December, 1991: Colorado Springs. Senior year of high school. 10 degrees
below zero and my dog is stuck to the fire hydrant out front.
At this point I was making preparations for college and one day
decided to take a jaunt to the relatively few comic stores that pepper
the stark redneckian landscape. I don't know why I did it, after all I
despise superhero books and at the time I knew that was probably all
I'd ever see. But boredom prevailed, and as I entered the welcome warmth
of the crammed downtown comic store I immediately began scanning the
nearest rack.
man in tights.....more men in tights.....Incredibly sexy babes so
damn sexy they're unattractive....more men in tights and bad
cross-hatching..( I began to wonder if this was a manifestation of 99%
of the comic artists pleas for the mass aceptance of their homosexual
selves) more babes...a strangely styled cat in a military outfit
standing in front of a spaceship.....wait a minnit.....
I picked up the book. The title read ALBEDO/ ANTHROPOMORPHICS.
.......What the hell is anthropomorphics? I wondered. It must have
something to do with the story, and whoever this Steve Gallaci is, he
certainly has a fine grasp of obscure scientific terms.
But these were talking animals. Surely I couldn't let anyone see me
looking at this could I?
I immediately picked up a copy of BATMAN and covered the book. See,
if people saw me reading Batman surely they would think I was
cool....yeah. that's That Bruce Wayne, he's dark...and
brooding..just like me...yeah.
After looking around to see if anyone was watching( Thankfully the
people in Colorado are too embarassed to be caught dead in a comic store
and there was only me and one other kid in the place)I delved into the
book. Hmmm...Issue three. I had no idea where the story came from but
was fascinated. It seemed to actually have characters that thought, and
posessed some kind of soul, and...andwait a minute, I'm not supposed to
feel this way about talking animals..............wonder if there's any
back issues?!?
Now...finding back issues can be a major pain, most comic stores
refuse to even put a cardboard header denoting the ALBEDO or any other
furry section. You smart furries out there know this phoenomenon as the
"We carry these furry books but we don't advertise them because we won't
be cool if we do. "GOD FORBID they sell one less copy of YOUNGBLOOD.
well, that's what started it. When you've never had a thing to
hide in your life, finding a safe desolate place to read your furry
books can be a challenge. But I'm 26 now, and still at it( though i
could do without all the fighting)
Anyone else got a story?
>Anyone else got a story?
I was at Philcon, in the con suite, and at the time I wan't quite yet
sure what the scope of "Furry" was, only that there was such a thing,
and I wasn't quite sure whether I was interested in finding out. A
bunch of people were in front of the television watching old Mickey
Mouse cartoons, and someone brought up the age-old question of "What
is Goofy?" The subject basically ran through the script of _Stand By
Me,_ all the way up to the seeming dissonance of Goofy and Pluto both
being dogs. I chimed in, "Well, Pluto is an ordinary dog, while Goofy
is like, uh, a _canis erectus._"
The response sounded more than a little contemptuous: "What is that,
some kind of Furry thing?"
"No!" I said, defensively, and would have gone on to say that I had
gotten the term from Charles Schulz, who had used it to describe the
evolution of Snoopy, but everyone seemed to lose interest in the
conversation at that point.
Little did I know that the answer was really yes, and it was rather
silly of someone watching a walking, talking dog on television to be
scoffing at a reasonable description of same as "some kind of Furry
___vvz /( Absurd Notions is on! ->
<__,` Z / ( | Cerulean= | DC.D/? f s+ h++ Gm CB^P a $ d+++ l* g- e! i
`~~~) )Z) ( | Kevin Pease | FDDmp4adwsA+++$C+D+HM+P-RT+++WZSm#
/ (7 ( o6u!oq--c'aJay+ hpoqhue aJay+ s! `u!>s ay+ heme 7aad noh jI
Good grief, it's true, Steve is the center of the furry universe. That
sounds exactly how I officially got interested in it. It was also a
copy of the NEW Albedo that got me hooked for good (#3 I believe from
AP). It was actrually on the comic self. I picked it up and said, hey
this is like what I've been drawing. At the same time a copy of Hepcats
7 was out too. THen the mad search for backissues (which they had some,
but with the tag of Albedo labeled even) not only for more art, but also
to try and find out what the heck was going on in it. Through Albedo
and the little backups that were in the older issues I branched out and
found Xanadu, Space Wolf (which I wish would come back), the art of
Terrie Smith, ect, ect.
Officially my first "true" furry comics I owned was Hamster Vice. But
never heared of anthropomorphics (or could pronounce it) until I saw
Albedo (and looked the word up in the dictionary to figure out what it
ment. Anthropomorphics not Albedo). Speaking of which, what DOES
Albedo mean, if anything, and when's the next issue coming out. I need
my Erma fix.
Ebony Leopard
Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
But it wasnt till about 1 1/2, 2 years ago that I actually learned the
word for what I was.
I was at the local library... I had played sonic the hedgehog 2, and had
learned by coincidence that the reason Tails had two tails was that he
was a KITSUNE. I was fascinated, and would not rest until I found out
more about what Kitsune were.
The library, of course, had diddly.
Fortunately they had free internet access there, and in desperation I
sat down at the keyboard and looked up "Kitsune." Ta-da...a full website
on what kitsune were, first try. With a FurRing link.
I browsed the FurRing, and Lawsey lawsey, there was this site called
the SCFA, with TONS of the exact kind of art and cartoons I loved !
(and squeeky cleen, no less.) Great Jumping Moses on a Motorbike--
I was a FURRY !!
I immediately got some art of mine scanned (at kinkos) and submitted
to Yerf.(again, at kinkos. I had no internet access.) I was accepted.
After about a month of submission via Kinkos, I assembled enough money
for a proper computer with a modem, a scanner, and an internet account.
And the rest is history.
Yes, Virginia-- Furry got me on the internet. :)
Two rules:
1)never stand behind a cow......
2)what, you need a second one?
Albedo is a measure of how reflective an object is.
"You've made a fine mess Captain Sheridan. Half the generals in Earth
Force want to kiss you on the cheek and give you the Medal of Honor.
The other half want to have you taken out and shot. As a politician
you learn to compromise so, I should give you the Medal of Honor, then
have you shot."
Babylon 5 "Rising Star"
B-5 is alive on TNT!!!! E-mail to:
The Dogs are My People.To The Power Of The Pack!!!!!
After a bit of a slippage of interest, my latent furryness was revived a
bit by "The Rescuers". (Yeah, I know, another Disney movie. But they were
pretty much the only furry game in town when I was growing up; and besides,
I DID read all of the Margery Sharp books. Does that count?)
My REAL furryness was arous...(oops! probably NOT the best word to use in
THIS particular newsgroup...) uh, heightened by Don Bluth's "The Secret of
NIMH". (Which, IMHO, is the GREATEST animated movie ever made!) And while I
certainly don't get to indulge in the"lifestyle" to the extent that most
others probably do, rest assured that I do try to live by the best of what
furry seems to stand for. (Sorry if that sounds a bit PC, but that's as far
into furry politics as I care, or dare, to venture...) So now I'm going
through my collection of furry movies and books (I'm currently on the
home-stretch of "The Wind in The Willows") and trying to get more work done
on my NIMH/Robin Hood crossover story. (Blatent Plug Here: Read it at
Robin's Fan-fic Archive along with a whole bunch of other great
NIMH-related stuff at the URL in my sig. below!)
"Talk to the Hand because the Face don't wanna hear it!" - Dr. Evil in
"Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me."
Read "The Secret of Sherwood Forest" on Robin's NIMH Fan-fic Archive at
>Officially my first "true" furry comics I owned was Hamster Vice. But
>never heared of anthropomorphics (or could pronounce it) until I saw
>Albedo (and looked the word up in the dictionary to figure out what it
>ment. Anthropomorphics not Albedo). Speaking of which, what DOES
>Albedo mean, if anything, and when's the next issue coming out. I need
>my Erma fix.
Well, I'm no help on when the comic's due, but I *do* know words. Albedo is
the percentage of light reflected by a given body, expressed as a decimal.
The planet Pluto, fur example, has an albedo of roughly .89, probably due to
large amounts of light-reflecting ice. That means roughly 89% of all the
light that hits it gets bounced back.
I loved astronomy class ... :)
Yours with a love of the moon,
The luna-lovin',
Where am I going?I don't quite know.
What does it matter where people go?
Down to the woods where the bluebells grow.
Anywhere! Anywhere! *I*don't know!
Wow, and who says you can't learn anything from this fandom. I did not
know that. Well here's another one though only Steve can probably
answer these,
Why name it Albedo, I mean when coming up with title names, how did that
one make the final cut. Just how many books are there anyway. I know
I've got some major holes in my collection that I'm trying to fill.
Ebony Leopard
Remove the dot in the word sybercom to mail me.
FDDp5a/FT3m A C- D H+ M P++++ R+ T+++ W Z+ Sf? RLC/CT a cn++ d- e+ f h--
iwf+++ j++ p+ sf+
Shapesheeefter wrote in message
How we all got to this bizarre modern day furry cornucopia has to be
interesting. Here's a tale of my first ever discovery of furry fandom.
<snip of the discovery of Albedo>
well, that's what started it. When you've never had a thing to
hide in your life, finding a safe desolate place to read your furry
books can be a challenge. But I'm 26 now, and still at it( though i
could do without all the fighting)
Anyone else got a story?