcon?

* Noel J. Tominack ( |
* University of Maryland Baltimore County |
* All opinions are mine mine mine! |
* ________________________________________|


Jun 7, 1994, 9:53:35 PM6/7/94

: ObFurry: Anyone out there coing to Philcon?




...i've been wanting to go to philcon ever since i made friends on that
side of the coast...




"The body was covered with dozens of tiny, disturbing, luminous-green
scuttling things. Some had claws, some were bristling with eyestalks or
cover in quivering tentacles, but no two were alike. They had burned,
cut, abraded, and dissolved various parts of his body. The awful things
slithered, hopped, and waddled off into the far recesses of the cave as
we shone our lights on them."

Death Report #1
Cthulhu Casebook
c Chaosium 1990

Dave Bell

Jun 11, 1994, 7:49:00 AM6/11/94
-=> Quoting Paul R Lester to All <=-

>In article <2sve65$> (Steve

PRL> Arlow) writes: >
>>If you can draw half as well as Matt Feazell can, you should certainly
>>have no problem "participating". Anyone can do stick-figures, but
>>Feazell makes them brilliant works of minimalism. Next you're maybe
>>going to tell us you can only paint rectangles as well as Mondrian?

PRL> Okay, okay, I know what you mean. I think Feazel's art lies largely
PRL> in framing, and storytelling with minimal elements. I'm just not sure
PRL> stick figures by themselves would be appreciated and sought after
PRL> additions to sketchbooks, even if they had pointy ears and tails on
PRL> them :)

For another example, L.S. Lowry's paintings (which inspired a song which
got into the British pop music chart).

PRL> And call me a philistine, but even though I can get into Pollack and
PRL> some of the other abstact expressionists, I think Mondrian was a
PRL> no-talent.

Mondrian did other styles of works as well, some of them quite
conventional, so "no-talent" is a bit harsh. But I'd agree that the
paintings he is best known for do look rather limited in content.


... Do not anger a Bard, for you are silly and would make a funny song
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.11

|EvaWare BBS, Home of Orator QWK reader for Windows, Sysop:Nick Dyer|
| Tel 44-507-608645. V32/V32Bis V42/V42Bis HST/DS |

Steve Arlow

Jun 17, 1994, 9:38:56 PM6/17/94
In article <>,

Tod "Mughi" Casasent <> wrote:
>I had a box turtle named Mondrian. Only my artist friends ever got the pun. :[

I had an operating system named Mondrian. The joke was on me. :(

(Mondrian was a clone of TopView (IBM's text-based multitasking
windowed operating system, itself but a footnote in computer
history). Microsoft bought out the company that made Mondrian, and
dropped it almost immediately thereafter. When I tried to get
technical support, MS at first denied that the product existed...)

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